g4 --"~ 001866
<br />applicable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not !x rcquheti to pay Bottowtt any intttest or earnings on the Funds. lender ahaB
<br />eve to Burrower, without charge, ar. annnat accounting of the Funds showing credits at[d debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br />debit ro the Funds was mach The Frmds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trull.
<br />I f the amount of the Funds held by Lender, [ognher with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of totes.
<br />assessmrnts, insurance premiums ami ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. assessments, insWarlCe premimea aM
<br />ground rents as they fiat due, such cra-as shad be, at Borrower's option, d[htt promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower ou m0alhly-
<br />instalitnmts of Funds. [f the amount of the Funds held by Lender aMil not be sufficient to pay taxes. assesst[seees. insurance pra[dtmu~attt!
<br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shell pay to Lender any amount necessary to eke up the defitaency within 3O days from Use-dote aClioe --
<br />umailed by LerWer to Barrowtt requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all stuns sceured by this Decd of Trust, Lendtt shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fttndahdd by letsder: if
<br />under paragraph 18 turcof rhr Property is said or the Roptt[q is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender sMll apply, ro later than immstHWly
<br />prior m [he sale of tRe Property or us acgwsition by Lender, any Funds held try Linder at the time of applicatiot[ as a Credit agaiswtthesume
<br />secured by this fhxA of 7rusr.
<br />1, Agygcadoa of Payaseab. 1%niess applicable few provides etherwisc, all payments received by lender under the Note and-paeaggpits I
<br />and 2 hereof shat) be applied Gy C endtt Cost rn payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paraQaph 2 hereof, thm~ro lateral!
<br />payable vn the Notr. thin to the pnrtc-tpal of the Note, and then [v tmttest and principal on any Future Advatttxs.
<br />1, f'larges; Lieaa. Bormwer shat! pay art rases, assessments and other ctiargea, fines and imiswitioas attributable ro the Properly which
<br />may attain a pr#onty over thv herd of Trust. and leasehutd paytrtrnts or ground rrnts, if any, in the manner providaf tinder paragraph2 haaO1
<br />ar, rf not paid m such manner. Gy Borrower making payment, when due, directly to Uie payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furoish tO
<br />l.endu all sauces of amounts dui under rhls paragraph, and m the went Borrower shall make payrttau directly. Bnrrntrd tthell prOmplly
<br />ftumah to [ender rrrerpts evxdenong such paymenu. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hu priority Over this Deed Of Trap
<br />provded, char Barrawer sRafi nor ire rrquxrrtf to discharge any such hen so long as Bottowtt shW agroe in writing to the paymmt Of the
<br />oDligauon secured by such hm rn a manner arctptahfe to Lender, ar shall in good faith contest stuff Grn by, or ttefmd eoforeenteot of such Bea
<br />m, regal prceeedmgs wRrch operate w ptcvrm the entvrcemenr of the hen or forfeiture of the Property or my part thereof.
<br />5. l1anM lasanace. Barn war shall leery rhr improvements now ex#sting or hereafter erected on [he Property insured against IOSt by fire.
<br />hazards inctudsd wnhin the term "ezieelded rcn~erage•', auf such ethic hazards as Lender may require and fn such aillo111113 and fro such periods
<br />as Lender r:tav rigour: pravWrC, tfxst L ender ;half not regwre that the amount of such covttage exceed the[ amount of coverage ttquiredtopay
<br />,hc sums stYUrcd by' ibis Urrv1 :tt (rust
<br />T-hr msursace cxnur ; rrxvrcLng rhr :nsurareer shall to Chosen by Barnwar subject tv approval by Lender; provided, that such approvd
<br />shelf avt be unreasanabty wxtnhrid 41f premiums ;>n uuurar'res pohacs shall be p;ud in the manner provided under parapaph 2 hereof or, if tlOl
<br />yard to such manrxr. Gv Bctrrawer snaking pavrrxrnr, u hen due, directly to the rnsuranex earner
<br />111 inwiaucr txyhira and rcnrwafz thttmt ctxait tic rn town acceptable to Leader and shalt include a sutidard mortgage clause in favor of
<br />and is form ac.rptaGtr t,r [ rrWrr d ender ;Hai! ra.r ate r:ghr to Hold the txyhoo and renewals thereof, and BOttowt:r shag promptly furnish IO
<br />rndet all rertewat no#icrs anal ail : e,:rrpts of paid Cremiums in the corn! of loss, Burretwtt shall give prompt ntxice to the insurance curia and
<br />LcndeF t eadrr Wray make prynrt tit toms r} nut #nadr prampriy by Beuyewer
<br />L: Hies. I.cvdcr and [krm=wcr c~turwtx agree rn wrung, insurarxcr prrxrtds shalt be applied to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />damaged, pr avrded such resrurauwr v# srpatr rs nvnumuaily icasrbte and the serunty of this Deed of Trust is not thereby impairod. if such
<br />re3roratian Y rr'pi,n is ittH ec'o[aaHnt>:ally fcasrbtr ur rf the aesunty of !htx Decd of Trull would be impaired, tht insuraotx prOCOeds flldl be
<br />apphcd to the :ums us:vrnf by rtrxs 1)ccvi of ? rusr, wuR t?xe excess, tt any, pad to Borrower. If the Property u aWrtdoned by 8orrotsra, or if
<br />Fkxrrowtt fain ri# rrspand ro i erxdrr wrthxn iV days tram t(xr des±e ounce rs rnaiied by Linder tv &trrowtt that the insurance aurtt offers to
<br />uttk a clam far InswatA'e txrxrfiu, C-rndrr :s authorerrd to utttcer and apply rhr iniUtagCY proceeds at Lttider's option either to res[Oratlea Or
<br />rclwir of the Ptvperty or ra ttse >urai snvr~l by t,4sx Ueari at Trull.
<br />Unless I rndet ariil E3arrvwer .nRcrwsx agra to wrung, any xnrb applN;anatl Of praCCedr la prtnClpal Shall nOi exter[d M postpOM the due
<br />dau al the mau;rdy rn.tatrmeuts retrned t;, rn paragraphs i and 2 herecr{ or change the amount of such installments. )f under paragraph Ig
<br />hereof tM Pro{xny #s a:.apwrrd lW t ruder, all right, ;nlc and mtnest of Bsxrower #n and to any insurance pdiaes and ii[ and to the procasds
<br />thereof resulnug f rrxix da[vage w rRe Property prier ro the sale ar axtwswon shaft pass t0 Lender w the eaten of the sums secured by this Deed
<br />of Trust immedrud}' Vnvr w such safe yr ac~gws:con
<br />0. Praer.atlaa aN !NaiateaaaaY of Pragerq; Laraaebetes; Cudarataiw; Plaaaed UYt DevalapmaaY. Borrower shalt keep the
<br />Prvpcny sn gsxxd rcpar aixl shalt na cvtnmir waste or permit impaunxnt or deterioration of the Proputy and shall comply with the provisions
<br />of any kilo d tRrs Uecv! of Crust a sx€x a ieaxhald. !f ttvs Ural of irxut rs on a amt ux a condommnium or a planted unit development, Borrower
<br />.hall pttform all of lkxn#wer s .*bi#ganons under flu dt>-;larauon or :vvenanu tveati[y or governing the wndominium or planned unit
<br />development, tM try~laws arid regutauons o(rlu condominum ar plannal amt development, and constituent documents. if a condominium or
<br />p4naod amt devrlopnum rider rs rxauted try Fiattowcr asW rtxsudcd together with this Deed of Trust, the covenants and agreements of such
<br />rider sMtlt be rFtcoi~wated into and shall anunri and supplement tlxe covenants and agreertients of this Ihed of Trust as xf the rider Wert: a part
<br />hercaf.
<br />.. Pru[ectiw ul Leader's Sacariry. 1f Barro+tcr tatti to prrform the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust, or if any
<br />acuan a: C:rrx~eedstrg a .axmmrn.rd wR#ch rnatcr reify aita;s t rnder's u;terrst rn the Property, mcludrtig, but not limited to, eminent domain,
<br />tnsalvrr#ry, ,cxtr rnforcrraent..,r artangrmruts t,r pretcrcd:rtgs rnsvhrng a bankrupt yr dcecdent, them Lender at Lender's option, upon twtia
<br />m Bu[rawcr, relay :Haler wcR appeazancrs, disburse tuck soma and ;eke such uctron ax is nrcessary to protest Lender's interest, rnetuding, but
<br />Hex lemetod to, disburscmcu; ,ef rrax~nahtt attartiry~+ fees acrd entry upurt ;hr t'roput} tv matte rrpurs. 1(l,ender required mortgage imurantt
<br />as a canditton v( maktug tC#e ixn srcurcd ny ttus Decal of Crus;, fsorrowr, shat: pay the p: rnuums required to maintain such insurance N effect
<br />anti[ such ricer as the Irelutrrirtetrt tar such vuuruite rcrmunates rn a:xc#rdan,:c with Bottower's acrd Lender's written agreement or applicable
<br />taw Ffvrrawrr sRai: pay the antaunt at ah mongage uuwarrce preuuums !n the manna pravidcd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aay atnssunu disbursed Gy Lrndrr pursuant m this paragraph'. with tntcrest ehttmu, shall raceme additional indebtedness of Fiorrowcr
<br />sr~uretl by this Decd ai S Hilt. Unleu Born. ver and Lender ague to ether arms vl paymrni. xuch amauuis shalt br payable upoa Hance from
<br />Lcgaier ter Bare vwrr rrgsrrsitng paymrm thrr ruf. and shalt tyrar inter es; from the datr ayT drshurscmeat at rhr rate payable from time w time on
<br />twtal.andtng pnncrpal under else Ntxe untas paYrnrri[ v{ mtrresi at such rate would be contrary to nppteuble law, m which evrnt such anwunes
<br />shah bcnr ysttrrrs ai rhr Righesr rate permsssible ursda appttcable law. NotRtng atmaenrd m thu paragraph ' shall rrgwre Lends to rncw any
<br />rajtr:Y9r tit takF aaY al"1a~7 PXFrtinltN
<br />a. laegeetitrtt. t ttrdrr naaT makz ;yr twat to br mavde reasryttaCvle anti its upon and mspccuens of tRr f'rcrpert}, pntvtdrd tRat trrrdet shall
<br />astr Hrx snwrr rre.eFrr prxsn tea any such versprrUlxs stxs etYittg r~ c>nablr ~rucr therrfor *statrA to Ccndrr's mter>rst :n rhr Property
<br />4. f-oMIRa1NkM~. f[9r 7r cyer~ds u! arty avant w darn Y~>r damagri. diicx'r r.ry , ~styurnt:ar, rn .a,vena-ir,ui wah any ondriniwna,n or
<br />nrl2tr ?akyrxg c,f ths~ tRc>;yeryy, .rr pan thrrant. ;xr for ,.xnveyanac :n tra^u ry(c,_srwrmrsat urn. err hrrrl+y asargr#txf and ;Reis rrr ; ud ru Lender
<br />In !lac r.#ry=. r,T a!x,tai takt:sg rsF trie ("r;xprrty, rhr t"<,s reds +ha;! be app(srd sc;': hr ;r:n:s sn~ursti by IRn l)red „t P rust, wish rhr axial>, ,{ any.
<br />PsFSi# ray t;}ylity*w,rr Fax rhr rK-ny ate {+ur uul tale wg ,tii ;;~ YrLrg. *•rnlrsq @+.rra.,wa aryl : zn.3r= .ut;er+.ISr r~srr a, ~rn#na, a,rrr shad h•r aPgrhed
<br />•.• -vZr ~ ae,:+srrc. ^7 ~tsr. tkFM{ ev! Trun; ouch pr,gau xx.~n ct4 ohs yxcarxctc ax „=xtaai ;. :Gn: t,ro[-d.,r roc=. w_,:. r~ :hr nx-,fan! -i.:hr .;..rs ,n ~reil
<br />