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<br />~~ --002258 <br />applicable law requirS such inurest m tx paid, Lends shall not br required to pay Forrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shell <br />gyve !o Borrower, wrt hour charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />dcMt !n the Funds was made The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Decd of Trust. <br />! f :he amount of f or Funds held by Lender, wgr. her with the furore monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes, <br />assessments, msurancr premmms and ground rents, shall rzctcd the amount required to pay sold toes, assessments, insunntt premitma and <br />ground trots as they fall due, such rzcess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Bortows or ttedited to Borrows on monthly <br />mstallittents of Funds. If [he amoum of the Fundx held by Lends shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessittmts, insurance premiums and <br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the daft notice <br />u mailed by txndrr to 13nrruwer requesting pavmem thermf. <br />Upon paymrnt to tul! of all sums secured by this [ked of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to BorrtYws any FLnda held by Lends. if <br />under paragraph IF hereof [ht Property is sold or the Property is otherwnse acquved by Lender, Lender shall apply, no tats than immediately <br />poor to t he ask of !hr ProAenv or ns acqurntion by Lender, env Funds held by Lends at the tithe of appliprion as a credit against the tl®f <br />secured by rhi5 Iked of Trust <br />). Appliutbn of Paytaenu. i'nless applicable law provide aihswnse, sal payments received by lends under the Nutt aed paragraphs 1 <br />and :hereof shall he epplird nv i ender fuse m pavment of amounts payable to Lends by Borrows under paragraph 2 hereof, thee to interest <br />pavar.,s .,.-~ ; ;r ?s,~. ,,,se...o ..,z T.rn.cp„: o. ,,., .....e. a.... ,,.c,..e .a:~f ..c ps! c^ ally F;trdri Advances. <br />i. t:karge: tier. Bnrrnwrr shah' pay all taxes, assessments and oths charges, fines sled imposition attributade to the Property wlt3dt <br />may ai[am a Anon[.- ~+. cs tn,c tyeed of Trtvu, and Irasehold pavmrnts or grouted rents, rf any, m the manner provided under paryraph 2 hmaof <br />ur, .! not paid +n such manner, by Burrower making pavment, when due. duectly to the payee thereof. Bntrotvs tllall pratsptly Rtreuh to <br />I coder ai! no[tces .,t amounts clue under rho paragraph. and +n [he rvtnt Borrows shall make payment directly, BOfreaRr Shall prirptly <br />turnuh .n :ender recttpu rvrdrn 7ng such payments. Barrows shall promptly discharge any lice which has priority OYtr this 13eed Of Tt1ar <br />pmvida(, !hat tk,rrnwer snail rut rr rrquuetl _n discharge any such hen so Ioeg as Borrows shall spa In writing t0 the payment of the <br />,ihtigauon uaued by such Iten m a manner accrp[antr to Lender, or shall in good faith contest such tier?-by, or defend enforcamts[ of such lilit <br />.n. Icgaf pros«dings winch orsrrx[c rs~ prrvrm the errorcemene of the teen nr tortature of the Propsty or any part ihseof. <br />~. HaaM Itwnace. l3orrawrr .haft krtp the improvements now existing or hertafts erectM on the Property iesuted ap10R hla bYBrq <br />hazards :nciuded wnh:n the terra "rx:endid cuvttaac-". a»d such other hazards as Linder ntaY require and in sue6 ametmta aid for filth-pt:iidt <br />.ss Lrnder may rrquue: ; rovsdw.:nst Lcndrr shah not rcquur chat the amoum ai such covera{eutzsd that amount of covsage regairadtOpay <br />the ,ums aeti-ured M•tnu iTera n! Trust <br />?"hr +nsurance .story t`ro.-,ding the insurans:r shall F.e chosen by Harrower subfect to approval by Linder; provided, shit such approra) <br />.iiatf not Rr unrcaaonanly~ wnhnrfil AI! premiums on +nsurance [x init. shall bt paid in the manner provided uttds paragraph 2 haeof er, it lot <br />paid .n sclch mariner, hR Ban ow[! Inal aql payment, wn[n due, dlrClliY 10 tnC i[t4aranCt carnet. <br />ilI :nsw.~wr perti.:trs and !rnrw ale thereat :hail hr +n !arm accpiabie to Lender and shall include a Slalldard mtxt{a{e CIaWe le faYOr t~ <br />auu Sri ?:+r[n m. ceps ably +++ t; I ~ndcr malt na.e +nc sigh: to hold the AtHicies and rMlMilt lherecrt, fed Borrows shag prompllY ftaaiah t0 <br />! rnurr an ~ rnrwxi our+sn anu no: nripts .:? rood prcrmums t n ! ne event of loss, f'urrmwer shall give prompt notisx l0 flit IOSY[anCt etrrlir fed <br />ruder i rndrr may malt pr+RV oc fuss a nor cosily [uamptiy by Hs!rrower. <br />t; mass Lender and tlonuwrr utherwrx aerie m wntin{, rrnuranec praaYeceda shall lye applied to rustoraY011 Ot rspiir of the ProPttty <br />danragW, pruvidrd ~ucn rnturaucm or rrpatr .s ts-unnmrs:altY frasrbir and chi securely of lhU Deed Of Trutt 3t not thereby imp.ttad. If nlti <br />res[uranun ur acArur +s nsn ttvraycninaily [casiWe ur it ;hC sttunty nt this Iked of Ttwl woldd 6e irepirid, IhC irauriatte proaaads shay b< <br />appned to the aunts sc''urea hk th+s LXCtI t,1 f rUat, wnh the catYSS, ti any, Pard to BUtrOwet. If the PropenY it abaedoeed by BOfrOtrQ, OI' it <br />Harrower earls to resAuud to Lcnsitr +rttun Ttt days tram the date [xxsce is matkd by i.tedtt to BOttOws That the iOtYraatiC ea[fler 01Tefa to <br />,eiBr a cSarm icy uss<rraricc twsrt:ts, L. rods is authortznt to sbBect arrd aPWY [ne inswartce pnimeds at L.ettdet's option e3tMr to reNatYioi ar <br />repro ui the Property ur to the .urns ricuted by this [)rcxf of Trust. <br />L Ness L<neirr and tisurorrr t?t her wtsc a{cec in +nur4, any such appituuori of Pn>,•eedt to pnnciprl shill (t01 eat®d sx paa~iaetbadra <br />date ut tnc monthly mairtlmenu rrferrpi [u m puairaphs 1 and 2 hseol err ctutn{t the rutoutu of such iesliBmeilf. if teller pirylaOb ll <br />berate the Vropsty +s svquurd by Lends, all right, title and interest df Borrows in fed to any iasuraire policies sled i0 and to Ihtpraaads <br />thsrxst restdUn{ f taro damat(c err the Properly prior to the sale ur acttwstuan shall past to l..ender to the eatem of the sums savrad bythls OMd <br />of Trust tmmidtatelY Prior to such Bali ar rcqumuon- <br />6. hearr•atlan raa MWitiaaas of PtaNr4: l.eirlltMil: Coramidima: Plaaaa/ UaN DerYiNastl6 Barrntra ahaU kttq the <br />F'ru;yerty sn gaud rclsaii arsd stwu mu .zzmrwt waste or pane! empatrrirint at dsaiwatimt of the Properly and they eemgly trill Ibe pttovlriis <br />u! any lease et this DeeW v! ! rwt +s un a leavehuid. I t lhlb eked of Trust sa no a amt in a COr1dVn11NVID w • plaomd unit devdop~ait, BOrrOtter <br />shall Txxlorm a8 at Horruwa's c+bu{auon ands the deciatauon or cdveMmtf craurtg or {ovantag the iOndemli(tlm a phund axle <br />deveiopmrtu, the by-aws and resuiauoos o1 tM snndomuiuun ur plrmtta! anu devdnpment, slid fontll[upll docvmeats. If ^ coid0~iilYm Ot <br />ptatsrtcsf amt deveh ipmcni rids ca attutsl t+y Botrsiwet and rttordcd togalia with thrs Drat of Trutt, the s:oveoaob and aptaotaES Ot such <br />rider shall be iaavrpnrated into and stud) arirend and suppiattent the rovarrrrta and apeancnta of Chia Lid of Treat Y if tine rids area • put <br />naxxsf <br />~. Pretecdw ssl Leader r Secarlty. Ef Borrower testis to pcrtarm the cuvrnants and alpeetttents conlaltltd fn this Deed of Trwt, w if any <br />a..tnrr+ .+, pr s><:redins +s .ummin.:rd wnscn maicriauy al trees L ruder . +mrrrst in ine Propa[y, inJudtn{, but not limned to, eminalt domain, <br />:nsnixrtxa..rr3r cnf mstrniat, .u arranacrocnu ui pr u:.cedin{s ur. uiviryt a tsantrupt ur Jiaxdent, then Linder at Lender's option, upon rsotitx <br />+o fkrrruwa, nwy ma-r su.h ap3xarans:ea, dtsbws< ssrch soma and take such a~uun as is necessary to protect L.entler's intsat, includiig, but <br />not hmura ut. drsbwserrernt +,i rrasureabie atturrrcy's leas and entry upon the FsrtYpeny to make repairs. If Lander requital mon{ge ittsuratici <br />as a .:uudun>n ut makin{ :tyt wn sn urrd by toss LXal ut f rues+, Finrrower shall pay the premiums rigwral [o tnuntaln such insurance in effect <br />uuase s,rrn :tau a., ,hx ; ryu:rrmrnt :c.r .ugh :.asuran:.r :urmria:p ;n auux darer with Borrowsy's and L.enda's written a{reenient w applipbie <br />law kkxxsrwrr ,hail pay tier amour.; ~.; all rrwri(fa{t iruwance Prrntiwrts m the xnattrKr provided under paragraph 2 haeaf. <br />~iny amoutus lirbursN oy i crts3rr pursuant to than prra{taph ', wah meant thacon, shall became additioul indebtedness of Borrowct <br />sn:urcd by iflsa Lhed ut Trust E'nirss flow+,wa and i ender agree io orbs rertns of Aaymian, such atttounu stall be payable upon notitx from <br />t rods :u L3ar:s:wrr sequrat+rui pavmtr,; ~+,rrru:, and stall tae•u +n[aea[ truru :hc .tau us dubw semart at Ne late payable from ume to time on <br />,suts[anaitr,{ prtrn-tpai under tn< "+osr ~rntena ;a ynxrut of ant nest at Fuch rate would rx ccxnuary to appi~ •abk law, m whteh event such amounts <br />slut two :ntsist at the niehc+t rate per nussable under app(icabic law. veytntry[ :unuuttni [n ehas Paraar ap6 'shall rayuvi Lender to incur any <br />rzpexrse au :alt anY as:trors nsrturrvter <br />t. ligterkaa. 1.axier cosy make srr Gauss :n to trestle reasssrsabfe ravers uPUn and rnspe:tium ut the Property, provided that l.erider shr8 <br />g:wc Harerwa ncstitt Pr su, :u any rush mspa:uun .ptx.ityuie rerwnahit cxusr third ui rrtatrci to I. easier"s imereaf m the F'rsrperiy <br />v, f ~- t~ht pr sMe><+ia at any aw-aril us ctas;n tcv ,Sanararn, ducct ,~. .ons~ueniial, m wnnccuon wnh am <smdemnauen a+ <br />-rerMt taksns ui :is¢ Prssistr±c, :x Twr+ rhr; rxH, ur !<>? ,:, mvey ur<t m ;tcu :+f .=+rWrnuaar,su[, err dsrteny assianaxi and .hall tsc tra+a tc+ l rndtr <br />In ct:r r:rra>,{ z israe !afaits ..f +na t'rsr{~h. +',€ ,,::><ersl snail L+r ap:rucd ro the sums scv used M +h,s i;u~ed ,++ 1 nt.+, wuh inr rairvs..t ans. <br />:~: _. >iurssr+el fa IPit rsCa>t ixr a part Psi eal]r`yt .,1 ;P Nr<*pedi Y.:r Het#s fte.r r,tir et slid t r,aetrr ,;chew u,ee aaim ,t`. +:+u lag, +lirre rtwll t'+r :rpt~Fle-.S <br />-> :he ,".'^ R~<; Ya3 t+s 2?n+s !Iced <# C++.svf c.kt'ra-+6=+tfa.,r, .rV rts<xa.m<`c a. ~~~:{u,,: ... ;hxt p: ..;'dn :+.rn Th+,-R ~ht xrxr„~3:r+ „F :Rr v~inx .e~. u+xV <br />