<br />t1NrFaaM (:OVFNANTg. Harrower slid tenter [OVenaOl and agree as follows: ~~• ---002116
<br />I. (~gtateN d hiadpl na1 Irtleresl. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest vas the
<br />irdcMrdrtass evidenced by the Nutt, prepayment and late charges as provrdeJ m the Note. and the prinapal of and intcrtat
<br />an an}~ Future Advances secured by Ihra DccJ of "f inst.
<br />Z Faai fw Taws ttr/ lawrauce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to lender nn the day mmtthly invtallmentx of principal and interest are payable under the Nmc. until the Nme is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal ro one-twelfth ad the yearly taxes and assessments whtch may attain priority aver this
<br />Ixed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, pins one-twelfth of yearly premurm installments (or hazed insurance.
<br />plm one-twelfth of ytady premium mstatiments for mor--gage insurance, if any, all as reasonably eshmatcd initially and from
<br />erne to time by Lender on the basis of asxccsmenfs and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Fends shelf be held in an msiftwion the <kposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a FeJeral or
<br />state agency {including lender d i.endtr is such an instnwion}. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmenh.
<br />insurance premiums and gmund rents. Lender may trot charge for sa balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said aecoum
<br />or venfying and compiling card assessments and hills. unless LenJer pays Borrower interest tin the F'nnds east applicable law
<br />permits 1 seder to make such a charge. tiarcower and Lender may agree in wasting at the rime of execution of this
<br />Decal of Trust that mtertst on the FUpJi ,hall be peed to Borrower, grid unless arch agreement is made or appbcable law
<br />requires such inttrest to be paid. I ender shall not tx regmred to pay Bormwer any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give w (iarrower, wrthvut charge, an annual accounting of tiro Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpwe Cur which each debn to tfic Funds w-ss made. Tht Feasts arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />hY this (]eat of Tnutt
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. trrgtther wash the fuwrc monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the Jut dates of texts, asstssmcros, assurance premiums east gmund rents, shat! exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asseumen[x, rtesuranct premmms and ground rents as they tall due, such excess shall ht, at Dvrrower's aptinn, tither
<br />promptly regard to Borrower err crediud in Horrvwcr an monthly installments of Funds. If the amoum of the Funds
<br />heft b}- Ltndtr shall not he sutfurerst to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and gmund rents ax they fall due.
<br />Harrower ~4a11 pay m Lcnrier env amount necessary io make trp the dtfidencv a•ithm 30 days fmm the date notice is matted
<br />by lc~der to Borrower retluestteg payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in foil nl all sums stcureJ by thrs (teat of Trust, I ender shall pronptly refund tv BOrrawtl anY Fumk
<br />held by lender. If under paragraPrh Ig hereof the Propcny rc sold or the Pmpeny is otherwise acquired by Lender. Lentkr
<br />shall apply. no later than imtnedutety poor :o the vale of the Property or its acquisrtwn by LrnJer. any Funds held by
<br />1 sotto ai the time of a icatian as a credit against the sums secured by thrs t}etd of l7uu.
<br />3. AMIiraYna o1 hY~ews. Linless appiKablt taw provides nthcrwru. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note anal paragraphs i east Z hereof shall tit appleed by I ender h: st m payment n( amounts payable to Lender by BMrowar
<br />under paragraph 2 Px:reof, then to interest payable nn the Note, then to the prmctpal of the Ivmt. acrd then ro interest and
<br />pnrtapal on any Fut+rrc Adrattces-
<br />,. ('haepa; 13ea Borrower shaft pay all taxes. assevments anti tether charges. trots and rmpasnfons atlrfbulabk to
<br />flu Property which may attain a gooney over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments yr ground rents, if ant, la the
<br />mentor provided under paragraph 2 lurrnf a, if not paid to such mameer, by Bormwer making payrnenf when dire. directly
<br />to the payee thereof Harrower shall promptly furnsh to Lender alt noucn of amounts dice under This paragraph, and in the
<br />total Barrtiwer chest masse payment Jtrcetlr. Horrower shall pmmptfy i;irntsh to lender reccrpU enJencmg seieh paynttttts.
<br />Bormwer shall prompu} detchargc ary lien which has pnanty ++vcr this 1>rcJ al Lrust; pnrvrJeJ. that Harrower shall oat he
<br />reyurreJ to di~trarge any sua;h licit a~ Iang as 8ormwtr shall agree in wriunk to the payment of the obl,gatian sceurcd by
<br />~txh Iran of a rnanntr acceptable to Lender, ur chest rn garnet Panh conroct such hen hy, or ,ItfenJ enforcement of such lien m.
<br />la:gai pproaxedcngs whuh operate :o prTVCnt the cnhucsment at the hen or forfcnure of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. IH~aari Inarraace. Bormwer shah keep the tmprovrrotnts now r.xruing yr lecrcuhcr erected vas the Property insured
<br />against toe by fret. hazards tnciuded within the term "esrcndeJ coverage'-, and such other hazards as J.ender may rtgt+ite
<br />and rn such amounu and flu such perioJs as I enakt may rcyurre; prorrdeJ- that I..enekr chest rota require that the amuum of
<br />strch coverage excratd that armeum at cartrage rtyinred to pay the sums secured by tL•rs [ked of Trust.
<br />llrt imurarrct carter pmrtding the ensurarecc shall Ise chasm by liarrnwtr srihiect to approval by Lender, pmrided.
<br />that stssli • oval shaft trot tx unreaxrnahly wtlhheid. All premiums avn insurance pt*iicitx shall Pre paid In the meteor
<br />provided artier paragraph 2 hereof or, d ram peed in retch manner, by Borrtrxver making paymrnt, when dot, dfroctly to the
<br />ittauraece rattier.
<br />Ali tnwraoce patsies and renewah thereat shall ht ,n form acceptable tv Lender and shall include a standard mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in farm acceptable to tenter. 1_endcr ,hall have the nghl Iv haslet the policies and renewals Iherca(
<br />and Borroww shill pmmptfy furnish :a LenJer ail reruwal realises grid all receipts of gait premnuns. In the evert Of Iosf.
<br />Bormwer shall girt prompt notice to eta tnwram.e wrncr east I.cnder. LenJer may matt proof al lass if oat rttarle pnanpity
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lcirrkr need Bormwer ntherwm agree m wnueeg, mwrance prrx:ceds shelf he applied la resMtralion ar r't~a[air of
<br />the Property damageal, provtdtd such restoralu)n ar repair t5 et'Or/lN1nl':illy feaal(rk and lhC xeclNlfy of IhIS DiC{f Of I r11N is
<br />croi thereby impatmi If such restornron ar rcpau iz not tec+nomfcally feasible or d the security of this Deed of Tnet wauM
<br />be rmpatted, the ittwratKe praseeds chaff b! aPPlkd to the sums soured by this Ihcd of Trust. wash the txceax, if nay, paid
<br />to Harrower. If the hroptrty is abantbneJ by Borrower, or it NOrrawcr (ails to respond to Lender within 3H days tram the
<br />Jett temicx is nwikJ by Lender to Bmrower that the rnwranee curter odors to seek a claim for insurance beruftls. Ltndtr
<br />~i 3ulllarratd t0 ('sestet and apply the iwurance prtxttds at Condos s option etthet to restoration or repair of [ire htlpegy
<br />ur to the sums secured by this fked at Trust.
<br />Unlaa 1-coder and Borroww othervrtse agree m wrtung, any such appltcauon of procetdt to priaciptal shNl not ta1Md
<br />or pastpune the .Put Jatt of the rnunthtY inta.aPltntnts referred W rn prtagraphs 1 aced ?hereof or change flit amoaal of
<br />a,rs~ . •nstafimrnts. if under paragraph 1 x Purarl the Proper} a acquired ay I coder, a{i right, title and inlets! of Harrower
<br />m nett to any iwurarecx pohntx and m and to the pr<xec~s therrvl resulting tmm damage to the Prapcrty prior to the sat
<br />ar acquisition shall pass to L.endtr to the extern al tlae sums secured by this dtecl o('Lrust immedNttly prior to such sat w
<br />acgtspttfoe.
<br />6. htwraYaa a~ MaiateaaasY of Pttsperfr: I.eaaeYeli; CaaMmiakaaatt 1'Mane/ Unit DeralaMeals. Borrower
<br />.haiP keep the hrrttteny m gaxx! reparr and vhall not ernnnut waste or permit ioep:urmcnt or deterioration of the Property
<br />.nett shall comply wish the provtstans of any lease tf shit DecJ a+f Trust is on a leasehold t( this Iked a( Trust is on a unit :n a
<br />ca:eriwwnwm or a pfanndi curt tieve{opnunt, Borruwra shall ptdorrn all of Borrowtrk obligatrons under the tleclaralion
<br />ar aYevcnattts creating or governing the cotulumtntum or ptanrxd amt dtvelapna:m, the by-laws east regulations of the
<br />c:audornfnium ar platuuJ amt akvebpmen4 and constituent dacumtnta If a carniiominfum nr planned unit devtfopmenl
<br />eerier is eacettted by Bormwer east recorJcil together with lhn Deal of Trust, the covenants east agreements of such rider
<br />shill rte incorporated rota need shall amend need supplemtm the covenants nett agrttrnents of this IA~eJ of Trust ass if the rider
<br />were a part hettaof.
<br />7, httMetliaa of Leder's SKrrity. If Bormwer tads to perform the covrnams east agreements contained in this
<br />[tetJ of Tent, or if any action ar prsxxeJmg rs cmm~urtud whnh rnatet~alh atieets letxkr'v inttrest m the Property,
<br />ncfudmg, txa trot itmtted ta, cmtnem domain, ursalretecy- code enlorcterunt, or arrangtmrnts w prarceaKitngs involving a
<br />!~txkrapt ^r decadent, tPrt,t 'under ..::.eaixr's upiiurq negate notice w Harrower. may make etch appe:rr-rnces, dufnttse such
<br />stow acid take stitch Action as rs nwtssary to preset Ixrirkr's mtertst, including, hW eat hmiteJ ta, dishurstment r?!
<br />rcasanabk atautuy's fees and entry upon the hropert} to make reparr. If 1_eru}a.r reyuaed nwttgage msunnce ass a
<br />cnasdetion o[ making the loan sca;urtd by the Lked of trust, Nara=wrr :hall pay the prntmums rcyurrrJ en nmmtatn stwh
<br />tmrrance in effect uarel such nnu as the reyuirtmrnt f.u such mvuratxr terminatt> in aa:cmciance with Borcowrr's east
<br />Leader's written ageeettrtnf or appltcabk law &xrowcr shall pa} the amount of at! mortgage msurancc prenuunrs rn the
<br />nranirer prtYrrr6td ttnxkr paragraph : Portal.
<br />Any ana?ItMS dtshwsed try {,littler pursuant in the paragraph 7, wuh ~nttrext thereon, chest i)tcome addtlrunal
<br />tdrtsaut ai Bormwer ~r:trred by this [ktaP of Trraf t7nfess Harrower next I ender agree w ether rtrnrs of paynxnt. such
<br />a+aattnta sluff! he payable upon route front I_erniet to ltcxrowrr rcyuesung payuteut thereof.::east shalt hear mterst tram the
<br />data of tBaburstuppn[ at flu race payable Irma filar Iu tutu an Deese anJutg pr rnctpal under rite Nara +rnltss !)aymem of interest
<br />at such rat wwrfd fu contrary to applicable law, in -which corm sr,::h amounts shall btu sourest at the hrghesl raft
<br />pitxraknfbk leader appficablt taw. Nathrng ccmtartud m this paragraph ' attali rtyuxro Lender to itteur anY expeme cu take
<br />anY tisYlral htra+ndar.
<br />ft. itltgiclitsa. Lernler may terakt or cause to ire made rcasamsMc trv sus +rpaur .read tmpectrvm of the Nrop:rty, pn,viskd
<br />shat i.toikr chest was fiarrowtr nattce prurr to ,soy such inapxuan sptcdytng raawrralk ~.,u>r tir¢rcfor related k~ 1 confer >
<br />inetraat is the Prxwaty
<br />