84 "'b01949
<br />} ss.
<br />CA(JN1`Y OF HALL. )
<br />RONAID B. SANER and ~LODY Pi. SANER, husband and wife, being first duly sworn,
<br />jointly and severally, depose and say:
<br />That they are the identical parties who executed and delivered that certain deed
<br />to the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, dated the 13th day of esprit ,
<br />1984, conveying the foilowinK-described property, to-wit:
<br />The South Fitt_v [,55O) Feet of Lit Seven (7),
<br />Blcxk 'Fen (lU}, in Packer and Bart's Additirxi
<br />to the E;ity <~t Grand Island, Hall Gatmty,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />That the aforesaid i~d was an absolute arne!r~me of the title to said pretaises
<br />to the Grantee named therein in e~ffecr, as well as in form, and was not and is zipL
<br />nc*a intended as a mortgage, tnzst .oitveyance, or security of any kind, and that
<br />possessicm u2 .said premises 'teas be=en surrendered za the said Grantee; that the'
<br />consideraticm in the aforesaid Deed was and is the release of personal liability
<br />in the Sim or $ 19,359. I1 as ~~f April 13 19$4, receipt for which is here-
<br />by acl~tcn3le•d;ed, e~xiszinn under and by virtue z>f the terms of a certain Note
<br />executed 'pc them, dare the 8th day i-f Septemder 1980.
<br />Ii~a[ tt~e aforesaid i~>ed conveyance was trade by tttein as the result of their request
<br />that the ~:rantee accept su.:h [k~ed and was their 'tree and voluntary act; that at the
<br />tame ~~i makuig ~,azd iced a;e,a rrlt and still reel that the indebtedness above men-
<br />t,otied represenunt~ prrncipai, interest .and advances zmder the terms of the Note
<br />above reteretur~:l, repn~s~~nted ., iatz value ~:f the property so deeded; that said
<br />Deed was not ~zvc=n as r, treterencz° against any of other creditors; thaC at the
<br />titer zt was liven there was rr:• .ether person cr pers~ms, firms or corporations,
<br />~xher ;han ttt~~ Gritrater n.~i _tx~re•in, interested, e'.ther dizeecly or indirectly,
<br />in said premises; :twit they are szzlverrt and have no other crediCOrs who rights
<br />would be preteu9scc~i by such ~~,vtveyance, and that [hey are not obligated upon any
<br />hE.=:rd :.>r : zix~r ~oreg;sc:= whrrebv any i i<:-n has ~n ~revt~d or exists againsC the
<br />premises tkserzbed :;: ~.id L7ee~1; acid ttu:rC :n :~fftanr~ to execute [he afore~i,d
<br />:?ee:i tc> the' C:rantee thereicz, rand :n r~xecutznt, same, they were noC acting under any
<br />mt~hprehcnsst~z zs tc, the> ,:feet thereu4, rxtr iindYr any duress, euidue influence,
<br />or ;*usrepreseatat±c~f by the Grantee «r thr ogee[ ur attorney of the Grantee in
<br />mid i}~ed, and .tz3t it ws; ±ltr.r ~~=te;tt.ion as Granicrs in said Deed to convey
<br />and by said tk~ed did ~cKtvey t.~ tree C;rante~ therein =.11 their right, title and
<br />zntere•st atasz~lutr'ty :.. :snd ,c. tttr_ I~rNts+tses :r; said Died.
<br />~ihis Atizdav,t is wade '.<~r ti's:r pr~,teuz~xz and t~nei'u of the aforesaid Grantee in
<br />said i?ee<i, its su<te~s«rs and assizes, and all ^ther parties hereafter dealing
<br />with or whu nwy acquire an intrree;t ui the property described therein, and shall
<br />bind tt>+~ '>Nirs, ~~xecutc~rs, ach;tintstrators and assigns ?f the zituiersigned.
<br />R~y Sa;7e r
<br />`i ! ,
<br />~y~er
<br />STATE i?F Nf:B.itA.Stirl
<br />~~ tlAa.l.
<br />iks this 13th day cif Apr; ; It>gy, ?x,tor<< ^>k~, a trvtarv E'uhllc in atzct t,7r
<br />said Cc.ztnt~ and St,ite, ~rsona~~y ay~'eirf-~i Koratd t;. Saia~r and i~l;xly M. Saner,
<br />husband 'a'cid wife, tez r;ye kturar; to ~ the lx'rso;zs uata~S in and wtx> executed ttse
<br />faaregcitlg instrz~tant, a;:d €teki:~arl~~clged *.fiuat they ~~xc-cutrd thr~ satrk as their w.~lun-
<br />firsr;: art and ~xeed.
<br />!~?t:; ;ti' I~fi~i t
<br />tfi7 cc~rtt<xnsci:si ~~xpzres: At~gUSL 1i, lz?84
<br />