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<br />84 -002127 <br />appliable tawroquires ttlch tatertst to be patd, Linder shalt not be required to pey Borrower arty imtrat ar earnings on rite Funds. Lenrkr shall <br />give to Bororer;~wittstxtt charge, an annual aa:ounting of the Funds showing credits and debi[s to the Funds and the Durtwse for which each <br />;kt>it tb thht Funds was made. The ('ands arc pledged se xdditianal zecunty for the sums secured by this Decd of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held 6y !..ender, [ogether wi[h the future monthly installments of Futtds payable prior to the due dates of taxes, <br />assessreenu, tnsurance. premttsms and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said toes, assessments, iosurartce prcmittms and <br />ground rrnts as they fa.l due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or ttedited to Borcower on tttonthly <br />irtstalltttenu of Funds. ff the amount of the Funds held by Lender stall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, iosurana premiums and <br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amoum nearsary• to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice <br />is mailed by Lender to Harrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Uptm payment m tali of all sums secured by ttus Deed at Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If <br />under paragraph iii herea! the Property rs sold ar the Propem~ is otherwise acgwred by Lender, (.coda shall apply. no later than itrtmeddately <br />prior to the sale of the Property or ns acgmsiuon ov i.tnder, any Funds held by Lender at the time of apphcation as a credit against the sums <br />secured by this Decd of Trust. <br />3. Ag~ntwtfoa of Pay®ea4. L' mess applicable law provides otherwise, all paymrnu «caved by Lender under the Note and paragraphs 1 <br />and 2 hereof shall tx appirccl by i rndei ; i. st '.n payment a( amaums payaRlc to L.tnder by Hetrtows under paragraph 2 hereof, then to intact <br />payable on [he Nete, then to the pancipai of the Nrnc, and then to interest and prinnpal on any Fu[urc Advatnroa. <br />•. CMargea: I.leas. Borrower shall pay all tars. assessmrntx and otRer charges, fine and impositions attributable to the Property which <br />foxy attain a pnonty over [Res [Xai of Trust. and Icaahold paymems or ground renu, sf any, in the manna provided tender paragraph 26ereof <br />or, rf not paid in such manner, nv Barawtr rocking payment. when due. dereetly to the pays thereof. Borctywa shag prtmtpUy futttis6 [o <br />tinder atl not>t°ts of amaunu due undo this paragraph, and in the event Borrows shall make payrnem ddrectlY. Borrtwer shag promptly <br />f urmsh to Lender' rtceetus rvsdemtng srtch payments. Horrowrr shall promptly discharge any lirn which has priority ova this Dead of Trust; <br />proYideti, !hat Forrower SRali not fx rtqutrcxi to discharge xny such hen sa tong as Borcower sha8 egra in writing to [he payment t>f the <br />obligation sttured by su.h lien :n a manner as:crptabte to tender. or shat! in good faith contest stub lien by, ar defend enfonroment of stttm lien <br />rn. legal pras:reduigs sv htcR operate to prevent the cnforsrmrnt of the lien or iwfeiture of the Property or any part [hereof. <br />i. Ntrttered Iwraace. Barawer shall keep flit rmprovcments now cxisung ar hereafis secttd on [he Property ittsored agama lass by fire. <br />Razatds :ncFuded wnhen the terns "cxtrndesi ;average". and such orbs harards as Lender may require std in such amounts and for ttleh perdorle <br />as lender ,ray require; provsded, [Rat !ender shalt not rrawrc that flit amount of such coverage excad that amount of coverage requited to pay <br />the sumo seared by thtx iked of f rust. <br />the msurantt :arrter prtni4tng the msurancc shill be chosen by Harrower subfny to approval by Lender; provided, that sttc6 approval <br />.hall rso[ t+e unreasonably wnhhcid .4i1 premiums <*n insurance paheus shall tx paid in the manna provided wrier paragraph 2 hereof a, if tint <br />peed in su.;h rnatxaa, try Ho~ower tnaksng pavnimt, whrn due, dtrtttly to the msuranet carnet. <br />AI! tnsurarssr txrhaes and rcncsvais intteot steal! t.r in farm xcceptablc to Lender and stall itulutk a sttirtdatd mongye tiatwe do fast of <br />erul ~r. Icum accrp; able :e, ! yodel i rndct ,hail bast fix right ts< bald the pahots and renewals thereof, and BOftawer shall ptawtptly futttish to <br />€.cnds ail renewal naacca and ail rttrtpts .x pad ptsntums. f n the event of loss, Borrows shall give prompt ttotdct to the dnsuraeoe cania and <br />Laedtr- Lander may make prom or las• at nut made promptly by Harrower. <br />:Jrtltas Itneicr and Bartows othswisr egret rn wntmg, ~asurance prosxtxls shall bt applied to rtatoratioa a repair Of the P-op~lY <br />damaged. prwedtxJ such restoration or repair is ttronamtrttlY feasibtt and the secvnty of t4is Deed of Ttttst w oat tharbY ittspatird. U Boob <br />reatorutnn ar repay w not crorutmcal/y ieuibk or rf the seeunty of thu eked of Trust would be impaired, the imwranoe ptgowdt ahaY he <br />applied to the sums seavred by flits fked of Tivst, weth tM excess, tf any, pad to Bartvwer. If the Property is abandoned by 9atr'owa, orif <br />Btxrowa (ails to reatxsrtd to t..treder wiLtun 30 data from the dot notttt is mtttled by Leader to Borrower riot the drrstrtanee Carrier offala io <br />setHe a s:ium fm, ensurance tmcists, i.tndtr es authrnrted to collet anti apply eht i[15utaace pntoeeds Y Lender's option titha'to taelatlri0~-YR <br />fepalr 9f the PrapenY a[ is the Siltn3 attLdtYi by dn3 lklvi at TrxaL. <br />Unleu Lender and Borrower otherweu agree in writing. any such apptaYtton of ptor;eeds to ptiecdpl shag rani attend Of poalpale Ihadaa <br />dale of the tnunmiy snstallmcnh reierced to m paryraphs i and 2 hereof or change the aawum of such itutaBaaMa. If under paggp4-lt <br />hereof [he Property is argtnred by [.ends. all right, tx€k aed tensest of Harrawa in cad to any insurance pldiciw and in cad t0 tM•peaaeMY <br />thereof eesttiung iron dutuee to the Properly Rna ro the sale or acquisition s1uH Pass to 1-corky to the ex~ of the taw snnnrd bT tW ~jtgad <br />of Tttsst immedutetY prior to stun sale or aegettsttion. <br />s. lnaavaNa cad hWaraaaae at haNtb: 6eassMids; CaniastiaYt~sl Plwd Udt 1lettialla~la: 9onorra shW Iwgr1M <br />Prrsperty m goad repair and shall [tot sacrum[ want or permit dmpairtttrnt or deterioration of the ProperiY and dWl aeiaapdf with tM pttttriigga <br />of any kale tf Ws Deed of Trust a tin a IeasehoW. if flits Lked of Trust is tin a unit m • eopdaainiunr a a pktaaad Wit devalopogal. BatOetat <br />xhaU perform a8 of Borrower'x ablegatttms untter the dK'lirallarl Oi COYe/Nnla CrptW iX {ovtAla{ the oand0~nitlnL a phwM unit <br />devdopraent, ttx bY-4ws and rgitlanora Lvf the candontimum or planned urdL deveiaprnent, apd txtettituenl docaeagla. if t oondwlgillln a <br />phnad amt dcvdaptnsst reds is exacu[ed by Borrows std recorded togeher with [hit Dead Of Trust, the aovtananU and agtw~e of stl <br />rwder shall be ittcarpuratat into and shall amend and supplement the sxvvertarus std agrsxvoants of tips Dead of 7'ruu r if the rids watt paR <br />hereof. <br />7. !'retttetlsa d Leader's SaawritY• tf Barrows fails fa perform the mvenarits and agramma contailsed in ibis Dead o(7rneh Or if aye <br />acuu. c. +.rrardtng ss wmtrittncd wieta:kt mattrsaidy aifecu Ltndets mtsest m the Property. itscitrdittg, lwt eta IimNad to. eattnieea domaig, <br />ttisoivttecy, ,code wforcertemt, err err attasnsns sn Ixoixxdtttgs mvoivtng a bankrupt or ttecedeot, thin Lends at Lertda's oplioa, upon aOli06 <br />sa Borrts+er, may mats sorb appearances, disburse such sutxw and eke xeuh action rs u necessary to protect lerlda's (acct, indadia{. halt <br />oat linutnt to, disbursemrnt of reasonable attorney's fees and entry upon the Property to [Date regain. It L.entia required mortpge inatttaloe <br />as a nsrdtttan of madurq the awn sa:ured by [lira Deed of Trost. Borrows shall pay the premiums required to rrtainlaiw sirc6 inauraaee in r=ffaq <br />until taw'h utne as the raqutttmerit for such rnsunrnt tsmiaates an aacarttatuc with Borrower's and Lender's rrtlitln agraamart a apptleahk <br />law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt nsc:r€aage insurance premiums in the trtinrltr provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />~sy :mwnu disiwr,td br L.trtder p,uxmatu to tots paryrapt+ '. with Lmtxest tberwrt, shall baorrre ttdditiorral ittdebtednna of Bttrrowet <br />Yetmted by this Lhwd of Trust. Urikss Borrows and (..ends yea to other terms of payment, such atnouats JtaU be PaYttMe tspae tatdee ban <br />Lender to Bmrowa stqu,wang payrttent thsreo€. and shall bear interest from the dais at disburstmtrnt at the rue payable tram titot to time o0 <br />autaynttdeg pr{rsrtprl uts$ar tM Nose unLass psYmrni of tntsast u such rate would be catrtrary to applicable law, in whkh ewers( such agtounts <br />L shay bey imtusst at the hyhest net permisaibk under appddcabk law. Nothing caataitsid do stns paragraph 1 shall require l.erder to iuct€r any <br />eapema err take: any actum hereundat. <br />4 taagaAw. tsssder trny txiake ix saint is be asade reasotubk entrees upwt and ittspta~9.wmt of ttte PrapavrY. prsYVided that L,erufer shall <br />4*s liixrower ntttdpc prior €a any surA rnspevttoa spetciSydy rtasiyrusbk ntua; therafw sedated to l..crtder's mtereat in the PraperiY. <br />1, teawisaraallaw. Tht prsttteds rot any award w cleirn !cv damages, dirucL err catwegitenuat, m connaaon with any caodemnrtdari ur <br />either tttar.ait at tits F'rwtpar'ty, c« part tfitrtal, [ir trn <anYtyanee in tint of s:ntalsnrwttoa, art tiereby assigtssd and shall he fwd fa (..ender. <br />tri thv evens cat a ttxat tatual at tns Prapsty, the prateeds sM0 tee appi~d sn rht soma stwrcd by ihb Decd at ['rust, wile tfw exitax. if say. <br />,ward to isarr;swtx In she cs~tru of a patrol{ taktna of the Prapsty. ntiksa BmL<wtr teed 1:endtr sitar.-~rast agras is wriasssa. thse shaL1 bt rppided <br />rs itM cxcstat vcs:'urva teY ttrxs tlitrd sat bast s<wh taoptsrtiort of ifet pLCxetsig as x!+ equal ta> that lxufaorzicxt wfunh the amswtst of the sun>.v cea'Lttxsi <br />