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<br />a4 .r~• 001865 <br />applicable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any intact or earnings on the Funds. Leader shall <br />give to Borrows, without charge, an annual accoumirrg of the Funds showing stadia and debits to the Ponds and the purptrse tot which eae6 <br />debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are Dledged as additional security for the sums senued by this Deed of'frwt. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the Fuiun rtionthly instalMsdtts of Fttnda payabk poor to the dacdauea-6ftaaea, <br />acussmrnis, insurantt premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said lanes, aanesaments, ittsurftrta pr~ittmt' <br />ground rents as they fall due, Stich excess shall be, at Borrows's option, either promptly tepid to Burrower or credited to Ht'ltrdirtir tSa!mel~lltjr -- <br />imtallrtsnts of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Linder shall riot be attffident to py !ants, aseemmmb, imtttri6t~t-p[E11t~18~iloE ` <br />ground rents as !trey fall dtx, &yrrower shag pay ro Lender arty amoum neaasary to make up the deficieecy within 31f days. teem eha`dtodomiex <br />rs mailed by !.ender to Bortawer requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon paymen in fiilt of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Ftuds~held by 1;ettder. ff <br />under paragraph 1 g hermf the Property is sold err the Property is otherwise acquired by l.e+tds, Lender shall apply, rq later lltaD uLdtld4tdy <br />prim to the sale of the Raperty or its a °quisition by Lxnder, any Funds held by Lender at the Ume of appligtion as a ctEdit ~rt thcsllYa <br />soured by this Deed of Trust <br />3. AppBeatfoa of Payettats. Unless apphrabie taw provides otherwise, all paytttents received try Lxrtds ands the IVOta old-pvagraplu 1 <br />and 2 hermt shall be applied ray t ruder first to parmrnt of amounts payable to tender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to iltereta <br />payable an the Note, then to [hr prinCtpai of the Note, and then [o interest and principal on any Future Advaneea. <br />e. ('hngaa; IAels. Ik?rrows shad pay all taxes. assessments end other charges, fines and irrtptxitiona attributable to [he ProOMY which <br />may attarn a pnonsv aver this !lead ai Trerst, and leasehold payments err ground rents, if any, in the manner provided under ptapaph 2 hsalt <br />or, :t not paid in ,uch manner. by ttorrowrr making paymem, whrn due, dircctty to [he payee thseof. Borrower aha8 ptaaptly fumiah t0 <br />tinder all natrr`r-s of amamts due under thrs paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, BtKtowet ahaB-prNnptlY <br />furnish to txnds rra°etpts evadrnnng such Payments. Hormwr. shall promptly discharge any lien which ha6 prttxi[y over this Deed of T[Yat; <br />praveded, ;hat Harrows ,hall not t•R rtqunral en dtsahargt am such Ittn so tong as Borrower shall agra in writing to Uie pymmt of the <br />ubhgatxon ssrurrL by :uch hen :n a manner asetitabfe to !.ender, err shalt m good faith contest such lien by, or tkftetd enfotatnertt of oath Ben <br />:n, legal pracrxdmgs wench r,pcrarc to prevent the crrorcemem of the firn nr torfeiturt of the Property or any part (hereof. <br />S. Bernet Iwnaa. itorrowr. that! 'seep the unprovtments now ex:sttng or hereafts seceed on the Property tenured against loss by fire, <br />hazards included wubm the :teen "rszerded ;.overage". and sui.h outer hazards as Lender may require and in such arnotrnta and for arrch petioda <br />as I.xndrr neap reymrc: provided. that t ends: shall nay regatta that the amount of such mvsage exceed that artwunt Of coverage required to ply <br />the sums secured by this eked .,t ; ru,t <br />iht rnsurana cams pnr,:Sena !ht insurance shalt be craven by Harrower subfttt to approval by Lerida; provided, that such approval <br />shall not t*c unreaa~nabiv >!-vhlteid ~iti premiums on ~rnuranc< pohcrts shalt be Pard ut the manna provided under paragraph 2 hrfxeof or, if not <br />yard is ±uch manner. t"7 Hrxr•.>w<x male mg pavmer.r, whin due, .'~rrrrtly *.u the ntsuranae earner. <br />All iosurancr f,ohai« and trrxwals !nrrc+?t ,nail tx :n toter. a.:ctptattte to l ender and shall inclutk a standard mortgage claux in favor of <br />•md in form acarptabir t~~ 1 rnilrr i rnScr ,n.a!i r+a,r the r•,ght ts? hold the poricsta anal renewals thereof, and Borrows shall promptly furttistt [o <br />1 ender ail trnewa! tonnes and ail r<a~<tpzs ul tad prem!unxs. !n the even u! toy, ttarrowtr shall glut prompt mutt to [ht imuranee Carries and <br />t tttdtr t,endtr may make pt,stet ni toy .r r.4r made prcxnptty by Harrower <br />U nkss t endea and Burrower othrrwrse earn ;n wntxrxa, :osurancr prtx;ttds shall be app{red to restonnon or repair of the Property <br />darnagaxf, provided wen roruratxon oc r<tan is ccanumrcaily feastbit and the sacurrey of this [kW of Trust is eta thereby impaired. If such <br />restaxation w taperer +, raw ravnaunasiiy fcas+bit oe it tSit se~urtty of this fyeal o! Trust would tx imputed, Iht inauraaa praeeeds alter!! be <br />apptuai ac= the ,urn• sc~ureai Ry ihta ikN <,r i rust, w-uh the cxs;cs, :t any, lwui to Borrows. If the Property is abandoned by Borrows. a iP <br />Borrower earls tv resp.u+d tv i ender wtthtn #tr daY+ team ehc Satr nutter +~ marled by Lender to Borrows that the iiuuraace Carets offers [o <br />Salk a elauu far insuranar bcuttrts, ! cncict .s autiwrrted to niiecr and aPPiY the msurarnx proceeds at Lender's option albs to reatoratioa or <br />repair at err Rapetrv car ic. the vun;a stau:N by !has t?ecii vi trust. <br />Unless ! zudrr and Bar: a:wer „thee w~,st agree to »nttna, any sua;h aPRlrcauon ur pcuettds to pntw.ipd shall eta exknd a postpone the due <br />.fate uz the ruaauthly ,nseatlnxrn, rrscrrnl to in par aaraphs t arW Y hereof ur chatytc the amount of such trntallmenu. If tender paragraph 18 <br />hsaot tfle Property :s aiquned by t ender, sit right, !:tic amt tnterest of Borrower m and m any mauratice poBcies and in and to the proceeds <br />thamf rdultmg franc damaar to ttx Pruptsty prior w the aerie ur acgwsuwn sha17 pass :o Lends to the extent of the aunts secured by this Dead <br />of Trust trtviicdtately prior iu ,u::h sale or a.:;;ursrtum <br />a Prnersatiw atsd Mdatelaase ul Prveerty; I.wetntlds; t"oaduddttma; PWrd I.Illt UardaNal4. Borrows shall keep the <br />Prutxny m gaud rcpaxr sod shall tsar aammu waste or parrot tmparrtnem or dsenorauon of the Property and shalt Comply with the provisions <br />of any tptac tt ttcu lksxf of f rust :> act a leasrtwfd f t tins Lkcd of 7"run is un a amt rn a aorulamtmum or a plalatd unit devdoptnent, Borrower <br />also!! perform aU of Ffrxruwss ab6Rauons under the drs:iaratswi or covenants aeattng a governing the cotttlomfnittm or planned unit <br />development, the by-taws and reauLauans ul the ~andtwunrum ur pfantitd amt devttoptrterti, and cons.Utuent dacutneata. It a condominium or <br />ptanntd amt develaptnent rids xs excaured by Harrower and retarder! tugethct with this eked of Trust, the axavenaais alert agrtxrotn[s of such <br />rider sha3! be incorparataf xnta and shall amend and supptc[ntnt :he .ovrnants aixl agrcemwts of this Dad of Trust as iC the rider were a part <br />hseat <br />7. PrtstzetWa u/ Leadsr's `eearfty..t theta»et fails to perform the rue<nants and agraments conzained in this [kexf of Trust, or if any <br />acuam ue prca:ttSrng ;, .v:nxtxa,ei which a+atrrtafiy allots tender's .,:retest ui zhe Prapcny, mcludtng, but not ittmted ter, rtninent domain, <br />uut,l vency, c kit cnfor:rmtnt, ++s arrangtmrnts .~: pr,x.redings :nvoi,tryt a bank: opt yr decedent, then Linder at Lender's apuoo, upon rouse <br />to Borrows, tray make such appraranaa, dasbur se such sums and take such action as is rratuary u, protect Lender's interest, mcludttig, but <br />liar tsmtted to, dfsburscrr-rent of reaw",raoie at!urney `, tens an6 rntrY uiwn the Property to make reparx s, ff Lends ragweed mortgage insurai!tce <br />as a vurduxon e1 makusg the friar, saxurexf t+} ehrs Lkzd o€ f rust. Barzuws areal! pay !hc preutrums reyvued za matntatn such anstuan<xn effort <br />until s;~ln Salto as the requrrernrne for sac-i Rnsuraai -t termsnazes :n airordancr w¢tn &snower"s and Lender's written agreemtm err appiicahte <br />law Bu: rxraez shah pay znt antuunz ere alt nnrr ta~}t rtsuranct premrums!n zhr mariner pttntded under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />!Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to thrs paragraph ?, with rntrrrst thereon, shall t}ecertet addizioaal indebtedness of Barrawet <br />sattred by ttds !farce of Tnixt Unitas Banows and Lends agree to ants term, at paymrnt, such amounts shall be payable upon noun from <br />i.ander ts? Horn,arts ;<gasx;rns paysr~nt therrui, arxd shall treat enures: !tom the date .,f d:shurxmrnt at zhr rate Payable tram nine to amt un <br />outstasdirtg ~;nctpa+ ureter the Matt utafcss paynatsrr of interest err such rate would tx contrary to appltstbft law, m whrch event such arnoun:s <br />stsatf bras interest err the h:gttest raft p<rm~ssrbtr urrdcr apphcablr law !JOtteing ~onxsmrd m thza pax agraptf 'shat! rrywre Lends to ma~u: alt} <br />rxptnut eu cake any as'tnsn hrrcttr>;kr <br />E. ltrPaettoa, l.rnttrr essay make ur raus< co txe madx :casanab;c rntnts upon and mspe,:twas o! the Preptrty, Provided that Lendr. shall <br />µtve €to+rs?wev sxNccr prsor tc any astch msp<cucxr; sptrafylny reasanabls;ausr thrr<fur related to t u}dtr'x :ntrrest in the Rapers y. <br />4, t`oaiatRUrrY+ia. ?'hr tu.,;czvxts of any a»arS ;Yr chin, for damages. do<C, :?r ~<rnsestueuaai.:r, run ntvxtor: wufl say ,+~adrronanan :+: <br />lather; Saks*:y rat the Mop€r,v. ;u tart ttrern,ef, or t, er ,r,r,;yan,±,r: flea ;sf ~ondc'zn!;atr;,n. arc tsetrhv acxegne•+ null strati be pa,d !., 1 tndrs <br />to ens t*-toss ;*t s truai tale ms rat t;.r Fr:xpen,, !n< p='~:'ti'xds efva?t far appteN to !hr s-,a:;s .crurecf h, !ors teed ,+r '< r:a+.. +s=tic th< cs~ess, t: an,. <br />pare3 es~ t~n.,wes En tF .,-ease of a;>arra; t6l:ata ~,' :+rg }'sr!'~rr;_ urues, €te+eerw-rr au! { er,JZC „t her wru xgt r_ eq wtrnrg. thrr<.hatl ~ appt?ril <br />ra t~ evaat wec-.~•rt' ?sr ~9a C]f of frtasr sirs b pr=a~,,r:ec+a of [ter sti ,a-^erJ: ss ~. r^cruat r„ ;hn+ . ..:, n, wh:, h the ~,~+r.r .-r ,"v w:n..r, an rJ <br />