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84 - 001732 <br />3. The mortgagor covenants anA agrees that i( he shall fail to pr} Maid indebtedness or an) part (heron( when <br />dtw or ehail fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or the promiesor} Hole eeeured herchy, the <br />entire indebtedness hereby eeeured .hall immediately become due, payable, noel collectible without notice, at the <br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, rcgardlees of maturity, and the mortgagee or hie aeeigne may before or after onto' <br />sell mid property without appraisement i the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of <br />eppraiaement 1 <br />t 1 at judicial arty pursuant to the proviemne of Zg h.Ll.. 2811 i a t ; ur <br />UU at the option of the mortgagee, Either 6y auction or by wlieiution of seakd bide, [or the highest sad <br />beat bid complying with the terms of mle and manner of payment specified in the pttbliahed aotitx of mk, 6nt <br />giving (our weeks' notice u( the time, terms. and place of such Bale, by advrrtierment not lees Than once <br />during each of mid tour weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the cotmty in which stud ptoputy <br />u situated, all other nonce being hereby waived by the mortgagor Und wid mortgagee, or nay peeaor as <br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indcbtedtter evidenced by mid Hotel. Said mk ahdl be <br />held at or on the property to be sold or at the Federal, Bounty, or city rnttrthouae for the eonnty in whie6 the <br />properly is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to a:eeute for and on behalf oI the mortgagor and b <br />deliver to the purchaser at aue6 mle a aul6cient convevattce of said property, which coaveyaree almfl eartttin <br />eeeiuh a. t. the happening of the detwlt upon which the eseeutioa of the power of mk heeeia granted <br />deperda: and the mid mortgagor hereby conalitutes and appoinb the mortgagee or nay agent or attorney ~ tie <br />mortgagee, the agent and attoroer in fan of mid mortgagor to make wch tecitak sad to ettaente acid <br />eonveyaace and hereby covenaau and agrees that the reeitai so made shat) be etfeeteal to Mr su etptity er <br />right of redemption, homestead, doyver, and all other rsEmptione of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby <br />espreasly waived and ,~°ihe mortE~gre; or <br />b ~~ <br />to ~ toke an,r ahej"',~`/b~ylllp to etrtr ur F'rderal etatnte rillmr iu strtr or Me,kral <br />court or nthenrtse (or the dupwitinn of the proper(}. <br />la the erem of a mk u hereiohetorc provided, the mortgagor or any penau is porarioa tttedat the meet- <br />gagor shall thew become and 6e tensnln holding over and ehaU forthwith deliver porerinn fo the purchaser al <br />weh wk a be summarily dispuasrssed, in sreordance with the provision of law applieabk to tenants hohling over. <br />The petmr sad agcacy hereby granted are roupkd with an intareat sad are irrevocable 6y Berth or otherwise, attd <br />ate gestated r cumulative to the rcmtdies for colketion of said indebtedness provided by law. <br />L Tle peeeeeda of any mk of mrd property in accordaaee with the preeedirg paragraphs shall be appliai ~t <br />to pay the costa and eapeara of wid sak, the espeeas incurred by the mortgagee for the purpose of praAeetirg or (tacit <br />tairitrg said property, sad reawnabk attoroeyi fear; secondly, to pry the indrbtednerr secured hcreb} ;and thirdly. <br />to pay wy swplw or _° - ~._,or.~etjw'i~ legal ly eNitkd thereto. <br />iaaws+e <br />S. In the event toraelaurc mk or punwat to Ibe power of wk lueeineheae <br />graaud, sad tka proueds are nw atriciwt to pay the total irtde6tedness secured by thin idtrurunt sad evidented by <br />acid pramitNey note, dse mwrtgagee riU be entitled b a detieieacy judgment far tba artauN of tie tiejaiwcy sdtierl <br />•Mr1 a yprniaaarwt. <br />i In tin event the mortgagor (ails to pay any Federal, state, or locrl lea a.seaament, iru•ww tax or other tan <br />litre, charge, tea, w other eapease charged agairat the properly the atorlga{ae u hercby authorised al his optiow w <br />pay tin sans Any atw ao paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amamt of the <br />intiaMeiae• evidenced by mid note, subject to tie acme terms asd conditiotr If the egrtgagor shall pay turd <br />diaritarga tin iadeMedneas evidenced by acid promirory Dote, and shall pay such attsa sad shall tliarJtaega a0 <br />tow. and liana and the cea4 fact, and a:penes of making, eatorcisa, and attecutirg this moetPee, then thin matt~yn <br />-hall M eantrlad and autraadered. <br />7. TM oweaaala 6etoia eertairad shall Lied sad the benefi4 and adtantage. shell uturr to the rr.pretive etc• <br />Eaetesa sad ttteigra of tie panics berets. ~haaerer treed, the aiwgu{ar number shall inlade the pfun4 the plueal tin <br />~..rd tM are .t any gaador .h.U iaeteda aU gtmdera. <br />l yin rdtsrr el any cereaaat hares or of the oNtgation .eeured hereby shall at my tints thererher be held <br />u be a ruts of tin teeny hares! er of t-e note stxw[ed hereby. <br />9. A jrdioid Banes, order, or fudgmest holding soy provisarrt or portiwt of thw itrerunteat utyrliJ ur untm• <br />lettrrtaiie ((ball not q nay way impair or preelttde tLe tmforcertteM of the romaiains provisions or Itortiow of this <br />illlRSnrlarl. <br />1~, Ar, wtiMStr srdee to ba ireeed a the mortgagor pursuant to the prorlut:as of this instrumw dull M aJ~ <br />daaM~i M tLr tttaet~garp <br />sad nay wrltha ((saline to be iwad q the nmrtpgea shall <br />b adiraarad to tIr tttttretgttpa N <br />aer rgsigr sea Sim)f5 <br />