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<br />8~xt 001$s"~ <br />applicable law requires such interest tv be paid, Lends shall not be required to pay Borrows any interest or earnings on the Funds. Linder shall <br />give to lWrtower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose foe which pelt <br />debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional saurity for the sums secured by this Deed oPTtvst. <br />If the amount of [he Funds held by Linder, togshs with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prig to the due date of tarp, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shat) exceed tAe amount required to pay said taxes, asseasmenu, shear-lltx prernif~raed <br />grotmd rents az they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrows's option, eiths promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to BtytTOMlr On taoaNdlt <br />installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by lends shall not be sufficient to paY taxp+ aseeaaatents,tnsuraatte prafsiafea=aad- <br />ground rents as tttev fall due, Borrower shall pay to I~ttds any amount necessary to make up the dePtciertcy within 30 Jaya from the dMS ttddtio <br />is mailed try L.trtder to Borrowr. requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tAis Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to llorrtnrer arty Fonds hald~by l,eauder. [f <br />under paragraph ; 8 hsmt the Propeny is sold or the Property is otherwise aalttired by lender, Lender shall apply, no tats than=fmtAadlaGtly <br />prior tv the sale of the Prnprny or ns acyuisuion by Lender, any Fonds held by l..ender at the tithe of appdicafian a6 a credit upiflaf ells-NU~a <br />secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. Ags'Nuwdoa of wyrneaa. Unttss applicable law provndes otherwise, all payments rottived by Lender uoder the Note itrd'patgrapAa I <br />and 2 hereof shall kse applied by Lruder First in pavmrnt eC amounts payable to Lender 6y Borrows under patgraph 2 hereof. tlreo tofntelpt <br />payable cm the Fiotr, then av : he ptvtceD81 of the Note, amt then to intsest and principal on any Future Advaaces. <br />a. CiatRes; l3eas. 8ortower stsail pay art taxes, assessments and other charges, Cma and impositions attribntabk to the FmPerty Mltieh <br />rhos attatn a privrrty sever this Deed at Trust, and icssehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manrur provided tlnda paryrap62hpaot <br />ur, sf not paid in wrh manner, by Burrower making Fayment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrows shall protmptllr fttroit6 to- <br />lrndcr at? notaccs r,t amounts due under thss Paragraph, and in the event Borrows stall make payment directly, BorrOwaT shall p[oltlplllr <br />turmsh tv Lender rrcerpts evrdenctng such payments. Borrowtt shat[ promptly discharge any lip which has priority over this Dpd-of Twat: <br />prvvrdcd, that Horawer chart not fsr rsx:mred to descharge any such tirn so lung as Borrows xhdl aQee in writtO{ [O Ib[ paympt of-the <br />,sbhgatinn serurrd by such hen sn a manner sn:tFtabk to [_ender, ur shall in good faith contest such lien 6y, or tleftltd mfutcentmt of slrC6_Beri <br />!n, iegat procrrrfmgs w~htch epcrate ! n preeent the rntorcemtmt of tlrr hen er forfcimre of the Propsty or any part IhereOf. <br />S. Hants lasrlraace. FEOrewer shat? k cep the smprovemrnts now cxssnng or hseafter erected on the Property 1119Ured afpinst loss by fire, <br />hazards srtctudrd wsrhm the term "cztcndtd overage". and such other hazards 8s Gender may require and is such amounts and fm stfeh periadt <br />sec txreoer may rayutrc: Pnwsdrd, that I rndcc shalt not rcqurrr that the amount of such coverage extxed that ataount of rnvsa~e rogWrad-lo Day <br />the sums secured by rhss Decd of Trust <br />i'hr srtsur ante ~arrrrt ; rovsd:na she msurancc serail t>c chvsrn by tiormwcr subtect to approval by Lender; provided. Ihit such approval <br />~hati not tee unreasvrtabls w i!hheid 1di c rcmmms ,sn snsuran~r ptxhc:cs shall hr patd to the manner provtded rinds paragraph 2 hereof or, if uol <br />patd sn sorb raamttr, by E1snn+wrr making pa vmcnt. whin due, dtrcc!ty to the msurancc carnet. <br />~u insuran~r nuu.s:s aura : crtcwat*, !helm! snarl txe sn turm avesptab[e to Lender and shall incttuie a standard mortgye clause in Favor of <br />and ~n tornr s:acptahre !.~ t rr!dcr l c^dti .nail hate the rsght :o holed the psxhcscs an6 rrnewais therrnf, and F)orrows shall prompUY turntah to <br />ixndtr a!i renew ai hat sees and a!f rc-ript« s+f Pard Premiums. in ihr t«cnt ui Isr.,z, th rrvwrs stroll give prompt notice to the inkuitatra caQln and <br />Lcndrs t.rndrr :nay mar;[ pr,r?! :~+ sou ~' sot mxuc prsxmprty by &xnowcr <br />ti ndess E.rt+etrr and Bosrnwrr .,t hrrwssr agree +r. wrtung, +nsuraucc ptviceais shall be applied to restotatlon Or repast of lhC FiopRty <br />stantrgal, txrtsvrded each rta!vratxxs .sr rrrwc ~s c ossormcalty fraastrie and the secants vt this Deed of 'Trust is not lhseby imputed. If such <br />colaratnan ear retrarr „non ncsra~mseatiy ieasrtsk or i! Itte sa:urny of this lknl of Trust wrwld be Impaired. the ittsurantx proceeds shall be <br />ap¢tsrd sc: the sums srs.ured by rnss treztii s:t ?rust, wstn the ex:rs«, :t any, Paid tv Borrows. If the Property is abandoned by BO(rOwet, or if <br />Ik>rr~awcr tarp :o : eap~nd sss i : Harr "sthsrr itt days f rum nc~ date asutasx +> mortal by Lends to Botrvws that the inwtarlee casts Offers to <br />salter a .tatm io+ msurancx benctns, t treater ss auttmrsxat to :.ui}cct and apply the +nxutatlCr Proceeds at L,endar's option either to ratoratioo or <br />sv~.wrr of the Profarrrv m su the tutus soused by .hss shed ut Trust. <br />t'ntesa I.nWCr and tksr rsswrr .xchrr wrx agree zn wen:ng, a»y Such apFtscauon of proceeds to pnrrctpat shall not exletld or postpone the due <br />doer ,:i :trc m.}ntnly ;nsuttmenta sttrrrext vu sn paragcaPhs ;and : bettor or :harsge the amount of such irlstailmrnts. If under paragraph 18 <br />hereui the f rtxprrsy ~. as:yuvrd M t ender, all nght, sate and sntseu of Borrower sn and tv any uuuratree policies and ih and to the prolxeds <br />±herrof resutung truss damssge to the F'ruFmv pr sot to the sale or xquutuon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums satued by thin Dead <br />oC 1 rust tmttrvedlately prior to su:h case or aequssusm- <br />a. Praaerratloa tad Mruateaawe of Pttgerty; l.weYWds; C'oadoraitua~s: Pdaaed Uais [Levdo~nY. Borrows shall keep the <br />Propetyy ~n good rrFasr seed .hart not ;.smrm wane us pcrmu unpltrmcnt ur dnrnoraaon of the Property 8nd shalt comply with the provisions <br />of ores lease .t [hss isred .~! I rust +r ,us a ieasrhvld i! rhos Chad of Trust ss on a ante !n a condommnium ur a piatltted tutu development, Borrows <br />sltau Fat form all s.3 tawrsswet's ohi!gauvns undo, :hr declaration or covenants creatitlg or govermttg the condominium or planned unit <br />devrloptruat, tnc by-taws atrod regutat:ons of the astsdvnunsum ur planned amt devdopmcni, and constlttspt docutnertts. It a condotniltium or <br />planned ant: drvciopmrnt react ss exes.utrd by Borrower and recvtdecl together wnh able Dect1 of Trust, the wvenan[s and agrtxments of such <br />reds sltau tx sru;urpurxted emu acrd at:8it amend area aupFiemcut the ax«errants and agrrrttunts of this IXed of Trust as tf the rider were a part <br />(sera, f <br />Pmlecdrm of Ittsder's ~aurih. it t3iurowtr ;arts ,o per hxm the .~~«a~on~s and agrxtrunts contained m [his Deal of Trust. or tf any <br />aitsests ,e p[uvmfsrtg .. .e.musen.cs3 whr:~h ntasersasiy allots i chart , :titerrst sn the Property. snclurLng, but nut limited [o, eminent domain, <br />:nssal«rtu>. ~vstc cnfur,ettscrt, ,rr arrangrmtnts :~r pr.zctzds:tga +nculc srtg a h8ttkrupt ur decedent, then Lender at Lender's vpttvn, upon nvttax <br />to Borrowts, may matt .<rln appear rnrs. ,ttsbur5e each sums seed take rucM a~t~an as ss rettvsary to protect Lender's srueresi, intruding, but <br />nth hnutrd to, dtstaursc+utnt of reasuraote at;:sr rcy~s fees and entry upur, :hc f'rssrxr:y to make reports. If Lends rrgwrat mortgage snsurencr <br />as a :::=n3nsvr. r+f mai.rrrg the lash •.exuc rd by thu tvetxi of Irut[, Bcxrowr: shad pa} else prrn:ums rtqu+red to tnatntatn such msurancc m effect <br />oohs >u.h rsaz# as the r=v;u+rement ,u.h :Haas ar.<t ,rrmmntu ;n ac.urdarx wnh Borrower"s and Lrnds's wnttrn agreement or appLcabir <br />!aw ttasrrowr. shads pay ttsc a!ss.,san: tit a?i mutgagc tnsurats.:e p: ermums ~n the nxansscr prvvtdexi under paragraph: hereof. <br />Any amounts sill=ua sect by Lrndex pursuaus to :his parags.sph '. w,th zntctrst thereon, ehail tsrcvme adsLuonat mdrbtrdness of Burrower <br />±eaured txg tha f"rtetl et Tru+t lnle>.a Elorrowts amt i.rndcr agree tv of her terms of payment, such amounts sE:al7 he payable upon nuUCt from <br />tcts~rs so T'krn;wet res;.xsssns Path-rein arcs rut. and shoat hear !ntaes! tram the date us dssburxuscut at the rate Payable from amt to time tin <br />cars.sl8ndttyq prtnr+ped uodcs tnr r`cxr unless lsayiucnt ssf smrrest at such rate wuuiil be sum nary to appls~abk law, in which event suds amounts <br />stsdT .,estr mtrsrsr at t9ae targhes: raft ptrmissatsk utxfcr apFhsaMc !aw hothurg cs'sntarned ,r, thss parags aph ~ shall rsxlmre t.rnda to mew any <br />rxFtnse rst take any at~rs<saa hereunder <br />a, Itatigartsaa, ..t^niltr may snake s.; sauce +~~ i*r <nailr rtassxn8bk entr:s. upon and ms~~n,rsaaa tit the fasopert}. Pru«sded that i enact .Rau <br />gscm Bex,cswsn resat n~ prssu'.o an} ?uch ~nsFts.7essrs ntx^p fysrtg rr8sutsabk s.ausx sterrcfca rctatrd m t rrsiler'c nutrrs-t tit the PruFerty <br />v. (.-eedritwuoe. 'f`~ ,M,arasaa =*t ass awes; ,y a, , tan for etsun:rgex, crest ,•+ , ,n .c•nr:rrtron a~tth sn} .onde!n na a-m ." <br />,v net sakarg si std T't<.gsexn =< yyyrt ;her ec,t s+ feu ,+=n«rYansa set lees .r9 ,ar:drrnear:~•r,. ar. hc~Taby asasgnal and strata trc pwrd a, i tssut~ <br />tc !4r turns .,t s resat sale=ng :+; she Fr<s}xce?}. ~txt C'ssxetet: .seal! tx ut'irdrrd i,• sir. curs, ,<, s,rtd t;-a shss iTrrat ssi ? rss+t. wnh srt rx. r... ~: any. <br />putua v. Ai.~+c~as to stet r. ar.=.•t a;*ass w! saknsg ,si se Fr_:part ty :,*rFeaa Fst:s'a as«d t cs;aes ,vh-i w+e mgr er ,r annoy, shru• ,hat] ere dsphrd <br />•° •?~ susn« ~;-,. us,^d -~. "~+ 4;rrx; : - r.xs, .r;+. a+~ yxw"E;m =f .ht >r _m csa-t. a= ••. 'y-:a. -,ra' ; r;r?«. ,... wns, p .-ss arm-u°~_i - h- s,;~nc a~n s:rJ <br />