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<br />~4 --~, 002081 <br />applicable law requires such merest to tx paid. Lrnder shall not tfe rcywred [o pay Bortower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall <br />give [n Bortower, without charge. an annual accounting o(tht Funds showing credi[s and debi[s to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />debit m the Funds was made, The Funds art plextged as additional security tvr the sums secured by this [)<ed of Trust. <br />If [he amount of the Funds held by Lrndcr, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes, <br />assesstiren[s, :nsurarce premiums and grotmd rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, assenttients, insurance ptt9nitmts std <br />ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower oa Monthly <br />installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums std <br />ground renu as they fail due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the defidericy within ]0 days from the date notice <br />is mailed by Leader tv Borrower requesnag pavment thereof. <br />Upon pavmeOt sn full of all sums secured by this Deed of 7"rust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower goy Ftmds held b7r Leader. If <br />under paragraph Ig hereof the Progeny is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lrnder, Lender shaft apply, rm Iota [hag immediately <br />poor to [he sale of tht Property nr rs acyutsmon by Lender. any Funds hold by Lender at the [ilex of application as a aedit against [he sums <br />secured by hiss bleed of Trust. <br />3. Apgiinaoa of Pryaaeats. Lmess apphnble law provides otherwise, all payMrnts recuvtd by Lender alder Cite Note std paragraphs 1 <br />and 2 hereof shall be apphtd by f ender first :n payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, [hen to iMettlt <br />payable on the Nat, then to [he principal of the Note, and then to interest and principal on goy Future Advaaca. <br />a. t'Wgea: IJeas. Borrower shall pay cell taxes, asses_:mrnts and o[her charges, fuics and imposition aClrihatabk to the Properly which <br />may a! tun a pnonry over this Decd of Trust, and leasehold W yrnrnts or ground rrnts, i i any, in the manner provided tlltder paragraph 2 hereof <br />or..! not paid in sucn manner, by Bonawer making payment, when dui, directly to the payer thereof. Borrower olio!! promptly fterais6 to <br />1-endu all noncrs Dt amounts due under [his paragraph, and ui the even Borrower shall make payment drectly, flnfrOttTr slldl peaatprly <br />t urmsh to l.ettder rrcnpss a<tdrnang such pay~tiems. Borrower shell promptly discharge any 6ea wftich has ptiafty over this Deed Of 7'tmt; <br />provided, that Borrower .hall riot 6e rtgmred to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the paym®t of tfY <br />obligation soured gv such her, !n a taanner acceptable to !.ender. <r shall in goal faith comest such lien by, or defend en(arceteteat of such Ilex <br />.s:, legal proetedmgs w!::ch ::€aratr .n prr~ert the enforceaxnt of the hen or !or!ature of the Property or arty Wet [-terwf. <br />5, tlaard Irarnaax. Herrowcr slice!! keep the impmvcments new rzsttmg or hereafter erected on ttx Property inurod agaiaa Iola by fire, <br />hazards urcludcd w linen [hc scan "extmdrd coverage-', and such ether hazards as Lender may require attd in such amounts aced (ot' atteb pterioda <br />as I.cndrr may requuc; provtdtd, that !.ender snail not rrginrc toot the amount oY such coverage exceed Ittat amount of covsagt required to pay <br />the sums secured by thss Ueni of Trust <br />Trte insusartsc iarrtrr pre>+ufina ?rte :nsuraticc mail tst cnosen M' F€orrown subteet to approval by Lends: provided, that attch approval <br />shalt not br unrmwnab!v wnhhrid ASI prcmrums em insurance policies shall tx pad in the manner provided under paragraph 26errof a, if oat <br />tsasd ui surn rtianner, he Hexrvwn era\utg Da[ment, wheg due. duccth :e the insurance caner. <br />Ail msur once poheses and r<nrwals Chet nil Kali tx ~n rnrm acceptable to Lender and shat) snclude a suldard mOr[gage clause in favor of <br />,utd :n teirm ilarptaisie tt~ i miler : sour: inaii have tRc ~:ght ~o hold the pvhcits and renewals thereof, and &1(rnxrcf shall promptly furnish l0 <br />l.rndtr all renewal notices and cell rtixxpts ul pouf premiums. !n the event tit loss, Borrower shall give prompt rtMtOt to tM imuraaoe tarriet and <br />i rndtt i rnder mac make pox=r ,~t loaa d not made promptts- by H~rrower- <br />L:rdtss l.rndcr and F€ornswo cstherwive agree to writing. ~nsurrntt proceeds shall be applied to rdtoratiaa or tepov Of the Praptly <br />damaged, provded suc8 restarauon or repair is n-unomtcaNy terstblt and the security of this Desd of Trmt u ttW tflareby is7pglrgd. If sYr~. <br />reseormon o: rrtxir .s rscn tt-nnainacaliv feaattrlt or if the stctrntp of this Deed of Trust would b! iMpaind, the itnonooe praonds allay-be <br />applud .o the sums sszured by thss flied o! trust, wnh the eztess. t! any, pad to Fbrrower. If the Property is ahaodaaed fly 8orroswr, nr if <br />Borrower tails to restxmxl w Lender wnhm .L~ days tram the Date notice is mukd by I..ttider to Borrower that the iafYpltet carrlQ Otlm its <br />settle a dam for ituuran« trmetits. Lctsder rs authorised w a-ofleci and rally the insurance proceeds a Leader's option dths to rMOfgdog Or <br />repur of the Property er iv the <ums strurai 6r' this Dead of Tru:t. <br />F lnitss Lrndtr and Bortewer ex turwtse agreem wnnttg, any such application of proceeds to principal shag ts[M extad tK portpase ilia dog <br />dxu of the monthly etutathttrnts rrierted to m puapaphs !and : hereof m change the amount of such itunallmwts. If ands patytaph It <br />hereof the Property is acgmred 6y Leader, xll nght, ntle atri tnitxest of Brrrrowtr in and to any fnauran[t policies aced to gad to the peoaads <br />thereof resulhug f rom damage ro the Property prior to the sale or acquisition shall panto Lender to the extent of the sums setvred Hlr tfds Daad <br />of Trust immcd€atdy poor to such salt or acyuisttion <br />a. Ptuw.aua. awe Maiarwaatr of hapr4; lartahalds; CodMlafrs; Flaaad UttN DnaNgmetttr. Borrows aMB ftaep tfta <br />Property in gaud retrau std s,'iall rot commit watt or perttut tmpairmeat or drtettorauon pf the Property aced shill teamply with the provitiatts <br />of any lease if than 1)ted o[ Trust is on a leasettcdd. f! this Deed of Trust is on a amt in a Cottdntalaiam tN a plattord unit devaloptitala Bar[awR <br />shell perfrxm ell tit Borrower's obligations under ttx dcelaralroa or covenants crtltieg to govetnittg the miadomlOlltm ee pWwad unit <br />development, the by-irws and rquiationa gf the condaminiiim a plaaited unit developrnewt, std txiauitttem d[satmmts. It a oogdodBittOl at <br />planaaf amt devdeptaent nder o executed by Borrower and recorded together with this peed of True, the coyeftam! itld atgrwswa W stteh <br />rider shall tit sneorporrted into and shau amend and supplaoent the srovenanu and agreemettu of this Deed of TrtW v if the rider wan • pt(rt <br />hereof <br />7. Pratlblaa at l,eMer'a lsearoy. I f flwrower fails w perform the crovtnrats and agreements contained in tlds Deed of Ttwt, Ot if goy <br />actmn ssr prucxxding '.s tammerxed wfuch muereallY riftcts Lender's Interest to the Property, indudittg, bin trot Ilttliltd LO, lmioewl tloaYie, <br />insolvency.:vJc rnfurcemcnt, ur anangemrnis yr pr x-tidings +nvolvtng a bankruM or decedent, then LeMter rt I.tntler's option, upon ttdioe <br />to Borrower, rzuy iwke such apPt+ruaccs, d!siturxe slab sums and take stub action u is necessary to protect Lender's interest, including, but <br />tint limrtcd ro. disburarmcnt of reuonabk attorney's fees red envy upon the Property to taake rvWin. If Leads requited tooryage imorattoe <br />as a condition of mtiuig Inc loan savrtd by etas [Joni of Trust, Borrower olio!! pay the premiums regtund to tnaiotain ouch iaauranoe in efftxt <br />.eaatei wa:n time ra €nt requuemem roe sucn irnuranee termwrcs an accurdaiu-e wuh Borrower's and Letda's written agreetmt or appliabk <br />taw. Borrower shall pay the amoum of cell mautsagt :nsuranY premiums in the matirxr Provided uiukr prragraph 1 hereof. <br />Any aarounts dishnrsed ny l.rridct pursuam !o thn paragraph I, with interest thereon, shalt become additional iadebtedneu of Bortower <br />saruted err tttia peed of Trust. t'nless Borrower red L.etwkr syree to other terms of trayttieet, such rtnounU stall be WYattk upon notice from <br />t.tader to Botrcr~rc[ requesting prkttxtsi tnerwt, and stir!! fiat imerest from the date of disiiutsement rt the ra[e payable from time t0 time On <br />ouistardiag prtnetpri alder the Noce unless prymtmt of interest at such rate would ht contray to appficable law, m which event such roiutinu <br />dWi bra in€erest rt the t9ig1€est eau pettaauibk undo applicabx kw. Nothing mmutad in this prryraph 7 shall requve !..ender to incur ray <br />tepdot or take any rtxiori hntuttde <br />g, forgrrYrw, l.erda may mete err cause to tic [nask rtaaonabie en[rves upon and tnst4'ctinn of the Property. prondcd that Lender sliced <br />pve Byurnrrea tstitite tKx+t to rnY sttcri irtspn+lieti specrfytrV rtaaombk cause therefor retried «a Linder `x inures to the Property <br />•. f:aadaatarteaa. the prsx^etda of any award w chum far drmages, dira'1 rn contrqumttat, in cxinriettion wi[h any condtmransm or <br />ryaret trlupt c f the Wtiaparty. ire trap tntrsvf, ear for crmvevat€ct in 4€tu of aanrlemnaiion. art neveMr resigned aid shell tat Arid to [.ender. <br />!n tlsr tvertA ur a trxr3 ukatta sat the fNnpctrY, tfm faraaetds sha31 he airylied to tot .corns secured M this tJen! o! trust, wth the ezcrsx, tf anr, <br />tiaad to Burrtzwta in stye ra~tnt rx! a fsrnuii taktna at the PrxKrerty, utaless fkxrrsrxcr and Lrtukr cxtrerwrzt asm m wrtnttg, thtrt shall be apnlxd <br />;n tlve axsms setuetid Msv tRtr i'Jrf 1 of Tnsat earn pr-citwrtr€ttt cx€ t~~ peen„treys- ere n a~uat in tNar pxa{xa€ami whtrt± the amawm e! the soma st:ufrn1 <br />