<br />84 -~ OO867
<br />Advances, if any, had no acceleration occurred; ib) Borrows cure alt breaches of any other covenants or a`reetnmts of Borrosret wahiaedvt
<br />[his Deed of Trust; (c) Hortows pays al! reasonable expenses incurred by Lends and Trustee ie enforcftts the tbvmaete attdap~eeta°of
<br />tlorrows rnntaintd in this Deed of Trost and in enforcfn6 Lender's and Trunee's remedies as pmvidt>d in parapaph 18 hereof,` ice, bat
<br />not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and (d) Borrower takes such action as Lender may reasonably «gtate to assure tltm the-Ben ot'ttiie-~
<br />Deed of Trust, l.ends's interne in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums centred by this Dead of Timt~shaA-metYnt~-
<br />urtimprired. Uport such paymert and cure by Borrows. this Died of Trust and the oblijalions setvred hercb9 allafl temaiaht'faU fe'tesand----
<br />eftect as if no accelsation had omtrred.
<br />21. Adpmeat of ~; ANalatseat of RetNrer: I.eadar is leweriaa. As additional saucily hereunder, Botrtitrer'helttlij hst~i~YIC to
<br />Lends the rents of the Property, Provided tent Borrower shall, prim to acceleration uttder parapaph 18-hereofor-aba11~i1I6d~tUt`Of~C-~~
<br />Property, have the right to cotter and retain such rents as they become dtte and payabh.
<br />Upon accelsation under paragraph ig hseof or abandonment of the Property, L.mder, in person, by tt{mt a by jtttBt.9a$~appbitte~-' -
<br />rectivs, shalt be mtiUed to cots upon, [aka possession of and manage the Property and to Wlkct the rents of the
<br />P+oDKty ittcladitf~-tlairazpltat`
<br />due. All rents coilated by bends or [he reaivs slusd 6e applkd first to payntmt of the costs at of-the~~Property~todreogOdiCtl!Of
<br />rents, includ'mg, but oat limited to, cactus's fees, premiums on receivsB bonds and reasonabk attorney's fees; and their t6 tbe`ftitllik"~-
<br />bythis Deed of Trust. Lends and the receiver shall be liable to accmtnt only for those rents aMttaRy reCeivad.
<br />2/. illare Adnaees. Upon request of Borrows, Lends, at Lender's option, prior to full reconveyartce of the Proptaty hy-Tr>@fare~ta~
<br />Borrows, may make Future Advances to Borrows. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, sMd-be seeurdi by fhuDattd ~bf'}yW!*ri~ltea-
<br />tvidmatxl by promissory Worts stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no tune shag the principal amount of the ioda6tadsinalOatnad-"Oje= -
<br />this Deed of Trust, not ittchtding sums advanced in accordattce hsewith to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, eaoeedtheMiRIW-itaf#YW.
<br />of the Note plus U.S. S._ ?s GLO, t7lJ ___, -
<br />22. Raeoargatste. Upon payment of all sums sawed by this Dted of Trust, Lends shall regtatat Trttstee to neattvey the'Property pd---~--
<br />shall surrends this Deed of Trust and ati notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this used of True to Trtutee. Trtutee-shay earnpreg=lh6~--
<br />Property without wuranty and without charge ro the person or persons legally emitted thereto. Such person or Perwas shW'tMy all nosh Of -
<br />remrdation, if any
<br />73. SaYaUtale Trtptee. Lender, at Lends's option, may from Nme to urne remove Truster and appoint a sttocosor lraNee to any-Trwtae
<br />appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded m the county in which this Dad of Trust is recorded. Withatt conveyatsa of t60 Propeety, the
<br />successor trusts shall succeed to aq the ntie, pows atW duties conferred upon the frusta hsetn and by appHpble law.
<br />7A. ~ for Nedees. Barcows requests that mprn of the nonce of default sled notice of sak be amt to Borrower's address whkh is
<br />the Property Addrnx.
<br />ISi WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower has rxauterl this Ihed of Trust.
<br />`- ~ Y:
<br />`. _
<br />}ia~~cid Z. __2s91y BO OWER
<br />r
<br />?r~tsy i ~~zq RROWER
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. ... ti~~_ _ _ _ .. _-...._-- _._,.._.__ CouetY ss:
<br />On this -_--_.. _. _- _ iii. _. uar of ._ _ . _ ~yi.~._. tv ~_ ,before me, the undersiatrad, a Notary Public duly
<br />commisstontd amt qualified for saki county, UxrsonaUy came __ .~-.~..,-. ';;a j j; i; i,p1 :7
<br />.y. _ . __._____ ___~ ~ ,tome known to 6e the
<br />~I_e..--.-- - ~- --__ __ _. - . - - - --. _ . _._..
<br />idenncai pcrsurt(s) wh<?st ranicvsi are +uhtrrtxd rc, ttrr .or rgurag rnsrrument and acknowledged the exaueion [hereof to be_ `ne i r _
<br />votumarv art and dced-
<br />Wimtssm hand and notar taiswiat 'i~14 - ~:~._ t a.~.t ..,hti
<br />> ~'~ ~__ . --.~ - ? _ . --.._... . __. _ . __...._..__.. in said county. the date aforesaid.
<br />c ~, ,
<br />My lornmrssron aspires. ~ ,~ G% ~ S ,^
<br />'~IW a~/1-Oetasltliiaer .`1
<br />M~II Q MIp1~011
<br />~AR P BL1C
<br />Os ~~l~
<br />Tile utuissigned is the holder of the nute x Wales x.ured by this tJeed of Truu. Said note er noes, togaher with all other indebtedness
<br />stt:ured by thu CYttd of Crust, have hewn paid rn lull. 7-ou are hereby directed to cancel said note or pates acrd this lied of i'rust, which are
<br />dehvercYi hseby, and to ra:.^.nsty, wrtirout >ti arraru y, ail the estate sow held by you under this Deed of Trust to the person or perwns legally
<br />tnEltfat itiseta
<br />Ltate. _ __ _ __ _ ,_.
<br />Wpace Bases firs L,nt Resen-rd C~or Lender acrd Re.:urdtil
<br />