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<br />$~ ""' 0015'74 <br />UN/YOIIM COVENANTS. BOrrawer and !.ender covenant and agree as folbws: <br />.1. hyieM d Ikiee~al ad laleresl. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of amt interest on the <br />mdebtednev evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />nn any Futum Advances secured by [his Deed of !'oral. <br />2, Pestle fur Tana aN Itstistttire. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, BotTOwer shall pay <br />to !.ender on the day rttonthly irtuaBments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, unfit the Note is paid in loth <br />a sum (herein "Funtfs"i equal to oce-twelfth trf the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus oar-twelfth of yeary premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and htxn <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasanabie estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shaft be heW m an irntitutian the deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stale agency (including 1_ander if Ixndcr is such an instituhart). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asse~tnenta, <br />mstxance premiums and ground rents. Ixndcr may raw charge far sa holding and applying the Fu[dx, anatyzing saidaeeoum <br />or verifring and compiling said assessmems and bills. unless !..ender pays Borrower interest rm the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and I-ender may agree in writing at the time of exeerniolt of this <br />Deed of Tnut that interest on the Funds shall be pad to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to rte paitf, l ender shall not etc regwrcd to pay Harrower any interest or comings on the Funds. Lender <br />shah give to florrower, Witham charge, an annual accounting of the Funds shaving credits and debits to the Furls and the <br />purpwe for which each debit to the Funds was made. Tlu Funds are pledguf as atWitional security for the aline secured <br />by ihu [Xed of Trust. <br />I/ the amount of the Funds held by 1_tlndar, together with the tutus monthly installments of Funds pagabk Qrior to <br />the due dares of razes, assessments, rtnurance premiums and ground rents. shall exttnd the Amount required to pay sold fazes. <br />asseuments, rmurance premiums and ground rams as they tall due, such excess shall bt, at Borcower's opfson, either <br />promptly rcpard to Borrower or rreditad to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If [he atnrount of the Funds <br />held by Ixndcr shall oat t>e xufficrcnt to par laxly. assessments. insuranre premiums and ground rents as They faU due. <br />Borrower shall pay to Ixndcr any amrnint necessary to make up the deticroncy wrthin 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Larder to Borrower regttestiag payment thereof. <br />Ltpan payment in foil of all sums secued by thix Deed of 'Trust. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 1 R hereof the Froptny rs sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lesdet Lender <br />shad apply, no later than rmmadiatdy prior in the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Furtds held by <br />(.ender at the nine at application as a credit against the sums secured by this Daed of Trust. <br />J. ARlitagtsa of hrwesa. Linteu applicable taw provrdts nttterwrse, all payments received 6y L,ender under the <br />Nate and paragraphs t and Z hereof shah tee applred by 1 ender first en paymem of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 txrrnf, then to interest payable an iht Nate. iften to the princrpal of the Note. and then to intertst and <br />pnncrpal an any Future Advances <br />1. ('harRea; Luse. Borrower shall pas all taxes assaumrm= and other charges. Haas and impasitians attributable to <br />the Property which may anam a pnanry over Ihrs Deed of Trust, and lrasehold payments or groutd rents, if any, in the <br />mariner provided under paragraph 2 hemrf or, rf oat paid iu such manner, by Rarrawer making payment when dire, directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly iurntsh to I.rndtr a!f natrrrs of amounts dtie udder this paragraph, and in the <br />rvenl Borrower shalt make paymem drrtxaty, Barrowcr shall promptly turatsh to [.ender rcttipfs evittencing such paynsxnts. <br />Harrower sttalJ promptly drss:harga one iron which has ptranty over flits [)et~d of Trust; provtdeJ. that Boroower shall not be <br />requued to Atschargc any such lien x+ l:-mg a< Etarrowcr shall agree rn wnnng to the paymem of the abligatron eeeurcd by <br />sus:h itcn rn a manner accaptatrle t.. Lender. or vhaH .n goad firth can+est such Jran hy, ar defend enforcement of stash lien in. <br />irgal pr K:eedinga whrc6 operate t,+ prevent the entnrccment of the hen or farfeimrt of the Property ar any part thereof. <br />i Ntsaard lawrrnce. Bt:rrowcr shall keep the unprnvrmrnts nos esrsung or hereafter erceted on the Property insured <br />against ices by fire, hazards mciudM wufin the term "exttadcsi cmerage'-, and stts•.h other haranis as Lander may require <br />and to such amaums sod for sur;lt penads as I ender rosy reyurcc: f+rovrdcsi, that l.endtr shall not require that the amount of <br />sus:h rnverage a»ceed that amaum of taveragt reyuucd to poy the sums secured by flits Dead of Tease. <br />Tire insurance carrrcr pn?viding the insurance shall he chnstn by harrower subject to approval by Lender: pravtded. <br />that such approval shalt oat t+c unrcawnably wrthhaid A'ti premiums an rnsuranca policies shall Ae paid in the trtanoer <br />provided tinder paragraph ?hereof or. +( oat paid rn such mantrer, by Harrowu making payrnenL when dtte, directly era the <br />rmuraott sootier. <br />AI! tnsuranct pottctcs and renewals thertot shall hr ru toim a.v:eptuhle m I ender and shall mckude a standant mongage <br />.lartse in [avor of and to form acrcprabJe to Lat:dar tender shall have the right ut hc+icl flit palieitls and cenawals thereof, <br />and Itorrowar slza6 promptly furntan t,~ t t»dcr all rrnewai rtotrces and aft rcempts at pall premiums. In tiro evtlnt of lass. <br />Borrawcr shall give prompt nattc-t to flit ,nxeran.e ,arr+er and I. rndrr. i.ander may make proof of Itns rl not made promptly <br />by Borrawcr. <br />links l.todar aixi Harrower nthtrwtst age tt u: arrtntg, rnsurance proceeds shall be applied to rrs(oration or repau of <br />Ilia Property damaged, pmetJad srtch restoratmn ar re past ~. rt sxtomtcalJy icasrble and ilia seeunty of this flied of Trust is <br />not thereby ,mpaued. if itch restarauon or reps+r a not econarni..allp (casrbla or rf the security of this Deed of 'trust would <br />tat rmpatrad, flit +nsurance prtnacds shall Fir appplied to the aunts secured by this shred of Trust, with the excess, if any, paid <br />to Borrawcr. If the Property rs abandunaJ by Harrower. or it Bwrowtr (ads to respond to Ixndtlr within 30 days frem the <br />date not n-e es mailed try i.ander to Borrower that the tusnranec carsmr otters sa sttHa a alarm for insuranoc benefits, Ixndcr <br />is authattud to atllact and apply Iht insurance pnxersts at Lenders option ttihar to rrtstorauon or repair of the Properly <br />or to the sums secured by this Deed ai T'ntst. <br />f.lnless l.ersder and Borrower athcrwise agree m wrumg, an} etch applicatron ul pra+:aeds la principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due Baia at the narnthiy tnstailtrrents reftl:red to m paragraphs I oral 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such msiallrrrrnts. i( under paragraph !;t heraat the Pruptrt} .s as-ywrcd by Lerxler, ail right, ntltl and interest of Borrower <br />rn and to any msuranct pale:rea and rn and to the prataeds tharcol resulting from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />.+r scyuisiuan shat! pass to l.crultr W the extern o3 the soma x'currd !sy this [lead at Trust rmnredralet} prior to such sate or <br />acquisition. <br />6. heseisaflse astd MaiNearace of Properq: LeaseMtlAs; is orsriomiaiams; 1'laaaed UnO 1)kveNysaeala. Borrower <br /><haI! keep the Property m good repau and +nai{ raw .,,inn+,t .. asts° .n pcrnm mrpun mint or Jrteruxauon of the Prapert <br />and shall comply w«h the provrsinru et an} 3euce. ,f thu Beni of T rust is an a leasehold If Ihrs Dtxd of Trust is on a unit m a <br />condommwm or a planned umr development. Borrower shall prdurm iii of Borrower's abligauons under the drelarauon <br />nr -ovmasus creating cr gavenung the rondamtmum or piarenad umr develapntent, the t:y-laws and regulations of the <br />tundominium sxr planned etna devtiapnrem, amt usnsutuem Josuntem= !tut+snilumimum ur planned unu deveiopmeat <br />radar rs ezacutett by Borrawcr and rtaudtil together wtih thn Deed .d 1 ttur, the wvenarus and agreements of Bach rider <br />shat! be ,nca>rporatcd tins and strap amend and wppJtrnent the cos rnant. .rod agrernrenta of this Derd oI Trost as tf the rrilcr <br />wttc a pan htreaf <br />~. htstsalista of 1-•eatln~'s Secruils. it Borr,>a er 'arVs I+, prrtiorm the ~tr.enunts oral agrcementy .,rntainrd in flits <br />Deed of Trust, or if any aatron ar prtx-xsYfmg rs tommanrtd winch maicrral(r nlfects Lendrr's ~n!erest m the Pmpeny. <br />rncitdwg, cwt riot hmrtad to, eminent dorrtatn, in>ulventJ, .cult cniur~ttuart, or arrangenrtlna ar pru«ilutga invoJvtng •, <br />bankrupt er desetieat, rhea Lertxler at Lender's option, upon nonce to Borrower, mar make such appearances, dishursr: sorb <br />stints and take such action as rs nex essay} to pratt<`t Ixniler's interest. intitrding. lint not hmittsl lo, ilishur stmrnt .+I <br />rcastsssahla attarrzey's flax and catr}• upon the Prapcrt } t,s make repaers It Lander reymrad mortgage insurance a+ ;+ <br />cotdition ai retaking the Joan secured by flits [head of T7us1. Born±wpr shall pu} the prerrrwms rayvued to ma+nta~n .nth <br />tn5nrarste in etfa-.t unfit such time as flee raqutrcrttent far suet; rrtsuranec iernurtatts rat uecordsnce with Hnrrnwtr's and <br />Ltnder's written agraertttmt ar applicable taw Hartawer shalt Itay the aenaunt itt all mortgage msurancc prtntiums m the <br />matuser provided tender paragraph ; hcrtaf <br />Any amounts dislwtsrd b}' 1_tnder pursuant u, flits paragraph 7. wnh utterest Thereon ,hall lieu+mr addmortul <br />usitehfedneas of Horrawer scoured fay this fhxtl of 'trust t'nlesx Harrower amt I ender ague m other terms .it payment, .nth <br />aounntts shaft !te tvtyatsAe upon notice from f.andar to Borrrnvtr reyuastmg payment ttttlreef. and shall tttar iatartst trsun flit <br />data sxf (Bstsursetnent at the rate payable tram tints tv r,uta en osnsrandmg pnnctpal tinder the ~rrrrt unttsm payment o4 intertxi <br />at snob tale would bt cxatfraty !o appl!cahk lea, rn w^h+rh tvtm such amauals .?full hour ,mertKt at floe hrghtsi rate <br />pelrniltH`ble under appticatsk law. hint htng ct>ntamed ra ttttj ~iragraph a rhalJ rcymtc ! cnilrr to vn.ur am exptnsc qtr take <br />anY selloff lsr.mmder. <br />*. ~ Lettdar maY make or ..soya k~ hr made reasonaisJt e.ntncs upon sm.i ,n¢t+e'rtuxn=,y flit Property (gun-rJe6 <br />that L.tflder afiaB Hh~ Harrower m;ette:e prrsx to any such =napes tx,n sl>ccrfyrng rta.a+aahke ;soya therttot rbiareat r,+ t enxlatl <br />+nsoraatarl the Pwttaty. <br />