<br />84 ,,,,~ 002264
<br />applicable law requires such intttest to be paid, Lrnds shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall
<br />give to Borrower, wnhow charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the putpox for whfeh each
<br />debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trost.
<br />i f the smaun! of [he Funds held by Lendtt, together with the future montMy installments of Ftutds payable prior to the due data of ht[a,
<br />aasessmen[s, msurartu premtttms and ground rents, shah exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, assessments, imtu'aotx premitlou and
<br />ground reins as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrows ao ttloothly
<br />installmrnts of Funds. lithe amount of the Funds held by l,mds shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, asaeutttanta, irtamanLY premitmu and
<br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any atrwum necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from tAe date notice
<br />es mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting paymeent thereof.
<br />Upon paymrnt in full of ail sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrows any Fonds Add by l.aader. If
<br />wider paragraph f 8 htterol the Propeny is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, !.ends sAaB apply, tq later than immedimdy
<br />poor to the salt of the Propeny or us acgmstuon by Lends, any Funds held by Lends at the time of application as a credit agtlimt ~e flrrnt
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. AgyMeanloa of Paytaeaa. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender ands the Note and paragnpAa 1
<br />and 2 hereof shall tee applied by L ender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Ibrrovss ands paragraph 2 hereof, then to itt[Rpt
<br />pay: ,~ rn ;he `talc. ,liras t.. „ c Y :r..:, d' :.. ,,......,.. _.... .belt .., irtr.:s, and ~rixfPai net any Future Aeh,tmces.
<br />1,= CMrgea; ISeaa. Harrower shall pay alt lazes, asseuments and other charges, tine and impositions attributable to tAe Property w6leh
<br />may attain a priority aver t his Iked of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, iC any, in the matttter provided andV paragraph ZhraaOf
<br />ur, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making pa>mtent, when due, directly to the pays [hereof. Borrows shall promptly farairA t0
<br />!sods all noteces at amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Bonower shall make p.ytoent directly, Bot'roars sAaB promptly
<br />furnish to !..ender receepts cvtdentfng such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge soy lien which Ass priority Over thfa Dead Ot Traar
<br />provided, that fionower shalt rid be required to dtx.hargt any such hen so long as Borrows shall agree in writing t0 [he payment Ot tAe
<br />obligation secured ny suers ben m a manner acceptable to !.ender, or shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enfortxmmt of such Btm
<br />m, legal pruttedings wrath operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeittue of [he lroperty or any part thseof.
<br />S. HasaM laetanace. Burrower chat! keep the ~mprovemrnis now eztsting or hseafts erected on the Propety itlsurad agttiorl bin by tire,
<br />harm :s trciuded with:r. fhr term "rz±ended !average", and such other hatuds as Lerder may require and in such atoounn and for fuc6 paioda
<br />as Lender may regwre: provided. that Lender shall not regwrc that the amount of such covsage eatzxd that atoount of tbvsga required to pay
<br />the sums secured by this Deed of Tntst
<br />flit :assurance carrtcr providing the :rsursrce shall fx chosen 6v Borrower subject to approval by Leader; provided, that such approval
<br />shaft not tx unrcasonahly wnhhetd. ',!1 premiums tin nuurarece polices shall be paid in the moons provided uttds paragraph 2 Aseof M, if tool
<br />peed in wch manner, try Burrows ma-mg paymrnt, when due, directly io the insurance tamer.
<br />Ill ~nsurancr pohnes and renewals ;hereof +hali hr :n form acceptable to t ender and shall include a standard mortgage chtua- fo fatMr Of
<br />and ir. form actrptahle to i ruder : entlrr .hail ha.e the ngnt to haW fhr pohnes and ranewds thereof, ahd Borrows slid! promptly ttlraiaA to
<br />Lrnacr ail rrnew ai mutts sod ail i ecri pis ,,r paid premmms in ; he evrnt of Vass. Harrower shah give prompt ria[fce to the fnsuraace eatrla and
<br />tinder. 1_endtt may males pr out tit fuss if nut made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Ut:tess l.rnds and Horrowtt otherwise agree m wasting, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restOratioo ce repair of the Property
<br />damaged, prevedaf such restoration ur report rs economically fasrble and tAe security of tAfs Deed of Trwl is not liasebLr impaieed. If ttW
<br />restoration or repur :s :wt nronomrcally teastblt or !f the security at tAu Deed of Trust would be impaired, the iNYraoee ptreoaadr aha8 ba
<br />applied tv the Bums secured by this Deli at Trust, wieh [he excess, .f any, pord to Borrows. If the Property is abaodeaed by BOrrOMr. Q if
<br />Borrower tads ~o res}wnd to Lender wtthm 3U days tram fhr bate nouax is matted by lender to Borrower thq the iNYgaR Carrier offsf to
<br />ssttle a dorm far insurance fxnefits, under a authorized to collect and apply the irourance proceeds al Lender's option dther to rttatantioa or
<br />repots of the Propeny or to the sums savred by then Decd at Trust.
<br />L'mess Lender and Borrower otherwix agree in writing, soy such appAcauon of pnotzxds to principal shall trot exleed or ptttttpone the dire
<br />date of the monthly mstaktmrnts refttred to in poragraphs ! std 2 hseai or change the amount of such itntallments. If under paragrapA Ig
<br />bleat the Fsrapertv is acquired M Under, all right, title an6 entsest of Borr~wertn and to any irotuaoce piylfeia and fa and to the proceeds
<br />thereol resdung tram damage to the Propeny poor to the salt ar acgwntfon shag peas to I.endet to the extent of the lama secutad by this Dead
<br />of Trost immediately poor to such sale ar aWuuehon.
<br />6. PrwervNisa W A4iaYaaace of Preasry: lwaaeasltls; CwMmiaeama: -laaaatl UtIN OeralagmsNS. Borrows sha8 keep the
<br />Property m goad repaer std shelf oat comma waste ur psmrt impairment ar deterioration of the Property and sAW comply with the pmvisioas
<br />of any lease if ttus Decd ai Trwt a an a leauhaid. If this Deed of Trust es tin a um[ in • condominium a • planned unit davdopment, Borrower
<br />shag psform all ai Horrows's obbgatioeu urds the derlsatian ar covenants crating or governing the condomiwum or plamled unit
<br />developttrent, the by-laws std rcgulauunu of the cortdimuninm ur planned amt developtttettt, and constituent dacumenra. If • condominium or
<br />DWtted amt itevelopateni rtdtt is executed by Borrower and re~rorded tageths witA this 1)Ktl of Treui, the cavetYnta and agreeminta of ouch
<br />rids shag be enmrporated mw oral shalt amend ud suppteteteni the wvptants and agreetnenu of this Dead of Trust as if the rider were a pall
<br />leseof
<br />7. Rataatlaa of IeaMr's tiet7rlly. 7f Honour fads to perform the covenants and agreements conwtled in this Decd of Trust, or if soy
<br />as:umt ar pracetdtttg is camntencrd wrath mattteally affects Lender's interest is the Prtperty, ttuittding, but not Atnfted ro, etninenl domain,
<br />ieesairerxy, :isle enfarsrntrnt, ai arrangements or prsx;eedtttgs mvolnng a bankrupt or decedent, then L.ettder at I..ender's option, upon notice
<br />to Barrows, may make such appeorans:es, dtsburx such sums std take such action as es n«eas.ry to prtHCCt Lsater's intsat, ittcludfng, but
<br />eta Itmttesf to, msbursetrtrnt ai reasonable attorney's fees and entry upon the Propcrtr to make reports. If L.etals requited mortgage imurance
<br />as a aitditian of mattteg fix loan secures! ny ehts Deed u( Trust, Borrower shall pay the pretttiiutts requred to maintain setcA imiuahce in effect
<br />~t+i -,s.:t, +trrsr as ;hr re4wremeni tar such msttrame terminates ~n acrwdance wrath Bonower'z and Leader's written agreement or applicable
<br />law. Borrows sMd pay the amount of off mcengage tnsurartce premiums in the manner provided !lodes isaragrapA 2 hstof.
<br />Aay artsoetms disbursed by L_etafer pursuant to tNs paragraph 7, with mtsest thereon, stall became addititynai indebtedness of Borrows
<br />sa-ured by this tystzl of Trust. t!nksa Borrows and Lender agree to orbs terms of payment, such amounts sMll be payable upon ndice from
<br />!..ender to Borrower rcquestmg paynum ihere.ti, and shall bear interest front the date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on
<br />oertatatdity priteapai under the Note unless payment of intttest at such rate would tie contrary to applicable law, m which evem such amattnu
<br />shag bar tmercrt at the highest rate txrmwihk alder applicable taw, Nothing cantorttal m ehu paragraph ~ shall rtgwre L.erder to incur an>
<br />eaptnae w take arty attian hereutdrr
<br />g. IaaparYaa. Lender may tootle ar cause to be ntrsle rcaaanabk entrees upatn and enspd:tions of the Property. provided that Lends shag
<br />gtvr Horraws nrxtce poor to any Bitch inspriiton spattyitµ reaxoreabk cattle thrrefor related to Lender's tntereat in the PrupMy.
<br />4. C:eMa~aaltir. the prsxtesfs of any award csr clauu less damages, chres:t ar .onsequmteal, in .ormestttion with ant condemnation or
<br />.xMr tak!og asf the W, vipers Y. or part thcrtaf, nor fur cxtnrcyattsx ~n lieu of cs+ndrmnauan. are hereby axugned amt shalt tx• yard to I ender
<br />'.n eM ersxrt at a trnd iakitsg art efx Fhoper•t. ctw pr csereds shah he rpptted co the sums securest ht tots Geed of 1 rust. wish fhr cscess, ~C any.
<br />paW vs Ban rt»rrs~f to !ht evravr of a prr nai tasmg.H tfrE f'r~arzy, 3nlerx fSarro -m am! l ender cxthr:wrx agree m wnl urg, !Mors astral! br appftcd
<br />sa flat mress setarnn' by rhos ly¢ed .ri 7 our suctr pa.;,ururae of ens tx+'s><~ts as s rxjtWf ;co that pr<Hasrv,st3 whi.R fhr amc*um ,~f fhr +wm cc~<-urN
<br />