<br />m ;vanes ar cb.tt~~ 4 ~,,,, 656
<br />The Nate holder will mail or dclie•rr ut me a nano of any changes ro rite amount a rzty monil+ty oOc~t brlore the
<br />clRx[ive date of any changt. The natice will include infarmattan required by law to hr given me and also the title and
<br />telephone number ofa person wfra will answer any questian 1 may hsve regarding [he notice "
<br />B. CHARGES; LIE1V5
<br />Unifrirm Covenant A of the Security Instrument is amended to read a3failows:
<br />4. C6tvges: Lienr. Barrawcr shall pay all taxes, asxexxmentx_ and other chargt~a, fines and impositians attrit?urablc to the
<br />Property whteh may attain a priority m•rr this Security Instrument, and icasehoid payments or gnnmd rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hercK~f c±r, d not paid iu sucft manner. by Harrower making paymem, when due,
<br />directly to the payee thercxaf. Borrnwer shall prattrptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph,
<br />and in tEte event Borrower shad ntakr payment directly, Horrewrr shall pramplly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br />such payments. Harrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security instnument; provided,
<br />that Harrower shall not he regnrrrd to discharge any such lien sa long ac Harrower {a} shall agree in writing to the
<br />payment of the obtigatian secured by such lien m a manner acceptable to Ixnder: tb} shall in goad faith contest such lien
<br />by, or defend against cnfarcement of such lien in, legal proceedings which in the apmian of Lender operute 4a prevent the
<br />enfarcement of the lien or forfeiture ai the Property or any part thereaf; or {c} shall secure fram the balder of such lien an
<br />agreement in a form satisfact:>ry to l.e~nder subordinating such lien to this Seetrri2y Instrument.
<br />IC Linder determines that all ar env part of the Pr.rpeny is subject to a lien which may attain a pnarity over this Security
<br />instrument, Ixnder shall send Harrower noiecr rdenhtytng such lien. Harrower shall satisfy such tier ar take one er mom of
<br />the actions set forth above wuhin ten days of the giving of notecr.
<br />c. yoT~cE
<br />Uniform Covenant 14of theSecunty Instrument is amended to read as fr:ilr>ws
<br />14, 14ofitt. (<~crlrt ttx any natu•r requrrcd under appltcahle }aw to he given in another manner, ta) any nattce h?
<br />Harrower prav?ded far m this Security Instrument shall Lse given by drhver:ng it or by mailing it by first class marl
<br />addresxed to Ilaxrower at tree PrrAtrrrty Addressor at sue h other addres as Harrower may d~sigrratr by nanc'e to Lender as
<br />provtdrd harem, and (b} any natter to Lendee xhall he gn en by here class mail ro Lender's address stated lterrin ar to sueh
<br />other addrrs's as Lender may deargnare by nonce to tlc?mower as pmvxJed ha~rrn.:Anv not tee pras7ded C )r ur this Jrcuniv
<br />instrument shrill kx deemed i+) have been gnrn u? Bc?mower or Lender a hen given rn the manner desrgnatrti hrnrn.
<br />D. UNLF'OR!~t SE("L'RL'TY 1'.SfRL!'WE?~T; (;OVE[21LtiC, LA~~; ST:E'F:RAf3iL1Tl'
<br />Uniform Cm•ensnt }Soft hr Sea•iirrtt ]n<t n:men!is arnrrrdcnl te±rratJ as tnilowx
<br />15. Uniform Security lmtrumenL• C:avcrninl; l.uwr tiererubiiity. This 8,rnt of Sc.-unty Instrunarnt crxnhntes umforni
<br />r'ovtnauts tar n:i,urmal ~ anr! nun-eutdlvm .-~.eriuvnis wuh hrmt4v.1 oartatatus b} iurudic; n.)n t.r e<rnsriarte a unafcirm
<br />seetirity instrument covering real pr<aprrty. Lha_s 5:cudty titsuutnent shat; be governed by fediral law and the law of the
<br />lurisdicirnn in wliicit the lrraperty rs lts:atrd. In the event that ants pie?v#stan ur clause of this Security lnstrumx:nt nr the
<br />E~lt/Ea ['anflletS wsih appllcablC lax!', 4til`it eF:ntlti'i sli:ill Rc33 atlfi'.°I rJtiiCr t rr)67'SIC$nti i1f fhrS ~r2UtAIy intiirGrn4nr f?7 ihC date
<br />which eaa be given etTrci wtthaut ahc ron8tenng 1±ruc rstcan. and hr this rtu! the pn±vrerors <ef this Sa~onty itAStrnmrnt and
<br />the AEutr are ch~lut~tl to tx^ sevcrai~te.
<br />F.. TRANSiN`ER OF 'THE L'RQYFR7']` QR A FLk.N~:FIC[Al, i!\°I'ERL=':ii' i\ LIORRUW'1vIt
<br />I'mt'orm Caxcnarit 1' ref (Ere Security Iri:truntrrt is aniritded to reset ;LS toll<swx
<br />17.'L'ransrer of the Properly ut a Lteneficial Intcresy in It<orrnrver. tfxil c,r an}~ par! ::t the Ym}tcrty ur an uurrrst thereat
<br />as sa}d ar transferred !or rf a berrrGituJ irurra~t tai &irruwrr is said or trarxsferrret and !It?uc*ivrr es nut a natural per; on)
<br />without lxnder's pray wrotcn cansrnt, i erxirr rnriy, ut Lender's opuan, declare all tlin -+ants sct-ur~d by tins Sra'trnty
<br />!a~itrutticttt k? be trnmrdiatrJy due and pa}able 1[++wcvrr. thin Aaptuin shall not l>r exerct.rd by Ixnder d exrrctsi is not
<br />autheirrrcd by° hederai taw.
<br />If Letuier rxrrcnacs such option ter ac~c-elrrsir, Leruler slta3J m:uJ E3orn)wcr aruiacr of aCCrleraliun m ea~eoriiatn'e wnh
<br />pgt'agraph i~ 4rrearf. Such naUCC shall pruvrdr:i periled cif not lc~xs tEtan .~© dayx feria the date tltr rtotier to mvili-cl wtfhin
<br />w3ntr h BiJrrvwrr may pay the runts da~a-lared dnc. If Horrawar fnt}s ta? pay such s{ixns prier to the exl>tra2ion ; fixuch prrtr~d.
<br />L~nditr may, withaut furtlirr aatttie au dermrnd on [Larrucvrr, tin°a,kr an} reinrdies pcnnttied by paragraph l S herraf-
<br />Y. CtiNEIVAil1' REi,I"1'ED
<br />l~hrn-Ltnifarm Covenant 2l rd rhr Security {n+2ninrrn; f"1=utu:r .Advances"1 a <irlrts~d.
<br />G. T,(1AIV CHARGES
<br />tf the tc~ sec-tired by the Sc`t uniti lostrunictrt a wb}ert tt, a law which sets rnaanuum ;e±an ~'trargu. and that }aw is lia:rti}
<br />inter{irri~l sa that the inter>xa.C or either J€asn cl~rga'~ tr.>tiect4cf or to he coiiesac~J rn rnmtecu<m uuh rhr itsan vxt~erd
<br />perirtilted imats, then: tit any such Irian charge shall br rc~dtierd by ihr :=mount acsrsarp t;) rcn7ucr tht charge err rhr
<br />prrnntta~rl hmii; itrtd (2} arty sums a}rrudy adlceted fr+Yrn pua'rouer which ra:ccctcd pcrnuncd li~ntto writ be rafuttded ?.~
<br />&u'rc~wer_ :..~itder may ch±xitss te> tnaJ:e this refund tav rrc'luratig the nrureipaJ owed under the '*1a?ac o' by ms~king a ditr:; t
<br />p~ggpetrf t~ Llair=aw^er_ If a rcfuiid rrdi3~ pruvaltal, the rcituc-ttiri wtiJ be created as a parttaJ prepaynt~rAt iirralx•r ~ rte Notr
<br />~. l~~:IS1,ATl~N
<br />If.:~~ ltiatG Itetxctd, etrrtrtxnctn or rtsfitratic»n of app}tealiJc maws ha~•e ttte eltrct caber c.f rrndcrtn}; the iv~irvicirtny t*f rhr
<br />N.?ttty t3teurdF Ltrstntnicnii or tins Adltasiuble Rate Rifer (either than this paragraph lli ravenferretv.Llc acronJuag r:,
<br />there tcr~tts,tsr ail {}cagy pact taftlir cxttns se~~ytriad hcrrlrY iiriciillc4 ahiu, as cilhrrw-isr preceded rn afte Sc^cctrity instrruucitt
<br />acrd. tt,es ~ld}t~;ahle ~ Biller, a+r csf dnniur;€lung ih, s-,clue cif Lxridrr's sriunty, alacn i-c#~ai3er. ;u i_~rxlrra ttptoua. nxip
<br />dccii•rz all sot;tr. `•+~~ urn try t;lxzt `~„far^~urxlF Ltaiunrtacisi To Me tnutts°diutet4 dire and payatiic
<br />