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<br />qq +--.. 00.15~~ <br />Uvtrrrart f..ovENaNrs, Bonnwrr and bender covenant and agree ns follows: <br />1. Payment uF Principal and Interest. Harrcrwcr shat! promptly pay when due the pnncipai o. and inicrc4t on tM <br />mdrbtzdness cvrtknced by the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provided ur the Note, and the princtpul of and interest <br /><xn anv Future ,1J<ances secured by this [wed of l else. ' <br />2. Futsds for Taxes and insurance. Subject to applicatr)e law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />tea under nn the day manthty installmrnis of pnnctpa{ :ind interest are payable under the Nate, until the Nute is paid in fill. <br />a sum therein "Funds'1 equal to anz-iwelkh of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed aC Tntst, and ground rents nn the Prnperry, if any, plies one-+welfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twei Etta of yearly premium installments far mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />tame to time by Lender an the basil of assessments and bills and raasanahle estimates thereof. <br />Chc Funds shall be he}d in an institution the deposits or ac counts of u~hieh arc insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or <br />s:atc agency jinci~ding Lender it I_endar is .ueh an institution}. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender mss not charge for sa balding and applying nc~ Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and €ampiling said assessments and }tilts, unless (under pays Borrower interest on the. Funds and appticable law <br />permits !.ender to make such a charge. borrower and Sender may agree in writing at the: time of execution of this <br />Deed ut 'Crust lira: interact an the Funds strati 6c paid to Borrower, and nnles-s such agreement is made err applicable law <br />require; such itrtcrzst its bz paid. Lender shall not be required [o pay Borrower stay intcresE or earnings on the Fund . Lender <br />,,hall give to Barrowce, without charge, :in annrrel accaintin~ of the Funds sho<vmg credits anei debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Fends was made. The/Ftinds are p}edged as additions! security for thesums secured <br />by th+s Deed of Trust. <br />}f the ruuaunt of thr Funds hzld !ry Linder. together with the fnnarc rmm~hfy installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due daces of taws. assessmem+, insurance premiums and graunci rents. shalt exceed the amount required. to pay said-taxes, <br />:,ssessnrcnts, insurance prrmna m. and ernund rents as nc~}' tad due, arch escass shall hc, rat Harrawer's option, either <br />promptly to Harrower ur credited to Bnrniwx'r on momhly installments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender sha31 eat he suthaent to pay taa'e*; assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Harrower ,ha[I pay nr Leader any amarint rtectxsary to make up the deficiency within 3t) days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Harrower requiting payment thcetof_ <br />Lipoa payment in trill rf aft sums scorned by this Dead of Trust, E ender shall prnnaptly refund to Borrower any Fends <br />held 6y I_cndzr. if under paragraph tti Lrerecxf the Property n sold or the Prapert}' rs athcru°ise acquired 6y I.znder, tender <br />shall apply, na fatter than mrmediately prier i.a the sole ,rf the Property or its acquisidan by Lender, any Funds held by <br />L-ender at the nine of applieatian a-> a crzdit against the sums soured by ibis Lh.ed of I'raist_ <br />3. Appikatkan of Payments. l!ntess apph.~abte t:rw , rovidcs atherwtsc. ail payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 anti ? }tercoi shall }ar appiced by Lender first in pay-meat of amounts payable to Lender hF Harrower <br />under paragraph 2 tx.reaf, then to rntcrect payable ar. the Nate, then to the principal of the Nate, and then to interest and <br />pnnctipaf on any Future Advaaa-ea. <br />4. t'bat}tesi Lkns, Hnrrou-cr ctralf pay s31 toes"s, asessmenta and other c}rargrs, fines and impasitians attrihu#ahlb ro <br />the Property which may attain a pnarity over this Deed of Tntst. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph ~ hereof or, if nai paid in such nranner. by Bnrrtnver making payment, when due. directly <br />to the payee therant_ Harnxwer sh~}i ~iromptiy itu-msh to Lenttec as nunccs at amounts due under this paragraph, and in the <br />e<^eat Barnawer she}} make payment t.tmctl}.. Bcurc+wer shalt promptly Furnish ter cinder receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shall prampdy discharge anv lien r. htclr has prruruy over Chic Decd of 7"arse: provided, that Borrower shalt not tie <br />requred to discharge any such hen ,+• 4,xn~ as (Sarn~wer shall ugrer in wriurrg in the paymem taf the obligation se€UFed by <br />such fern in a manner accrptabis t,c }ender, nr shell in goad f.uth earnest suss: iren by, or defend enfareement of such lien in. <br />ergs} ppt'uccedm$s which upurat-e in pre+eat thr zntort-emenr cxf rhr ;,en or farfriture of the Property or any part thereaf~ <br />5. Haxard hesnranre. Fkrrrors tr shall keep ttw rnapravrmzms now c<teung ar hercaftcr erected on th¢ Property insured <br />agam9t loss try lire, hazsrdn` included w°rihira the r.;rm "extendrd coverage", ant} such athsr -fiazards as t..ender may, regfelre _ <br />and in saute amottnta and far such pesuads al 1 kn,der rrtay require: provided, that Lernier shalt not f~luim that-the arn_ny9t=sit <br />such €averagt exceed that amtmt of c-average rcquirecf t'+ l+ay the xau»s sscured by t}tis E4ecd of TYUS1. <br />'}lit insurartee carrier providing the ittxirancc shat} he t`hrrscn lay Borrower s:ibject to apprttvai-hy }.eritier: pravtdcd:.. <br />that such agptov;tf shaib eat ht unreasaiaahiy wit#rhefd. ,1H prtervunts on irasuranca policies shaif }at paid in the man~er- <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, (: nL4 paid in vzteh matnter, trt Borrower rer,aki,ag payrnaru, when dot, d;re€tiy fo:4hp = <br />insuratect carrier. <br />A~4} insuranat pcdiGits ant! reixewzix o-hereit shall he in tiix-m a4l~piab}e tip }-ender and~stra}! include a sfandterd-mortgage; - <br />ctause iu tavar of and in iatm accepiabta to bxnder_ t:.ender drat( have the tight tia bald the pabi€ius andrentwa(s-therein!; - - <br />attd Barrowcr shalt pratrr7atby furnish is Lander ;+si renewal noti+?+~ and ail e:ciPts of pafeL prrrttzums. In .thmeaent°,T loss: -. <br />Borrower shah give ptYxrtpt pota`t'o the i:axaxni}:c- cart s<`r and Lcndar. Lerteitr ma}• make prsuLof toss-if eat made, pt mnp[IV - - <br />6y Harrower. <br />LJn}ess Lender and Barrowcr satherwtst agree ize nrirtng, IFisnrancc prncteds sfial! ~ applied to restaratiRn ar-repau r5f <br />the Prapeny damttgett, gravitled sucte testcaration c,r r€ftutr tc aeYSnomteai}s feasl6l>r .ind the security of this Dcet.1 of ;trust is <br />na# thereby itnpatred. if such restarauan oe repair s eat ecanaurrioailP Fzitsihic ar if the 5eE Sat#Cy at-this C7tad cal'"I nor would <br />h'e impaired, Elea im`ttearrtt procetxfs shag (rr appfitd t~ the sumsxav:utd riy this t.}ead aE Trust,:<±ith the Braless. if any. Pail - <br />to Horrawar. if the Prnperry is abanekaned b}^ Barraiver, of it Burrower fails to rr,pond ttJ Lander within 34 days from the <br />d$te ttati€t-is tnar`iad Lay Lender in Harrower rlaa# iht insurance Barrier alters to seethe a Biotin fvr irtsstran€e benefit,. I_endcr _ <br />is aut}tarited to coHaet and app}y the insurance psciceeds ar h.erttier"s option eit,har to -restnratton or repair o£- the Prol><`ny, - <br />ar to the sutras sn:ured hY this Dead of '}`nest. <br />L1n(ess Letttkr atxL Hartrnver atLterwist ;rgree +n wrnins, :err}' such apptieation of proeetdg to peinei{?at sliail eat ccrend <br />o~tpona- rha due- dots of rho monthly instalLttsaats referred to to {paragraphs 1 and 3 hereof hr ettangc the amatmt of <br />s tnstaltttrettis. tf uttdcr paragraph i~ haraat the i'rapCrty is acgolred try- Let±dar, aB nght, title-and interest aC BorrWwor <br />in and to any insurance patictes and in :ind to the prcaeceds theta:f resu#ting-#rom danxtgt to t#tt PcppErty pnor to thesttie <br />nr acquisition sLtaN pass ica Lender to rha Bolero a# the sums secured L y thin Devi of Trust intmediate(y jtnoc to such cafe or <br />acgtiistt_ion. <br />E: PtesetYaBah ud M~tatance of Property;, t.easaMNdc; ('oadominingwt P-rnned LtnN ~DeraloPnteels" Barrawec <br />olio}I kaaptha Proper4y tn.gatai repatr and She}! eat i;cutrm:t waste ur ~tntit }mpaitmer+t ur detetiatation oC the Prnpcr#y <br />sled ahalf t~airap(y wit}: the pravisiatxp of any !lass if this Decd at Trust is on a iaasehinld. ff this Dead of Trustya on x unit .n a <br />cgndnrniz!bum ar a plautµd unit devttapntant, Borrower shsil paEtarm alt of Borrower"s ohfigatsans under die declaration <br />cu' crtYe'ttandti >arca£ssg or governing the €ondomiaium or panned unit -deve{opntant, rha liyla<vs ante re,gulauoas otrlher-, <br />coadant±m&t or plan®ati unit decektppieut, at}ct canstituc»t daw:umants, It a candtunipium at planned !snit dcvulaPman#.. <br />r3dtr is txc€utetl !ry flw'rower and re€vrded togattrer with this Decd of `L?use, }ht cavtutants and agreeniants of sir€h ridur <br />shaif ~be lbcnrparated "hats sled shaif arntad and svppement the covenants and agreements of this Detxt of "]"rust-$s if the reAeFt' <br />waxe a part haraaf, <br />?. PtolactEiba o[ tattier°a Security, Lf Baru}wet faits to pertarm the tovenanis and agteetnents rnntained in this <br />Dad of 7rttt#, ar if tiny action ar pra€ee;ding is comtnatrcxd whicia nratena4fy a}fects Lendafs interest in the Propen}i. <br />"r~tudinF, lade trot tida+tted ta,"etnitaartf darna}n, itssatvettcy, code-enforcet+ticnt; or arrangements at' prozeed#ngs involving s- <br />kpuikru;x ar decedent. tttext Lender at taridar's optioa,.uport no'bea to Barrawec, may make SuCii apex uanCes. dishursz ,ucFr <br />soma and aalz such action _as w nxacsarp to p;iabe€t i-md<rs talc resE -irSCdtzding, btlf t+ak littstt<d tn, di; i?urnement of <br />reasorrahic attorioeyl fees and entry upon rha Pt`rrliarty to make' rB path. IL Ltt#der iaqured nM>rtga gc insuranc'c as a <br />catrdiuma of rtuking the lean stx:un•d by this t}c+~ #tf--'TSvst, Hot:r,wcr >hatl pt}y }hg premiums rciryuireJ to matntatti su:(t .. <br />itxsuratttx in eiYect until such time ac •ht rEquirament _fsxr each in.urencF tartnittwtas lit ~rcr:ordatuc vruh Barrowrr's and. <br />!-cadet's trritten ayutneut or applicably law. Horisrwar shrll pat the atttauRt of at( rnaftg~ga lptittranec prern;ums in the <br />nrHteKt pravidrd under paragraph ?. hereof. - <br />Aayy amtwnrs dixtxuxvl by Lender pur.uam to th-s paragraph '~, w#kh- intort,@t tharcan. shalt heroine adduional- <br />}tidoMedrteaa of Hnrrewer secure!} h: this [?red <+t TYusi L:ntess Borrower and hst}tiar agree to athar terrtts et pa} •t,eut:,rtte}f,~ <br />r.mwstrts thaif by payably upon not o Ir;.,xr 1 ender i:= Bev-rawer requesting Ia~rXntant thyryoL artd ahadtttaat inS€5eat Uodt the <br />due of dislxarwratnt of the rate payable lion !late to time on ou.rrurrJ,ng, pnrttipai ur;der #ise isatts unless payment of {meraat <br />nt. .ntc3t rate would t,e t,mtrary to apphrnbk law.. in whicl+ event ssich artttntsats ah+r41 bear {ntar'est at r(i4'.. hilt L}e9(. rata <br />permimtile urHier apikicabte ixw Ncxbin}t contauryd in rhos Paragraph T sha;3,ret}uirt L~tder kU ina+tr arty taxparsse ar taltc <br />twy nctitr+i Lterytuadyr. <br />11, lrrlrefinw. t rndrr rna}• nahc .,!u c r, he maciy ea. -•nat t c,^trees, ro-}txan a+:+~ rtn{+ca-tuutxaf the PtthFCrty }truvf`ckd <br />rear 1"t~er.<hatigioe Fk,avxcr + ir~rt:,i t_ nrjy;-.ueRr mti~cr,on +{Y..+:~ittg rva,~?tt+srts<~ tfrctaCax;: re~iatttf to b.~adars <br />~ntyrtrtr rn tlac frsrvnty <br />