84 ~"' 0020 r8
<br />I!vmix st ('ovrnsvic Horn,wei .+nJ I roofer errs errant anJ agree as follows
<br />I. Payment n( Principal and Imrrest. Hurmucr ,hill prumptl\ pav when duo the piing teal „t anJ tmcra•.t ,~n ihr
<br />~ndehiednr,s rcuiennd by the tints prrpaymrm and Lrtc charges as pun ideJ m nc~ 'vatr..,nd ihr pnncipai of ,,nJ interest
<br />.ar ens Ruwa• \Js,aiu~, .e.ureJ he th,s UeeJ .,t I ru,t
<br />f. Foods for Taaes and Inserance. Suhjert to applicable law nr u+ a wnnen waiver ny Lender, Harrower shall pay
<br />ro I cnJer .a, the J.,y mnnthh' mstallmem, of pnnripal and nvcrc,t arc payable unJcr the Note. anal the Kotc n pail m full,
<br />a sum iherrm 'Fundti'i cyual m one~twclkh of the yeariv lases anJ ases,mcnts which may auain pnarin over thn
<br />Iked.+t Tnr,t. and };round rents as the Property, rf any. plus one-reelfth .d yearh~ premwm installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one twelfth of yearly premium mstalimenrc irx mortgrge insurance, .( unv. ail as reasona6ls' estimated mttialh~ and from
<br />t rote t„ time by LenJur nn the hasi: of a+sessmrnts and hJls and reasnnahie estimates thereof.
<br />Clio Funds ,hail M held m en rnsnhttian the Jepovte nr a<caunn of which arc ~nsureJ ar guarantecJ he a Federal or
<br />,rate agency itnduding 1 ender d Lender is ,uch an msiuuunnt I cndcr shall apply Ute Funds to pay said ta,es..tssesamrnts.
<br />,nsw once 1,;enu;mts .~mi ground conic Lender ma} not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. anahzmg sail account
<br />i~r scnh-me and u•mpding .aid asseumentc and hills, Doles, 1 ender pays &xmuer interest un the Funds .inJ appL•cahle law
<br />permits I cndrr i + make • irh .. charge Hortawer :rd Lender in::c agree .n -sitting at ihr [,nee of eseauinn of thin
<br />IkrJ of irrnt u,~a interest „n the Fnn,6 .hall hr paid to Barron er. and units, ,uch agrccntem is made or applicable law
<br />!rqutrrs .u, b m!, rest to he gaud i cndcr +hali n.» ht n•yu:red .o pay Rormwer .my mterrst nr c•arnmgs on the Fund.. 1-ender
<br />,hall ,.,i.~ t,. Qnrr,~„~~ rv,i h:~ui .hergr..,n .urnual .iccnunnng o! the Funds ,hawing crrdiK anA aichils M the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which rich dch» to the Funds was macro The Funds .t re pledged as additional security for the sums scented
<br />hs this Ducal ut Trust
<br />If ihr aneount ,a nc~ Funds hckl ass Lender rnGcther utth the tuurte monthlt +naallments of Funds payable poor to
<br />the .tut edare, tit lase, ., .,smrin.. nrsurancc premiums :end ground rents, ,hall cscecJ the amount regwred to pay said taxes.
<br />nsessmrnts inairan.c prrrmum, .,nil gnxmJ ism, .. ihcs ;all Jac ich e\tcs shall he a; Borrower's option, either
<br />~rampth rcpa,d n, korrn:ur „ ,rediicd L, Harrower nn mnmhic ,n,taliments rd Fonds If the amount of the Funds
<br />hell h, I ender chaff nm h• snBtacrt e, pat ra,c, asscssmenn insurance premuuns and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Horrnwer ~.h.dl pee o, I erdcr ,, s amount na c,sarv u+ make tip the deficiency as ithm ?(? Jas, from the date notice is mai{eci
<br />by Lender m Horrower requesfrng paymem ihercnf
<br />Upon pas mcnt m !ulI ct ail sums sc. need hs Uts Flied of Tne,t. I cndrr ,hail promptly refund to Barmwer any Funds
<br />held h\ F eodrr It cndrr paragraph iv hr rent ihr Prnprm ,. sold nr the Prapcrn a othcrµ•tse a[yitired by Lender. Lentftr
<br />shall apph nn later than mtmcdiatelp pear .,, the ,ale ,» the Pronrrty or rn acymsmm~ hp Lander. any Funds held by
<br />i cndrr at nc~• time .'t appheairon .., a crrd+t against nc~ ,um, ,ecurrd by ilia UccJ of -Crust.
<br />3. ApplicatMn of Paymetns. t nicsc •rppt,aaMe .. +vidrs tit hcru se all payments recetvrd by 1_enikr under the
<br />\nte .unl par.igrapt,s t and ' hcrrot snail hr applied 1-s 1 coder ft:,t !n navmeut a,t amaunis payahlr to Lender by Barmwer
<br />under paragraph ' d,rrtctf, then to mtcrect pasabic an the .v„te. then i:. the pas nripoi of the Note. and Ihtn to interest and
<br />pnntipal nn any Future 4dvances
<br />i. ('AarRes: Liens. Hornwer ,bah pas .,N taxes ., sesntcn;. and tither .hargcs. fines and imptnuions auributabk to
<br />the Progeny which may auam a pnanty over !has Used of Trust. and deasehnfd p~ymrnts or ground rents, if nay, in the
<br />manner pnn•rded under paragraph 2 hermi or if oat paid t„ suctr manner, by Barcawer making payment, whoa dot. directly
<br />to the payer theroaf Borrower shall promptly furnish to !eodrr all nonce, tit amrnmts due under this pangnph. and in the
<br />event Bormwec shah make paymem duce Uy Harrou,,•i sh.Ji pramptiy furnish to 1 ender receipts evidencing such payment;.
<br />Horrnwer shaii pnsmptt: drschargr ant h.•r= which Las pnoru•. „rr this IkuJ of inrce groveled. that Horrnwer shad) not ire
<br />rcquned to dwcharge any s,mh hen . ..jog .,, Hoe rower ,hall agree i ,r mine nr the paymem at the OMegalenn secured by
<br />,uch hen m a manner a. ceptatxir :,, t ~ndrr...r .hall :n good faith cnmru ,uch lien hy, or defenJ enforcement of such hen m.
<br />regal ppn>ti erdmg. whuh operate to prrvcni rt~.c cnh~tarment ..r the lien ..r h,rtruurr of the Prapertp or any pan thereof.
<br />S. Hmrd Insura~rr. Horrnw cr snah 4rep the ~mpru,rmcnts now csi,trng or hereafter erected on :fie Properrv insured
<br />agams. tau hs her. h.tracds ,ntdrxkJ wuhtn the ;arras c,tendr.F rnvcrngc :inJ such other hazards as Lender may regturc
<br />and an such amounts and tar st;rtt pcrrsx}s a, I cr~•Jcr ma~. rryu;re, prc+v,sleJ chat I.endrr shaii not rtquvr that the amaum of
<br />,uch cex-eragc esrerci that amount of coxrr.,gr rcy::.nA i.• pa, the won secured hs• this Deed of Trust
<br />ihr tnsuran.-e ,orrice prns~,Jing ihr msuran.r .haF! l,r ,,h„srn by fsarrnuer subitct to apprnva! by I.rnder: pmvideJ.
<br />that such approval shaii oat he unrtasanahdv wJhhrld ~\il premwms an msurance poFictrs shaii be pard in the meaner
<br />ptonded under paragraph _' ttertt>t ar, .! not paid ,i, +uch manner, h: Horrnwer making paymertl, when dot. directly to the
<br />rtuurancc urea.
<br />AA tnsuranrc pod+rrrs and a•neuals trrrea:t snail Gc in farm a~rcprabic u, 1 ender and snail include a standard monaa6e
<br />clause in favroc of and ur form acsentahfe in i rnJer i _..,u-* sha!t h J thz podicrr: ecru' renewals thereof.
<br />nil Borrower shall pr<*mptit' turnssh t++ !cndrr sit rencw~ai notice, anJ all Fr c.:erpts~a?t ,enrol prtmturns. In the tvenf of FOSS.
<br />Harrower shall give prompt nurige to ihr uuurantc aarrrrr inJ 1-cndrr 1 rmtrr may make pnxsf of loss tf nee made promptly
<br />by BorrowYfi.
<br />Linieas Lender and Borrower orhr:wist agree m .,rrting, rnsurancr pas+creds ,hail ire applied to rtstoratron or repair of
<br />the Properly damaged. provuied .uch restaratu,n „r renair i, cwnomiwiiy reasthic ana ihr sreunty of this Deed of Tntst is
<br />not thereby impaared If swh restoration nr repair :, oat erunomrcuNy is-asrhk tar .t the ucunty of this Dred of Trust Wanfd
<br />be smpatrcd. the msurance proceeds shall Rat apptteJ i.+ ihr sums seen: ed by this Lked a( Trust. wash ihr cscrss, if any, paid
<br />to Borrower. It the Property is ahandoneJ by &xruwer. or ti Horrnwer fails to respond to Lcatkr within 3Q days from the
<br />date notice is malted by Lander to Borrower chat tine rnsurancr sneerer nffcta to settle a claim tar msurance benefits. Lender
<br />es authonied to raFlert and apply the insuranrc pirartd. at t cnder~s apuon euher to rrseorauon ar repair of the Propert}'
<br />ar to the sums sceurtd by this Devi of Tnrst.
<br />Unless Letids and Borrows otherwise ogres rn witting, any such appticauan of prtueeeJS to pnncipai shall oat extend
<br />ar pwtpone the due date of the ntonthty m5tallments rrttrred to m paragraphs i and 2 hereof nr chorine the atrtamt of
<br />such tnatallments. If under paraRnph iii hercnt the Property is aequurd hs I ender, all right. uric and ineerest of Borrower
<br />m aril to any msurance pahaes and m aced to the pntecrds therrot eesulbng iron damage to the Properly prior to the sale
<br />or atayuisiuon shaii pass to fender to the urcnt of the sums secured by this Decd of Trust immediately error to such sak or
<br />aCgapilttsn.
<br />6. Preaarvttgett art/ Nttlesreaace of Properly; L.ersse-olds; fotrdtawlahtttss; Pla[[[ted lay IhrtbptweMS. Borrower
<br />,hail keep the Prcapeny m gwJ repau oral shall not commit wash ar Pe rum intpaitnsem oc skterwrannn of the Ptopeny
<br />atsd Shall comply wuh the provssraas a! any lease rf rhos Deed of Trust is on o kasrhold. If this Deed of Trust u an a unit m a
<br />etandommtum ar a planned unit dtve}opmem, Borrower shaii perform all of Borrowers obli`ations under the declarauon
<br />sx covenants crcaunj or governing the romFammwm or planned unn development, the by-laws and reFttlauons of the
<br />condominium or plantteai amt devefupment, and tonstutrcnt dacumrms. If a canduminium or planned unn ikvebpmem
<br />rider is eatcutcd by Borrower nisi retrorded together wash this Uetd e! Trust, the covenants and agreements of such rider
<br />shall he irttotporated onto and shaii amend and supplement the covenants enJ agreemrnts of this Deed of Trust as if the rids
<br />were a pen hereof.
<br />7. Ptnleetlee d l.etudtn'a Seeurfsy. If Hornawrr Calk to tterfnrm the covenants anJ agrremenis cnmaenrd in this
<br />Oee3 0! Trust. ssr ti nay action or ptoraredrng n romntenerd which mataraldy affects Lender's tntertst to the Properly.
<br />ncha6ag. btu riot Itmt~d to, emeneae domaan, msolveney, code enforeerttent• ar artangemenh or prtrsYYdings mvaivtng a
<br />baaYropt or tkctxieat, tltest Lcruier at Leader's apuon, upov notice to Barrows, may make such appearances, disburse such
<br />stsmf sad take stash acuan as tx necessary to protect Lendrr~s mtsrest, mclvdmg, lint not iunucd to. disbursement of
<br />rergt(quhk uttxney°s fits ari entry open the Property to make repairs Ft Lender reyuired mortgage msurantt as a
<br />co+ditistn o! makia~ fire lean secured I,y ilia DeaF of Trust, Horrnwer shall pay ihr premiums rewired to mamum such
<br />trowaace in e~ttct until such tune as the rrqutrttttent for such msurance terminates in ascardancr want Barr:+wer's and
<br />Lttadet'a wnttrn ar{rccasetst err app{tpbk law Horrnwer shaii pay the arnosmt of all neortgage tasurancr premiums in the
<br />moaner provided under pataRtaph 2 hereof.
<br />~yM ar5t64Ms disbyrsed tsy lsrtder pursuant to this paragraph 7, wuA rtuaest thcrrnn shalt hc.;ontr addu><,nai
<br />nKa ssf Bairrawer secured by this Dad of Trwt- Undexs BarrOwcr and Lends egret W other terms of paymem, such
<br />atprtunk shaft ht payahk upon nWtr:r from {_cndcr to Horrnwer requeshitg pay+ncnt thaeaf, and shalt hear nnertst Iran rht
<br />dpe o1 dilbursameaf a! the refs payable from time to ume nn auestandang princrpai under the lime rrniess payment of imrrcst
<br />>q tivCh raNr wsMs~tl be contrary to appltcabk law, rn whreh event stx;h amounts shah hear inirrcst at the highest rats
<br />pnrrrtbaflde trnrkt ttppfiiyfeio law. Nothing eaatarned m this paragraph 'shall requut L ender to +nrur any esprnse ar take
<br />any ttetwn hrptYtanndet.
<br />•, ItaspaaYlast, f artdar eta}' miNte w 4;ssr4a to !x made reasorsauk rnines i:pem ,inJ rnepetr,e»ts at the Praprrty, prt., uirat
<br />thsu LrArkr chaff givY Ikrrruwei taxtee prser ui any such rnspeetann spec:iymg rrasvna612 rouse ihrraioa ictated ra i ender s
<br />iattreat to the PrtrttHiv
<br />