<br />84 -pp2261
<br />applicable law requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not 6e regttved to pay lorrower any interet or earnings on the Fulda. Linder shall
<br />gtve to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credi[s and debits to [he Fttrtds std the purpose for which each
<br />debit :o the Funds was made. Thr Fonds arc pledged as addhional security for the stuns secured by this Decd of Trust.
<br />1 f the att[ount of the Funds held by Lsder, [ogtths with the future monthly imtalhrtmts of Funds payable prior to the due dues of tatter,
<br />asteasttunts, inswattce premiums artd grouts rents, shall aceed the amount required to PaY sayd taxes, attwsmelts, imtuaaae pteatiram old
<br />ground rents as they fill due, such esaess shall be, at Borrower's option, either prorftpUy repaid to Borrower Or credited to HoaOr•A OD maelhly
<br />ittstallotmts of Futtds. If the amatnt of the Funds Add by Lender shall (tot be suffteimt to WY taxes, asterateeets, inwvame~pramlllma~trld
<br />ground rmu as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount tteteaaary to mate ap the det"it9mcy within ~ drys from thrdW alum
<br />is (nailed by tends to Borrower requiting payment thereof.
<br />Upon pavtoent m (u0 of all sutvs .scoured by [his Deed of Trust, Lrnds shall promptly refund to Bortorrer any Ftrnda held by Leedar. If
<br />ands paragraph Ig hermf Ne Property rs sold or the PropMy v othersrise acquired by Lerder, Linda shW apply, ao later there
<br />prior to the sale of the Property or tts acywn[ian by (.ender, any Funds held by Ltmds at the time of appliatiaa u a credh a/aipakf6s sells
<br />secured by thu Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Aplreaaba d Paya•eaY. Unless applrtasble law provides aherwise, all payments recdved by Linder tinder the Note trod pat'aprapha l
<br />and Z hereof shall be applied by Lends Cvst to payment of atrtounts payable to Lender by Harrower urtda pataQaph 2ltaeof, then to ilter'aal
<br />Dayable on the Nrne, then to the Dnttcipal of [he Note, and then to in[sa[ and principal On any Future Adrans.
<br />1. CMrg•e: Leer. Harrower shall pay alt tai, assessments and other charge, fine and impoaitiaat ataibuahk to the P'ropeery ttYkh
<br />may attain a pnortty aver thts [ked of trust, and leasehold payments or groutd rents, if any, in the mtWM' provided tlltda plrymph2hereof
<br />err, tf not paid rn such manner, bq Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. BorrOwa fIYH promptly flteiaL-(O
<br />Lender a!I sauces of amounts due under then paragraph, and to the event Bwtower sha8 toakt payment directy, Baerowa ahW prompMy
<br />furnish to Leader rrcapts rvtdenang such paytents. torrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hat ptioriq ova the[ Dead ~'Ifttrt:
<br />prmxded, that Borrower sitslf sac ee rcyvered to discharge any such lien so long as Borrows shall agree in wrifit[g IO the plymem of the
<br />abhgauon secured trv such ben sn a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall in good faith evens( s»cb lien by, or defeed eefaremem of rnchYel
<br />:n, legal prrree~mgs wfttch operate to Drevem the rnforcmtent of the lien or forfeiture of tlx Property M any put thereof.
<br />5. HmM Irrtnece. Barrows shall keep the improvements now es:aang a hereafter erected on [he Property insured a/elOat toes by'firs,
<br />hazards rncluded within f hr turn "extended coverage", and sude ether hazards as lender troy require and in turd[ amouaa sad for aleh peri/i
<br />as L.rndu may rsqurre: taavided, (teat lender shat) oat requue that the amount of such coverage excad that amount Of epveragC fagYlmd [O ply
<br />the sums secured by [his L><ed of Trust.
<br />T'hr tnsuraa::c :.arrter provtdeng thr :rtsurance vAall t+r chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Ltrtda; provided, ihu atkh aPprovr
<br />:hall not be nn:sasanably wtthhetd A!t premiums an rnsutance pahaa shall iX paid m the tttanrter provided Yr[dIx paryrirp6 2 hereof Of, if eel
<br />yard rn zuch manner, by E;cirrowrr making payment, when sue, directly to the insurance cams.
<br />All msuraetce {xslicxcs an6 ; enewats therse:t >hali ne m f orm acceptable to Lender and shall inclvrde a statttLrd tttortgale Goleta( m favor d
<br />attif in totm dtcetxa6lr :a I rndsr !ender shat! havr the ngm to hokf the pofictes and rettewtds thereof, and BM[awer shag promptly funtitb W
<br />! rnrin a« renewal nnt,~e~. and al; rn-rirx+ „t ;std Dremtume in thr Went al Iexs. &srcows shall give prompt rtaice to the Itl•YAOCe t.lrrler ud
<br />l.rnder. t ender Wray mats prune ns lass :t nos made promptly by Borrower.
<br />L!tiless Linder and Barrawer aherwt.e aara m wnureg, uesuratt.Y proceeds shall be applied [o rt!storatiol a (pair of the Fmptaly
<br />damaged. Draveded such restarauan or rcQatt is econamtcalty feasrbk and the sawitY of this Deed of Trent is tent thereby implieed• If ark!
<br />rcatorahon or rctsatr is oar a.-onumtcatty feaubk m tf the sectrnty a! thes eked of Trust wtuald be imPlhed, the ilNtrtYOO proowi ahgY he
<br />appttsd to the serene secured by rho (>ced at trust. wexh the (seas. tf any. Dad to Barrows. If the Property q abaldald by Bttrrorree, or if
<br />Hsxrower farts to rtsparnd w Lcrxicr wtthen 30 days f ram the darn natce a trtatled by leader to Borrower thu the irtsttrame tarriar of(en t0
<br />sntk a clam tsx etavtarsce trcnetits. Leader es authortstd to ealkct and aPD1Y the ttaurattce prorxeds er Lender's rrptton (looter to rertorlli0a-Or
<br />repair of the Property or to tAc soots sn-vred by this Lked at Trust.
<br />Unless (.order and Borrower atrterwsae agree m wasting, any such appltsatwn of proceeds to principal shlB not exceed or ptrupoae the due
<br />date of she monthly rrutalimstts referred to m paragraphs 1 sad 2 hereof or chattry [he amostnt of such in•taBmems, If ttatfra pttrlBraph Ig
<br />hereof the P. rsprrty a a,^yuared by t.rtsffer, 731 right. « toe and taterat of Barrows m stud eo any ituutatttt polida and in sad to the praoede
<br />thereof resulung from damage to the Property pear to tM sale or acquatbon shall pass to Leader to tote eater(( of the soma fenced by tAia Deed
<br />at 7'ruu intatMiatefy prior en sese6 sale or x~,twtson
<br />6. harrrtWea (teed Mallarraoe d Lhalsrfrt Latraeai!Yt Coadaarlller•a: Rlelld Utah DeveMpmwr. Baaawer fhaB rep the
<br />Property m goad repay and stall not v((((ent waste err pertmt impairment err Aeteriontion of the PropettY and altlll eatrtply with the proviiats
<br />of arty tw•c d ehts Decd at f rust a an a leasehod. f f thss eked of Trust a an a amt in a coodumtaum or • plaeltd unit developgkm, Borratwr
<br />stall pertttrm alt of &urower's obhgattom under the ckclaratfon or tvvssanb tteltilg at govaniag the Nldamllttlm Ot plaaed tell(
<br />developateru, the by-laws and regulauotn of the vtalomtmum or plat[[[ed unit devdoprnent, seed conftitumt docutemu. [f a caadomieium err
<br />planted unit development rrtier n executed by Burrows and raordtd together with this Deed of Trust. the oosraanb trod aaaemmta of flteh
<br />rtder fin116e imvrpttsated torn and shall arrtettd seed suppkmeaf the covttants and apeeetatts of this Deed of Trust r if the rider were • prat
<br />hsnsf.
<br />T. treateatee d leads'- S•awrMy I f Borrows faih to psform the covenants and agrtrtrterns COr[tL/Kd fn this Deed of Truri, W if aey
<br />actnsn w peoce'edtrtg to coatmencrsi which matenally affects 1_ensler's interest to the Property, iadtding, but (tot limited to, emirreet domain,
<br />itssotvctuy, cede eatorcrraent, err arraMtmrnts err prtxeedtnp mvaivvtg a bankrupt or decedent. then Ltmds at Leader's option, upon notitt
<br />to 8rxnrwer. may mate such appcarartas, disburse such soma and take such acvan u s necessary to prate( Lender's interest, :ndutdiog, but
<br />tor[ limited to, dnhursetneat of rsYSOnattk euorary's tee and carry upon rite Property to make repatn. If Leader required mttrtslge insutnect
<br />as a cortdtticxt of eaatirtg the Man secured by thss Deed ai Tntst. Barrows shall par the prettdattu regmred to tetontain such iruonce in effect
<br />utud rush tune to (tee regWraaent far such msuraace terntrnaus m arrorotrdance with Brmwer's and Lender's written a{reeatent or applicable
<br />law. Borrows shall pay the atrtovnt at ail mortf+tK tnauramx prcmtttaa fn the (omen provided under paragraph 3 hereof.
<br />Arty •mottnu disbursed by Lender puntant to this paragraph ?. with interest [hereon, shall hecortte additional iedabtednaf of Borrows
<br />xswed by than Dad of Treat, t;nkv Borrows erred tender agree to ohs teems of payttsent, such amounu sha8 6e payable vptut (totes from
<br />t..endax to ttc:rx~c ~n rsyuestrng ptsyttrem tttercuf. un; sieaii 't,ear tntsese trucu the wee of :3sbut sen:csx err the rate paraitie irum ttttre to tirtx sat
<br />aats[aadFag prrncspd seeder ehe Nat un4ss t~vment of mrerest u ssxh rate wood be vntran to applicable taw, in which event stecb amounts
<br />tt~ bell raserest tt the hiahst rats [+ermtssxbk under appiittable law. NotMng cvntattted m [hu luagraph 7 shall require Lender to (tour say
<br />efeere err sake say actson lterauedet
<br />1. trpereel. k,sader may melee tx cause to be made reasarabk entree u a art0 ens
<br />Ixu pecuons of the Property, provided chat lender shall
<br />gsva Hswxower isots°e trrksr so say such trtspeetttm sperifyttta reastmabk arose t hsefar related to Lettds's tntsen to the Prtr(fertr
<br />e Cartlarattlaa. 17er prsx~is as env award c» clam fcx damatta, detect <x consequenual, to conrtartran wash any condemnatson oe
<br />:*ths taktag of the Property, rx pars ther7uf, err tru cxmvevattct en lreu of coadernttattoa. are hersdrr assrgoed and shall be yard ro lender
<br />Lrr the ts°eat of a tuts{ tatllig of ttx Wntswty. Ctrs proceeds shah be atprltesl «> the svnn sesurssd by toss 1?CH) of lYUSt, wxtA the eu~ess, tf env.
<br />Dasd err liotrcxwar kn the evens at • DartYal raktrtg crf the Pxapenr. nnksw lkxnwe!r and Lander ,xherwtse aarrs iu wtxuna, thse shall bs appued
<br />cs. ttw runs sra'vead by H:xt l7w•d rd. ivxxst cxtti3 prt'rprsrttrrn at the err atx+rcii N cs cyvat rri th•± pre
<br />ttxxr:rur wh:<~h thr •maun'. s,f thr crones srcurrd
<br />