<br />c
<br />r
<br />n
<br />'e
<br />' ~ sum equal to rite ground rents. a am, next riot. plus the premtums that wdi next become due and pavabic on
<br />'a~ ~ pohraes of fire and ocher hazard insurance covenng the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mortgaged property tall as estrmared by the Mor(gagect less aN sums airrady paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to ,lapse before one nu+nth poor to the date when such ground rents. premiums. taxes and
<br />assessments wdl become dehnquc.nt_ such sums to he held by Mortgagee rn trust ur pay said ground rents. pre-
<br />mtums. taxes and special assessments, and
<br />Jb~ 9(1 All payments mtnvoned in flit two preceding suhsecauns of thrs paragraph and all payments to he made under
<br />- the note sscurrd herrbv shall be added t~sgether, and the aggregate amount thercot shall br oatd by the Mortgagor
<br />each month ur a eagle pa}'meet to he applied by the Mortgagee to the (oflowmg hems m the order set forth:
<br />t,
<br />I)1.) ground rent. taxes. assessments, lire and other hazard rnsurance premtums;
<br />`rf,t+ ~ ~.c.~sr ~.u utr Hair secwad hrrcby; and
<br />t~ amorttzatxm nt the pnnctpal or sand Hole- ,
<br />Arty deficrency m nc~ arnount „f anv such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good by the Mort-
<br />gagor poor to the due date of rhr next such payment..nnsntute an event of default under this mortgage- The
<br />Mortgagee may cullsct a "late rhargZ" not ar exceed Lrur rents tart) for each doFlu (Sl 1 of each paymrnt mort
<br />than fifteen 1! <1 days tr arrears w cuvtr tl;e extra expense mvulved in handling delinquent payments.
<br />.,. That if dx• total of the payments made he the Nortgagur under t+.~ of paragraph Y preceding shall exceed
<br />the amount of pasmrrrt,s actually made by the }ion{tager for ernund mnav5, taxe.4 and aazsetsamenta ur insurance p~e-
<br />miums, as the cast may tie, =uch excess. tf the k,an is current, at the uptton uE the Mortgagor, shaft be credited by
<br />the tbrtg"agre on ,nb.~c>qurnt pavmerrt, to ht• made by the lbrtgagtrr, or re(undod to the 1lortgagor. If, howevar, the
<br />r!rtmthly payments made M- the Mortgag+ur under !bi of paragraph _' preceding shall nor he sufficirn[ to pay ground
<br />rent, razes and a..a~er,.~meats cr insurance premrum4. as: the ca,+r may be.. whM the .ame srhall bocottte due and pay-
<br />able. then the 1Frrrgagar .shalt pay to the \hrrtQagee any amount nrcerssary W make up the deflcir ncy, on or before
<br />she date when paymeat of .,uch groand rent.*. raze,,. as~e>amcntr• nr rnawance premirutts cilia)) be due. ft at any
<br />time the lbttgapor sits)) [under w the Ebrtgagee, rn accurdmee with the provisione o! the nuke secnred hereby,
<br />full ,:semen[ of the emirs' mdeMtdne4.. n*pmsetrted thereby, the ~bngagee sha11. in compatieR the araeunt of sorb
<br />rndebtedoess, credo to the accarrrt at rhr Murtgagar
<br />tea anv 6alanro r.:.taining ir. the furtda areusaalated nndor tfre provisions of ~1 of paragraph 2 hereraf. ff there
<br />~ha1l he a default under am of the pmvr.ion- of this: mortgage raxulting in a public Tale of the presittes covered
<br />hereky, or if the rbngatee acqutret+ the property otherwtac after default. the M1btngaRer :+hall apply, rU ike kfttta of
<br />the tYrmarrnrce~ent of wteh proceediag_;, ar at the time the proprrtY i~ tHherwiete acgnired. the ballMre thnR t'elltttith
<br />ing to the frrnde accumulated under (di of paragraph ~r prec[ding, as a credit againrrt the seronnt of printipd than
<br />remaining unpaid under said note, _ - -
<br />stf}eertgrepb~•2•
<br />a Tfrat the Martgaaur wrlf pay grtwnd rents, razes, assessments. water rates, and MIIef gaverninenta- or rtttatriciptd
<br />rhargtx, fines. x impusrtrons. fur whrcf; pruvrstan has oat teen made hercinhefore, and in default thtreol the Mo[ta~ee may!
<br />pee the same: acrd that fns Murt~tur writ promptly deliver tint cNliciaf receipts therefor to [he Mortgagee.
<br />{ The Mtmgagur wtf3 pay alt razes whrch may ire fevted utrun the Mortgagee's inRRSi in said rdrl estate~and improve
<br />rncnts. std wtuch mat tee kvxd upon thrs mongagc zu ttrc debt secured hueby ibW only to the tztent that surhis nm-prokikitr
<br />ed by taw and unit to the extent that wch wdl taut make this Loan usurious). but exeltidii~ any ineame lax. Start iN Fedtnl,
<br />rmpased uti Mrxtgagee, acrd wtti [ifs the othciaf recupt showing such payment with the Mortgagee: Upon siafation oI lhiatttt0er
<br />talung. or if the Mungaga is pnrhibited be any law now ur htrcahu ezistingfrom paying Iht whole tNanY portioaof.theafare~.
<br />east razes, w upon the rendcrirrg of an y court decree prohibiting the payment by tits Mongagor of any suclt"htzea. ar if-ptch`htr
<br />ar de:ret Mavdss that anY amaum ac+ paid by the Mortgagor shaft tx credited un the martgr[ge debt, the Irfarlha/ieee sitall'have:
<br />the right to give ninety days wntten natce m the owner nl the mortgaged premises. requlvittlt the payment td the tnatprk
<br />debt. tf such twurce be given, the stud debt shall become due, payable acrd eoltectibk al the rzpiratinnof said natdYdays:
<br />h. 71tat shunki he tali to pay app stem ur keep any caveerant provided Ira m this Mttrtgagt, then the `M+Drt~tt, at itaop-
<br />firm, trray pay ar periurm the same, and all espeiduirres so made shad be added to the principal sum nwittEdtt flit abovs Hilo,
<br />shat) be secured hereby, and shaA hear mierest at the rate set forth in the said note, until pad,
<br />'- Tku lie hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgage. to br applied toward the paYmtrtit tsf the troll and atf
<br />sums stcirrcd hereby m case u[ a defwH in tier performance of any of the arms and conditions of this Motx>ptgtor:Uta~gid-
<br />nat, all the rents. revenues and income to bt droved from the mortgaged premises during such time as the itroctptgr itdeMed-
<br />- .half rrn!mn trn..rra _ >,.ui ri.. un.tt. art sk_t' F,avt ,:,exr to ppass...ay ;s:nt .^.r as:.Ys ...:y ;[sir fc., efts tYaipurt .~..
<br />rcpainna sad premises and of renting the :snit and evlJezting the rents • revenirts and income. std it may pay wet of ttttid-in•
<br />curttq all expenses of repaintig sauf prrmexs and tiexessarY aiinmismims and ezpensta incurred in rrnfitrg and rnatagitg'kltr
<br />same and u[ a+ikrung rentals therefrom; the bafanu remmmag, d any. to be applied toward the discharge ut sad •-:.
<br />itidehtedness.
<br />g °fhat Ire wiN keep the imtxovetnedts tort' czistng a hereafter errcled on the inorigagad-property, insuta'A u may be
<br />repaired H.om time to tune by the Mtxigagee against lots by lire and oihtt harards. casuakies and contingrnrdes in sock
<br />araiwn[s aM far sock periods as troy be rcquasd hY the Mortgagee and wi-I pay Promptly, whin dot.. any premiums on such
<br />inswanee provrsian far paYtaeat uI which lws [ra treen made hereinhefnrr Aft instiranee :half err carried in ct+mpaaits ap-
<br />proved by the Martgager asd the policies and reriewafs thercot shall he held by the Mtxtgager and have attaehed thereto toss
<br />papabk clauses m favor of and in t.>rm acctpuhlt to the Mortgagee. In event of lets: Manfmttor will give immediate nirlk't by
<br />mail hr the Mortgagee, who may make prune of fuss tf rrat made promptly by Mungagur. arxl each insu[arKe cumpaay hrn-
<br />atrnd is herobY authuttacst and dircctod w make paYmrnt Irrr such losx direatlY lu for Mortlfagee instead of ro tht~Muttgtig!ar
<br />and Utt Mortttagre iaintfY. and tear irrwratrcc proceed., tx any part thtreuf, may he appkitd by the Mtrtgagee at its optiurttttttet
<br />u thtrsducticat d eke ttdekuedttrss hereby secured err to the resturathrii or mpair trf the pro{rttty damaged In cvet[t of fmtaeio-
<br />surt ul [fart or other transfer of tak tlr the mortgaged Mutetrty m exuttgratshment of the itidcbtedaess secured hitrebY•
<br />all rtglN. rifle and utrertsi of the Mtxtttapu in and to any mzurance puficits then +n force sha0 pass to dhr purchaser or grantee.
<br />9 7'Iiat as sddittonaf snit ctrtlaitrst sOCUnty fur the payment of the note dcscnbed, and af3 salsa to t+erutrM ~Ye [t11dtFIMs
<br />tnartgamr. the Meregagar txrebY assgtns ar 3hc Mortgagee off pruohts, rtssnurs, ravaltits. rights std ttrrntkis accruirgt M the
<br />Mtxtgiyput uakr any sad all oil send gas teases on said premtsc*, with rht right to rerrrve and recerpl for the same std apply
<br />thorn i~ sled rrMktb[tiinr:s ss wtif before as after default m [ht cwdrtuais of this msrrtiwac. and the M+tirtgaRtt Wray demaid, sue
<br />fee and tssorrr any such payments when due ansl ~Yatsie, Met shaft era 't+e rrqutred sa t:: do This asstgntneot iw to ttrminare
<br />sod trkaatc pup asd card uuart rcfcsse ..f tMs mursrpae
<br />r+UUOZrsane ist-tot
<br />