<br />84 -.002264
<br />Advances, it say, had ro arcelerarirm occurred: tbl Borrower cures all breaches of any other coveMms Or agKllllell[E of Borrower contained is
<br />this Deed of Trusr. Ic) Borrower pays all reasonable espenses incurred by Lrnds and Trustee in enforcing the covenants and agreertfents of
<br />Btxrows contsinal in this Deed of Trust and in enforcing [.ends's and Trusta's remedies u provided in pttvaaaph IB hereof, includiy, but
<br />not limircd to, reasonable attorney's fax; and (d) Borrower takes such action as Lender may rasonably require to assure that the lien of this
<br />Deed of Trust, L.ender's interest in the Roperty and Btxrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shag cantlnlte
<br />unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. this Deed of Trust and the obliguions aavred hereby shall tentain in full force attd
<br />effect as if tto atxeleratian had otxvrrat.
<br />b. Atttignatert of Rent: Ahdatwtwt e/ Retdver: I.etNer b toaaeaslen. As additional stxvrity heteuttder, Burrower htaeby terigas to
<br />Lender the rents of the ProttenY. provided that Borrower shall, Prior to acceleration utakr paragraph IB hereof or abaedontmertt of-the-
<br />Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />Upon a~krarion under paragraph IB hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by jttdicLBy appaluad
<br />receiver, shall fx entitled to cots upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the rents of the Property iMtsOYtg~fhoaCpYf
<br />due. Ali rrnu wikctal by Lender or the rccdvs shall be applied tint to payment of the cosu of tttanagetomt of the Property attdrnBeetfaiof
<br />rrnts, incittding, but not limited to, receivs's fees, premiums on receives bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and than ro the tttmta raetlead
<br />try this Deaf of Trust. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actually ttreived. -
<br />21. Fletare A/varea. Upon request of Borrower, Leads, a[ Lender's option, prior to full reeanveyantx of Use Property by TrtMMab-
<br />Borrower, may make Furore Advances to Borrows. Such Future Advances, with inlseat theteon, shag be sxured by this Deed-of 1?uN~wrhea
<br />tvidenad by promissory notes staung that said notes are secured hseby. At no time shall the pritscipd amount of the inde6ladnpraeenrad 6ji'
<br />[his Deed of Trust, not including •atms advarxW in accordance herewith to protect the savrity of this Decd of Trust, eased tltrorigiaal tanonar
<br />of the Nme plus U.S. S_ c-„tG . LO ___,
<br />T2. Recoaveyaaor. Upon payment of ail sums secured by this Deed of Trust, lender shW requnt Tntuee to rceantrey the ~Propany ad
<br />shall surtrnds thts Ikai of Trust and ail noes evtdenang indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trtuta. Tttsataeshdlraeoaveythe
<br />Property without warranty and wtthom charge en the person or pssons legally entitled tltueto. Such penttn or ptasau ehaB ply W CoatatN
<br />remrda[itm, danv-
<br />27. StttMtlMe Ttesoe. Lender, at Ltnder"s option, may from tithe to time remove Trustee and appoint • sttccetaor trtWae ro any Tntrlaa:
<br />appointtd hereunder by an instrumrnt recorded to the county in which this IXed of Trust is recorded. Without conveyaeoe of the Propertl, the
<br />sucaswr trvs[ee shall succeed to afl the t nle, pews and dunes conferred upon the Trustee herein and by applin6le 4w.
<br />K. Rgrt for Notito. Horrows requests that toptes of the neticc of dtfatdt and rtatice of sale be saR It) Btxrosver's adttrass wltleh h
<br />the Property Address.
<br />tY WITNESS W HEREOF. tiorruws has executed thn C1ecd of Trust.
<br />,-.~ ~~ ~t~~.~, z. e -~./,A.~f/
<br />,er.>>d r i;anrJeWai1~RROWBR
<br />,r,na ,?, U3nDeiilallt~RROWER
<br />`.TATF OF NEBRASitA, ''H~~. ____.-__..____Coumyss:
<br />On thus .. __=;?_ _ stay rtt .,a;,~. _ _. _ ..._. 14 ~4 _ , txfore me, ttte utttissi
<br />.. .. pted. a Notary Public dWy
<br />.txnmtstuoned and qualilxed tcx sxuf taunty, pssonaliy .amt _. _ ",f ~7j:1 ' 7, t . _„Ai~()S WA1 LF :tNf' L_ i j~LA Il )jANtIFhtAt t F
<br />yet i.:+rzi f. _3CL.. ~~.:.P_--
<br />y^~ __ -__ ___-.-_`~_~_ , to the known ro be the
<br />idrnuwi personlsl whnst nanuysl arc subxnbtd eu tot ttrregutna tnstrumrni and aeknowledgaf the execution thseuf to be shelf
<br />roiuntarv as atxl decd.
<br />N+uttess my hatW and n~tartai seal at _ •~.yt:„;_._.~y~~- _;;E;~;,~a y.~ a _ _ _._.,_... - ----- in said county. thedate aforesaid.
<br />Ny Comnasston ea ua
<br />p
<br />~...~~~_
<br />NOTARY P BLIC~~~GC. `SG_~
<br />ilee undersigned is the hoist ut the uue tx nu:ts se:urtai by thn l?eed of Trust. Said note or notes, together with all other ittdebednas
<br />soured br this deed of Trust, has-t ixen paW m full You are hereby duetted to tantr! said host or hosts and this Deed of Trust, which ue
<br />3tltve: td htrtby, sod to ro_on+er, wtthoui warrtanty, all the estatt now held by you under thu Detd of Trust [o the person or pssons legally
<br />entnfed tlµrero.
<br />UWt
<br />tSpate below Chts lrnc RG.er vrd For Laufer and Rtaurderl
<br />