<br />~ ~" 002165
<br />t:~:
<br />.,
<br />applicable taw requires such interest to be paid, Lender shah not M required to pay Borrower any inurcst or earangs on the Funds. Lender shalt
<br />give ao eorrowet, wiitovt crnarge, rn annttai accounts"ttg of !ne Funds showing credits .nd debits to the Funds amf the purpose for which each
<br />?thee. to the Futtds was rrtsde. The Eustis are pledged u additloaal securi[ y for the sutrts secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />! E the +t-:±teasnt of thM Faadr teed by Lender, toeetAa with the future monthly InstaNm¢ats of Eustis paYabk prior to the due data of toes,
<br />assesstitents, insurance Rranittim acid grottad renu, xhilt eacced the amount required to PaY said taxes, assesamenu, insurance premtutro std
<br />grotud rsa[s as they Pill true, such excess shalt tx, at Borrower`s option, tither promptly repaid to Borrower rn credited to Borrtswer og titatthly
<br />itiNailtltstla of fords. if the atittwm of the Fulls held 6y Lender shah trot 6e sufCttimt to pay rues, aasastttetiu, insurattoe pretatten sad
<br />ground retgs as they fail riot, Borrower shall pay to t,ettder any ataounr trnessary to make up the deficiency within 30 drys from the elate ntHia
<br />is mailed b7+ Lender to Barrutver regrrestitgt paymrnt thereof.
<br />Upaa Rayateat to fait of all rums secured try this Deed of Trust, lender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by l.ettda. If
<br />under paragraph iii ttmcrf the Property is so{d or the Property is athmrise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later thin immediately
<br />prior to the silt of [he i'roperry or re5 acquisition t,y I.rnder, any Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a stele agaitnt the sums
<br />uatnd by this [kcd trf Trus.
<br />3. ANYtaiiaa of Parwlewb. tiniexc appticank law peavtdex of hentse, all payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs 1
<br />std Z hsrwf shah be xppdied try i ender t~rst rn eravment of arrHrunta payable ue Lends by Ikxrower undo paragraph 2 hereof, ttlen to imerest
<br />payahPe art the !~mc, the^. !o the pr!rtS'toai c,t t to Note. sad ihers ;o interest antl pnnciiril on any Future Advances.
<br />i. i.Largest ixaa. iiorrwtr writ pas a.`t taxes, asessments and outer cinargex, foes and unposttions attributable ro the Property whirl[
<br />rnry steam a pnnrtty over ra+n Deed of T: use, urd kauhotd payments ar groated rents, ti any, in the manner provided tender paragraph 2 heroaf
<br />w, it not pate to crab ntaaner, by 9ortnwer traitng paynxm, when due, darecUy to the payee thereof. Bonowet shah promptly furash to
<br />Leader art noutYa of amounts urn under ruts paragrapn, and :n the event Borrower criaii make payment directly, Bonower shall promptly
<br />f'itraah to f.drder redetpts rvrdencing such payments. Boretrwer saatf proneptty discharge any tern which has prionty over this Deed of Trtnr
<br />pravtded, [hat Borrower st+~alt nest tx rrquu rd !cr tits ttarge any %uJt hen w icrng ss Be>rrower strait agree in wntittg to the paytttMt of the
<br />nMogatina xceused try such hen to s manner a<~ceptahk rn Lc-.~r. or shah to good faith conttsr such Urn by, or tltfetd rnforcement of such lien
<br />in, legal prnt><xdangs which _rperate to errvrrrt the rr!torcrmrne :rt €he ttrri n; rarieeturr ai the Property or any pan thereof.
<br />S, f/asr! It[saraaee- i~.+rrawa coati t:cep ttx .nip=avements resw rsesUntt ur ricrcatta~ trected oa lire Property mswcd against loss by fire.
<br />hanrds va'#adad w[dxm lice term ~'rxtended :.evcragr' ~ , anF! such other harards as Lrnder mxy require and in such attxwnts std for such periods
<br />as i_endrr may require: provaied, rtes[ i_ender vnart neat require that [nr azn wnr or ,n,~ c:ovrrage exceai !hat amoum of coverage required to pay
<br />the soma srdturA trv tots .?t-ed cal frost
<br />i"tx uuwatau gem ~ pre»,dtag tr:c s :nuryn~ she;; tw rnerscn by H.xrnwrr =.utstcrt to apprv>~ai by Lender; prowdetl, that such ap~oval
<br />ahaN trot ere uvreavorian#v w,cnfxtd Art p!rnttuttt on rncurxncr txnc~tes shah tx teasel m the manes-r prcrridod under paragraph Z hereof or, if not
<br />pall to stun naatner, !rp ttatr~wer marina payment. -+2en tine. ziirer.Y!t~ ti, the :n<watur carrier
<br />AN usrarance peers,.-, and rrrt~waa. antt_ilt si;aii to :n ran rn aa..:eptanie n, Leader and sha{S uiriude a standard mortgage clause m favor of
<br />sad m form aa~txpratxtr t=, t ender ixnder sr=au h;*.te ~=rr rryrv ;,r note the t=Y++uiee anu renewals thrrcct. and tlorrower setaN DrnmptiY furnish to
<br />t_etider sii eeaewas` rast.rs~ ant au :c r.Ci+ ~~* t~:d ; rcn~unt~ ! n the r4rnt -_*- !<xss, Pisurawer shat! give prampi noUCe W the tnsuraiue earner and
<br />l..eader. t..dader mxy maid prc~r.=t cat iarxs ti c H made promptly by 2k:areswrr
<br />Utikrs t_erXtdT arxi fta*rayrer ~serwme saes in wr,tana, .nsutaiue prstc,rols snaN Ex applied sd restnfautip or repay of the Property
<br />damyKf. Lrt»-cded sta'ft resecrratxm cxr rc-patr ;s ~:or+oneaa~u3v ieutMe and the sec-tinty of then abed of Trust is nW thereby impaired. if 6UCh
<br />reaatuixm txr r<pair .a not ec~cusxratrs-a:# fcaathlc w ,t tt:e sc:unty of ttrs C?txd ai Trust would be tvtpatted, tM tasuratia protxads altall be
<br />spppdd to tfu solos >•ecure:S by end i3ttsi d Tr;;~, Non the ex!~tss, €f arty, but ur Bcwroser. If [he Property u aWeduned by Hwrower, or i(
<br />Botrotaer lads to respona tea F.,dnder wernm ~t dai's trcua t.Rr date tioUee +s :SWInf by Lelida tv Borrower that the niSa[IttlfX carrier often to
<br />xi!!it a claun t x uysruae s oraeYua. I_cnder is aussud t:x c-.a-t u+d aRpiy rlyd xtuatratt~ pnxeecb at Leader's opaan aiiher to testaraeiou or
<br />septnr tai tine Prctsterty or to cnc sofas sdctrrtd y then ihxd of frusi.
<br />Jnisas ittttler atwi 33extr>wet otttrrwtse aaree in wrtrittg., any a~3e'n apphutrtm of pttrt.'Ml8 to prEncipai shah not extend or poalptsoe the due
<br />eats of the tttaoUtPy instiliaxitta rderred to ,n fvtagiaphs i and : hrani or cttutge the antuum of such irutaNmenta. If tinder paragraph IB
<br />larntt the Property ;+ ta~itrrtd by Leader, ari rtynt, ntie ttixd [nrerat of Borrower set seed [o say uEwratux txdiciea and in sad to the proceeds
<br />tttsaof aepetfiry flora damage to tlx F>ttrpert9 Frasr to the laic or ac~jwaitma shat pas to Letder to the cretmt of the sutra secured by this Deed
<br />of Trap imma[Nsedy prior to such sale ar assgmstu.rn.
<br />fs lhaaweafYaa ate/ fegttiNawes et H'aAetY: tasahaitlq CaaMmiafa~ay Piaaaad Ltttp OasaMrsals. Borrinrs shW trap the
<br />PtapattY ie gno6 tepee :sad ahaN trot erratma wash or Rermii itnpauaaeat or deterioration al the Properly and shall tximply with the ptnviaioes
<br />of aqv ittua if tkds I?eed cvf Trust u un a kaaehs~rld. if this Dw1 of Trttq u un a unn m a caadomwttm nr a piarlaa unit tfewlopmeet, Btxrawts
<br />sNtt padarm aN of BEtnnwer's ~s area the deciaraeiaa or covenants ueatity or goverttity the t:notiareiaum a platted oat
<br />deaata4matw, the bylaws sad rsguiatiwts of the [°oadosnineum or pitaned unit derc4tptasru, and consutitwt dontmaen. If a wadamiofum or
<br />piattead trait dettefapmem rider is sxsettted ny ltdaower tiraf rat5wdd togaher with this Deal of Trent. the covenaou sad agreemmu of steer
<br />ridge ahati lie itrcoeporttted taro anti stu.N antwd sad supptstttau the cwveitatus std agrceateats of this Deed of 'Trust as if the rider were a part
<br />ltttittof.
<br />?. Raaaetiaa d iaedar'a t4senYY. if Borrower fails to perinrm the rovenanu std agreetostts amtaittd at this Deed of Trust, ar if any
<br />ta'tton tx protaoetiing rs rot1 wnun mtttertalfg affects Lender's tatetast to the ProRrtY. tnettitsiry, twi ant Itmiud [o. emiaeet tlomaiu,
<br />:nitxi~+dsia7, .ixSc tnisxtxatean or arrattgetrtents of proaeetiuys mvotsvag a nankrupt or deceakat, chat l,tatter at Leader's taptiog, open notice
<br />w Baarc>ws, ntax teilte such appssratxa, disbnne stxp stuns and fats swh reclines rs w necessary to prtaud Leatls's imttrcN, itufitdfag. but
<br />ttq ll!•itOtl in, ~a of reauanaMe attorney's teen std dairy expos flu PropatY to make repairs. If L.titds regttirad atorfpge iafuriact
<br />4 aaaodktaa of tstaking the loan tectad by Etas lksd 1Tf Trait. BtffTnwR sMN pY the premttuas requttd to mattitae aNCh IIIfiItaACe m efftxt
<br />ttaOt-atsch was u the rd~t foe stxtdi mxaraiax tertmnates m aaaxutfanee wttQ 8otrowa`s sad Leeds`s wrfttaa ttgtetmmt tx applicable
<br />Paw, 8rttttwv shalt pay the antatat of aN mtxtgais trtsurattes praaluau in the triaaas prositted under parytaph 2 hseot.
<br />~ atao!xigu 6isktrasal by Ltnder ptsrsawat to this paragraph 7, with uttet7art thereon, shall betxtete atldtutttaf iadeksadasitot of Borrows
<br />swsast~#aaa.f~tasatrni Trtrt. t)rytay faarrnr+tr anti Landes agree to tr[Uee terms of RaYetem, such tawuuu shall be pYtti§k tepee eels from
<br />f MsiR tt:8orrsstmt raqusstittg paY~ thseo[, sad ilatN lKast tuta'af from the eau of dislxinsmeat at the rate payable from time to Quae ten
<br />~l~ uads rite fyou tinker pakyaannt n6 iettYast at stub resit wptitd be contrary to applicable law, ht which swat such atrwunu
<br />s1eg11alF YmataM N die eau pamtakiMe tuidrr appNcable law. Ainthlttg cxxitaiaed to this paragraph 7 shall require I.atder to iacw rely
<br />+mrgrtms os ~xrit~fattiaa haaswadar~
<br />" ~ MI~iMWMii, -1~11kdRr tarty malt3 cx cause tcs br t~thr rsrtt~trbk astraes Wean std ltaipealiaas of tke PraPadtX. trt*~lddd that lends s1uN
<br />gl'wAssrefataUtxtp!rloe fit sax tatsh iautpmYintt ipwdfyitq rsaoawbtet~ane thaefaa silpd w i,eadat's itttsest is the Property.
<br />~ ~. `l'ira prt>eaedt M aeY awar# ix ciaiia rru dam, dieter trf eoasagttatttil, in c'nnrta-citia weth aaY contkrnnattna ur
<br />n~Ma' sidiAagsdthePitaperik. see port. t?8arsuf, or for dattyeYatlre is Btu of ctaarttan, and nerdtY assyinni and shah tw t+atrf t+a testddt.
<br />Id•~taavtiFtt st a torsi st[tfetrif tba~P'tupufy, the pracaeds sheet Ix itpirties3 isi the sums secured try that i?eed n!' fYUSt, with the e.3csss, it sax,
<br />gt~[Mtt? ~, hi tRdcvsrtt d~f k twr;rU lest#t'M td alt[r P€npe[tt'Y, uttFtrsa 3lrtrs am! l_saddr nttrdrwtsd aarrs i6 writiirg, these sl[aN f+r applied
<br />txi ilba aaras,:;litxuad #Y tells f~iabd #f Trost esK~ RertigiEr tsf ifir prey xs is tgstaf hr tiara prc~pirritoa wroth Fhd rmotiat of the sterns snvrsd
<br />