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<br />84 -` 001682 <br />applicable law tequiressueh interest to tx paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ear;dngs on the Funds. Lends shall <br />give to Borrower, without charge, an annual aceounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds attd the purpose for which each <br />debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additions! security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, rogether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shalt excad the amount required to pay said taxes, assessments, tnstuatta prettdums and <br />ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at 8orrows's option, eitfis promptly repaid to Borrows or credited to Borrower on monthly <br />installments of Funds. if tAe amount of the Fwds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, inatuana premitttm and <br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deBciettcy within 30 days from the date ttotia <br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />iJpon Paymrnt in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower soy Funds heW by l.ettder. If <br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Properzy is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Linder shall apply, no later that[ imtrtediatNy <br />prior to the sale pf the Property or ns acquisition by Lendtt, any Funds held by fender at the dine of application as a credit agaiep the sums <br />secured bX [his Deed of Trust, <br />3. Ap~plfcatias oT Payraents. liititss applicable taw provides orherwise, all payments ra-eived by Lender !lads the Note anti paragraphs 1 <br />and 2 hereof shalt be applied by Lender first to payment of amounts payable to Lendtt by Borrower tindtt paragraph 2 hereof, thin to interest <br />payable on the Note, then [o the princpal of the Note, and then to interest apd principal on any Future Advattoes. <br />L Charges; Lfews. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, titres and impositions attributable [o the Property whidt <br />tray attain a priority peer this Deed of Trust, and Icasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2lteteof <br />or, if not paid m such nsannrr, by Eorrower making payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrowe sha8 promptly fnrttish tp <br />1-ender atI notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, Bonosrer shall. praoptly <br />furnish to Lander recupts cvsdenc:ng such payments. Eorrower shat) prampdy discharge any Gm which has priority over this Deed of Trust; <br />provided, [hat Borrower sha4 rat be required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in wrtiPg to the payment Of the <br />obligation secured try cock lien m a nutnntt aueptablc to !.ender, err shalt in good faith contest such rim by, or defend mfortxmettt of sttr:h lice <br />in, legal proceedings which operate tp prevent the erfarctmen[ pt the tier or forfeiture of the Property or any part theeof. <br />3. Hoard Iruaraare. Borrower shall keep the improcemtnts now existing or hereafter tta~ted on the Property insured against loo by fire, <br />har9rds secluded wi[htn the term "extended cavtrage", and such ocher ha~a[ds as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such ps'rlods <br />as fendtt may regmrc; provided, that Lender shall no[ require that the ampunt of such rnverage exceed that amotmt of coverage requirod to pay <br />the sums secured by this Iked of Trust. <br />The insurance caner prpvtding the tasurantt shall be chosen by Borrower subject m approval by Linder; provided, that such approval <br />,Plait na tx ursrcasanahly wuhheld. Art p:emtums on uisurance policies shall tx paid in the manner provided undtt paragraph 2 hereof or, if not <br />paid sn such manntt, 6y Bprrvwrr making payment. when due, dirn:tty to eke msurarr:e carrier. <br />All maurance [xrht~ts and rcncwats them f stwii br in (prm ac rptabte to Lcndrr and shell include a standard mortgage clause in favor of <br />and in (itrm acs~tptatrir tp t rndrr t rndrr ;nail have shr nght to hold the pphcics and renewals thereof, and Borrows shall promptly furnish t0 <br />Lender nil strews! npn.cs and ail rrtrtpt, pf pard prcmtums_ In the event pf lau. lforrows shalt give prompt notice to !fie imuranix• earlier aad- <br />Lrndtt. Lender may make pros! pt toss i(not made promptly by Borrower. <br />Unless Lsidtt and Borrower pzhuwue upset in venting, snsurancc pro~ais shalt be applied to resloraden u repair of Iht Pmtppty <br />damaged, provtdai such restoratior pr repair es ecrot[pmttaily feasible and the security of this Dad of Trwf to not therehy impaired. tf sttC6 <br />restoration err repair ss nut eronoimcalty feastb[e or sf the security of this !lad of Trust would be impaired, the ituuraoix proceeds <br />applied to the sums sttwtd by this treed pf Trust, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrows, [f the Propsty is abatdoned by Borrower; a< if <br />Borrows fads to resl>urtd tp Lender wixfun u[t days [rout the date ratite is mtukd by bends to Borrows !fiat [he imwatxix Curie offer to <br />settle a Haim fps sttsurauee 6emrfits, !.cents o authorised tp Lbtlec! and apply the insurance Proceeds at Leeds's option either to ratoratiaq-or <br />repair pf the I'rpiietty err to [he Burns sex~ttrai bX this [Seed pf'Lzust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrows pttttrwtse agree in writing, arty such appiicadon of proceeds [o principal shill !tot eXtmd or poUpooe the dux <br />date of the monthly instatlnxmts referred to in puagraphs i anti 2 heron! or change the amount of such instalitomts. If tinder paragraph t8 <br />tisepf the Prpfserty is acquired by Lords, alt right, title attd intsest of Borrower in rttd to any insurance pdiciex and in and to tlm proieedr <br />fhttepf resnitUtg from damage t0 tht PrpPtMy prl0r to !tie sat! err aegairidan Shat) pass f0 I.HIdlr to the exlml Ulf the litnla sewtld' by this Dead- <br />af Trust immediately prior €o Bach sate or atquisitiars. <br />f. haaiirgdea W MWteaanar ut Progarty: I.aaaahae~ (;oaiomldtsmat Platsrd Utdt DesMaNaMa, 8otrowe slur! kxp the <br />Propsry in gaud repau and shah not commit waste or permit impairmem or deterioration of the Property andshdl cxmtply with the provirioaa <br />pf any )ease if tlns Dad of Trust [s an a itxuehtstd, tf this Decd ai Tntst is on a unit in a condominium pr a plannal unit tbvdopmmt, Borrower <br />shag perform a6 of Ilnrrows's obligatiom undtt the declaration or Covenanu eraung OF govst6ng the catdrtnidum or plwted writ <br />devetopmeot, the by-laws tend regulations of tfic e-ondao»nium err plan[ttd unit titwdopmmt, and conadtuea[ dotymertls. 1f a catdomiaium or <br />piantitd unit develapttent rids is executed by Borrows and rocottkd togsher with this Deal of Trits6 the avvesMnb and agnmten4 of such <br />ritfer shah be iturorporated into and shall aiaead attd auppim[mt the cavertams and agreemenu of this Dad of Trust as if the rids were a part <br />hereof. <br />T. !'ratscdoa of iewie's SecarttY. If Brrraww faits to perform the tpveaatits and agrattimts sortaitted in this Ikeda! Truer[, M if any <br />actiar or ptoccaitng is tpmmmced which murrialty affsts t,cnder's sntsest in the Pratxrty, including, but not Iindted to, emitimt domain, <br />insolvtttCy, rode enforcement, pr arrartgmtanu or praxedittgs involving a bankrupt or dectekm, thin Letidtt at bender's option, upon ttmia <br />to Bot:ows, may !tyke such appearances, disburse such sums and take such av~ion as u necessary tp protect Lender"s itttsest, i[iclttdiiy, but <br />slat litt[ited ro, disbutsmrert pf rtaspnaAk attorixy's fees and miry upon the Prapcrty ro make repairs, if Lender required mortgage ittsuratta <br />as a eondidap of sinking tht iwn secured try ttus Deed of Trust, Borrows shall pay the premiums rsluired to maintain such inattraruc in effort <br />amii aueA time as the rtquiremutt tpr such insuranx termittata in aCCprdana wilt Borrowtt's attd Cinder's wrium agreement or appUtabk <br />law. Bwrors sha#! pay [he wnount of act martgagt insurance prmtiums L~ the inattnet providal ands paragraph 2 Aseaf. <br />Asp atnpunts dislMursed AX I.tisder purseytsz lp this paragrapfi 7, with interest thstwn, shall become atlldidonal indEbltdness of Borrows <br />sa'urad tyy this Ikaf of Trust. Unless Barrewsr and Leads agra ro athtt isms of payment, such amounu shall be Wribk upon notice from <br />tersdet to Borrower requesting payv[eni thsr~f, atW shad bear irises[ from the dace of disbursement at the rate payable tram tiros to time on <br />ogttatutthtrg prirtstipat ender itta Note arias payment of intttest u stub rate would be contrary w applicable law, in which event sitcA amounts <br />styit Asa [ntertst a[ the higiaat rate petnic3sipit narks applicable law. Nothing cuntaintd in this paragraph 7 shag rcqulre Lendtt [a incur any <br />~PersK or cake any ictfon Asausder. <br />g, ImiseUaa, faer[der rrwty !!sake to ottse to be trxuk reawrabk entries upon and inspectipgs of the PtoPer[y, provided that Lends sha0 <br />give Bttirowtr t[otis€ ptiot to anp sttrA ittsittxtion spe..ifyiog rewsotrabk cause tfierrfar rctated rp fmdtt `x interest is the Protse'rtY. <br />*` <,'eMe~aaMar. Tt+cs Paotaex`ts pf any award or claim far damages, direct or Ctutacquemsal, in rortncction with any :v+ndemnanpr ,x <br />cxkra !slung of tESr Prr+, petty, err part rhstaaf, nr d,9r c~t,vCyatic~ sr ticu of esxidtrrtna[ian, arc hmaby asssgt+ed aru[ shalt be paid tc+ Ltmfcr. <br />t§ t;x ts~tnE crC a total rakir>a of tAe Properly., tl[t prticrxtds styf{ Ar ttpptied :p she sums seCUrsd nX this lletd of Trust, with [ht excess, if ary, <br />tea ttxtlte tveyti srf a faarttai taking of rtta Prtxpe'rfs, unGess Bacrawcr atsd ts~nds pths-wiser agseic st wrktinn, tixxre shall be appYted <br />to slur katlnr ta+~te~att by this t~nxl of Trras[ Bead[ Proycu'tsan of the }rrocnacFs as xx ar7uat tp !taut pre,+ppr[ioa ~a~![ibh tt+e amount c=f the sums se~irest <br />