<br />"Z" $4 - 00158E
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. PuyFnenl of Principd and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal and interest
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, including any variations resulting From changes in the Contract Rate, and other
<br />charges as provided m the Note.
<br />2. Fundx tot Tulles and Insurance. Subject ru applicable law or waiver by Lender, Burrower shall pay to Lender on
<br />the day motnbly payments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum
<br />(herein ''Funds") equal co one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments (including condominium and planned unit
<br />development assessments, if any) which may auxin priority over this Mortgage and ground rents on the Property, if any,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments
<br />for mortgage msurartce, i( any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from tune to time by Lender on the basis of
<br />assessments and bills and reasonable esnmates thereof. Horrower shall nra he obligated kr make such payments of Funds
<br />to Lender to the extent Char Borrower makes such payments to the holder of a prior mortgage or deed al' (rust if such
<br />holder rs an mui€utional lender
<br />It Bexrower pays Funds to Lender, the Fonds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accountsrof which are
<br />insured or guaranteed be s E~'ederai or state agency Cmcluding Lender if Lender is such an insdtuCron). Lender shall apply
<br />the Fund.< to pay card taxes, assessments, insurance prarniums and ground rents. Lender may nut charge for so holding
<br />and applying the Fundc. anaiyrmg said acantm nr ceritvtng and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays
<br />Horrower rnterrv ore the funds and a{:phcablr !aw prrmns Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may
<br />agree m wndng at she i one ;>f execuur-^ of ! hn Mong,anr chat interest on the Funds shall he paid tv Borrower, and unless
<br />such agreement is made :u appGtahlr tau regwrrs such rntrrast to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower
<br />any interest err earnurgs ,rn :he Funds- Linder shall glee r„ Borrower, ,. rrbaut charge, an annual accounting of the Funds
<br />;irowrng ,:redsrs anti dehns ro ti,e Funds anti :ire purp„sr I,:n which each debit ro the Funds was made. The Funds are
<br />pledged as addiUOnai ±ecurry rz,r the wine serureu' by this Al origage.
<br />!f the amtirant „". rhr fund, held M !_crrder, sogrHrer a-nh the future monttrip rnstalirnents of Funds payable prior to
<br />'he due vales art raze;, assCS;ments.:n+u:ar:ce• premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said
<br />rases, assessments. rrsarance prammms and gr,eund ~anr as thrr tall duo, :uch excess shat{ be, at Barrowar's option,
<br />eaher tuurn ptle rrpard :v Roan:. er „r ,rediterl :a Bur r,,,ver .m monthly inaiatlmrnts of Funds. If the amount of the
<br />bonds held ho L.rnd.r ,hall r,ru !-r +utti.ieni to pee :uxc,, asees;mrnts, rnsurancc premiums and ground rents as they fail
<br />due. Bvrr,~.:er .ball poi ^~, i cnde~r erry~ ant„ur~t ncee;.ar} i:, make up the deircierrcr in am ur inure payments as Lender
<br />mar req corr.
<br />Uper; parrnens ~,n tu,t „r ti coins ,rcurrd M r'n~s l1vn gags, 1 ruder shall pnnn pUy round to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hs { arrdrr li r,rtdrr ~ arakraph i' 4err„t ri;c th,+~ my rs +uid err ilia Pn_>prrrc n utL-erwrsr aegmrrd by Lender,
<br />Lender +hail .reply, no later 'lion ,mmedia.e!c t,rxtt '„ rhr ,air of the PrupcrrG rn n, acyursuiun by bender, any Funds
<br />held he bender at ,tic 'rnr nr pp~ite~r~~n as a .reds against ilia sums +r.urrd by ihu Aiur[~gr.
<br />3. AppHcatioa ut Payments. t;ntes. appixxbie law prvvrdes urhrrwrsc, ail payments rrc:rived by Lcndcr under the
<br />Mute srrd par:q,raF?hs 3 a>9d _' !:arrrcri sba3i ba ap{surd by i ender first nt payment of amuurns payable to Lender by
<br />Hprnr war under paragraph ' hcrevt_ ,ben to rntrrest payable ar she applicable F rartracr Kar e, and then [o the principal ut-
<br />thr tiutr.
<br />A. Prior ~fortgattrs ~axd i>erds at Trust; t-hargrs: Cirns. Boeru.+rr .butt perform ati „f Borrower`s obligations
<br />under any mortgage, ae~d .,r :rue ,~, .abet +rcurrrg ugrecrrecnt w-rah a hen which ha-, pnvnty over this Mortgage,
<br />rnriudnrg Burrawc: "rscuau!e w ntakr ,,a}mrnre when rice. Burr>s.rr shalt pay ,>r cause la lye paiE{ ail taxes,
<br />asar.>sn€erzt, and +„her ~harge5, [sacs asrz! im~si:fr.r„ aitnhusabie rv the F'rr:pr€rq which may attain a priority over [hi8
<br />~1ortgagr, asad ?rasairzra,{ paymrnrc „r gr_rund rear,, rt :any.
<br />S. Haprd lnsuranrr. F''#;+rrgwer ,l:aii tarp thc^ tenpsr+.wnrnrs Goss rxrs7ing err hereallrr uaetrd uu the Property
<br />uraurcx{ agarmt tos+ h. I'rre, ierard+ ur.krdrJ wrttrut ;a tarnr "exrcNrdrd covrraar", and such other hazards as Lender
<br />may raqu;re and :n ~n4h anreunt, aua€ for ,us.h pr€:rrJs as Lrnvrr may rrgwrr.
<br />The msarxrtcr caviar pt;rs rdrng the nsurance siraA t+r chosen by Burrower suh,}aet to appievai by LenJrr: provided.
<br />that such approval shah nut be uureasonabiy cenhhtid.:1t1 tnsurance putic~res and renewals thertof shah ba in a form
<br />a.ceptabir to LanJcr and shelf include a stanJard mortgage aausr ur favor vi' and in a form attePtabie to Lender.
<br />Larrclrr vhaM bevy the nght w bold the puhctea wad rearwais iharexrt, sub)cct to the rcnus ei any mungaga, dead of trust
<br />or other security agreement wnb a lieu shush nee prrvnry ewer this Mortgage.
<br />In t{re r>-cttf of Sass, Bcuva-rr .ha{1 grvr prompt never to the msurancr earner and L.rndrr. lender may make proof
<br />of loss if nor made prc,mp€Fy by Fk>erzswrr
<br />E(the Prvprny is abardened t*y Borruwrr, ,>r rf Barrirwrr farts to respond ro i cadet within 30 days fatal tltc date
<br />Warier is mailed l?p t estd.;t :o Borrower that the m±urance camrr a#'fers to settler sit€hn for insurance trenrtits. 1_ender is
<br />auttwriteJ air coi{ect acrd apply rhr {asurancr ptuh:e+~xls ar Lrndrr's option eaher 2z rastvrsuon tar repair of the Properly
<br />or tv .Ire sums soured by this 'vlortgy¢e.
<br />i. Presrrvatiun and Nainleaanrr of properit; Leaseholds; Condorniaiuma; Plaarrd Unit Uevrktp€nrnls,
<br />Borrower siaaii keep she t ro}*erty rn gr>zrd repan and shalt nor Ban€rnu waste or err tart tmparnuent ur deterwration ut rbe
<br />Prvperty and she{! co+:rENy with [hr peavrsrcats of any least ti tins ;4ieartga~e is ore a lau,ei„aid. 1f rlris i~tor[gage rs on a umt
<br />in s condermrnium ar a planned unit dcve{oprnent, Bvn[raer shaft per!'orm all vt Borrow-ex's rshbgatinns urrdrr rbe
<br />dec`Iaration er covetrurus creating ,rr r~+scrzranu the tvndcnninrum or planned utur drsrlvpmeut, ti're by-laws and
<br />regular:cars of the vndc;m:n:uxn ar }canned a€ut deceiopmtnt, and eunstduem docuntenrs.
<br />T. PfulECtinn bt Lender's security, if Btkrttrwet fails to perform rhr covcnarrts arras agreement. untamed rn ihts
<br />;tilorc, wry rf any scot>n vrr }uocccduig rs cr~mmcr<.ed wherh rnarrnaitp affe~r„ i ruder's rmrrro-r nr the Property, nc~:r
<br />lchvdar, of Lcnd~r's optrott, upon notice to Borruwrr, rnAy make ,uch aiepearanres, disbar+e such Burns, urchrdmg
<br />rrtasunaMc aFi~rnays' fees. and lake-such acutan a~ €s nrcrssary ro ptwtecr Lender', uurtrst It Lender requuaJ ntueta:€vzc
<br />irur~rrttrtce as a ronduiat€ of snaking she ioarr secured by this Mortgage, Hnrrus:er slrai{ pay der prznruuns regmted ru
<br />rrfaifrtain such i€txurartr:e in rffe>lr untst sur:h tune as the requrremrrrt for such insurance remm~atrs rn accs>rdamt wuh
<br />Norrower's and Lender's writicrt wgrcrana+ent cv apphcablr taw. '
<br />Alt) ut3is dirdsurscd by Lender pu€suanr ur this paragra}ah 7, wit{; ,uterrst 7hrT+sou :t±.?re appbcatak Cunuac:
<br />Rafe, sirrili iaCevt3tr at)detruual urdhrttt4dnsF8s of $vrrs:wet ,rcutt~f by rhss Mcutreagu lrr{ttsa Bn?rnawtr; and i ender agree r„
<br />eatFtrr iergn, snd p~mr5ttt, svtett antounr# sNail be pagtiE?ir upon notrc~x tram l.ratsder kr Bustosses tcs3uesung paTmrnr
<br />tLterrtaf. ^Gtts<hirtfr vratt#aFUed en tfrt> patagrapes T she{i requare lxttder try incur any rx}!i•ttse ,sr sake ant a,: t,.>n tre:eurtder.
<br />!, Ina~atlon. l.endrr may make tar cat€sc tea ire made reas~naltle a€rtriCa afurn a::;i ,;,,{?re~e„r;, ,~f :he {'r a{sC~rv.
<br />psorultti riot lsrad+~ s~H go?g Barr r~awCr uorioa prea?r rc+ arsy such rn+pri.trar, tpmcatvurg ru°asoae€krir , aux ttrer cro+ rriarr.t
<br />