Borrower. subject to the provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. All covenants an agreemen s o rrowe
<br />several. Any Borrower who cosigns this Deed of Trust, but does not execute the Note, sal is co-signing this Deed of Trust
<br />only to grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property to Trustee under the terms ol'this Deed of Trust, (61 is
<br />84 -001836
<br />not personally liable on the Note or under this [ked of Trust, and Icl agrees that Lender and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree to extend. modify. forbear, or make any ocher accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust or the Note, without that Borrower's consent and without releasing [hat Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />of Trust as to that Bomiwer's interest in the Property.
<br />12. Netke. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notitt to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Iked of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrowec may designate by notitt to Lender
<br />as provided herein. and (bl aay notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such tither address as tender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given ro Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. Gsvaahag law; Serera6lBty. The state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shat! be the laws of the
<br />jurisdiction in which the Property is located. T'he foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federal law to
<br />this Lked of Trust. In the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note rnnflicts with applicable
<br />law. such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without the
<br />conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note ate declared to be sRtrerabk. Aa
<br />used herein, "costs". "expenses" and "attorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law ar
<br />limited herein.
<br />U. Barrorer•a Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trttst at the
<br />time of execution or after recordation hereof.
<br />IS. RebaMlltrtloa Lone Ageeement. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home rchabilita-
<br />Lion, improvement, repair or other loan agrcemem which Borrower enters into with [.ender. Lender, at Lender's option,
<br />may require Borrower to execute and definer to Lender, in a form acceptable to Lender, an assignment of any rights,
<br />claims or defenses which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor, materials or services fn conrtcetfoe with
<br />improvements made ro the Property.
<br />t6. Trtvfer of the Preperh. If Borrower sells or transfers all or any part of the Property or as interest the[eie,
<br />excluding la) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed of Trust, (b) a mncfer by devise. desceet, or
<br />by operation of Saw upon the death of a )pint tenant, or (ci the grant of any leasehold interest of three yeses w less trot
<br />containing an option to purchase. Borrower shall cause to be submitted information required by Lender to evaluate the
<br />transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee. Borrower will continue to be obligated ender the Nate and
<br />this f Ttitsi unless Lender releasti Borrower in writing.
<br />If n ontdee basis of any infornation obtained regarding the transferce, reasonably determines that Leader's
<br />securit tlttrc.~s an unacceptable likelihood of a breach of any covenant or agreement fn this
<br />Deed of Trust, or if the reymred information is nut submitted. Linder may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed
<br />of Trust to tx mtmediately due and payable. !f Ixnder exercises such option to accelerate. Lender shall mail HORewer
<br />notice of acceleration in accordance with puagraph 12 hereof. Sueh notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days
<br />fttitm the date the notice is marled or Aelivered within which Borrower may pay the sums declared dtte. (f Bortower fails
<br />to pay such sums prior m the expiration of such period, Lender may. without further notitt or demand on Htarrower,
<br />involte any remedies permitted by paragraph t ? hcrcof.
<br />NON-l1NtFOttM (bvt:NANTS &xrower and lcmter further rnvcnant and agree as follows:
<br />17. Acoelerrtka; Rosedim. Except a peevided U paragrapJs i(r hasaf, ttpoe Btteeawr'a broach a[ asp oosrlnut
<br />a rtl~t d Hoarosrer in this Deed of Trot, Ieclnr0es Barower's faHue b py, by tlr oni of 10 tylanie OM,}a tfiar
<br />they are doe. aay stems reereed by dr4 Deed of Treat, Lender prior to ateskeadan shall gNe taadee b Harrrttae r
<br />pnrWed V paragraph 12 Mat apecNyleg- { l) the btrwch; l21 the atYkn agnked to cue attteb bttatcit 131 • date, taN
<br />lea t6aa 20 days [tom the date the sorter b tootled to Haerower, by whldt sac6 brae! meet b• tread; std (t) Ibat
<br />fadue u wrs sack btsao6 w er before the dart apes•IHd M the wtstlea ay resale M aetelaatlan et Iba ova aecmnd -y
<br />thin Dead of Trut sad oak of the l'raperly. The aotka shall (other bttarm Harotaae of the elsbt b rafnafate a[Iar
<br />accrdeeatisa sad the right to bring • mart active to rsatrl the eansbtnrce of • dsfanlt or aay outer dekalra trf saerrrrar
<br />u accelaatisa sad sale. U the brae6 is rtot cared on w 6eGte the date spstYkd ie the aollce, I.andetr at Iataiar'a
<br />opdan, say dschut aH of tae aaass aecared by th4 Decd of Trwt to be btaastdktely dtse std payable srttbant InrtlMr
<br />dsttttttad sad gray iewhe the power of sale tud aay orbs amsdks ptermltted by app8cabk law. I,aeder ttbaU be ttdltlad
<br />a tolMot all rottroaahk two sad t:perea ieenreed la pusnirtg the eeasadira provided b IbY pttrgeapb 17. bxlntlla0,
<br />bN toot Ihdoed to, reasonable attwua»' eta.
<br />U for patter d oak V insetted, Trttatsr sbaH reeved • eotiee o[ tktMlt is wc6 twoaty la wblclt tM Praparty w rows
<br />part Thetorf 4 located sad aWl sad capla of atach aotk! k the saaanu pracrWed by applicable kr k Hatxawa and
<br />[e lba orbs persona peacrl6ed by rPllk+M lac. After the lapse of sack doe as my 6a tegalred by ttppllcabk laws
<br />Trnaoe sheet!! give ptttblk aadce of sale a the pasws and d the aasaer pttsscdhed by appEkabk kw. TrwaW, wMbaat
<br />tfantand a Baetower, shall adl tba Praparty u ptdtlk aatcdan o the hldtaat bidder at the flue and place and trtdar fba
<br />taster drslpated d the eodoe o[ sale k one a coos paecda aed k sstch order w Trtata easy deMsta. Trns/ee aay
<br />poalpsne sale of all a any parts! of the Prspedy by ptablk arwuacemeat at the dme and Place of aay pnvloaaly
<br />scWnkd oak. laadsr w Loader's dteslpee may pttrohaae the Pegtedy at any oak.
<br />Upon rweipt of p4yssnt o[ the prior bW, Trustee dull tkUver to the purchaser TrYlee'a deed coareying the
<br />Property ssld. The recitak ie tie TrstwY deed ahaU 6e prima facie e.ldeaee of the trat6 of the atatatreao made
<br />tbnobt. 7`raalse aWl apply tbs prwyedt a[ ebe sale V the feYowiaO order: (a) o all eeasanable two and ettpeeaaa at the
<br />teak, lndadbtj, sat sot Ilmited to. Trtteoe's fin actnaFly iucorred of sot mwc than .... 3.75..... °+, of the pons sale
<br />pda, rsaaonalrk tttttarneya' lea and oars o[ tl11a a•ideaeq Ibl ea aB ova ttecerd by this Deed of Trtrt; and (cl tie ea-
<br />rasa, if..y, a the person « peasaa kWh entltled tbneto.
<br />ell. Srerorw's Rldtt a Rtthtatate. NWwithatanding Lrndor's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of
<br />That, dot to Borrower s breach, Btrrower shall Gave the right to have any proreedingx begun by (.ender to enforce this
<br />Dtx+d of Treat discontinued at any lima prior to the earfiet to utYUr of (i) the fifth day before the sale of the Property
<br />pttrsaaot to the power of sail curttaitttxl in this (?red of Trust ur iii) entry of a lttdgroent enforcing this Doed of Trwt tf:
<br />(a) Bttrtower payx (.ender al! stuns which wmuld be then due under this [lead of Trust and the Ntwc had no acceleration
<br />otcturtd; ib) Htttrootver cures all breaehes of any other covenants ur agreements ut Borrower conuined in this Cktd of
<br />Treat; !c) Borrower pays all reasonable expenses incurred by (.ender and Trustee in enforcing ttte enrCnants and
<br />agtecmonts of Borrower eantaitttxf in the Ottetl of !'rust and in enforctng Lender's and "trustee's remaYltrx as provided to
<br />pars*raph l7 twrenf, itu-)udinQ, but not limited tu, reazunab{e attnrneys' ;ees. end tdl Burrower takes .uch a+ttun ux
<br />Lentkt may reasouably regtnrc lu axxure that the ;ten o{ rhea [kxcl of Trust. lender', interest ttt the f'roprrty and
<br />Osxxuwet's ot!ligatawa Fn pay the sums a~ured try tats Deed of trust shalt contiuue unnnpatted. !'putt xueh payment and
<br />t'urt !ty Basnrswtc. this Decd «af Trust and the ubligaticuts secured hereby shall .eraatn rn full force ntad rfftct as tf n.3
<br />x~ieietatum bad ~c urrad.
<br />