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<br />$4 -'' 002266 <br />applicable law requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to WY Borrowtt any interest or earning tsn the Pistils. Lander shall <br />give to Borrower, without charge, an anntul atxotm[ing of the Ftmda showing crodits std debits to the Funds std the purpose for chid[ each <br />debit to the Pistils was made. The Funds tie pledged as additional security for the sums stxured by this Dad of Trost. <br />li the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installtoenta of Funds payable prior to the due [kiss of taaee, <br />asta:ssnsents, insurance premiums soil ground rents. shall attxxd the atttount required to pay said [sous. asteamrnta, imivanca t um <br />ground rents av they fall due, such excess shad be, at Borrower's option, settee[ prttmpt-y repaid to Bttrtoarer a txadited to Borrower oneaomYy <br />installtrtents of Fusels. If ehe attronm of the Fwds held by leader shall na be suffidmt to pay tam, asuassmmss. iasueawoe predoM tmt>'F" <br />groom( rents as they fall due. Borrower shill pay to Lettdtt aaY amount necessary to Duke eP the tleftderiy rithin 3t-days from tbetla~noiiee <br />is rtuifed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon paymrnt in full of all soma stxured by this peed of Trust, Linder shall protttptly refund to Birrtowtt any Fords htdd-by i.ewdit: If <br />order paragraph Ig hereof the Property is sold or the Property is ahertwix acgtrired by Letdtt, Ltmds shall aPpN', m War thanftve~atelY <br />prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lertdtt, any Pistils held by Letder at the time of application at a credit tlgdaet ~ al[ma <br />secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. AppYcadaa of hymewb. Unless applicable law provides aherwix, elf payrarnls received by Lender under the Note tad paeagrtplha-1 <br />and 2 httcof shelf be applied by Lender first in payment of atnounu payable to Lender by Borrtsrtt is[[[le PnnFap6 Z hereof, then to inOtrmt <br />payable on the Note, then co the princtpal of the Nota and then [o interest and principal im any Future Advama. <br />1. Clarges: I.Aeaa. Borrows shall pay all toes, assessments aril ahtt charges, fetus and ititpositiotu a[uibutabk to the Fropa'ly whit <br />may attain a priority over ehts Deed of Trust, and leasehold paymenu or ground rrnu, if any, in the manner provided wider pmaQapb 2 boas( <br />or, if not paid to such manner, by Barrows making paymrnt, when due, directly to the pays thereof. Borrowe- 711x11 ptampfbr itasisY b <br />Lender all natces of arnounts due urtds this paragraph, and in [he evrnt Borrows sha8 coatis paytnem directly. Borrower tha8 Pr'mPWt <br />furnish to Lender recdp[s tviderusng such payments. Barrows shall promptly discharge any lice which hat priaisy otter this Detail-ttf'f'ratt:" <br />provided, the[ Borrows shall na be regmrtd to diuharge any such lien so long as Borrows aha0 ague in creels{ /o the payment"Of 11[n <br />obligation ucured DY such lien m a manner att~epubte to Lends, nr shall in good faith coetest such lien 6y, a deftttd tnlftxcammt ~' nteh tits <br />rn. legal proceedings which operate co prom[ the mfercemem of the lien or forfeiture of the Property tN arty purl thereof. <br />S. N[sastl Ittt7asuct. Borrower sttili ktxp the improvements now existing or hereafttt erected em the Prhperty leisured splint leas 6Y /fre. <br />har~rds included wethin the term "extended covttage" , and such abet harut[s as Lends easy require and in fetch atneutats tend for alteh grinds <br />as Lendtt may regwre: prrn tiled, that Lender shall not requve that the amount of stub covttage ext:eed [hat amount of txyverage tegtdredto pay <br />.he sww stzured GY rhss Died a; Trust. <br />the mxursrue cams pravtdmg the msurancr snap be chosen by Borrower sublt:ct to approval by Leeds; provided, that tYCh app[oval <br />+hat! r:rx be unrcaaona6ly withhefd. A!! oremtttms on insurance twhcies shall tx paid m the rNMtt provided order paragraph 2 hdwf er, if Oot <br />paid to such manner. try Borrower making pa yens[[, Then due, drrectiy to the tnsurantt camel. <br />4II maurut.t palrcin and renewals litrrra:r shaft be tie form aceepuDle to lends and shall include a standard rllnrlgage favor Of <br />and to eaten as:.rpeabir t:, i coder I ender Snell flat-C (h^ r;C,Af ]O hUld itlC p(r11Cte5 and reneWala IhlrCOt, and BOrrOwer lhtli Pr~fNr f~ to <br />(ender ail rrnewal natxxs and all rcteipts of paced prcmtttms. In the [vent at dos. Borrows shad give prompt notice to the irowatlR tattier and <br />f ettisz;. l.zr..;+Tr m«s :^akr prx! ~ ! :esx :! r::r. .:.silt Pr^mM-!y ny ly~rrawer <br />trnkas lends and Borrows arhmnse agra en writing, tnsurartce prtxteds shall !te applied to rt~trntion or repair of Iht PiopflY <br />damaged, provided such rastonttao or repair a ti-ononucally ftastttk and the security of this Geed of Trust is not thereby imPaind. If 711eh <br />restoration or report a not a-ononucatiY itasrble or tt the sa-ttr[y of this Deed of Tnst would be impaired, the iM[1tatlR prhoadt shall be <br />applied to the sums xcurtd by lots I.lta1 of Trust. wish the excess, it any, paW to Borrows. If the Property is abaodoaed by Borrotaa. ttt if <br />Borrows fists ca rtsporai is Lends w~thm 3(! days tram the date noise: !s mailtxl by Lender to BOrrnrstr that lfte ioturasce [artier offaH to <br />xttk a ciitm for tuswsn« exist( as, Lends is wthorized to calktt and apply tot tmwance protxeds at Lender's option either to rmtOtatlnn tx <br />repair of the Proprary err [o the stuns secvrtd try this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Linder and Borrows tstherwtx agree rn canon{, utY such appltcauon of prnctetis [o principal tltall na extend at poapone the due <br />dace tit the month'ry ritstadtnettts rcisted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amount of fetch innallmswu. If undo paragraph Ig <br />hereof the PropstY is ttegmred by Lander, ale tight, utk and intttest of Barrows in and to shy irauraace polida and in and to flu prtlceads <br />thtxeof resWtiry from danuac to the Prapsty prat to the salt w aeyufsruon shelf pass to Lender [o the extem of the sums t!ecltred by this Omd <br />of True tttttetdutelY terror to such oak a acgwmusti. <br />6, PeaaevMiw aM MaMt7aaate d h+patiy: I.aaasnaYs: Coadatafalama: ['fossil UYI DeaMpmNY. BOrtowet thaB keep the <br />Property m good repair and shad mst rommtt waste a parent[ impurmat to Aetttrontitm of the Property and shall txrslply with dle provitioot <br />of any leax tf this Dead of Trust rs on a leasehold. f f this Deed of trust is on a amt in a cotttiomfNUm or a plaarod ImN devebpmen4 Batrosrer <br />sha8 pttiorm all of Borrower's ublipuoos ruttier the decWauon or covestants creating or governing the Condeminiem tX plaaoed unit <br />tlevdopmrnt, the by-taws aced rquWUtms of the condomraitun or planned unit development, aril mnsti[tseet tlpc11a1enu. If a sroodomioium ix <br />pkatlrled u:at deveopment ndet is executed by Borrows and recorded togethtt vrte6 this Deed of Trust. tfrc txyvttNeb and ttgreasenu of such <br />rtdtt shad be incorporated into and shah amend aced suDDltttsthc the carenant3 and agreemmw of this Dead of Tout as if the ride were a part <br />htteof. <br />7. Prwtaedaa o/ ladr'a ~a77sty. i t Borrows tads to pttform the coveaanu and agreements contained in this Dad of Trust, or if any <br />a.~iort or fr±x±cd>!tg '• _-n~••irn*_d taatttta!fY sffecis Lt:•~er's :ntttest ^ the P:~npttty.:. :ltsdiag, but ssr limited to, emitxnt domain. <br />tnsohcncy. code rnforcemrnr, of arrangcrnenu or prt><-eedcngs invdving a bankrupt or decedent, ttwn lender at Lender's option, uptsn notice <br />to BtaTStwv, may Duke xnw6 appeuances, duburx such sums and take sucn action as is necessary to grace[ l.sider's interest, including. but <br />eta ha»td to, d:sMnsstteht of reavnnrbk utarttey's tees and etnry upon the PrnpertY to nuke repairs. If Leader required mortgage insura[tcY <br />n a caraiiaoa of rnakteg the ilia[[ aectlraS DY this Deed of Trust, siorrtswer shall pay the premiums rcgwred to reaintain such irowacee m effect <br />until such nttx as the rcgrttrement for such inswanrt tt:rtnmates rn arcordana with Borrower's aril Lerndtt's written agrtxment or applicable <br />Saw. Botrasrs shall pay the amount of all mongae maurarrse premwms m tht manner provttled uitdtt paragapb 2 hereof. <br />Riey rvttrinfs ^asGttrm: hY Lender pursuant to :lus paragraph ?, uuh interes: ~ltreon, s :a:l became additlohal iitdebtetlhesa of Borrower <br />reitared by this I;tied of Trtrat. Unkn Borrtsws and Lends agree ro ohs ttsrw of payment, such atnounta shW be payable upon notice from <br />tssdtt is Borrower requesttna payment rtxrrof, reed shall tzar interest from the date of disbursetttetit at the me paYalsk (rasa time to time tsn <br />ouaala[sd'atg prtadltd urnds the Nat unless payvne[tt of mesa[ a such rate would he contrary to applicable 4w, m which evrnt such amounts <br />shay bat [tuevert at the hitbest rate permustble tender applicable law. Nothing camunet in this paragraph 1 shall rapture Lender to rticw any <br />c%yN[ft [X tale any al'ifnh htrln7M1N. <br />~ IrtspmYaw. Lender [nay iaakc sx eau7t to tx maifr reasttsuDle rntrtes upon aril mspanom of the Pi'opertY, Provided this Lander stall <br />give Bottowar ao[ax tttsue to tiny srrli ttupecttan speutT~ng rsswstabk cause thercft» reload to L.mda's [merest m the Property. <br />•. CarsslaaYaa. TYx p[sa:Cads of any award err cWm for damages, duce[ or ransequennal, to cnnnaa~trun with any caedemruunn or <br />rxhee [aitu~g of the PrnlwrtY. csr pan thervmif, cx !err crmveyatnsr to httu of cotidemnacncm. art hereby -ssinxd amt shall tx fvnd ro Lends <br />En the evasst tsf a [Slut tat/rtg tit the FrnPertY, the p+rtteviis st»Fi of applreti to Usr soma cured bt ton Dead al Trua1, with the exctsx, tf env. <br />pad to Bosssset in lent t•s+t wf s ppatrrttsaf tak[ng of the Progeny. uatit~ss Borrower scat Lmdrr ntherwtx settee m wnttttg, thst shall tit appttad <br />so else xuens securetit by t~hts Dus7 nt S cuss s;scis pr-rstz<xuoe of Ehe prort:eds as ra tgttik so toot grcrp atuttt w huh the amount ni the xuma aexurca3 <br />