delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you~tiave in obtaining materials, or or other reasons tfiat'atc beyond your control. 1 un rstan atyou wt -
<br />nnr fr bable iiv such Belays
<br />ARBITRATION: If I have a d}sputa ar claim with you canrtming the quanthy, quality nr pcrfarrnanec of the products, [understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />and sealed accaniing ro the mediation-afiitrarion program that may have develloped in my community. I else know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) wou}d been-
<br />tercel in thr coon having junsdiettan over me and you
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: f know that the windows, woodwork, and other mater}ale that hove to be removed by you for this installation have Il0 salvage value. When you re-
<br />rmvc them, you can have ahem far whatever purpose you want.
<br />SPECIAL. SITIiATtONSf ~ ~ ~itjtniquerteas o{sctne of the products that you sell, [understand that in special situations that your Regional Office tray have to review
<br />and accrpt this contract. I xfsa unrerstand that this sa(t`oceurrrzf m my home and thaS you and t may not have had all Ne cotrtct mfornwuon imptMant to This ttansattioa
<br />at our fingertips; 7 g}vr you my consent to cotreM any obv}ous errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this contract were compleud.
<br />INVALID PROVISIONS: if anq provision of this contract violates the taw and is utzenforeeable, the rest of the contract will be valid. If any part elf this contract nqu'vea
<br />payment of mare interest clean the law permits, then you wilt only have the nigh[ to collect from me the amount of interest wh}nh the law allows you ro col[ect.
<br />COMPLF,TENE9S OFTHLS CONTRACT: This contract can anlybechatsged if both you sal t'agrtt in writ}ng.
<br />The foihtwing notice bringgs to my xttenttan tilt tights that I have tyro when this cannaat is sold to a financial institution or a bank, and I atwaid erotica that the imptx- ~:
<br />fence ofthispmvistan is strrssed by its appearance in tenpoint, bo)d fare type: _ -
<br />NOTICE $~ ~~~i~
<br />This crodit co-rtract finances a purchase. Ail isgal rights whl~h the @uyer has sgatmt tM Seller arlsing
<br />out of this transsctlon, Including all clafine and defenses, are alit valid aystoat any holder of this coMrset.
<br />The rlghf to recover money from the holder under this provielon Is Ilmited-to tl» amouttt'ptild by tM boyar
<br />underthis coMrsct.
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Sehsr. A defense is a idly valid reaeon fpr not paying
<br />the Seller. A holder is anyone trying to collect ft>r the purchase.
<br />LNSURANCE CANG'EI.LATION: If }have rtqutsted insurence in this purchast.l may cancel such requestfar insurance for any reasonwithin fjfreen{25)days fmmthe
<br />dart of this-contract by notifying you ar the balder of this contract in writingg i knbw that the cancellation of my coverage willbt arranged with the }iuitratta tamer(s) and
<br />a full refund of my premium(s) togther w}th app}icabit Gnanct charge will bt credited tathis cantraca. -
<br />PLEASE NOTE: )f l have r~tuested'rnsurance in this pFachase, i will receive within thirty (30) days a etnificate of insurance more futlydescritiitigthe fnsttranee.cavengc.
<br />i know that if there is env conflict in the coverage or the tanguagc of the etrtFficatt of iosurattce and the fallowing Norio of Proposed Inaurande that) aalcovefed only to
<br />the e:itnt stated in the fa(Mwing Notict x+f Proposed Instuance. I also knew that Zhave insuraxa coverage only if I have been chatg~ for it: ~ • -
<br />I take notice drat either Credit I_}fe or Credo Accident Httd Health Insnraerce, orhoth, wiltbc-zPplicabtr to [his Baits Cnnlcfletop thi reverse aide only if I hove cetacean -
<br />irbys})zntngdFCrequast for such ittstttanec. This insurance w7ll an#yroverthe lrersotr signing iha ttgttesrat the cost fareaclt type ofTnsurartce shown; SUblect to ac
<br />by the insurance company, the utsumtxe wilt be effective as of today ara1 wzll candour only f'u the number of months aftL(the effective date equal to the ors of
<br />atonthty payments. l umlerstHnd Char this panicular insurance mayy not provfdt coverage foY irrp (tstfew'(raym~tFts, aitd thattlidtog that period~aF ritrt>• I well Ir1r hav!`any~ •-
<br />insurance;ovatxge. A)E benefits and practcds of the insumrce wit} At paid to you a'to a financial institunon or.a bank }Pit phmfigserthe SalesContrxt to the extern of its
<br />interess and any balance wtI} ht payable to tttt. The iniuat am+wmuf Credit Ltft [nsurattce is thevitrounf required ib repaythETotal of Payments; thereafter, the insuratce _
<br />dec¢ases by the amount of each m+rnthly payment c s xhtdukd 34 day basis. t€T am}ointty nb1}gated an the Sa1esG'ontrac:twith a Cv-8uyu. urd wt have both sigited
<br />therequest for Credo Lifc tnsttmnce, death txnefits witf be pavabtt ante with raat~ttothe fiat o~ie trf us[tidie. Sttbjectro txctuslon<, eliminnlionsawaiting perjod soled -
<br />in the ttFSnra»ue policy ar ctreficatt. Credit .Accdent artd Health ]nsursnct Fs for die btt~t smountaf t13f)lh oPza~t manth'apaymem for cash day that I am toally disabled - -
<br />due to an lo)ury or sicke~ss white I owe any pavtFentto you, nawever. ! understand that Ihavetn hr pprrervented from working-due W srr+:h total disability for mac thanfoiu- -
<br />iccn t 1 S) consecutive days bt€art the insurance fxnefet is paid isHCk to the first day of my fatal disability. I tt6o know that 1 iiiossol obWe any htrraeea ha 70~ H I
<br />asn over 6S years d agetoday, aced I also know [bar the imuratsct rnveragt prorlAed to rot tnay tonaid`a maximum tine®tof mteFa~ewyek wYl tsot ~ In ore
<br />area, the tntbe astsount that i awe you.. fAFe to the mastmum amauntaf ecraetagc stated in the ~nsuttevcc policy, I ktrow thatany unpridanstrta4to escma of the lmurance
<br />coverage wits still have to bt peed. If the Sakes Gannett is prnpaFd m fu}i ptia to the last payrFtent date. any untamed inautsttce prenoiamswiftfie RtitgdEd to me th the mart- _
<br />rxs preuntted by law. Within rhim~ t 30) days, i well reeteve the crrnftcate of insurance more fully descriEing my insttnncecoverage• If the irtsuiatiCe_ia trot accep0ed by
<br />dtemsuranee cootpany,twtik rttetvearcfutd of the insnrtttttx preaFFUmslhavepaui. - _
<br />BUYER; ThttFtxttwaparagraNFS CUnfakn watrentics rekati tmthis sale gtven byus to the Pinaut:ial inadtuuon orbank~in orderfar it to-buyttiis.cetitnct. .. '
<br />F=t}R VALUE RECEIV EU, Soler hctchy sells, asstgns ~anvtys, aansfus and dt}ivtts to C Q ~ c~.P~,-p~ E~ aL+ .~.~
<br />(AssigFFCe) all at its rights, title and interest in and m the [astallment Sa)ta Caotratt and ;l#artgagt, together with-alt liens eXistin~ -:itt pvmen4.and ilia ..
<br />cncumbercd htttbv- AssFgnet u 6crcbx~ subsnturcd as klangagct under the hiottgagt provisions of thta comract. Scher warfants aced rcptrsents: (I . It bas the right to
<br />dtis ssstgnmtat; t S) A)3 stattmetus and figut>:s in this comra<•r a_nd in the Buyer's statement are material)}}~ trot and cuacct; I3j This contract a[ose fnim the Gana fide salt _
<br />of the girds and servicxs dtscrihed herein. td t 1'he cash downpayment Shawn in this contract was acfual}y paid fay 8uytraud iat part of Laid downpeymenl was hwFed di- -
<br />rectly+~r zndtrccnv by's`t6et FO 8uycx, +.t~F_as-h Buveruitga}iy antpctem tsFCOOtraet;E6}7th(s contract is-trot aH7l wtYt-rKtt btS-srbject to 6ny claim defense, demnd nrright
<br />of vffset.7't The ezer;uuon of the -c+ntras't oral the underlvieg salts vaaa9Cngn giving tier thetmo did not vialatt any frdetak nr state law, d}reurve, ru c yr regulation rqw _
<br />to effCQt, (tt) to dtt evtm Fhat this Ct?ntfaCt aF flee nttdertying Sale=1 lranYaetjan t5-sufricex 8F a dgf1E irf rtyaiasipn'U{4'AnFeRHhaj1 fly the BLYCJ, 6uCh rest lSelOr1' acattcelfl,- ' -
<br />nan pencM has raputit and txrtiFtr the salt mrr tnts.•nntraet Ixas been canctlledarrtscindtxl. Tf1iS6flMTRACi iS SOkQ !1'3ELLEp Mfi7N0UiAECOURSE:
<br />r,
<br />i\ TT?S'f[ML)N1 W`HEftti{1F tftt undcrstgtscd Fzed rtptt_ '~nF the-Sel}rr and.ftas signed below tnrbchalf of the-Scher on this .
<br />say qt -.._.... _,_ ..----- ----___.~._._.,_~~... IQ. i.._-..' -
<br />'lhc tarega ag .n.tnttr~nt was a;:krx ~redged hyfit~ a' on _.... ____ _.-_... PACESE PRODUC~$; INC:: i8
<br />t~ J f 7 ` Ly - ~r„^~
<br />_......_.. .. __...- -. _._ _.1......--hf- t .. ~! ~..
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<br />itv ca nn F. ion espt / Yn47t7Y1 'i
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