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~ `0015`?5 <br />UNIF00.M CavEtvhrrrs. Borrower and Lender covenant-and agree-as follows: - <br />1. Payment of Principrll -.Interest Borrower shall promptly pay when due the ptineipal of :rod-interest pn the - <br />indebtedncss evideneec4 by shit N#att€ prepayment and fate charges as provided- in the Note, and the principa# of :and-~ interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. _ <br />2. Fattds for Tames and Ironnnce. Subject to app?irnble taw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to herrder on the day monMly installments of prinelpal and intcresS are payable under the Noke; unt}I~the-,'a`nte is paid in foil, <br />a sum (heron "Funds") equal to one-twt?fth of the yearly taxes and assessments which -may attain-priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Ptnperty, if any, plus one•hvelfth.of yearly,premrum installmehts'for--hazard insurance, <br />plusorte.twelbth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any: all as-reasonably cstitnated initially and from <br />time to rime by (.ender on the basis of assessments and #sills and rtasonable estimates thereof: ~ - - <br />The Funds situ#1 be helm in an institution the deposits or accounts of which. are idsured~.crr~guarar[feed by a Federal or <br />sate agency #including Lender if Lender rs such an institutionl. Lendershail applyt6e Fundstn pay-said-taxes,. assessments, <br />insurance premiums and grooms rents. !.ender Wray not charge for so ho#ding:and applying ihe.Funds; ana#yz#ngsaid account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless [.ender pays Batrowtr iiaterest~on the-Firndsand applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing ar the limb-afezecunon of this <br />Mortgage [hat interest on the Funds xhati tee paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is~made-or:applicable law <br />requires such inurest to be paid, Lender shat} oat be required io pay Borrower any interest:or--catalogs og the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting aF the Funds showing credits and detiits Eathe Funds and the <br />purpose for which each dtbi[ to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this ':s4ortgage. ~ - <br />If the amount of the Funds herd by Cs:ndtr, tpgether with the future monthly installments of :Funds payable prior to <br />iht due darts of taxes, assessments, [nsurancc premiums and ground rents, shaft exceed-the ampunt~mquired to pay said taxes, <br />assessmems, insurance premiums and ground rants as they fall due. such excess shall be, at 8nrrawers .option, either <br />promptly repaid to Barzpwer or credited to Borrower oa mapthiy installments pf Funds, If [he-amount of-lhe Funds- - <br />held by Lender strut! not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground-rents as-they fall due.. <br />Borrowtr shaft pay to Lender any amnum necessary to makt up the deficiency within 30 days-from the date-notice is::[nailtd ;. <br />by Lender to Barrawer requesnng payment r!;ereaf. <br />Upon payment m full aF a}1 sums sccurtd by rhrs Mortgage. Lender shaft promptly refund to Borrower any fiunds - - <br />htid by Lendtr. It undtr paragraph i ~ htreot ins Property rs >Stld or thc• Nrnperty rs otherwise acquittd 6y Lander, Gerrder - <br />shall apply, na later than immediately pour tp [he ,ale of the Praptny or its acqursibon by !_ender, arty Funds held -6y <br />Ltnder a[ the time of appiiaatfpa as a retail agoras[ the sums secured by this Mar[gage. <br />3. Application of Payments. L~niess apphcabte !aw providts otherwise. all paymtms received by Lendtr under the <br />Vale and paragraphs t and 2 hereot` shah be app{red 6y [_ender tits( in payment a[ amounts payablt to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ?hereot. [hen to mrerest payab}t on the Vate, ihtn to the prrncipai of the Hare, and they to interest and <br />principal on any Futurt Advances. <br />~- Chagest Liter, Harrower shall pug ail caav-s. asessmenti .rod other ~hargca, finis and rmposisions attributable [o <br />the Property which may attain a pnariry over ttii+ '.xtortgagt, and leasehold paymen[s ur ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />providtd under paragraph ? hereof or. ~t rot paid an such manner, ti±, Borrower making payment, when due, directly fo the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shalt promptly term->h :o t_endtr art notices of amounts dot under this paragraph, and in the went <br />Borrower shalt :puke pat~ment d.rtctEp. Harrower ,hat! pzompd+- turnrsh to Lrr.Jtr receipts evidenang such paymtn[s, <br />Bprrawer shall promptly drscharge soy hen •h-n~cn ties pnari[y over this piuagage: pzovic}td, that Borrower shall not be <br />required ra dtsc#targe any such litre so Sang as Npcrawtr shalt agree in ~+riung to the paymtm ai the obhgatian secured by <br />such Sitn in s manner aceeptabie [o Under, or sflai# to goad tauh cunt-~vt such lira by. ar defend enforcement of sufi Tien iq <br />legal praettdings w#trch pptrare [e proven[ the tntareement of the tray ur torftrrure pf the Properly or any part thereof. <br />S. Heard Insurance. Borrower shat! kelp rite ,mpnavemenis row rxrcang or hereafter ertcttd on the Property insured <br />against loss by tart, hatards sncludtd wuhen the te.~rri "c+tended ~utreagt". and suctr other hazards as Lender may require <br />and m su:.h amnvn[s and far sueit peruxis as Lender may requut; provided, that i_eader siaai{ nett req[hre that rltt amount of <br />such cpveragt txeeed trier amnum .tY cavtraga rcquxreti to puy' the sums szvurtd by tins Mprrgagt, <br />The insurance carver providing the inss;ranet shall tie rhoun 4y Nsarrowrr stt#aject io approval by Lendtr: provided, <br />the[ seiLh approval s?ra}# oat be enure-asweably wubhetd ;ifs prermums nn insurance palie+ts sha}I be paid in the manner <br />providtd under paragraph 2 htrcat vr.:f nix yard u: +uch manner, ts} lizartawer making paymem, when due, dirtcc}y to the <br />msuzatrct cattier. <br />All iasurapes potuctz and rerttwats theyevt shal# t>v :c; form r<ctpta'uie to E.errdaf and shalt ;nciude a standard morigagt <br />c}aust in favor tit and in ?crm sccepruhic rs, i_enriez. I.rnder shah have ttrt rrgii[ r., hvld the puhcits and rtntwais [hereof, <br />and Harrower shat! promptly furnish to (.ender al( rtnc-wai rp[icts auci n11 reca,ipts of paid pzemiurir_s. In tht event of Iris, <br />Borrower stta#i. givt prompt natrce rn the ,rauram_e outer°r and i.tneter_ t,euuYr rosy make prcaot at loss sf oat made prompt#y <br />by Borrowtr. <br />Uniczs Lander and Hortuw-tr ather+vtve agree in wnttng, msuranct prneteds shat! be applied to resEprat#nn ar repair of <br />tht Proputy damaged, pmvtded su:;h restoration ar rtpaar rs acunnmicatly icasible and the stpuriry pf this Mortgage is <br />not [hereby imparted. If such restoratipn pr rtpair a nn[ ecunomicaiiy Itasihlt awe ii the secuniv of rhrs Mortgage woutd <br />be impaired. tht insurance proceeds she?} be applied to iht sums secrutd by this ~~Sartgage, with rht excess, if any. paid <br />ro $orrnwer, tt [he Propten- is ubaadontd hx fkrrtwer. or rt Barrawer tads it, rtspaird to Lendtr wuhrn 3{? days from the <br />dart aotitt is ntaaitd 6y Letuier to Borrower that the insurarct carrier oRers to seztie a zisrm Eor insuratce 4xntfits, Lander <br />is authorized tp coiIaa and apply the rnsuraitct prc*cetds at t.ender's optrpr, tsthez to rtstnration ar repair of the Property <br />ur to the sums secured by char MarEgage. <br />UtrIess Lendtr and Borrowtr nttttnviat agree m e-ritmg. app such sppiicauon of prtxteds to prrnapat shalt not extend <br />rat pnatpoat the due dart of rho monthly ins[al}ments referred to ;a paragraphs 3 arxd _' hereot ar change the amount of <br />sue![ installments. 12 under paragraph i3 hereot the S'raperty a acquired bs Lander, atl ogler, Ir[lt and interest of Borrower <br />in and %o any imuranee pp#irc~tss and in and to the proceeds ihcreat rtsuiung rronr dantugt to the Property poor to the sale <br />or acgttisitioa stsai! past to Ltnder to the e{[tn% of the surety >ecured by rhrs 4lartgagt .matediattty prior tv such sale or <br />acgitisitiott, <br />& Pteeervation aid ~iaiotaaaore pf Property; Leastholds? Condominiums: Planned Unit llevtinpments. Norrnwer <br />stra#1 krLp the Property m goad rtpav aad she}i rcpt cpa~tmit waste or pprmtt tmparrttt~tnt or dtterioranpn of the Property <br />attt# 3ttail comply with [}te provis[nns pt any lease of [hrs Isiortgagt is an a iertsthp}d. !f rhrs \Sar[gagt is nn a unit is a <br />:'+aadtkiaaiutn or- a. piarmed uni% dtvriopmtna. Borrowtr s}tail perform ai} of Bprrnwtr's pblrgauaas under the derlaratian <br />ar covenants ertating ;9r goveraittg the enndnminium er ptanntd inxit dtvtiopmtnt, the by-laws and regulations of [ht <br />tt#isntrtrti; ar plarmed uoli. dervt}apmtnt, and cnns%i[utnr documents. (r a condominium pr planned emit dtvelapmtnt <br />t'idar_d extculed b'l~ Borrawu and rttvtrded [pgtiher with rhrs Mortgage, the cr±verranis and agtetmtnts pf suc6 rider <br />shall os incarpcaated zttta and sttaB-amctttS n+xi suppltmtnt the epvtnants and agreements pt this r~fattgngt as rf the rider <br />wcza a Pali trcrtpt. <br />'1 Prwrtiaa u[,ieMis's SaptriN,Sr, if $prrawet fads tit ptrfarm [trt covenants and agretmenis enntamtd an rhrs <br />hionytyc. nr ;1 any ~ct;.;,tz car }%racakdiug is satnmettrtsS =vtrich materially affects Lenciafx ittares[ to the Prtrptny. <br />~c}udm(i. hin tort hmHCd [g, ttnitsstrt. dnmaux, itrsolvtrtcy, elude enSprctmem. or arrangemtnes Car prpcredings mwo?virrg a <br />hanknrp[ ar iln,;rdtnt, then ?,etutffi at i,tntkr"s aptictn, uptan notice zo Harrpwez, may make such appcarancts. ctisbW~st such <br />ayt#3y and cake auvh a.:tioo a9 i. ~ tat protect Lansitr't. inttrtst, rn.:}udrng. hui rrcN tirntted to. distsurstaruti% axf <br />rea'xisbit urorsK}~ s :cee amt entry op3itt tAva Property to tttake rrrpairs. !t 1_tncSer restutred rnnrtgags insur;rnat as a <br />-yprtrd,ox:o «C & ukf;t~; iha irnatt ,ut+-d-by i}t%ts 4lorig~ Bra.rrtzwer stye#i pay %t±t ~prtarinetrds rrq&rttd to ntaintatn Bach <br />btbut aagc m tin ~. ,i r,uf s.a:3s %ta~ #R$ rht r~t(ttrarrtaat for st~tt ,~ttap~ irxreau~tct. ro acaurdarate w.[h Bewrtxsver's anti <br />