<br />84 -- 001671
<br />UNIFORM (~OYf N.x N"r5 Dafr~lwel and I CI1dCf eirx'Cn and and :,gR'a' a, tnDOwS:
<br />1. ptpRSeN of Yrieripd acrd Inlaest. Rurnrwcr ,boll pnrrnpOq pay when Jar the principal of anJ inicre,t on the
<br />nldehtedlla'!tf evrrkntrd by the Note. prepayment .utJ Lde d+arges as proaided m Ihr Nutt. and the principal of anJ interest
<br />an an F(nurc AJvanecs >ca urcJ by th„ !kcal .d 1 ~ u.i
<br />2. Rash ter Tetras rrltd lawramro. Subjn•r to apph.ahle law ur u, a w onto weever by I ender. Balrrowcr shall pay
<br />to t.enJer nn the day mimthly instdlmcnt, of pone yx:J anJ nxtcre,i arc payable under the Noro, until the Naa• is pail in full.
<br />a sum therein "Funds'! equal m unr-twrUth of the ycarh rases and .rase+sments which may attain pnnrity over this
<br />Deed n(Trust. and ground rents on the Property, d any. plu, cite-twelfth ~d yearly premwm installmenK for hazard insurance.
<br />plw ores-twelfth of yearty premwm urstallrnrnrs taxi nuxrgage in,uram e. a :ury..Jl as reasonably estimated inmally and from
<br />time la Uwe by Lender an tix basis of a+sr;srnrnls -and hrBs and ieasnnaMe eaimates thnrcof.
<br />The Funds shall bt held in an mstihtuon the dcpmm or aar~nuu. of which arc msurtJ or guarantecJ by a Federal or
<br />stale a~gtcy (including Lerukr if Lender is wile ao iu,tnuuont. Lander .ball ;ipply the Funds ur pay said taxes. ascrssmcnls,
<br />rrowance premiums :rod groord rents. LrnJer pray not . hargo for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing sail accoum
<br />of verifying and crxrlpiling saixl assexsments anJ hills, ante,. I cn Jer pay+ Borrower interest on the FemJs and applicable law
<br />ppecewits 1 ender to make such :, charge Barn,wu end I ender nr.ry .~grre m wnring at the hme ul cxecunon of This
<br />DeeJ of Trust that inrrrest nn the Funds shall he pa~J t.r Borneo er .rod unless cash agreement is male ur apphcahk law
<br />regwres such pin~terest to lx paid. Lender shall nor ter ragweed +:~ pay Morn,Nrr .ray interest or cammgs nn the: Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to YalrraN'nr, N'll}1Mlt charge, an annual aca,unt mg of the Fund ,howmg credos and Jehits lu the Fw1Js and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Fundx was made The Funtts are pledged as additional security [or rile sumo secured
<br />by IMe DeeJ of "inlet.
<br />I( the amount of the Funds held by 1 ender ^+~ethrr wnh the ~unt« monthly mstallmenis of Funds payable poor h,
<br />the Jae dates of taxes. assrssmcno., ursurance premwm. and ground rrntx, .h.ill axetrJ the amoum rcywred to pay said taxer.
<br />assessments. msurancc premwm, and gnaxnd rent, ~, Jxr: i.~ii dale. vich races shat! hc. at Dnrmwerti option, either
<br />promply repaid to florrawer ur creducd t.r Borrower nn monthly uistaltmcnts of Funds. It the amount of the Funds
<br />held by t-cnJer ,halt ram tx: sutfiacwt to pay to<r> as+c.,nu n; s. ,n.ur:mce premums and gratmd rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shat) pay ru Lender any amount nacssarv io mesa tin the atclic~ency N•uhm 3U days from the date notice is maileJ
<br />by Lerrdet Io Borrower regtlrxtmg paymem thereof
<br />Upan payment in lull tit a!1 sums seaueaf h, this lhhcJ of I nr,t I ender shall pnmtptly rrfunJ to Rormwtr any Frmds
<br />held try trader. It nailer paragraph IN hc« of the I'n,r,rnv " „,iJ ur the Property n onc~rwise acywred by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, nn later than unmedlatety poor +++ the ..+Ic of .hr I'n+petty nr us acyuisnron by Lendr r. any Frmds held by
<br />!-0ader al [he hme tit applrtation as a credo against the wen, ,ca urcd by this UecJ of l rust.
<br />~. Ag1lraFlon o/ Pymewte. Ural ~s apples ante 1.r.. I+n+v~dc+ .,the ru Esc. art payments recaveJ by Lender under the
<br />Nae and paragraphs 1 and 2 hcrcot shall tee applied b, 1 .oiler hot m paynx•nt a+t ammmts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable tin ins Note urea to the pnntipal of Uu Nate. and then la interest and
<br />pnnn'pl on any Fuwrc Advances.
<br />(( <-1asRa: l.iee. Daxrnwrr shalt pav .+tl rase,.., c„ron:r, .roil .nfrcr .barges, liar, and un{msltnrns suributabk to
<br />the property which may attain a pnonty over ihn UecJ nl lout. and Ieasrhohl payments or grtxlmi rants, if any, in the
<br />mtwter provided urtdtr paragraph ? hereat err. a not part u+ ;u: it maonrr by Borrower mrkmg payment. when due, directly
<br />to the ppaayee thereat. Borrnwrr shalt prompriy lurm,h to I crxdcr eti actors of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />erect Bormlra shag make paYmem Juectty Dor n,wci •.iutt ptompth ~ ouush to I toiler rrte~p4 eviJencmg such payments.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly discharge any hul u bleb n.u puunn .,,,a th„ UecJ tit I net: pnxv,dcd, that 8arrower shall not tee
<br />ragweed to Discharge any soak hen ,n lung a, Ikxnruer .r,,,i! .,glee .. uuunr to the payment of the uhhgauan sceurcd by
<br />such iron m a manner auoptablr w f cnJer, ur ,bah .u g,r.ni 6.nh :.anew ,uah hen hy. or de(cnJ en&xeemem of such lien in.
<br />raja! j~~~m s whsh operate t:, nrc,cot she cntnnemr~n .~i the I~en +•r rurteiuuc of the PnlpnrtY or any part thereof.
<br />3. Nisi IstsrrMte. Norruw rr shalt kcey for ~rnpr orcnra•nn non- cxi.ung ur IxCrraltCr crecleJ an fhr PropCrly insured
<br />agarmt ions by hm, finards ueaiudeJ wuhm ih< wall ~cstc+xJcJ .awcragC . ano such arbor h:cZAttls as Ltmr4r may require
<br />and in stick amounts and for such panels a> I eaahr r;ra5 rcyu,rt: pea>vnicJ tint I.cnxkr shall oat rtquun that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amaum of cusesagc reyuued t+r paa~ the earn, srtured h}° this [ktd of "f ntst.
<br />The itlsurarlce carrier proviJxng tae tn>ru'arnr ,Ixatl t,e . h.+,tn by Iiaurr,wcr sublet! tar apprav;d by I.cnrkr. provided.
<br />IMI sleek approval shaD riot he unrcasoixably unhlleid <~i! pttmwnt an nisuranee policies shalt be paid In the. ItrattRH
<br />prorided ttoder puagrap6 2 hererli or, +! rwt paid tit sut6 inaruler, by Dorrawer making paYmem, when due: directly to the
<br />usutrtace r~rrser.
<br />A11 itrurante paiiefes aaJ «rlesals rhereul shall tea ire torn, a,.aptaWe to t exxsiet aril shall mcttde a standard-tttortgate
<br />claws in favor of and in form acaeptahk to I.eilaier t rnJel ,hall ease iris right w hoiJ the policies and rcru:wals therm[..
<br />toil Borrower shall pramp[ty foolish to Lrtrxkr all rrncwal aau..c. and :dt raccipts of paid premiums. In the tutor tsf lass
<br />Bttrrowr shall giYe prompt nWrci to the +nsuraua:a- seer+,rr an:! l roster ! nmkr may make priest of tires if ant mark pttanplly
<br />by Batowst.
<br />Ualaa Lender aid Borrower othrrNisn agar m wrv,rcg. u„utaucc pru.eeds shalt Fxe appl+cd to rextatratutp pr re it of
<br />the Properly damaged. pravtxtecl su..h restarauon .~i iEp.+n ~, cs.rnunu. ally frastblc and ehc security of this Ihxd df TruRt fs
<br />nW thereby impaired. tt web resroraaaa ur ;rpau +. not e.a,aa=misahy teastbtt ar tt the security u! then DeM1 of Tttrot Would
<br />tie irapaited, the msurarn~c pnxtreds shall Fxe apptteal w chi- s„iu. sc.ursrJ by tb(s Ihtd al TnrU, with the excess. if any, paid-
<br />to 8orrowsr. If the Property is abandonnJ by Bxnruwcr.:,r tt Bau+uwcr t.ul; w respond to t'ctlder within 30 days frame the
<br />tlsie rotice ie malted by L.erlaler to Bar'wNer that the rrrsuraa.c ~atnee oBer> tcx settle a ttatm for ituurarlte be_taeftts. ~Lettder
<br />is atssa`MOritR:d to ea}kci and apply the rawean:e prnecc`Js at t cndar> upuarn sabot to rtutarutiwt or repair ref .the Praps,aY
<br />a W tits sums secured by th/s DeeJ of Trust.
<br />Udere Letrdet and Burrower otherwise agrrn in wnrrng, .uty sal h application tit prtxteeds w principal shaft oaf esttmd
<br />Or pOStpartrs tht duce daft o[ the tnanthly mstallmauts retzrrrJ to +u paragraphs t and 2 hereof ar chang~•.th4 atgotttw~ PI-
<br />srrcb 1MIal(manttt. IC under paragraphx t8 herrtixt ttxr Property +s aa:yuued by Ixtdcr, uli righF, fitk attd intertsl aC igt~olrOr
<br />in and to any insurance pottcies anti to .end to the pr,nr~^ds thereat resutung twat damage to tbs Pmpprty prier to tMtq sole.
<br />or at:rluisition shall pea w !.ender to the extent of Urn suau se:curul by the Decd xlf 'l'east irunrediately prior In stttpA sak ar
<br />~t~RasasrattleR aril MtYRMarrce d PrrtPerty; Lcasc/ruMs; l'awduwinitttenl PWtrd Uttil ilisrdngnttebl4. Borrower
<br />shall kwP the Property In grtsd repatr sad shalt not tumour waste ur planet intlxairnlenk or detcciurauoo of. th6 prPpetrY
<br />adithaB comply with the pravisiuns of any lease D tins L)n11 of Trust rs tin a kaxeltuld. !f this [ked of Trutt is an .a amt in a
<br />ot>•deoliinitsm or a planned unit devetopmetlt, Bcirfnwer shalt perlorial all of Borrower's oMigatiaas under the ditclaratiim
<br />a eotraRa~4 crsaFiag w governing the cordominium or planned unit development, the by-laws and rcgularituis u[ the
<br />catd0~itsitira at phlooal oral devclopnrrnt, aril catuutueru dascwnerna if a ctmslomitriunt ar planned amt devekapweat
<br />ride is aaoetuad by Borrower and retarded together wuh this DettJ tit Treat, the covenants and agrswtrents tat such rider
<br />shill bs incorporated into sad shW atnetd and suppln,ncm the covenants aril agreentcnts of this Dead of Trust as it Fire cider
<br />titge a pet htueoG
<br />1. 1TPSYtYtta d Lee/eira SscaritY. li Borrower fa+ls to pcrlorm rho covenants anJ agrcernents camainrd in this
<br />Dad of 71trt. at ii aay action ar prttteedmg is .ommelatv:d which materially aflerts Lender's interest in rho Proprty,
<br />ittihttllty,, bW ltd;, lirnised tP, emirseut dnlrWia, trlsutvency, awdc enforcement, ar arrangi;ntenls ix prtxctxlin)is involyiag a
<br />EiattkrttpCOrdbndatst. then Lender at Leltders upturn, upon ndigt to Barrawer, may make such appearatu:es, disbutarit such
<br />ttMSSS aPd tats sgel- trctioa as is rletxssary w ppccotact Lcadnr's rmerval, ertcirdmg, but oat lirnrled ta, dlsbursetttettf of
<br />rarootibis a11o4uuttY'a Cabs and entry upon the Property to make repairs. If l.traler resµtired mo[tga~ insurance as a
<br />cetrd4ion of mgltity the Igsttt secured by this flesh et Ttvst, Borrower shall Ra}r the prrrmtutmi requitteedd to tnailfiatn web
<br />ilatrrtlRU io dlbu't trail aueh- tires as t regttiretttent for such insuratxe terminates in accordance with Barrtawer"s and
<br />LttrJec's written ajµtemenl ar app~tcabie law. Bwrower shall pay the atnouni of all mortgage irlsttrance premiums in the
<br />itsAblter ptorialed ttrtiderpua~r p`b 3 barest.
<br />~r~yy irtnatats diebturid aby Leader pursuant to this paragraph T, with intereu thereon, shah tleaYlrtte ar-ditiorrtlt
<br />iris6udesss of Wrrawer secured by this Dyed of Trust. l7nless Burrower and Larder agree its ether terms of paYmeat, such
<br />aRtotrtla shall hr pyeltM upon rrotit:e from Lender to Bcrreaw-er rnytrnsting paynx.nt thereat, seal shall 6sa€ interest Cronl thii
<br />iyy of tlltltu>~leat u tits rata payable from time to time as twisiandmg printrpnt under the Nde tanless paytrteat of tartest
<br />M such rttls wttstld bs contrary to applrcabk law, in whrch eYent slick nrnounts sllafil Isar intxYl%t as the highest isle
<br />alleles appliubla law. fVtaihing cuotaitaed in ahw paragraph ? shall reywre Lt;ndtr to incur any expeme ar tike
<br />~~1M~l~Certdsr Wray make at cause k"i be made ttasortatxtr entries upon aaJ urspcxuans of the Pr•r>priHy, provided
<br />that ttadtr {i+!s rruurowar fleeter pritxr to any such ixaspettion apc;tifying reasonably ,:ease ttter,tlur rotated ax lerlder•s
<br />iaterast iR the Y.
<br />