<br />not personally liable on the Nate or under this Ueed of Trust, and (c) agrees that Lender and any of er orrower
<br />hereunder may agree to extend, modify, farbeaz, or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust of the Note. without that Bartower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying [his Deed
<br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property.
<br />11. Nonce. Fateept for any notice required under applicable law ro be given in another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower prai+idcd for in this f)ecd of Trust shah be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Botmwer at the Property Address ar at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender
<br />as provided herein. and (b) any notscc to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such ether address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower tar Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. Crorerning Law; $ererahWty. The state and local laws apglicatale to this Deed of Trust shalt be, the taws of the
<br />jutisdictian in which the Property is located. The foregoing sentence shalt not Limit the applicability of Federal law to
<br />this Dtxd of Trust. !n the event that any provision or clause of this Dced of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable
<br />law, such rntrflict shay! not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effeM without the
<br />conflicting provision. and to this end the previsions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable. As
<br />used herein. "cosu". "czpenses" and "attorneys` fees" include ail sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable taw or
<br />Simited heron.
<br />14. Borrower`s Copy, $orrower shall tae furntsheti a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />time of execution ar after recordation hereof.
<br />d 5. Rebabillbtioa Loan Agreemeat. Borrower shall fulfill ail of Borrower`s obligations under any homy rehabilita-
<br />tion, improvement. rcpatr or or):er loan agreement which Borrower enters into with i.ender. Lender. at Lender's option,
<br />may requsm Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender. in a form acceptab{e to Lender, an assignment of any rights.
<br />claims ar defenses which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor. materials ar services in connection with
<br />improvements made to ttae Property.
<br />3b. TnsnsfnoftbePropern;,vwmptdae. if all ar any part of the Property or an interest
<br />therein is sold car tranafarrtsd by Bozrowec without Lender's pprior written eonaent,
<br />aateludinqg (a) the creation of a 'ten or eneumbranca subordinate to this Deed of
<br />Trust, (b) the 4zeation of a purcttaae tttonay security interest for household appli-
<br />ances ar let a tzanafer by devise, descent or qy tapezation of law upon the death of
<br />a joint tenant, Lender auy, at Lander'a o lion, declare all the sofas secured by this
<br />Dead of Trust to be Ytaediately due and payable. Lender shall Nava waived such
<br />cgtion to accalecata if, prior to the sale ar transfer, Lender and the person to
<br />whoa trie property is to be sold or transferred reach agreeatent in writing that the
<br />credit of such person is satisfactocy to Lartdez and that the interest payable on the
<br />stnaa secured by this Daed of Trust shall be at such rate as Lender shall request.
<br />if Lendec axazeises such option to accelerate, Lander shall tttail Borrower notice of
<br />aecelezation to accardanca uttii pacagraph 12 hereof- Such notice shall provide a
<br />geriad of not less tnsn 7t3 ayys fzos the Batt the notice is mailed or delivered
<br />within wntcn Borrower .:.ay payu*.1ae sutgte declared „ua. :f Borrower fails to paY such
<br />suss prioc 'o the expiration of t#uch parsod, Lender :nay, without further notice ar
<br />dasatnd an l~rro+rar, :nvotta any ;esedias parasittad by paxagrapia i7 :tareaf.
<br />NUti-C;ritYattRi (:DV>:t~t,sruTS. Borrower and ixnder further coronae.! and ogles az follows:
<br />i'. AcaehnNtsat Remedke, lw-xctpt as proridttd iss paragraph 26 heesuf, upon Borrower's brcaeb of tiny twventmt
<br />»r agreement of Borrower in this Deed of T}vst, iacivdfug Borrower's fatlwre to pay, by the end td 10 ctsleadarda~ after
<br />the arc doe, aaY ewer secured by thl; Deed of Trust, leader prior m aces{cotton shall glue nattce to Borrower-m
<br />ptvvided la paragraph # 1 btsreat sperifjings +.1) the breat:ht l1) the aetfoe regtrGed to core ruch breach: ids a date,8ot
<br />less Liao 1Q days from the tia[e she swtice is tootled to Borrower, by wbiah each breach mast be cured: -and (4) that
<br />#aiture to care staff breach on or Cae#ore tht bate spessitled is the srtttxtiaayt rrtaalt l~_ecttcratton of the susm seccnted b~
<br />tbL Decd of_Trmt and sate n# lire Property. Tlse notice shall fartlsieir interne Ba~i`~e: rlgFtt to ninstata-after
<br />srceteratioa and the right to bring a coact action to atcsert the twacttieMret:t,ota•~bitlt nr nay Vtbt{'t defsase of Borrower
<br />to aeceientioe sad sttk. if the breach h not raced as or before tfr dais d'tnbfi,ttdtlq,; Lcarkr. at lender's
<br />npt~ss, essay tleelue ell of the sums securest by this Deed of Trust to fae immediately dos and payable witttont:fnrthet
<br />rknuad tend out taroks the power of sale and ray ether romedia permitted by applitabia hw. Lcatler shall ba eatlUad
<br />to collect all rrasoaabte costs and expsesea incurred Ga puntrtag the remedies provided to fhb psragrap617, inclndings
<br />bat act limited to, teeaotaahlc rtxarusys' fee.
<br />ff flee paver of sak b iaroited, Trmre shall rtcurd a stsstice of tlatautt (n each trouaty !n whkh the Propertry orsorne
<br />part ttseraef is located lead shah mail copies oC such esotke in the maaaet preseriltsd by applicable law to Botrowez and
<br />to fir other persons prescribed brr appilrntblc law. After the lapse of each liars as may lr requleed 6y app{icable laws
<br />Tronese shall giro pnbtic nodcr of sak to the penotr and In the mannrr prescribed 6y applicable law. Trustee, witboat
<br />tktwend twr Borrower, xhrll xll rise Property at publk aattioa to the highest bidder at the liar and place and under Ihe.
<br />terms tieslgnatad is lire aatlce nl sale la arts or mars pareeh sad in such order as Trastte may determine. Trustee mtq
<br />postpeat sate at ail or nay pates! of the Property by public annormceaseet su the liar sad plus of nay presioualy.
<br />schedaied sate. L,snder or Leader's sies7gnee may purchase the Propwty at any rata.
<br />Upr receipt of paymtuu of the pritx bid, Ttsatee alsati deliver to the purchaser Trwtee!s dead twtasaying the
<br />Property sold. Tlr recitals is the Ttmtce's sSzeri shall he prima foie trideaee of the truth nt the statements toads
<br />therein, TrWeee shall apply the proceeds of the stdt in fir tntlowing orders fa) to sit reuonahia costs and expetrtss of the
<br />salts, ftsclndiag, hat trot [i>mted ta, Trtutee's Elsa actwlly im acted of not mart than ........... . . 4'n of the grass sale.
<br />pstoe, reaaacrbie atterneya' fsdnt stud caste of title erldenee# 4'bi to all eosin seeutesl sty this Deed of Trrestt and (c} tits e:-
<br />cets, #f nay, to tlte.prrsoa or pttsotut lega{ly eari•tied thereto.
<br />ttl. B4rrWrer's Right to Reioststt. Notwithstanding Under"s accrieratian of the sums secured ray this Doed of
<br />Trust, date #o l3txtra++rr's hreacit, Barmwer xha)1 bout the nght to have am protrtd)ngs begun lay Lender to tnlot+ec ibis
<br />iAxad ~R Trust dixcentioued at any ttmc pour to tht earlier to occur of (i) the fifth say trefare the sate of the PropenY
<br />Fur;Ettatst to tltr poxrror oa't' sale cctrtained in this Deed af'l'rust ar {ii) entry of a ]udgmem cntan^in)r ibis Dced a# Trust if:
<br />#a) Actrtewvar pays itndsr alt sums which u>auid i~ ttitn due under this T)ecd of Trust and tht Nato had no acceieratitut
<br />t?ccttrrsd; tttt llorrzx+:er eurrs ail tireachc3 ;af any other cc»enattts or agteenttnts aE H,Yrrowcr <ontaincd in this Deed of
<br />l'rttat.tr! l1tHXSRrver paps ail reasonalxic exptssaex tnturrcd by Lender and Trusrec in enfarsin;t tl:e covenants and
<br />;igorcmcat3a3"Bcertscr ;:ozitaitscd in ibis 17ead of Tratst and to en fatctng leneter's and Trttxter's ratttedists as provided in
<br />~~an#raplt !'; litrot+f. suzettdtng, but oat tootled to, reasottabie attorneys' terns: and ;dY Borrower takes such action ax
<br />lsrsxtrr shay teasrasssslr#y rscluttr rci assutr that a3sr stcn +f this x3trod ~:># -I~rust. i.,cnder's iutrres# in the Pttaperty and
<br />fi.a.~v+°ar's;a'~:igacttottfsa Rsl she s.€rns secsart~t my this l:3et~; +ai . oast shall asntanxst ssntmpaxrtgtt- 1.=pan such payment and
<br />curt nay #l±zh.rr~vrtr, ttxs i't tai z cost aR41 the ~,bitk+atiisrsss sit-urn it<xri.x s-hsti mina±ts iri full ftxrcu end eEyert sss :f tun
<br />st't;e}.tyrrstixrr tsa6 r~c'ttrresf.
<br />