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<br />$4 ---00167 <br />- U^frruax< Cewvh vrs Borrower uud Lender covetidnr and agree as follows: <br />I. Payment of Principal and Inleres1. He+rrnwrr ;halo prnmpllF pay when due ;hr In me!pal of and tmcrc~,t nn the <br />utdchtednes evrrletraed by lho Note. prepayment and lore charges :u pmndect nr the Nate. ^nd the prinnpal nl and interev <br />nn any I outer ;ldvanacs secured by rhea Decd nl t r!!.! <br />f. Faatds for Taxtx aad insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />n: i andar nn the dac nu>athly inualiments at pnnupal .rod nnere+t ore papahie under the hate. until the lore is paid m full. <br />a sum tharem °Funds"t equal n, one-r+rifih nP the }early !aces and asei~ments which mtrv attain pnority over thrs <br />lk•ed of Tnrat, and ground rents on the Property, rf say, plus one-t w~alfih a( y---early premmm installments far hazard insurance. <br />plus ant-twelltlt a( yeariY prenvum installments for marlgage insurance, if any, all as reasonahty esumatad imbally and from <br />tame t<, nine by Lender on the basis a'rt' a.sessmantc and hdls and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />1`he Funds shalt be hetd rn an msht orlon the depavtc or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stale agency (mrltrdmg Lander of Lender is Lech an mscnuaont Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes assessments, <br />;nsutancc prcmtums and ground rents Lender roar- not charge for sit holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said accuum <br />nr ,cnfying and compiling soul assessment. and hills. unless Leveler pays Norrewar interest an the Funds and applicable law <br />permits ! crtdcr to make cash ., charge. E2orrowcr .end Lender may agree in writing at the ume of execution of this <br />rd of "i"rust if+at urtrrect <,n the Fnrtds .hall he paid to Bnrrouar, and unless such agrcrntent k made or applicable law <br />requires such interest t<r tee pout. t_cnder shad not he reyuored to pay Borrow er any ;uteeest nr earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />~haN gtst- to Bearmwrr. wtthnut c-barge, . n annual aecotmrrnz at the Funds thawing credits and clebils ay the Funds and the <br />purpose far wh:th each debit to lire Funds was made. The Functs are pledged as additional securitg for the sums secured <br />by ihra De ~! of T~rirsL <br />If rite amount .+f the funds head h,, fender. u,grt her with the lutura t»amhiy insrnllments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due darts et rase. asetxmentt, insurance prersnums and gmuncf rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay sold tatter. <br />.; ssesxmcnts ;nsurani^. {~rcmnitn, .n.t grc,;rnct :+•nts ,e, tltev !ai! due, such excess ,hall hC. at Barn?wets option, eithK <br />promptly repaid to Borrower :? ;redncd t„ Borrower ,zit srtnmh#y iastattmenis +>a Funds. If the ammtm of [Me Funds <br />hold bit I emkr shalt oat he sutTiaant 'o pnv saxes assecsrnems, insurance premiums and ground rents as that' fall doe. <br />Borrz:war snal# par ro ixnder am amount nucs_sary to rrrala up the delteeencv wuh+n 3f) days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Narrower raqucsung paytteent thereat. <br />t.ipan payment in ttAt of alt sums senrresi b3' thts thud :,t Tru;t. Corder shalE prnmpdy rotund to Borrower any Fartds <br />Meld by 1_cnder If render paragraph IR herent the i'ralterry ~, sold pr the Yraperiy rs atherwrse acquired by t.endar. Lender <br />shall appl>". nn later rben uttmrdiatelt pru,r t:r the a.,ie ;:t tho` Property ar us aequisitinn fry Lender, uny Fttnds held- by <br />f antler at the tune at applecaunn as a credo against the sums secured hp [arts Dezd of Trust. <br />3. :1p/lieatiaa a( Payments. thlrss appttcahte !.,_w nmv;des nrherwrse. ap payments rtxeivad by Leader unt'~r the <br />V c+te and psragra~fts i ans2 2 hcres.r shat[ to applied Pe t ender ft rst ut pay'mant of amounts payable to Lentter by Harrower <br />under paragraph ~ hareaf, than te, ;nrerest pncnblr on use hots, then m cite prutctpai at the Nota, and rhea to intea'CSt and <br />f:rmetpai tin any Future .~tdvancxs <br />J. f'ltatxes; Lianer. Barrow-er than pay .r11 t:,x€s- aas*ssnrr»t, anti other ~hargns, tines and imposrtions attribtttabk to <br />the Property whim may nttam a pnorrty over th,s C3ced +,f 7"rust, and Icasettoid payments ar ground tents, if spy, ip the <br />rnanrter prarrdad tnder pmrayrapit 2 teerenP .,r, d oat l.nh4 m such matt»ar by Harrower making paytrtent, when due; dit!rrYly <br />to the peace thereat Bat rawer shall prcmrpily rurnnn r=., Lera<ter all narces of amatmts date ender this paragraph, and in the <br />event NarrawCr shad male payment drrccits- Aerrte+wct shall prompikv t,umsh tc, tender raeaeplt avittrnerngstteh paymetgs, <br />8orrawer sttatl pit+mpit)- drx'narge ant hen ,.hr.h has nr roan ,wcr ih;e t)accf of i mist: pravrded, that Borrower shall not be <br />rnyuuast to dt5schar}jc env ,taih !rcrs .,; t,~ng ,,. Barsou-er ;hall .rgrG~e rn a.rtn»g h, the paymaut of the obltgataaa stcuned by <br />each iron rn a manner acceptable to i rr:dtr .v shall ~:: g+uxi f.enh ct.mest stkh iron hY= or dafetsd enfarccmatt of streh Ikp i0. <br />legar pprexce~n~ts whrch :=paratc !,, pn=ecnt t!,e crUnrt'Cmert ;~? t#te i;e» nr firrteiurte of tlta Property or any part thareaf. <br />i. Haaard ittsxtaaee. Efurrem rr .hall k±rep rtes rripes,e'emenas now ex;etmg err hecenftar arecteSE u» the Ytrrprrry insurerl- <br />against Ease h.- flee, harards irtt`l¢rded wuhrn she term 'rxaextAe.# coverage', rtncl such atfrer Eta2ards as Lender-may require <br />attd rn st~ft atnatsnrs and far tu~h pcrxoda as 1 a•xder n=ar regct+sa; pro--vzded- that L.c»dar strati not tax~uira [hat the amount of ~: - <br />srtch cavaragr es<tad that amnuru cN covet°a)tt: rcriemrs+d t<s pay the aasr:rs src,u+'cd by than I'yretl of 'I ntSt~. - <br />T'tte insurance sooner prx?vrttueg fhc msu: once vtta#t tae t:hc?san by Barrow^er strCris~i to appmua! by t.endcr. pravtdtA. - <br />than such approval shat? not br unreasaan~rdti wrahereld. .~d pmntiunu €,n tnsxrran~ policies sha4 be-paid in the manMt <br />pravitkd coder paragraph ? heresxt or, r9 nos yard tee curb manxrer, lilt Borrower rrta3tf»g payptcnt, wfertt dttt:. directly to the <br />ersstrrapte cartxr. <br />AB insuratce puFasres ant! rcn2`wa#x uttrevt strati #sr sex terror ac>_eptaltta t,a t.endar and shall include a tltandard coo; stage <br />''sox in favor oaf arsd in form tc Letrdar 1 enaar sha11 ha~~a dta nght to hold the prtkiaies-and renewals tMreof. <br />aad Nart'awar ahafl pramprty fumrsh r., Ecnder ,.!1 rc~newa -is=+tut> t_nd ski rceuipt5 of paid premtums. In the-,t.xent of lass, <br />Borrower shat! gtvt prantpt ncurs;e ,++ the ensura.sce , ~trr:er eind L,rndar Leiyctar may make proof Pf toss if nor made prompt)}. <br />by Horrt+wtt. <br />linleas Lender and Hornrwc=r :st3serw era agree an w nttnp, ,nsurazaca pracccAs shalt fts applied to castaratiun or repair of <br />tree Protsenp daritag¢d yrxov~ted sct:jt rrstaarat.a>r, es rc;-oar ;- v-~cz€u,r»s-a3ly tra,=h(e ;etad the s~exstidg Qt e)!is Lkr+1 of 7rirst rs <br />not thesaby a»pauad, If stn"h rastarartaa :sr repo+r :s nz,t e:aoturtiz al#} Peas~blc ar rt the snt-urity of this CJCed crf Tn;st wmdd <br />t~ rattpatrcd„ ttte ulsarartce prw-sads Shag F+e apt+#ted en the sums vactued t,y this E)at;d nt' l`rusta with itrc rscess. tf any, Paid <br />to Borrovrar if rim Prapsrtq r<_ abaztdctteci M rrawar, +>r if Btarrt:war fads eft ra't'putxi to Lender wuhrn zq days frtrrn the <br />rkara notict is madad Pry tandar to Bartv'twat that lore tnsurance eaznar sdttts to aeTtfa a t:fatti» for iteytita±t benefits. Lender <br />+s sutFwr~test to cviEezx amd apply the irtsu€arsaa urauee+i+ at tertdats aptiart aubar to restvtation ar rappir of the Prupeny <br />ar to the sums sai~trred bp this Cleed of T-rust. <br />t,Inteaa t..ender and 8otrnwar athetwzse agsac an wait»g, any ouch appllcatton of proceeds to prinzrpal shaft not extend <br />ar ppsipr'aisa the duo data of the monthly' instal#menis ratarrad #a in paragraphs t aad ~ hereaP ur chango the amount of <br />stta faatattmetsts- ti wader t~t'agr'a~is t rl ttcracxt the Prapat-n os ae:quirtxi ray.. iC ¢tedcr, a!t right, titan and interns of Borrower <br />to atut to any insveattco and en ssnd to ihr pro€.ie;rats ihrr:a_,P resuhing #rorn damage-ro the-1'raperty prior to the sale <br />or acgttisilian shaft pass to t.ettdtr to the cstam of the aunt's securaal by ekes f7ec~sl aC' Trust it#tmtdiatc#y prior to strch sak or <br />artquwttna. <br />(w lh~ata`YMbr and Ataiaseafutae of Propsaty, LcaseYoids; L'~ pCas!tted t3ni1 -tlaerrM*[naMa. Borrower <br />sha8 ktap tfta Property in good rapazr and shaft tau =arnrnrt rvasia zrr psnnstrt impaintyant s dctcrioraunn o€ the Yraperty <br />and sltal erxxtply with the prcavtsiaas a#' any tease if this flied of Trust is on a laasehaW, if ths.s C)eed yxf l~rust is nn a unit in a <br />condprninittm ar a piamtod unit dcve3aprnant, Barrawar shat! perform art a{ Barta»ver's obtlF7tiotts" untkr tRee declaration <br />ar eavempts emting or gavarmn; rho c'cu>drxmitrsum ar planned unit deraiotsment, tbt by-taws and trlluiations n( the _ <br />cottdoatinttun ar plx»ttati amt da+~a#nptnent. and cotratnnertt drx'umetats Ef a candtnitun at plJtm,cd upit devetopment <br />rrder is aaas.utsYi fay Borrosaar and r~atrted ta~tber with ttsu iked cat "crust, the ras^anaats and agraetttants of such rider <br />shalt be ittrorporafest iota atcel shad amaod anti supplac»axtt the covenants and agraenrants of this-ikal of Trust as if fhtsrittet <br />trere a part haraaf. <br />?. llalsetliaa of i,ertdee"s 9erarky, If Borrower fads to pert<rrne ilia s'avenanis and agraaments canlained in thin <br />Daat1 of Tres{, at if spy aatton or ptucaed,ng es eemrnenrad whaah nratcnaf#y aPfats i_etwkrt interest in the Yrnperty, <br />Inchylia~. iKd ttok limned m. pnitteru tiamaan, ttesahreeury_ kode eaCta,r'cemant, ar arrnrrgemetrts or P~fs incnlving a <br />ha~cttrftt ar ttcea3eat, then landet ae LatederY optiaa, upon notix fa Borrower, may make suds atrpearattcrs, disburse xtteh <br />aastn aad lake stash action as is ltra„easary to set tlwatat:s ,n#etest, izteJ#aling but nnC tzituted to, dr+hu;f.anrenr of <br />nraucmtrbk aunrrrtry~s foes sod errtty +_rtwn the parry to make rapait's. iC Leteder ragttired mortgage ittsuranco as a <br />condition of making tare loan >a'itrect h7 titer t7eted of T-test. Narrower shall ga;q the pteeniuem tt~puitcd"fa mamlain atxh . <br />dtnursnce in etixt turttl such urns as the r+r4ttMtersxst foe stash rnaura~nce terminatae fn aceardantx with Bartawet'a anti <br />t.cedbta wr4uen aaretrtsettt <,r appticah;c 7aw~. Barrr,wer .altail pay fhc amount of sit nwrrga,Ett insttranee premittens Fn the- <br />aty[pntr ptoeiderl under parapaph : hcreoL <br />Aa~y' arrtuunn dntwrsni t+y !enter ptuwapt en ribs patagtaplt 7, with interest tharerar, attall lteaortu additional <br />x;a~ebtedrtess aP Barn,rsrt re.:ureal hr' Chu I32pcei r'a( Ytrast, tinktrla Harrs3srer and Leaxdtat agtt?a to tatter tat2»s trf paytttant, retch <br />nt»+wnts ehaii f+F paVahte upon natSsc from f,.r:ader tst Norrnwar req-acating Hyman( Yhtxaaf, acrd stead l+ear intercat (t'am the <br />Ante of disburxrntnt at the rate payatrk leapt tittle to time can outstatulzrrg principal t:`adar ziw fvate unless payment of tttta:eat <br />at stab rata ovoid are c,~rartary r;, apptieatda laxx. »t wrhteta rsi~nt +nrah attsaums shalt bau int€rost at rho highest raM <br />pertn»wMn urt,}er appricaltle .a+ vwh,nj. cantauixtt ire Ehia paragtaptt ? sha#3 r¢quare Lander to +rattr a»v as;petraa of take <br />any a~ctuVt heleVntkr. <br />a, ittafrsria 1 tmkt a?ag rnakr nt ~ aura to ire math^ rea~znahle x-xttrw•v open -xtui insp~trcaarr ca# thz PrKtprrati. provided <br />chi, ttmAtC pfi,;f pier. g„t :>wat n... ~a pthrr to arty suaA sp~-a,tySexll teasw+.nabta mxtrsa arrc>rSs;u related to Lxndrr`s <br />~nrcrew ;?, *ha praner[y- <br />