<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE : ~ ~,~ oo irJ
<br />KN0W Att idEN BV THESE PRESENTS ?nal _, Rtaben E. Meier and Joyce A. Meier, husband and wife, ,r ~na+wduais
<br />fanny eat severaov. ~esidmg,n ___.._ Hall .._,___._ ___ - _ ._ Cdunrv _. Nebraska _ „______ and ~+a cnrporat nn or otne, usiness er,uty. won ns
<br />Prrnapal place ni nus,ness ~r: _Y___Hal 1, _______ Chortle .___ Nebraska ____ ,.heremaher'ererrea ores ~MOryaaor'~'. ,n consmerahon
<br />_.
<br />mau Mortyaga'z!ndebtednec_s naornlES and nn:,gahors to _ _ _ Commerc,al National Bank & Trust Company
<br />o! Hall County Sfdte of _N.ebraska Monpaye6 ~ nnw exshng a ne,eatter mcunea and other vaiuapie ccnsloerahon in nand papa
<br />dOES hereby s'en and canvev unto Mortgagee+ne tdiiowmG described premis6s situatea ,n -Hall ,-aunty and State al _ Nebraska
<br />to-wd
<br />Eagetftet vvttn d11 ~ the :,qnt t~Ile and ~rtarest a the Mnrtgaya +n sdH; Prop6rt4 now owned or nereatter adgwrrad and all nufldmps.:mprwemenis. and fixtures Of any
<br />typB haw Or 1erndttEf pfaCBtl Cn saf0 real property and aft edSerrNlmS rtyhts. dnpanenanCES. rents, Yoyalties. Oif ar1Q gas rlgMS and profits. water, wa1Br rights, and
<br />water stOGk and aIi hxturES nOw ar nareatta attache0 tc tr»? bregang descnned property. ail of which Inautltng repiacemeniS drd additions iherEl0, shah Oe deemed
<br />to tx3 and rerrtam part at tRe MC.pe^. t t nvBred by ?^.S MortGadE atl^,! t: R tnregany protcerty shall pE ca0ecbvely hareinafler referrEd 10 as the ~ Premises "
<br />`. Ms mortgage .s y,ven ±a sw.:u:e a cenmr ; rnmsssary nRte dared Marth -39,__1984__ ..._ .n Ine principal sum of $2QD;.000 aneY t`nMAr
<br />l~4BF. uot,e clate~ _'iL14! 33,__S21S.~il44 uul!ars .5925 .. GOO~O.Q-;, and mterESt merean aGCOrtlinq to the terms of
<br />Sdfd nee dnd any' anD dik extenS,OnS .'EnewdtS mna}:catfnns v S,faStftUtlnnS !hereof and Eddn dnd Beery OEp! habihty and oDliganon df Every type and description
<br />wn,cn tnE Manpdaor rby r. ;x .-r a' :+•.^v t.me nrea'te~ ^we lr, :^e 4s~^gau6e :• c~;:d:nq quarantEes ar accomtrrodannns. whrch the Mortgagor may nnw. or at any bore
<br />ner6aner owe a Qe rrm,gared c i : 'na nAer?~yapEe a~rretre-: ,ucn aerez s:ao,lrty w abnpat,Oh now axuts or s or ritzy pe direct a rndtr6GL aue or to become due.
<br />aosaute or c+.mNngent x,mary ar sric:~d;arr .,cu:cateo- ~:- -.n.,;;u=cat>d a= wort savE,a+ ar pent ana several- an such debts. natahnes, ana obugattans an cnbeGtivety
<br />tgncananer reterrea In as Jb!:gatmn<
<br />l rte total r:nc,Pa amount e.c::eve ~:. e=es; .c ,rte _:nggatN]ns rcwmn.; any future cents. advances haadltie5 or 661tgat!ons, hat Irtdiuding however any
<br />sur^t advanGBd for fine ptotecliar er ;^e ~remrses?r ,rte Mo<tGadae r ,~`rEres! tnEre,n Bran not exceed fine sum df -Five Htandred TYv+na:anA anry ,
<br />n110~---------------------------;rni{ars,5~4~?,44U t29 .; prCWlde0,however.tnatnothingGantametlhereinshattconstttute
<br />a camnutment to maze adcniuna s ~~aure €^.m^=_ c~ aoFances :r an. aTOU ,t
<br />me Mortgage ^Brepv wa,ranr ;~a, ~ _ ,ea ~v,ne: ^' ,~.e ~,~rtgaged real arnpBnv roar it wdt defend tre one agamst alp claimants whomsoever, antl it
<br />~e?,npu:snes an ngnrs at nanESteac; :n aa,d Yram;ses anc -mane;!!; a-rid agrees with the MnnpagEe as rOltows
<br />to pav wnOn curt a~: ~a.es ,agmenrs ~r assESS~nems winch nav pe ,awfully assessed agamst the premises ana tn6 rental charges upon any leases
<br />assigned as add?irona: secw,ro tar tris~Mm~igdga
<br />2 `a :nSUre and tCBD ,tlSUreC 'nE Y'9'n:>eS dny F+:.E..,: ~praVEmEniS '7w :rn a: wniGn may nelBdtte! a8 P!aGed Gn Sald Pfetneses to the salts}acban Q! the
<br />Mortgagee ary pa+;.r arwenc,nq such :nsurarwe shat: ~ endorsed vrir, a ,n:rrtgagEE loss payatrie cwuse. approvBd py aM in favor a Mortgagee. and detwsnsd wtth
<br />rce Margag~se ann w+m onr sss tnErEUnaEr =-; :;6 tiayaate to Mtpagee a! tae onuon a tnE Mortgagee. sums sit rnGehred aV Mnngagce or Mortgagor may be used to
<br />pav tar ~EGnnstructrnn of .rte nES;.orr~a r",,,.,~u, :. . ~~ .~ aoaiEd .,:av ,..nE aauon of the Mortgagee. be appued m paynteN a any Obnganons. maturEd or
<br />~,rnnutzuea .`aY:Uied aY mri Man,~ae
<br />i ' n asap as tuaEIIr^gs accupxa a^.r, ~n ;;ace rEpau atx tc ,at;arn !Teri me carxnrsswnM any acts of remaa3, tlerraNtbn, nr impairmBM# ttM,premisES; mr! to
<br />~~Ut a 'emcee. ?r permrt la [k' CL! a 'Emxh•Ed arty wano ar `.xi?',~r ' 1n Said rEal praceny. and hat to COmnat a( perrm[ dny Waste p tfl}(raitthent 4t tftE YatUE at ItiB
<br />vseunry, to cdnt:nuassiY pracn0e dpP+OVed mEtnnas at td*m,nq an sold Pr¢rntses ro PrEVen', srosson and the spreW a nactous and daritatNrtg weeds, and t0 preserve
<br />me krbilip ra the sae+.
<br /><. ?hat a=± nwrfeY ana awaos paYaO,e as dsnagES ;>: cattnansd±ufn ra the takmq a tdk to a Dnssessson ot, ar tar damage to dny pnrtrar Ot Ine Prtxafses DY
<br />reasat ,a any cmdemnatwn ernfnEnt aatta,n :hangs m gtaaE.:'s ouue praaEdurg shat:. at the collet ra !M Mortgagee, ce pad to the Mortgagee. and speh mateys
<br />dnd awards atB nErep} assrgr!Ea3 t0 Mat jagBa. a,td ;,rdq€r4~r1t tnarBta sNa1; BB enterBd ,n favor q MatyigBB. artd Wt1~n paifi shat) b8 bsEA, a! pf colon. IbWald fkte
<br />payment m the iiot,gabaes sewrea nerEOy :F~ such araEr rs ,na;.u~r as Mongagtw nav desire a getermrne, a snarl ae used at ds hotter, tar payment of tease.
<br />asseSSftp'l,is ~ePans Or ether rrE,l~ to tnE GaYn9an; ai whrch tins MG2g3ge ,+ glean ds Securrly, whether tiro same ce iheh. due or not. antl ;n sudn Order a madflW ae
<br />Mnrigagne may det6raurtB, and any anwrtrt nut s<: used shdu be re+ees60 ey rns Mortgagee w the Mortgage. SuGn apphgtwn a rElEaw strati not Cure a w8lYaarly
<br />dEtaun a taeG+asure prOGeedtngs sit the tnroru Mrnigatgcw e+.EEms a rrecessarp to appear nr answer m catdemnatum action, neandg a praaeadlnig, M4rtgapIX stnp6
<br />pat art wgal Expenses :n c6nrrE,ciron tresaw,tn ~.n*_~re t}.ny oii~ hat ;,,n,tEd tc. attorneys rues arw arurt casts. and until so Paid. Bunn extretises. wiN esl it fhe ta4 #
<br />tS._ 5, peiGest. snaa ce added th tttB :7p+rgat:nns sB..u; tie rt.rany .n sutn ntanriEr a order as MongagB6 rnaY desire a determsne. navrng the binYBtd d try hen
<br />created herabY as a part nereur and a its prear,ty
<br />5 that ,n the event Mortgagor tans to asp wnsrrr due arty fdxEg rental ,:nargas upon any teases assigne0 as adtldurttN Security fat Eby Mortgage, Iftpta,
<br />p~nenis. a assessnkt+ras +awtut=y asst:sxd eyeing; lrs 1~-carnsES c+ tails ra mxmtaut Insurance as neranbetae Provided, Mortgagee DtaY rhalte stWh prypnent or
<br />prOx;de such mSUram:6. and Ice amarmysi pare tnEraaca snag+:'aacart a part G tnE Uangotiaes secured nErepy. due and payable ttttntBdutety, and shall bear interest
<br />at me late rx _ 1S . 5.. percdnt firer annum ?ran asst at t:w horn Ice Mortgagee makes such payment.
<br />b tndt ,n itt6 EvEnt Matgaga ae2ay4tS in '.tag cwyrrasm at any a (n@ CDtigalmns a at arty inle[eal tner8dn, at the ENiM WMh the SdPye stall be due., IX W-f•t
<br />respect to arty oove:saru a cortdmm~ Hereof rnEn. a; tnE npt.'an a+ McxigagBe. tM etdlre Obugetions SeGUtBd herepy shah torihwlih bedoste due and PaY?he1, add t!k
<br />Matgaget may munedlatety tpredhtse this Matgage ar pursue any other avadaoM legal reritedy. m the event at any action by MtMgagee W edidre! cdtlebdod d any dl
<br />the Oblpat:ens secured nntaoY. ins Matgdga ag•eas tndt any 6xperlsB ,cUUdmg wadtoui linuuDrm attar!eys tees and costs Itrcurred to pnrtsstfdn titatera@ ar
<br />uuyrrrEd to prbu:rE a Exie.'u3 an apsnact o" treat st+atl. wean mGUrrEa ar patd try Mortgagee. treetrn>e a Part W the Obtigattans secured hereby antl stead be paid Dy
<br />Matgagdf together wRn aft Ine 1ax30?e tuts a SUCK adti.Jit
<br />' *nat :n the evB.x dr=y action .s ornvgm to ta~taSE mu Mnngage for ah a arty par? a Ina opitgatians soured nerEby. the Mortgagee shat; de enhiMd to
<br />utinraaaSe possession a trtE rrxx*.gaged premesBS. and ;rte ca,n a a tudpe fheraW in vaealtmn. mayr appdnt and [rte Mortgagor heresy rssrsents to Itte appwntmen! a
<br />a rEGE2YB• ra taxE possesson of sad PfBmYSBS to cmuct and racsrvE rents artd prohis ansutg tlyretrdn, aftd tram any moneys sd cdnectetl, to pay taxes. Drovide
<br />•nsu.asree, itixe r~egd rEparrs to i ..prnvE~r-ts uper the PEmrses. and ,hales any other expenditwes autttoriztW Dy the earn. and apply any sum renratning attar
<br />rna PaYr,+eat at saE;h duttforltBd €xpesxl:Su ss uPRr: '.rte 4anugateans
<br />6 ?hat tai:urE 4 dE'ay ~ Mortgagee to Exnrus6 am R} •ts :,gh=,s a= pnv~rages a, to :rsist upon strict pettamartce a any covenants a agre6rttenis of Mortgage
<br />csntaried =.a thra Mortgage shah neap Ge ca~struEd as ; waiver ~ any rsGUiaerwnt or odiegation a Mortgagor a ngnt dr r6srtedy at Mdngagee armtau:ed en a Erased
<br />ear a tnB farms pta~:sraea. agrEer~.^.'.s a c,.evn€s at r>^is MatiaagE ar dry tuturE aEtaulis
<br />y itkgi t; GdSn # nEtdo#t ,n fr1E paynlEflt Vi any a ton QbugatwrY5'X ±n Cdse a payment DY Matgage6 of any Ben, pJagmeni, tax, msuratiGE, LaSL a Bxpnnse,
<br />Surd Ma;tgau~ st'.a;l naw° tk `.'.;~ a .,:~' d~'.:t,'ir,y '^.E w=, E .: a,EGtednEaS u1iB and Payable, b faaG:re a'F aLGti.§.Rt v ucn SpBGihG u"e'w'uC ,"vY SYG+`:
<br />DbGgatiat~ as ~e sit default ana ~sucn irrrEl,yrB proGeeddrgs rtgy pe had dnd the ~d descrrt>elt netexn tray ire sad, sutgBG'. to the unpaid pbr5gaaons n6raby
<br />aecuted and knts MongagE steYti eon n;,g ss < hEn by any ,~np3d daance Ot Sne .^ohgatams
<br />td taarigAga dsstgns arw darlYErS tU fiat M,s'tgdgna af: ~<ght near? i^,tBr~ss ann dW&ana !n ana la rants and pr CAtS ar ton prern,se3 ant! does as3lgn t9
<br />MatiE}~ee si leases di ~ ?rC!'~SES n, '•r4'rCartBt mraSE. wrr[ien a •?+ai oral d0es ernparet Mnrigdgee td CohECt and rec~e,pt (a ~i YEhtS Mwtgaror dkreGta aP
<br />hFiafds 145 pay rent d3in a ~] 21e=t~"nE due tP MartgdgB6 'nE tB."in ifT rtNS assvgarnnnt 3 a6ta' the QttbgafsfX's are tub'j' pa#d- finis aSStgnntent shalt not ira:dmB rlpP.r$bzE
<br />uw4o-ss dEtaitlt rs !nadE m the:a.enah{,. tonRS and s~ndriraris cr+ any or ene Obhgannn. a* ntis Mortgage
<br />. , fl dny part ~ ti4B SrrEaiFSB'$ ors [ra!4*~tetrg W G'.kl rtzrxx;! Ind pi f61 wrntEn. `,~nrtsEr,t C9 !h9 MangagES, !hE tlpkga5lOns nwy a; inr ,~'itrcYn Oi lr~ ME4ipa'y'En ae
<br />dee~ared ne:FriBdiplyY duE aim PaYat~ a,ta t~ Matg~go.n+dy 5E s~>osd as set ;o,t., :c prragraphs E and 7 of tots Matte
<br />,~ rtrvrra,~e'"ssesaretreeanac~„rlatiwvsa,anear<.,,Mararurs.v+~a ova= excsn: _a_priGr_~rt,gaga of_rac~rd_ tp, C.
<br />Yairrtaz
<br />~,, ±a tlyr Eekwd irtO+aga<,~x y~ w=1.',aaf atE (3'•t w 1i€. .: n! ;Y DEStEB r;wngasTE 9t a6'!E~rw.sa Ensa,"wOi ,rm r>i a,w SE ttrt e ..:ac
<br />astrrr+berEt! :n acts tin titan M.atgsgtxs ^ryify ar MS .., ,nh avs!are are pkgatattrs m ^_E :arnwdwto-y- a„a a=~c r'arac,e ,r. - ,.. ,>., . M: •'3 t~;»
<br />~ west ~ ~ ~uah ~ axr~a=atsr ~ sea .~ „ :J '
<br />as i:.~a~y.Se?VeaS~s~'artr;R Y"-'a.~. ~.. ..~~m ,v war-~ s.:•;.r:.,,:sk•. yea.. :x Tr~^xg: ~+F.. a~ave ,..e ,n -e.- ., „_ ..
<br />~<+wvtY adEr >ts .araP3y Y it;Va McTr'iN?~
<br />