<br />54...1. ~+.t~~9
<br />applicable Iaw requires Such)ittnest to br patd, Lcrtder shall not ixe required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Ftmds. Lettda shall
<br />give ro Berawer, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and Jtbits to the Funds and the purpose for which dcA
<br />debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged a< additional sxurity far the sums secured bX this Deed of Trust.
<br />I f the amount of the Funds hzld by Lender, tagaher with the Cuture monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due data of taxes,
<br />assessnrcnts, insuram:r premiums acrd ground rents, shall exceed tat amount required [o pay said [axes, a55lS1mems, iosurance premitum and
<br />ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borcown's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower a ttedittd to Btxrowa oa tnootAly
<br />mstaliments of Funds. If the amount of the Futtds held by Linder shall not tie sufficient to pay taxes, asseaarnett[s, itutLranEe prentiiwaaad
<br />ground rents as ;hey fall due, Borrawn shall pay to Linder any amount necessary to make up [he deficiency within 30 days from the tlatteatotioe
<br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment In foil of alt sum. secured by this t3eed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Futtds add by tends. tf
<br />undn pazagraph ig hnmf the Property is soltf or the Propnty is otherwise acquired by Leader, tender shall apply, tfOl~ta rasa bgmadiMdy
<br />prior to the sale crC the Property- or rts acyutvuon by f rndn, any Funds held by Lrnder at the time of appiiption as a credit against the ausm
<br />seared by this Decd of Trust
<br />]. AppBcatlan of Payments. Lnies. appiicahir taw provides ntherwiss, all payments received by Lerxdn under the Nat and paragraphs 1
<br />and 2 hnenf chair Cr applied hr t ceder ftrs-t in payment of amoun>,s payable to l.endn by Borrows uttda paragnph 2 hereof, shell t0 intlrpt
<br />payabk on the Hatt, ;hen u> the pnnrtpa7 of tar burr, and then to inierCS[ and princfpa! on any Future Advances.
<br />1. t'harga; l.ieax. 6ormwn chats pay cep taus, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attribuubk to tat Iktrpaty which
<br />enay attain a prnxuy aver tans Ueed of Trust, amf trascEsald payments or ground rents, if any, to iM manner provided tinder paragraph 2 haaof
<br />or, tf not pat.::r, ar.h manner, t•y Hzxrawrr making pavmsnt, when dur, directly to the payee thereof. Borrows shag promptly fu[aish°to
<br />!.ender ail rousts at amaunn our undo this pazagraph, and to the rvenr Borrown shall make traytrttnt diroctly, Borrower shall-promptly
<br />furnxsh t.x Letxdcr rex.etp[s r4xdenrirg suih payznrms. Fkrrawrr shah promptly discharge any lira which has priority ova thin Quad Of Tr1W:
<br />provided that Horrawcr shall n,.x hs rzylured tr. drschargc any such lien sa fang as BOfra,a'R shall agra its writing t0 the payment Of tat
<br />r,bhgaoon sn~ured by sorb Itrn tr. a manner acccptablr a, t ender, ar shalt m grxW faith contest such lien by, or defend eaftxtxmmt of such Btm
<br />tn. ltgai praeedxnga wharfs atxrrtc .: s {xrrcent tar rntnr,emcnt of the tiro or hufnture oC the Property or any part tltatof.
<br />5. tfantd isutrne.^s. Herr r owcr u:a{I keep tic ;tnprovernents ua>w extsurtg ar hereafter netted on the Property insured agalast loss by fire.
<br />hazards ~nduded within tar term - exterdCYt ,..,.crags". and such other hazards a5 Lender may require and in such amomta and for stlth periods
<br />as Lender mar rryusre: prcarded. gnat z rode: ,halt n.x rryutre that the amount ui each caversgs rxtttd that amount of mveragt teg111rad bpay
<br />eat sums sr •ureni he tors Ikad r++ trust
<br />Tex ituwatsir ~,xrr,tr t*rr+, i.1~:tF ~nr ~n u~an.c shelf t:. ~„r,ctn t?v i3<,rrawn subject tti approval by L.cnder; proridid, that such approval
<br />.rust! n:n he unrra>onat)Ix wnhhrid ~\~: prrnxir.nr- ~ ~~; in.suraixr'e {r,hcto shat? br paid to tar manna provided under paragraph 2 hereof m, if ilol
<br />paid to aUCt'= menntr _ hx Es,x `t+a.'rt cis 4:r:a {xa5 corn!, wtt;a dUr, J![tt91T h, the :n5 nran4Y tarrteL
<br />iA muu ernx ~+s,~io. aa.i =rnew are ;ar. ri,t .eat! tKr ,r, r,+: m ac.rptaelc m f ender and r.hali include a standard mortgage elates in favor of
<br />end m ~.rrn e,_r,•aah!r +~: t e„k: cseax. •'.vi: !:a+. •t,r r:,nr :_, h, ud the pti:hs sr+ and renewals theeof, and Horrnwn shall prompUY fLrnish to
<br />, ertdef ell `rnt,+ar 'hrt+.r~-.and .c , :ry - i.,us p•B, ,cmr In .ne c. rte n: loss, Ilafrowrf shalt glut prompt nan~Y t0 ltle Inaaralltt rarrltr ally
<br />i ~rtxder t ceder rr_ay rnaar prrx=~ of k~-a :_. rat, m t~amptiy hvv bc„; <rw,-
<br />lntcss t.rnsur atxi Lkarc wit .,t hat xvrx xtyret to writng, ~nsurarx~z prxxds shalt be aDDited to rcstwation ar repair Ot lhC Ropaty
<br />damaasd, provided sxats rc>7uratiE+n v+ eetxa.t r-. ex<snaztu..ratiy teastbis atxil ihr .sLunty of this Ueasl of Trull is not lhtreby UOpaiied. if such
<br />restarauon of rc~mr +s nut zsorasuriacai+r~ tel.*i0k ssr ,t lira Stn atnty ur tArs iktd of 7ruxl wauW bt tmpafrrd. [Its insuran6't ptattad- shall bt
<br />aftpxpi t'.x car aurtxs ar4uzrtf nv fhtx tksd of t roar, a,tn the ettas, ~i any, paxd to IlaRawn. if [he PrOptlty IV abandoned by Btlrrowa, err tf
<br />Harrower facia t., respond n, t zrsur`r wuh.n u7 days ir,xn thz :sate rtottce is related by Lends to Borrower that the insiUanCt cal7itr offers LO
<br />sdtit a clam for .nsuratus btrxtn. t cmfer :, aaraarued to xsHsct and apps} the tnsuratxx procads at Lender's option either to rtatoration or
<br />repau <rf tar Praperc} ar ti: ifs ;atria sn~urrd by thax Eked at Trust
<br />linls5s i.rtxdsr atxi Hart.-sscr cKtserwex agt'< in wr=.Itrg, an} auctt aTxlxits:at tan of pros-eeds to prinatipa! shall trot extend or puatpoM the due
<br />date sxf tat msxtrttsy ntstatlmrtrts :etrrre~t !tr u: paragraph, i and 2 hsrr+xi sxr chatrge the amount of lush installments, if ttndtr parag(aph 18
<br />lt[v~rt>t tar Piet#xrty is acquracsY th~ i coder. akt ngnt, talc oral tuter¢at of Barrnwn in and to say insurance politico and in sad to [ht proceeds
<br />thneof resutttng from daowgr to tar Presperxs prior sir tnc sail ar acqurautan shat! peas to L.endsr to the latent of the earns recured by the Dead
<br />of Trust unnxe43ats?y prtcx to aa:h safe c..: qursuxan.
<br />6. Pnttarvauaa sad Maiatesaac of PrapanY; t.awtehdi: t:oadurialrms; Massed Utlt Otvdopmatsla. Bwrawa shall keep tat
<br />fxtaptrty rn good rspatr and >hali eat ~ommtt wash ox prrmtt tmpatzmertt nr dnmoration nt the Protxny and shill comply with tat provisions
<br />of any terse tt ties ;Teed n f T~ruat a ;>tx a irasrhutd- ti oats L?eed of Trust is cna a ume in a candomtnfum or a planned emit dtvdoptrlwt, 80trOWa
<br />vhaii pnfurm aTi of 8sarrown's onitgnuuns urkkt ttx des:larauan ar covetranta creating ar governing tat cotalonlittium or plaaped unit
<br />developmetu, the by-laws xrd regviauurts .;t tar candamtmum as ptannsd uun drvdoptnent, and constituent doctuntnts. If a txtndominitmt or
<br />pWttsrd unit dtvsiopassnt rdn rs exravtsd ny Harrower and rrcardtd togrthn with tbta Uetd a{ Trust, tat coveltania and agraRlents of such
<br />ndn aha0 tx tr~orpaxratetl emu and shalt amend and euppicmert ibe ::ovettatsts and agrrcmenu of tau Dead of Trust as if tat rider were • part
<br />hnsof.
<br />Prulectioa of leader's tiaawrfty. If Barrowrz Earls to pr:, orm the :nvertanis and agrremsnts cootatned in this Deal of Trust, or if any
<br />aeuon o: ptrxssdtng,a ~-ntxtm:rhr„ wht.n n:atcrtaii~r alftxts Lrtnder'> vurrrst u-~ tar Properly, including, but not limited to, eminentllOmain,
<br />tttwteeuc}.:~axir srixx ctanaxt, ,:r arrar;graxenix or pr usxedrngs tnsoisuxg a hankruPr ur drecdtnt, tarn Linder at Lender's option, upon notice
<br />to BrKtawn, tea} make :unit appsa atxv_rs. ~tst>t:r~tt suti'.tt sums and iske such ac~tian as a necessary to protect Lender"s interest, includutg, but
<br />ttai limited tn, daabursctttent of rraac.'tabtc attar sty's tees and entry upon tar PrnpcrtY to make repairs. if L.eftder regwred mortgage insurance
<br />as a cunddtxoa of maksng tar hxars stcurtd 'e?v thtx tkeil ai T'rust, Ei~arrowrr shall pay the praniums rectuued [e muntain such tnsuraocr in tffny
<br />vnW swC ttmr as thz r>:etckrzsnc+t t~ nab K~su;~tas ;zrttitnatea Wn a.~~arsdansx wuh Eiurrnwar's and Letxdn's wntten agrtemani or applicabk
<br />atw. Botrown sttai3 pay ttsr amautat cf a!1 tnostgage .nsuranzz< premiums to tar tnanrxer providttT under paragraph 3 hereof.
<br />AaY amauttts tfisirursrd by t.e--a3rr pu:st;ant rn tats paragraph '. with interest lances, ahaU becottxe additional indebtedness of Borrows;
<br />vtetued my trill fJesxf ai` Trust L7nlesa Harrower and tsrtder agree its other tarns of paymrni, sorb amounts shill br payable upon notiar fruut
<br />tasdn an Hotsstwsr rrgtxattng pagme-nt ?6ancc,{. arui shaif tear .ntere~ fiats tic ;talc +xf drsburscrosnt at the rate payable fratr. tints to time on
<br />cufsstatsding tutr~•spr3 undsz ttte `kat unirss parttwnt at tmcrest at seta rate wentid bs cotxuary w apptxs~bit law, in watch evvent such amounts
<br />abaiL bloc interest at she itr#hext rate Txrmasaatxir uxukr appfxcablr taw *inttimg corttatred to tats pategr aph 7 shall require Lendn to incur any
<br />axpntse or tike any sets 2~trun 1st.
<br />g. fttyatdsaas, L.tocite irary maker, cause ts+ M made re~rauttaY.rtr mtr ieS upatz and tnspea;tianx nE tar Prtrpirsty, pt ovidsd rase l.endtr shat)
<br />!D~ Bar'[cssxttr tsGa~e prier tea airy asacLt trrtpr+.~taan sprc'tfytgg class-snairfe cause thns~fczt rclatsd to Lrrtdn's imnrst in the Pnaptrty.
<br />V. t'~. T'?sr prcw'x^tr,$s sf ens award m rtatm Ew dttmkgra, dsrea-s ut arrsttequrmeai, ,n conrtnttc>rt with say cenaettsaauun a:
<br />atttsr taking e' rtes 1'roptxrly, ire pare ttatucuf, ,x: ffK c~swvrYan€x ux uru cf c*xndtrunattvn_ are hrrh5 asstgnrd atxd vStaFi M peed tee L.mder
<br />.n ,4Y a~€yn r,.c a gr,WS! +xkrng csY t}~ }»r.r~r;x, tthr~ D`th aha#i ter aptrdtt9 t*i tar sums aecurex;. by tars [~etv3 <x! Trust. with tar ex psx, tf any.
<br />fsdd tea Bmr'arower #at trir v~v +7t s parRia4 tak+rrg asf the Lh,apzrtx, trnScwa i5c,rrs.+wn oral t.ce,5~#rr ~,s#t€r wsr~ age er +ts a«rittng. rhrrr shtl, br a;;pttrrl
<br />rn fkr v,?tasrx e+?yy`yss^rs! kY rZ<.xs S.v# .s° 7 a, t >:;,c_* yrrtp t>rtx3n r>€ ttxr pr tv.:setfx as :r r =xsrsS e<, era! Fa' ^S'+. rtscrn svhKh s1;? ansc?s:nt ;x(+tx .ume se~urrd
<br />