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<br />84 --001570 <br />i7Ntptfh~('CPveNxtrrs. Borrower and t ender cavcnant and agree as follows: <br />~. ~ -aymem of Pdndpl and Interest. Burrower shall promptly pay when due the principal e` and interest ou the <br />ntdeMcdnr+s cs+dcnccd by the Natr. prepayment and fete charges as prnvtded to the Note, and the pnnapal of and interest <br />un any Future adx ence+ sccun•d by this tIa-ed of l rust. <br />2. Fpds for 'Panes and Irttarratrer. Subject to applicable law nr to a written waiver by Leader, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of pnnapal soil intrust are payable under the Notc, until the Noun is paid in.full: <br />u sum thereto 'Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes soil assessments which may aitnfn priority over thix <br />Deed of Trust. and gruur€d rents nn the Property, ii any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inata)httents far hazard-ittwrartce; <br />plus nnc-twelfth of yearly premntm mstalimrms for mortgage insurarxc, it' arty, all as reasonably estimated initially attd::from - <br />timr to here by Lender un the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Fandx shall be held in an mstizminn rhr ckposits ur accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fdlerat or <br />,rate agency ftnduding Lender tf L.rnder is such an instttutroN. finder shah apply the Fuhds to pay said taxes, asseasmcNS, <br />tnsuram-r premiums and ground rents. I_ettder may not charge for su balding and applying rhr Funds, aaalyzing said account.- <br />nr verdying and cnmpihng saecl a~sessmrnts and hills, unless (..ender pays Barrawwrr tntcrest an the Funds and applicable yaw <br />permits leader to make; such a charge. Boerowrr and lender tray agree in writing at the time of exeeu[iah-of•this <br />Decd of Trost that mtercv or, rhr Funk ,hall he pard to Borrower, and untess .uch agreement is made ur applicable law <br />regmrrs ,uch una•rcst to br pard fender shall nut hr reyurred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on rhr Funds. Lender <br />:.hall give t+, Bnrrnwrr. wrthnttt :harGe..m annual uccaunhng of the Funds shawmg credits and clehits to rhr Funds and ihC <br />purpose fur wham each ilrMt to the Funds was made. 'The Funds are pledged as additional xctrcity for the sums secured <br />M this Drrd ci Tr us; <br />If the amount at tha• Funds bald h=, 1 ender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prise to <br />the due dates of taxes asesmrnn, rnsurance prcnuums and ground rents, shall rzccecl the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />.rsxssmcnts. rnsurancc prenvurtn .rrtd r•.mund :ants s, t#xcr (alt due ,uch e+ce+s sha{I hc, ai Bnrruwrr's option, eitlfer <br />prompdx ra'pmd to Bnrrrwer ur credited .:• &u: rnvrr nn monthly utstailments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hetJ ht 1 cmirr shall nn; he urt{ictcm ~~~ r,ox ..,se, asacsaments. nxuraure premiums and ground rents as they (all due. <br />Barn+wer ,ha77 pax to I ender .,nx arnnttnt ncrrrssnn !o make up the dcfiacncv w uhtn .96 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by 1_rnder to Borrower rrqursnng paymrm thereof <br />(`pan paamem m ! uzl =,t aiz xtms ,rc~:n•d h; rho Deed of i ru,t. i ender shah promptly mfund [o Burrower any Funds <br />heEd by 1 ender- It under paragraph t't hrn•ot rhr Propene ;, s,+#d r:r the Paq*rnr rs athrrwter acquired by Lender. Lrndrr <br />shall apph. nn #ater than unmrdimely poor ,.~ rfxe ,.rte nt th< Pr:pcrty rn n, acquurunn by Lcmter. any Funds held 6y <br />Lender at the erne u' appircaunn a, a crrdtt agautu the ,ums secured ho~ ttus Lkcal of Trust. <br />7. AppficWion of Pavmenti. unless apph, ante ! prnvtdc, :aherarsr. all payments rrcrrred by (.ender under the <br />Nntr and paragraphs !and _"- h:•; eot +!-i;il! ku appbed f~, I cndrr het •n pavmem of nmoamU pa}'ablr to hr.ndrr by Burrower <br />!toiler paragraph 2 hares. rhea a+ mtert,t ; ayahir un Mc 'vote, !r,cn t,+ the pttnctpal nt t#no Nora and then [o ineerest and <br />pnnu pat on anv Future Advanc €y <br />d- ('barges: Lkns. Hnrrn+tier •han ;, II tan-~ .:seams-nt~ „rta ,~t h,•: ,barges tines and rmposuions anrihutable to <br />life Property which max attar, a pnnru, war rh:s Dred of lust- and irschnlil payments or ground rents, if any, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph . hereez ra a n,q parJ rn +t:c'h manner- 6x &xrrowcr making pavment, when due, directly <br />to the payee thcaenxY Brarawct shall prm-npth- t:+rn„h t.: {ender :II ~:, .., , „t amnuntc due under rhea paragraph, and ih [he <br />event Burrower shat! make pax naam Jrrecflx H„n owe~r xYuil ; n+;rpth t-:!nr,h t.. !ender recer pl3 outdone utg such payments. <br />Borrawrr ,hat! tx.,mptiy drx~arge anx hen „nrcn =,,n prann .: :_. ~. lleed ,„ idust, pmsrdr,{ that B,+rnn+-er shall not he <br />reyu+rrd to dt+: barge anv „rah P. :,tale ~= it,rrr„wrr ,h,dl , ,~ n:nc r ,the p.:vmrnt nt the nbhguunn secured 6y <br />such teen m n manner aacc{n Mr n: f ar,drr .. ,t„u .:~ t.,rm , ro,t „„n ~.:_ . nx ,r_ ,Iefrnd en(orcemrnt of such ben tn. <br />legal r~~ecdtngs whr:h :rF+rratr ;.. n c,:t era +r •raentcut ,~r rtt< .•t r. ur,rc .a the Proper tx ut anv part thrreol. <br />Haeard Invuraoer, ha>r t,:wa .bait [.: eta rF nr, t..rnxcments r:.:,. r.~,;~ng ,v iretcat!cr cccicd on rhr Pr+pcrty insured <br />.tgautst 6 s+ nr fire. '-;,ward, r:.,:udrd Hru;m e , te:xdca ..., n.:ee •: her hatams a, i cndrr may rryutre <br />, ~ .err ~ ,r.r .,r, h . <br />and fn such anu,ootts and f,u n.:a~h {+en:nls .t, I ; u,{cr m:r. rruurrc. prr+i,ir.i ~i:at 1 ender ,Mali not rrymrr (hat !hc amount nl <br />xteh cuveragz e+crrai +h:u sins*arnt ,a .,aer,:gr :, d +o fa.,, rhr ,.: n:, ,. ,. areal ha dtrs Ured of frost <br />The msuranz aarnrr prnaxhng tha~ m,ut.m.r ,hall hr ,r„+,e,°°, h; tt,vt o•a cr subtecf t.: apps+,al bs t code r. prnvtded. <br />tlWt sttc}t apprnva! shah not he unrrsu,nahly uuhhcld •111 pren::ura..m rnsurancr {xshctcs .hall he pard in rhr manner <br />provided urnirr paragraph _' hereof c-r. r; r.o: pats( r. ,u<h marnrr. r:, f4omrwrr :naktng pavment. when due. dtrretly to [he <br />tttauranee earner. <br />:~H msuraflcr pas{fetes and tone„als tnrrcs,t *hsii ne en r:+:na a.,.d;•tshiC r,, i a•r.der and .hall include a standard mortgage <br />c#utsc na favor of and m hunt :aa.eptehlc s.-, t ender ? =:nde: ,"•.rti !,_ c tiro r ~ht to hnlai the poitc ms and renewals thereof. <br />and Borrower shall pr.:ropily !•~rntsh t.+ t ender ra ., ,.. n:gr.r- .,nJ .,!I r+..::,pt+ ,:I p ,; p; rtntums !r, the evem of loss. <br />Bottrawrr shaft g,sr prompt nxxt a<r ~„ she u.xut ats<r -. :. .s..,,o=; I ..:..:a- I ct:, ire m.a, rnakr pn+aal nt toss rl not made prumpti}- <br />t+Y Burrower. <br />Unless f.endcr anal il. rr;:w -€ - rsc aa, .. t n~ ~ . .rr,. ; n+, ed. tr di ha at:pitrd tr r storauon or repau of <br />tt€e Property damageu p -.vtded - c t.u- t t ~ s a i- ': hie .~+ed th ,c.arty f rhea Drrd ut Trust is <br />oat thereby tmpatred !t _u..h n r -at..aa ,-r n ~ r t ...~ n ra a, lira at n the nix-;,t this Ucrd of front would <br />be tmpatred, the msnratxr pt,>l~erds hat: hr appitr.<~i to tge srua;> w,:arcd M the fh-ad ,a I ntst, wolf the ex. r,s, .1 any, pard <br />to Barre+WCr tf the Prnpreiy r, aharte4utrd h: Bot rtwes :~r n li,=trower I,ui~ t,t rc,ponel to i ender within td days titan the <br />date rtuttce to mat{ed h}` [coder to Ba+rrow rr that ;tx :nsutaa~c .er; per ..t#ern :. sortie a .;sun I.+r rnsut soar he refits. Lender <br />is autlwnzrd t.x cot{ect and apply the uxsutance ;+tamrrd, ..I t cndrr+,:naon other to reslou, cam c:r rcparz of rhr Pru~:nx <br />ar to the sums secured by thu Decd a+! { ntst <br />4afm Lrndrr and Beunmer ,+therwyr agree :n wnung..ats soon apple.anus ,tt proceeds its pnnapal shall nut attend <br />ur pttatponr the due dale ut zhe ttntnthly rnstallrhent+ rrterrt:d !< ~n pategraf+hs I ;tad ~ hereof nr change the amount .a1 <br />str€:h mstaBrtxms. If urtdet paragraph I x hrrsy+t she Proprrts :, eayurred M I cndrr, all right title and uurrest a>I Burrower <br />m and to ia} insurance pohctes and rn and to the prayrec#s theu•.a renulung (runt damage ter the {"rope rte pru+r w the sale <br />ur acgttisnian .hall pass to Lender t+t ttx carrot ,+t the +uam atw rd h} rhea (?card ut {aunt uruned:ntel} poor to such sale rn <br />at~ugiuoa. <br />~. rraoarration awd MaiNeaaace of Property; l,etrsr6ufds; t utrdominiutns; Phrnned Unit Uevelepmenls. Barrnwrt <br />shall keep the frapciTy~ rn ~,til renatr sad shat! nets ;ommn wavt<~ .,u (k~rrnu unpetrntrnt rr Jrter r<u au,:n oC rhr {'ruperly <br />amf shall coatpty with rite pravtstons of any lease :t rhos Deed ,,; T rant :, .+r. a 3raschuid. It rhea Uerd nt Trust a nn a amt m a <br />caxdotnintum ur a planned unu developrnent. Btxrmwrr sha!i pc: r}orm ell of Borrower's nhltgauons cndrr rhr declaratmn <br />ar covenants aerating nr guverrnng the candamuuum nr planurd unit deve}opment, the by-laws and reguiaitnns of the <br />-~ontfornitiium or planrlyd unit devetopmrm- and uxniutatent ds.>LUrnrnts Ii a ~,neturnttanrrn ur planned unit devriupmrnt <br />ttder is executed by Barrawrc and rrcardrd t::get her wuh thu [Seed ~rl {ant, rhr novena nts and agreements nt such oiler <br />abaft tie tioecrcporated tins and shall amend and suppiemena the a,venvants ana agrerma°tt is of thre Deed nl Tnnt as v,` the rider <br />wen a pan herrpf. <br />7. rtolecUao of I.rader's Sorority. I! Borts,wrr fasts t,~ z,cr ;rein ,far cusrnants and agreements .untarnrd in tMs <br />Dap1 of Ttust, or rf any aetwn ix pn>crti;dtng is aarrnsenced which rtatenaily attests I rndrrs :ntrrest to the Prnpeny. <br />ttx3udittg, Met ewt timit~ ta, rmatmnz dantarn, msu{cgnc), cosh rntarrrmem. er arrangement.+ ,=r prucrreftngs mvn{veng a <br />btw\tuq or decsden4 then 1-ender at Lender s aaptiun, upon not:ce to Burtnwer, may Drake such apprarancrs, disburse. retch <br />s€tnx and tale tarc6 actzaa as is neressary tat pprotrer Ixnders interest, rn.-lading. i:ut not frmitrd ue, dtsL+ursrmeat of <br />reaaarssbk ittofttay`s foss aatd entry upon she Property to make repatn If Lender re.{utred mangage uieurmaer as a <br />caaditiott of mglting the loan ±~urrd tsv [hag Decd uF -1 rust, Burrower shall pav the prrmmms rrqutred to mamimn saeh <br />rttattra44e i~€ s'tfacl t€nlU at.e6 titre as ttm rv;uttsmtnt (ar sntch utsuraru,t trrmma[e> m asiordaacr wrttt Bnrt'nwer's and <br />L.etnler's rrriltctt agrramsnf or ap~€ law. &xrowrr slaatt pay rhr amount ai ail nuxtgage ensues ncr prrnnums m rhr <br />n+artaalt ~ undai~~n rapF€ 2 hereof. <br />Aq atnsvaats by t.ertdw purtatwnt ro rhea paragraph 7, whir axrrrst thereon. shale( t+r. antsy addutssnai <br />}ndt€ass of BaFTYwei ses;ured 6y rhea Deead stl TrtUt. E;nlcsx Borrower and (.ender agrees to athcr terms et payntrut, snch <br />tsRSStunq tilts(( tae Csaytsbls upon trmrrc ferret L.e-.tailor zu Borrawcr rcyttra.teng pa Ytx3ent t!'tarenf, and shall f+aar .nterest Erpm the <br />dNe of dlsbttsespnrat at the rift payibk faun tfrxu an flare wt a=ntstanctmg prtnctpai tandrr the Raxc ;,n;rss payment es! interest <br />a4 sneA raft wotdd hs ksrntrary' to apphcadlc law. an which rreM Much amatars xltall hear rotate t at that htgha~u rete <br />pssmYaihM trndar applicaiMr taw. Natiting ccurtat€scd art th€s fr$ragraph ' +h;€1s rsqutre. Lcradrr t.+ .neat any a°.cprnse ur zakr <br />arty setb€n her'ennshtt. <br />~. isllptaeiiw f.findar may ntislr car Castsr to hr €nade rGasaasahir a,ttrrrs t:p:*n arnt tn.~txw uu.s tar rhr Pn+prrn pen. retest <br />ti€s€ {.cattier shit; c++e (fwu roster urrfdtY prt€at to any such rnsprcutm c}+sxityrrta reawnahlr . sa: theret cu :clai ~u t- i:ndsr s <br />z~raae in ohs Prattreav_ <br />