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<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE ~~~ 00134 <br />KN0W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Tnet glen Hinkle, Jr. and Dee Anna R. Hinkle ~! it individuals. <br />{antty and severany, rsskltng in Ha 1 l ___Couny Nebraska - ,and it a corporation a other business emiry, w?tb its <br />principal place of business .n .County. ,thereinafter referred to as "Mortgagor") inconsideration <br />W an Mortg~or'S indebtedness. habdhiss and oDiiganorrs to ____-_.Commarciai National Bank 6 Trust Company <br />of Hall County, State at Nebraska ,...M~ga~.'}, now existing or hereafter incurred, and oteer valuable considerMfon in hand paid, <br />tlaes hereby sal{ and convey untq Mortgagee Coe folWwinq described premises situated Iq Ha L 1 County and State M Nebraska , <br />lANnt: <br />Lot 6, flock 3, Pleasant View 7th Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />together wan ar a the right. title aria +merest of the Mortgage .r. sa+q oraperPy now owrPed or nereattu acquired antl all buildings, improvements, and rtxtures W arty <br />type now or hereafter placed pn sartl real property aria alt easements. rights. appurtenances, reins, royad{es, oil aM gas rigMS anq profits, water, water rfghls. and <br />warm stock. and ail fixtures now ar hareaher anacnea to the Nregang desaribetl properly. orb M wMCh inctutling replacements anq addd]onS the(eto, shelrbB daenied <br />to be and rematr, pan of ine property covered ny tors Mortgage Ai. a the laregding property snail oe coikctlvely herelnaher roterrad to a5 the "Premises." <br />Tins mortgage is given to secure a certain pramossary note gataa _ March 23_ 1484 in the pnnGpal strm of F i F teen Thousand <br />___ ----- <br />_and_no_/100---_------------ --~----_---ppilars(5.15,000.06 J,angirderesttheroatacgadhtg[othetsetnsof <br />sai0 oats anq any anq ail extenswns renewals. mrw{ticattans er su6smutiorts Hereof and seen and every debt, Iwbility and obngatbn of every'type arrd description <br />which fns Mortgagor may now a at any tams hsreaher ewe to ? ns Mortgagee, mcwgmg guarantees or acaanmodabons, wnkn the Mongagw may now. or at any Lime <br />nersatter. owe a ce onugateq nn to ma Mortgagee weather such debt. irabtirty- a aDliganon now exists or Is or may be direct or indirect, duB or to heeOrrlE tlue, <br />ansowte a. cannngent prrrrary ar s9candary I+du+da7ea or urttiouraateC cr lent. several or saint and several, all such debts. tiabnities, ar+tl obhgattons an cotfecfivety <br />ttezemafler reiened to as ~Cb+iganans <br />Tne teat pnrtrmpa{ amo+rnt exctus+ve a ,merest :~? the Oougauons matuGng any future peels, atlvances. Itabi1n18s m Ob{Igattans, not Inaiuding hbYMMrtr any <br />sums atlvanced for trz prneatwn et me Prem+sas or ms Mortgagee s +merest tner¢In. snail rrot excxC the sum et Thirty THbusand and nor/-100 <br />------------------------------- Doltarstb_30,000.00__ g <br />_---_..T-____-----------_.-_,_---_-,-_---- ..I. pravlded. However. loaf nothin contained herein shalt constitute <br />a cemmnment is make agG?weal or future 'aerie or advances m env amount <br />ine Mortgage Hereby war2ms that n ~s tae owner a' the mortgaged real praperry. mil n wuP tlelentl me flti¢ against old c{afmants wnwtrscevet, and-h <br />raingwsnes a{. rights o+ nomast¢ad rn sea p•emrses an6 oavenants did agrees w+tn the Mortgagee as fglwws. <br />tr, pay when qua ail taxes i*ens uCgments n^ assessrnenls wn+cn may ce 4rwtWPy assessed against the Premises and the rental charges upon any leases <br />ass<glcetl as a0anwnal ssaurty {ur rn:s Morgage <br />id m5we ono keep +nSwea th9 F`rCrne59S anq atner ;mprovaments now on ar wNlh nsay heredit@f DE ptacea Qn Sara Premises t0 ine sans}adUdn d) the <br />Mortgagee Any po!rcy evroencntg such insurance snag be erroors¢d with a nwrtgages Poss payaDre clause. appraed Dy and in favor of Mortgagee. and deposited with <br />the Mortgagee arot rwtr. any joss inereurroer !r, t>e payans to Mortgagee At ire option a the Mortgagee, sums so reserved by Mortgagee or Mortgagor rrey be used to <br />acv to{ rer onst+udwn a tr~¢ ge5lydyeC n~em+ses .' not so an0::oo. may. a: !rte uptwn IN the Mortgagee, be aptNtea m payment pt any Obtigatwns. InaWred w <br />ur,maturea secured rry tots Matgaga <br />? To keep ati twttaangs pccupreq aria +n gcoC repax satC to =s{real from nor aommrssron a any acts of remove{. damWltlan, G impartment W the premises; riot tor' <br />cut a : emove w p¢: mtt !a be pit o€ rema,ea- 3r. y wona a CL Ucr from card r¢a! properly, and oat t6 cammil ar permtl any wast¢ a ttttpaiflrl¢n? W tnB vaWa of gt8 <br />S¢lurtiy to cdnpnrtoasFy practice appravdt matrsads of tainting an said Fremrses in prevent erasion aria the spreatl of +tou{ous antl damaging weeds, and io preserve <br />the ternrty a tM sdi <br />s ;net ail IttanaY and awards Rayabfa as aantages a catgsetsauon for the taking of title m or possessran of, or fa damage to arty Portion iri the Wenuses bY' <br />reason of any aoaCentnaimn, ernnfeeA uExpat.'l..c~cangs a grade c* emer prdlsed+ng snail. at tPce opnan o? ttte Mortgages, 6e paitl w tea Mortgagee, antl such iradn¢ys <br />amt awards are hereoY asstgedas~ a~a8 -tee-__ he entered +n laves +N Mongagse. anq when paid shalt oe used, at its option, toward the- <br />paymsrtt or the OtUtganw+s E¢cure4 r S,, _ cOk~a JS'7rtortgagse may o¢srre or deterrrone. a shall be used at its option, for payrnetlt o? fwtas. <br />ass¢ssmenis. regatss a o(te-r +(Iltk f~ llanan tors gage rs gwen as seaurtty, wirettter the Same ib !lien due or not anq in such order or manna! as <br />Mortgagee may getermrne. anf4iey ` - 'P ~s oy rib Mortgagee to the Mortgagor Such appucanon a release span rrol aura or waive any <br />dNault or torecrosure prCCeedings 1q ine aiiemRPortyagee dee«ts~ICaec6ssary w aPnear or answer m candemrtatwn action, n9artng or prr~ea7mg, Mortgagor shdii <br />pay aU regal expenses +n ~nn¢atmn trxnswvin :noutpra) put not n.::„¢d to anomaYS tees anq caun costs, antl until so patq, such expenses, with interest a?the rate of <br />1 > . ~ percent. Shad Js added to ?ha 4bngatrorts aecurart n9raDV m such manner a ardor as Mongagae may tles+re a aetermme, having the benetit qt 'ire IWn <br />created nerepY a5 a Par? her Wt antl tit its pr?atiy. <br />h iha! rn the event Mortgagor {a,rs to pay wtwn Cue a+ry taxes +anta{ charges upon any leases assigned a_c addPttonat seaurny far ti»s Mdngaga, Bans. <br />6uggm¢nts, a assess(nents 4aw?ully assass¢a agarnsl the Prtvrxses 9r fans to mamtatn rrrsuranl¢ as neremtt¢tpre provided, Mortgagee may metre such payment e <br />pravMS sucH PnSU€arMe. antl the amauntl s r tsara rner¢tur soar: txaaorne a part o' the ODngatians secured hereby, tlue antl payable iminegia?sly, and shall bear interest <br />at the rate D[ _.1 $ . 5 pareent pee annum from end at Iha tvtw Ins M-artgag¢¢ makes suc.9 payment. <br />is That In i1re avant Marlgaga astawts +n the paynurnt or dry pt the Ooligatians or of any tnteresl thereon, at the time when the same shall pe due, or wile <br />respect tD any covenant a akuiatan ner¢o?-teen, at tns opuan bt Mortgagee, the enbrs Qoh{)-atk+ns s¢curaa herspY shay iorthwiih Fstomns qu¢ amt paYaol¢, anq the <br />Mortgagee maY {nvrtadratery ?mectasa tars Mortgage a pursue any c[ns+ evadable lager remedy to me event of any action pY Mortgagee to enfsuce d(Ktact?on of any d1 <br />tea OoPigabons secures nereDy. Ins Matgagar agre¢s that arty axpansr' inctugmg without nnutahan attorneys lees arttl CoSis Incurretl m annneltwn tneraw4fh a <br />uxurreU b procure or axtentl an aosn~t M title snaG, «itsn :ncurzext or pa:q by Mortgages, becottts a patt of the Obhgatiorts seauratl nereoy and shore be paid by <br />Mortgagor trtgBtrwr w+Sn a9 thB tdxatpe oasts a Salo aftwn <br />1'ny m tH9 seen! any action s prougn! to taracxtse rbrs Mortgage to= a{i a any part Dt the QbifgatlfNr5 seldYed heE¢Dy. the Mortgagee snaN be anhded le <br />+nxrwdrate p Assesswn a Ufa mmtgaasa orem sss axes m¢ cwrt, ar a lugge ttaereat +n vawtwn. may apporrt antl the Mortgagor her¢bv wnsents to one appantmsnr er <br />d reGerve' to take passessian of rasa Premises t6 rnttect end receive (ants and proms ansang therefrom, and tram any moneys sa cntlecteq. tC pay fixes, Pravda <br />:. flpsurarkw. mares nr„Baaa rapiers W enptovements upo:'r the Prsmtses, ono make any tfihe( experldltures winorued by the court, antl apply dry sum ; smammg otter <br />-'~ payment dt suf-h authixtzed exp¢~ituras upon Poe Obitgabons <br />8 That tat±ura or aeay aP Mortgagee to exarase any :;{ ,is r+gnis a pnatEges qr to ~nstsi upon strict periprnance W any covenants w ag^eemsrrs, o-t Ma tgagnr <br />xu"-terntltl sk'tHrs Mortgage snarl never oa consuued as a waiver W any reQuer¢ment ar tutlrgatwn o? Martgagor a right o! rernedY oP Mor tgago9 eantaurea In a nasaa <br />~we.arry M hr?ernes, pr€W=.s+cns agrsemerts a cttiers8nts a tors Mortgage a any future getauns <br />- g 1'h~ to lase a dMaur: m ins pay'aant u~ any o' 6n¢ ODkganerts cr m ease o{ payment py Murtgagse a any hpC. ,uCgnt¢rt tax ,nsurancs ens:. a esaerrsa <br />Sea„ ~M,a,rt.t.yagee k7al9 PNye the Privilege w:lnGkt uaClanng ;rte wnare !~.gflpt~rass Cue antl payable. t9 {aedose Cn d[Counl O! Such sp9c+#it: nafauit {pt S3lit <br />~bl`y,,:(.nr a§ a(e }n d¢tdLtl anC SiR.h tDraai0.Vlra UrocaeCings may ee had dnC ?nor fend deSlnEteti nere+n may be sold S:tDPCG ?e the unpaid ''Ja its-{ahtmy narGby <br />ialuf~'1, ~~ Matgag¢ shaft aanimua aS a !tan Fpr anq sr*pa+d oa4aele at tAa gsn~rons <br />1' <br />.u 'Q ~ as n5 arm n1XlY¢fs tb the Mangagee d.. 'Q'.` ht+a, :rite; ebt- +no demar+C r, inn i-0 n}fl(5 drYJ GrDi+t9 "W :rte Prgm+J&S a(itl do9S ~.Ss'gfi (P <br />- MottS)agee a9 aas~ M tfw Predtisss nu« sr n¢reait:~' aaas rr er, p: a•a:. aflC _wss antprt«er MuRgagea ;o uz:lelt aria reee+pP {ar an ~cr?s Mur:gagC€ di>ea?s r,;; <br />' ~tahh?d pay sot qua a' ~ heaune ttu9 ro Mortgages 'rte ta'm 7 tors assrgn~rwnt rs «,€*.n the 0ottgattaas are laity pare flue assttgnntent srdif nor tisc-iurs9 aps+tuee <br />Y~ un-te§a` db#airh sE ^¢ In t'ha CnY$~in7S'. t¢Fr(i5, aAQ LgtvfeAO(~S X11 8r~y .If ttta -e~bhgat.^GnS !k fh:9 M.Drtgag9 <br />it airy {art e ttw P=as ors ;<ar€4t5rrea or ~q w.?nm,t the P+;or wrrtton ccnseru or rite Mortgages ms ODt~galr; its ntap ;; the irJtr¢a ea h^.e Mw iga~ee w <br />dslt~ad w_^xaPegsatefy doe and i7a`Yaots anq tors Morigav~s may pe `u: sc:.~csad as s9t t;:rn +n paragraphs 6 arts ? a{ Snis Mo: !gaga <br />+t Tttegt the sea are t~ arnC cssa: ~ a>+ r~s anq sacunrtxarusa ww?"soe-+vr 9x:;~rt ttene <br />~:3 :fl rya bran? H-vipa €:ayfl w+E oral , ~.vrtu e, ar. x~„se; S M.~ y3g9a ar',taga :,r i w R ~•,.. :DC ~e 'rr Se r :, '-+. <br />exvxrerasw' *' amt : , ' ..; t~ M'?ng'agsa mat a? Mr~C,(a~e s op?xnr .ur ore 3+ +5buga.rorr3 e Da :+,erxrs*v ~~F .n.,. aa,atb a ,~ ,~,= v +. ~ ~ :a., ~a=,«. <br />xgtT :r4 sDeaq ;~ a r - s a;yr'av 6a+'ro i or {~~ t~,nr <br />'S "SV'-' ^~~ • •..,nu( hrny,g$ Ebx rgf 'e ~rrhiP'GPaI'~@'1 :,Yen. `+kn cyLr' ~ .. r,.1.te' il,ai' 7@:aum~Si' raga df;,g' ~ .,,~-. v ~:. .'.. <br />~enYY a?r~Y ,.a<ri :'r s`.'rsic 4sxrt~~v ,. .. ,.. <br />