<br />84 --- 0015` ~
<br />'1'o Hav°e ono To }itxt.o tkte sames unto the Riortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagoz" represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the Martgag, c, that th<a No,rtgagvr has goad right to sell and conuey said premises;
<br />that, thee ar•e free t r<xkt oncumhranco, +•scept as hercinotherwise recited ;that the tYtortgagor will warrant
<br />and dofend the sanxe against the laa ftrl chin:, of all persans u•ham3aever. ~tartgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />ail rights of homestead, alk marital rights, either in law or in equity, and alY other contingent intea•ests of
<br />the hforlgagor in and to the. strove-r,Ia~serihrxf premises.
<br />Ps©v[[z$n ~twlts, and these presents are exeented and dekivered upon the following conditions; to
<br />n•it:
<br />ilortgafrur agrees to pay to the Aiortgagee„ ok• order, the .xforesaii3 principal stun with interest from date
<br />at the rate of Tt+relve sad one half Irer centum f12, sal per annum an fh7e~ gunpaid ba9anee anti} gaid.
<br />The staid princilsaY and interest shall be pavah#e at the okll~ of aa~s~ az~d~s3c3~~~~o~sof Lincoln
<br />in. Lincoln, ?uebraska ,aratsuchathcrplaceastheho}derofthenotemaydesignatein.
<br />writing delivered ar r?kailed t+; tires ;~}arti;.:gvr, in rnonthfy install'nxents of ~~~t~Q~tzndred' FiEtg aEigl;t-.and
<br />llotlars t5 458.43 t, +.xnmeneirsg on the Pkrst clay' of slay , }g Sk ,and Contintzin on
<br />R'
<br />the Yirst dog of each knrrnth thereafter until said nrte is fatty paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />pa}-mertt of principaP noel intemst ~hsall !te due and pap•able en the tizni flay of April , 2014- ;all
<br />according ±a the term. of a crrtrun pr;+rni:=sort' note of even slate h+•rera~ith executedbY the said 11•Iortgagoa•.
<br />The iVlortgagnr :nether a+%rres:
<br />1. Ele ;+~iq oat' tht• kn+i+•tat.~,trrt+ss, .rs ha•rcirrbefare Yut,rvids~f. 1'rivzlege is reserved to prepay at aziy
<br />time, t.~ittxout prrmntm „r t. , the testis<< isdobteilress or nor part tkxereaf oat tress than the amounto~pne-
<br />msWtlment., ar uns• hundred elrrilata ';5100.t)t}}, whiehevcrr is }e.<s. Yrepaymont in full shat! be ertdited on
<br />the date received. Partial pn=payment,, ,rcher tharr on .ux installment due c}ate, need not be credited anti}
<br />the next fuUowtng urstalinreoxt du<, state ,Er thirty days :titer such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />''. TagetYurr with, and i;k addition tr+, a~ monthly pa,Yrrm-nts of prrncipal and interest payable under
<br />t}xe terms of the riat.e srvvr-ed hc•rebr, ilon -, _rgur will kray t+r r~iartgagee, as trustee, t under the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter staG'fl) on the first d;: ~ of such mattth urrtiY staid note is fully paid:
<br />tea} --1 sum r".tektei t~+ Ctrs- trroumP r+•r~rs. ;i any, n:hxt ,lac, plus the }:remintns that wilt next beezrme due
<br />noel pa~ahl+~ ,era ;,olieic~s ..f ilr~ etnd oflx•r hazard insurance eoreritxg tha mox•tgaged property,
<br />;rfus earx.-s ;end atnst'skmrnt9t ii,•et due ~.n th,• nrartgaged per>perty (a[I as estimated by the il•Lort-
<br />;tagee- „u+1 ~ i tel.;, h tt~r '<#~.rt~+a>i+,r is a=+uii+_•+}r L•ss aPl some adreadg paid Utcrefor divided by
<br />sere numY3+•r =.i n+estha t-, ~ Irps~° k:.•trrr,• ara~ rnnath prior to the date when stick ground rents,
<br />prenrtun~, t=.-•+._ r+ri ;r..~c+sn~m.•nt;i :~-ril is+~tv.,rnt• <}etsuyaent, such sums ttz be held by Aiartgagee
<br />is freest rr, pat- said graturd ra;ets. In?~rniunas, lase*, sr~rl spccia[ assessments.
<br />th1 The= ay~regatc „[ tia.•;ts~s+,rr;rtw 1>itvahie pursuant t-+s subparagraph f~+) and Ih~e payafzle on the
<br />r:<,;~. ~=sir+~,t h<~r:~hr. sh;ePi li+• plod €ri a sinc,c lsetc~ment r~stch ntontlz• to be apgiiod t~ the follaw-
<br />in~ teams in the +a rdr; r atatr-el
<br />it } grouucY rent.., t<axct,,~.+:ti-nkcnts, i;r~~ steep t,ther hazard insatr=ante premiums;
<br />f ti } _rrtr:-+~";t c+rt tY,r• n.ete sr¢'ure•d Y:e rc'hy teal
<br />(trf) atirlerti"~ati: to :+F iT,r' prltiClpYi1 ~~f +~41d ni+tt'.
<br />.yny inn,.-i==13f'ti ;ii 1Pt3-:ink.runt =.; ttt.4' .iutki a~`y{reg;ttt' Rk()tttltli` paylTkClit sh:ak}, Itnless made goad
<br />E-ty ihc• it+~rigay:rzr pr:crr t,v etas r}u~ rant=.+C the next su,:h p~ymEknt, cernst.itulc an erventof default
<br />antler k,kris rnuriga;;c. At att;rt;,•ag;~o's =,,nir;tt, liortgagor u•iil pa;=a "late charge" not eseee-ti-
<br />~etg I++tzr t~,r. +~.•rrturn + k', I =~f .,r~, srs.<tailntt•ut .xhMn paid more than fifteen { lfr} days after the
<br />due si,=rte tlu•e••r~f !es suers tte.= t•etrs +-+; pcrasc• tn?~oi:°e•<I its tfaudhngtie#inpuent puynlents. butsueh
<br />"tote ~hdry~c•" ., zal nvt hr papatr&' :,ut of tP~er piact~.rdk of any stele maele to satisfy the indebted-
<br />ness xrri:ra•,1 hrs."iry, unless surf: pvrcrE+l:, ;tresuR'€c~irni to disclrargc the entire inttobtcdness and
<br />all proper cta5ts and cx#~rtses:,t)cure+Y t.ht?rc~Pw.
<br />:3. if the fatal of the. payTrzents made by the Y§iartgagor under fa) of paragraph `L preceding shall
<br />exceed the aniuttnt of payments actutrlly made by the Diurtgagea, as teustee, k•ar gr-outrd rents, taxes and
<br />assessments ctr insurance premiums. as the case may Px, such exerss shall be credited by the 3dortgagee
<br />un subsequent pa>,=mentc to be made kzy the Mortgagor for such its.°nxx or, at iliortgagee`s option, as trttstcre,
<br />shall be refunded to AiartE~agor. lf, howerer, such mant}xYy payments shall rent Ix-sot}icient to pay sunk
<br />items when the same steal} became due rod ptkyable, then the tvFertgargar shaY1 }test' to thee M1:tm-tgagcje, as
<br />trrrstre. any amount necx~~tsary tx, make up trc deficiency within thirty (3p) flays after written aotic:e from
<br />the I4iortgagee stating the amouaC of the deficiozrcy, whie?h notice truly ue given key nutih tf rtt any tirnit
<br />the ?tiartgagtzr sha}} tender err the ~iartgagee, for aceordanee wrt.h Lee pro~iaitsns +rf thn note st~t;!o-c~d
<br />hereby, futl payment of tho' entire izrdebtec}ae s represented thatch>•, the 4hntgagec, ac tritstt'e, shall.
<br />in ct>mputing the tunount r.tf such indobtedrza4s, credit to the aexount of Lhe rllarigagor anp credit Yralance
<br />accumulated uznlar tlxe proetsiuns of f u} of paragraph 'd hereof. tf there shall be= a default undo=r any
<br />of else pravisioas of this martga>{e resulting in a puttkie sale of the #u-ertrisas roverrx9 hereby, ar if the
<br />4lprtgattE,e acquires the preparty° cttlxenvise aftarr default, the itortgagee, as trustee, shall apply, at tlzc
<br />tizrre of the camzneneerrtent of such proceedings, or at the time the propt,rty is otherwise acquired, tkte
<br />amourrt then rcatnairring ie credit the ;ttor-tgtagzrr ant#er iu) of paragraph ° pr+xx+ciing, as a creY{it on the
<br />Interest acsrucd and unpai€t trod fete balances la t?xe prinetpai then rematnirxlr unpat<I on said note.
<br />~. 1 [Te ii8'_ri i?f tlti;~ InBtrnnrs:nr ,huYk 1'€"nraln in fir Yl Sa Y'C4! Hod eifeY`t dtA ring aHS' pe~[plstif-ar!?nt a!' eXtE'tl-
<br />rrlcaa of t}zet time of payment of Ilse in+icr}ztealnc as err any part thereof" secured herelrc.
<br />~. He cvikl pay al§ gr<xrnrl retnt~>:, t.txes, agse•ssrnerttr;, u'atc3 rate°s, au:i +>thet- ~nrvernrnentat or munici-
<br />#~! ricarrgex, fines, €>r imttazsst,n,nt~. letvrrrl upon swirl prcrnSst>s steel that }_r~ a ill pay alt Faxes ievred idl~4rn feels?
<br />n+~,rtYa~~, ert• Cho c9Nht ar*cure`,l t}scr~l,y, tn~~t-hs~r• ealLlr tu3y extlse^r t.eixns n,~ ;zrvtic+ssmt>stts t.~hit•h mRy be+ lc-vied
<br />:ad~r ¢hr lawsot Ed~trraakaagatrRt ttx~ ~lrsrt~ai[tn r+r €3xv Ye z;a! h«lda•r a: s:a:el prinetpv7 rrata+, z:n ac'rauni ef"
<br />rirt+v sorrt*aartrtcin€r,, +;r5tcef7t a+•Yz.czr trzztirn~tmt d'nr ail s~#c:h rtrmrre Etas tYatarc•G±:c:[•t: ix~tzn nxr~tsa trn,9E~r {n} of para-
<br />raar~ `W tt~°r+taf, araxt tats v+pkY prrzrra{;fly rk,~hvc^r Ehr~ =,khtsiLl rn+-rip€.y thnrvt+3r err t3 c :vi;arC~t~cr~. in rP+~fatult
<br />€.tatrrr+u`c the ;+xtr~r~tyzta, nray try. fire ore..
<br />