<br />t
<br />MORTGAGE 84t_~ 002275
<br />This Mortgage is entered into between _ Nick Jamson Estate
<br />---------------_----- _ (herein "MoRp~gor") #od
<br />----- ~ -_-__ FIVE POINTS BANK ~-..---_- -(hereih"Moeya/eer').
<br />1ltortgagoe is indebted to Mortgagee in the pHncipd sum of E ~ 5.- OOa - 00 ,evidenced by note
<br />dtNed _4118{84 __ {herein "Nou") providing for payments of ptincipd and interest, vrith the baletaeol1M ,
<br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on r~5d9ust 16 1984
<br />To setvre the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the ptrytnent of ail other attmte itrtth ati •
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the conrlaata ands~wa~~a~
<br />the Mottpgor cruttained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgage fhe,IdtYrlia/ dtaalYad~'~
<br />property located in - u~ t ~ . --- -_ County, Nebraska:
<br />The Northerly a?' o` Lot One il; and the Easterly i4' of Lot Two {2.)..
<br />_r. Blockiid, itatlroad ,=.ddaian to the City of Grand Island. Hall
<br />%ounti, N:~braska
<br />Together with alt buildings, improvements. fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, pririlaga aad~.
<br />appurtenances 4zcated thereon or In anywise perwneng thereto, and the rents issues and profile. reveraioro and rematedm
<br />thereof; inducting, but not hmrted to, heating and cowling equtpmem and sutfi personal property that is attached t6 (~a
<br />IlnpraYemenle W as W CORSlitnte a ftatnre; alt of which, mcludtng replaceminls and additions thereto, le hereby dairad
<br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the Ilvn of thl, Mortgage and alt of the foregang being refemd lO heMp as the
<br />'.Property".
<br />Mortggor further ronrrnants and agrees, wnh Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />1. Paywtant. To pay the Indebtedness and the mterrat thrrrwl as provided in thu- Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2. Titles Mortgages is the owner of the Property. has the nght and authonly to mrutgagr the Property, and
<br />wartanls [hat the Itrn orated hereby u a first and pnur hen on the Property, t•xcrpt u tnay ulherwiae be tel forth he1lla.
<br />:. 'ITe Property Is subtect to a Mortgage wherein -. __ __.
<br />a the Mortgagee, rrawrded at {loot . PaRr ul the Mnrtiagv Necords of -_ _---_-- County.
<br />Nebraalu, which Mortgage u a lien poor to the [wn created hereby
<br />u tther poor liens aK rncmnbrancrs --- ~ - _ - -- -- ------
<br />3. Taaea, Afaemanl.. 'T'o pey when due all taxes, special assrssmrnLS and all other charYes agtdnst the Property
<br />arid, upon written demand by Mortgagor, to add to the paymenis rrgwred under the Nole secured hereby, such amoant as
<br />may be wffiatient la eruble tbv Morlgager to pay such tams, avsessmenW or athar chargre as they become due.
<br />4- lertuance. Ta keep the Improermrnu noes or hereafter locau:d on the real tsctale dtxribed herein insured
<br />against damage by fire and such other hoards as Aiortgagrr nay require, in amounts and with nimpamvs an:eplable to the
<br />Mortgagee, and with ices payable to [.hr 3tortgaKre. In ca~v of lays under such puhrtrs the Mortgagee is authtriud to
<br />adprl, cdkct and cxrmpromrse, m Its dtscrrtton, ail riatms thereunder at Its sole option, authonred to either apply the
<br />proceeds to the restwatim of for Property ar upon the twlebtrdneas srcurtd hereby, but payments hereunder shall coin
<br />timte until the guars eeawred hereby are paid m foil.
<br />S. !'~ Faeroes Fa Taam awl lrtaurance. Notwilhsunding anything contained In paragraphs 3 and 3 Hereof to the
<br />tsontrery, hlorlggor sfiali pay to the Mongape at the time of paying the monthly mslallmems of principal and interval,
<br />urtt-twelfth of !Ir yetuly taxes, ttsaesaroenU, haeard msurantx premtutns, and ground rents iIf anyt which may attain a
<br />priority aver tbs Mortgg, stl ~ reaaonabty estinuted from umv to time by the Afortgagee. 'the amounts srr paid shall he
<br />bald by the without fntrresl and appited to the payment of the items In respect to which such amounts were
<br />depaaitad. ltte guar paid to Mtrriggrr hereunder are Rledged as addiuonal aecunty for the Indrbtednrsa secured by this
<br />Mwtpfi. Mangyor rhall pay to Mortgagee for amount of my defittirttcy trr[ween the actual taxes, axsesameau, msunrttr
<br />pwariuais and gwwad rants and the tlepoafls hereundri within lU days after demand Is made upon Mortgagtx requesting
<br />payaaattt thereof.
<br />i. Ctqur, MWtewance and Ur. To promptly zcpatr, restore ur retruttd any buildings ur ImprorvntvnU now or
<br />herwafter art the Progarty, to keep the Property in good condition and repau, without waste. erect trey tram tnvehanic's ur
<br />u4bet iieaa tort ea.prvsaly subordinated to the ben hexruf, not to make, sutler or perm>t ant rsutaanar• to rxisl, our to dirtun
<br />irh or trnpilr the ralwt of rtes Pnzprrty by any ari or omiactc rs to act, and w comply with ati n•yuirvnk nt+ of taw wtlh
<br />!lYipeil ~ the Prxperty.
<br />