<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. wtth interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedtless of Borrower ucurcd by chic Monragr. t`nkcs Bnrttrwzr and Lender agree to other terms of paymrnt. such
<br />artwunts shalt he payable upan notice fr:,m i.cni~Jr: ro Bormwer rzyuzstirt payment then,,°of, and sfial! hear interest from the
<br />date of disbursemem at the rate payahle from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nnte unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate wotdd bt contrary to applicable law. in whrrh event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissibk under applicable law- Nothing rnntained in this paragraph ?shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />anv action hereunder.
<br />g. Irgectlaw. Lcnckr may make nr cause to hr made reacnnaMc entries agora and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall gyve Borrower notice prior to am• +uch mspecnon speafving reasonable cause therefor related to Lrnder's
<br />interest m the Property.
<br />9. CetadertwaMn, the proceeds of anv award or claim for damages. direct ar cnnsegrrential, in connection with any
<br />rontiemnation nr other taking of the Property. ar part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />sod shall he paid to Iznder.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Pmpern'. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with tht r<cess. if any patd ro Anrn,u•er In the event of a partial taking of the Property, ^nksx Bormwer decd Lender
<br />otherwise agree in wnttng. there shall t,e applied to the soma senrred by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal tc that pr,;pc,rtinn •.rhrch the am~xtnt of the arm; srn!red by shit btnngsge immediately prior m the date of
<br />taking hears m the fare market .aloe of the Pmptrn rmmcdrately poor to the Batt of taking. ugth the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bormwer.
<br />If the Propem~ is , hsndnned by Barrower .,r :f, after nonce by Lender u, Borrower that the contfemtloi often to make
<br />an sward nr senle a da+m inr damage+ &+rrnwer ind, to m+nnn<f to I ender wrthin 10 das'S after the date such notitt is
<br />marled. (.ender is atrthoriard to collect and apph the prnreeds. at I ender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property ar to the some secured by thrs Mnngagc
<br />l.r•n{ess I ender and Bormwer other-vrce agree ,n ,+nHnv. anv stx'h apphcatinn rat prcuerds m principal shall not estend
<br />or postpone the due date •d the monthh mcrarlmcnrs reterred to rn paragraphs and 2 hereof or change the amoum of
<br />arch rnstaliments.
<br />11. rerrower NM Retraced. Fyrenvnn „t tht nine for payment „r m.nJificannn of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by rhrc Mortgage granted by i ender to :uiy ,rx<tsw,r ",+ mtert;r ,d Br,rrnu•tr ehall not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the habrlirv rat' the nriauwl Borrower „rxt Bnrr.,uer; waesu,rc in tmrrest 1 ender shall not t,e required to cottunence
<br />proceedings against such succrcer:r ..r rttsar to e,ttnd t, me f•,r pas-meet o. ntherv~tse mcvfify amnrtizauon of the sums
<br />secured by chi. MortaaRe by reason „t .,m demand made h: the :•nc~nal Rnrmwer and Rarmwer's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Ftrrberare br Lrrder tia a Natter. \m f,,rheur an.c he I rndrr m eteresme anv right nr remedq hereunder, or
<br />othenxnr atfnrded ray apph;-ahh ~aw ,haN roe he ., uai<rr ..r .•r preclude nc~• rscrri,: of anv such right nr remedy.
<br />The procurement r*t insurance or the raymem ,=t t..,a, . r .nhrr !;end „r aharge+ by !ender shall not be n waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate tht maturity .,f the ~oc}rhtednc„ .crated M ih„ Ltnngage
<br />II. Reordies Currrhtire. VI remnlres n«.. ,ded •, rho 1lnngagt are .fishnet and cumulative m anv other right or
<br />ti:mair ;ender thrs Mortgage or atA,rdrd h, !:rw .~t cycur, .,rid mar R• c, crancJ .nncurrrntk mdependtntly or successively.
<br />IJ. Sreeecsarc and ~seKas Buuad: Joint end \es era( I.iabiBty: /'aptbos. the ,revenants and agreements herein
<br />,:om dined shaA hind, and the rights hereunder shall ;Wore ;+,. rhr nspect,ve successors and assigns of l ender and Bormwer,
<br />nrtrjed m the provisions of paragraph '- Ex rrixr Oil yraams anJ agreements of Borrower shall he toms and several.
<br />The captions end heedmgs of the paragraphs .d !nrs H.,n ¢agc .err by ,nnvrnrenct •,niv and are rant to he rased M
<br />interpret .,r define the pmr,cwns nerent
<br />ll. ?}e1itt. Farept for uns ncw,.-e n^y;nred ,m,ter .,,r{,hcahie las. m be given m annlher manner, fal any nMice to
<br />Hnrrowrr proyrded tar ,n rhrc Ltnngagr snarl !r z: .. t,r ^,n,i,ng „rah sauce by ~cmtied mar! addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Praprm~ lddrcs+ ;., et ,uch .xher .::tdrrs, e; ~&+r r.+w er =..es desrgnsre by r.nnce to I rnakr ss provided herein, ansl
<br />+hl an? nohee to Icnrhr chsit hr earn i,s ~:cn,[ted r*ra , ~etnrn iccerpt tequestecl t<= 1 ender', address staled herein nr to
<br />sex:h other addms as t.znder ma, des+gnate h, ,n,tr.e t•• Bnr rower as provided nerem Lnv notice pmvrded fur in this
<br />Mortgage shah k,e deemed t„ hayr t,rtn grsrn r., Bnr«-wrs .,r i ender ,.hen ueven in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. Uriferrl hlorfsaae: (:orera~ Law: 5rrrnbflilr. Ifi. hvm „r mongagr .ornhines undorm arvcnams for national
<br />rise and non-omform a,wrnartt~ wth hmntd ,.n,au.vx to : , i„I:; nan ,• ,•nstnute a umfarm security instrument covering
<br />real pre>{xny "llns Mortgage ,haft he g. •,~ nn'd 4s nc~ ~. :. rhr ~.n ndrrnon .r: .rhich the 1'rnperty , Irxatrd. In the
<br />event that am provision •.x .saw+r .,t rhr+ Llnngakt ... the v.,n• .;=nflxr, s rah .ii,pi,rihir law. such anntlip shall not aHett
<br />;,then pros srnns of rh„ Nongagr •=r rhr ~,rtc• Hh,ah :, ne : ,cr, rBr.t .,,thaw the cnn0ictina provision. and to this
<br />end the pus nh,ns of rhr Mortgage cad the ti,Mc .ire .ire lend '._~ hr xvrrahlr.
<br />li. rortowrrs Copy. Born,uri .ha6 t+c funu,hcd e „artormcd :n{„ of the tiote and of this Mortgage at the Ume
<br />,tt CMriiltnltr a+r aflef rlYnrdat inn htrci,l
<br />17. Ttartfer of fbe Peryertr: Aswmptian. It :ah ,=r :ins part mi ehc Pn,prm ra" ui +ntrrrsr thrum is sold or transferred
<br />by Burrower wrtMwt fender's pn.,r wv rttrn aansrm ,+. iuduig ~. i ,hs .reauon a*f a hen or cncombrance uMtrdmate to
<br />this Marigagt. rh) rhr .reauon .d ., par. hs,a• manes ,a.unt, :ntrrr,t I„r he„r>rhold apphamrc, rc) a transfer by devise.
<br />de_vicent ,+r by opcrauon „! Raw a{vv, the Jeatb ••! ., :•+uu ,rnmu „± :,i~ rhr Kr ant ,=f am- leasehold urteresl at Three year, or less
<br />pa containing art opton to purchau-. ! cnairr mar .,t t nrdet , ,gx,on declare .dl the ,isms ,taut tt! he this Mortgage h, M
<br />,mmedrauh due and payatdr 1 cndcr ,hall ha,r w., ,ed ,:.,h apnc,n ,• ,r.acieratr d, poor to rhr ,ale or transfer. I coder
<br />and the prrxrn rc• w~honr nc~ Rnprm n ,,, hr +oid = r rnmrcr red na,n .,gr n•mcnr r wrung that the arrdn of such person
<br />rs satcefsctan to : ,odes end that the into rc,r p;i+.+hlr :•n .bc +„rm ~au;rd ha nc~. Ll ortgage ,hall he at sucb rate a, !coder
<br />shall request }f 1 rndrr has waived the ..per,=n ?• i.cr+rrete pn,v.ird ~,; th„ paragraph !?. and .f Bnrnrwtr'c arecessor to
<br />,ntereat has evccuted a written assu+npuon agrc-r: meat ac.cptrti m ~+rrtu+{; he 1 enakr. I ender ,hail relra,r Bnrmwrr from :dl
<br />nlslrearrnns rm.frr rhrc Mr.rta:.vr drat( the V<:tr
<br />~[t !ender eseroses ,uch ant; xr to acctierare 1 rn,xr ~h,ill marl Borrower rahu- •rf aaelerauan ~: ..ca,rdanat w,th
<br />paragraph 1J hereof tiueh not n'e ,hall pravrdr a r+r n. kr .,f n,=t ir,. than :n .las, 'r,+m the dale rhr rnai. ~~ ~. r:nlyd ~a h}nn
<br />wMsrh Aorn wee mad par the arms dea ear rd disc Ir Bori.•..n ,-.,. , ,n.h ..,:n, prior b, rhr csprranaxi .A n,<h {~r,cxJ,
<br />1 cnaier may, wuhs.ut furs hzr nacres of ..'tmand or, Normurr i:uAc ., rrnrdre, pct m~tleei he paragraph f s herroL
<br />Nsr~-tlvlwansf CovEVatvts Fiore=wee sod t cndcr ;:tether ..a,tenam and agrra-.., ioehsws
<br />IL lreekeaNar: Rrerrrdiea. Except w proriderl iw parattrrph t7 berrof, npiwr Bnrrowtr's breacb of any aorrnaM or
<br />apaaf.eM ni ~wrowp is tYit Morlaaar, iarladirK the e-uvrrwwlr to pay when doe aas codes secured br this \Inrbtrar,
<br />l.ardar peer to arcrlpMiar s11aY nail naNice to rorrowrr as pram ided in paraaropb td hereof spea•ityitla: t l! the breach;
<br />42) Mt aciiar re7rNtd b crle swab breach: tli a dMe. IMI ksa then JO nays cretin for AWe the nrNire is mailed to rorruwer.
<br />kry rr/ieb gll•.b MaacY rlwl 4 cnrelH. and µi tbN taYrrr to ewe such breach oa or br(on Ihr date sprritied in the mstkr
<br />tttp tassels i• accc/eraliarl of tlst seers serried by Ibis ~Iwtaattr, lnreclusare by iudirW pruaeediar and sale id the Properly.
<br />71a raHea cYar fttnYtr kNorw rMto<rer rd llrr riahi to re/aslNrt afhv acceierMiua awl the rgtbt ur ussrrt in the roreciocure
<br />/~'dk Ibt wr,eaiWirse rat ^ detatdt nr day albs Aefrrrse u1 rarowrr to areekrWton decd iorechsrrrr. If the breath
<br />ks rat erred raw w htdata the dale sperilitd iw the iwtisr, 1 cndcr al 1 rmler's uplian may declare all ad the cuttm vecnrrd by
<br />tltit lNat~ h (st ianedialAy dad' dad pryabie witbrat iurtbrr tMrrraad and may torrrbwr by judicial pnxetdiq. 1 ender
<br />star M trl7Mtd M cvrte/ Ms srcb ptaceedlaK ttq esprases ad fnreclosurr, im•lydtaR, bw na tiwild to, oasts of dria•nwrnlary
<br />erldartt. aliMtatM arts Hqt rep/lt.
<br />1}. Matwwat'a r~ h Rairwaat, 4c#untesrand,ng t a'xxier s ...,trrra«,>n .•t nc~ ,.uuz .e.ureal by the, L}ortgage
<br />Borttivrrr stxa#1 have the rybt ic, ':.x vg an} prcv:a:rtlrngs hrkurt by fender r.-. c<+t.vac :h., 14r=r tgage ,7:.s onr„rrrrd -,r a„c t~me
<br />