84 ---~ 0014 8
<br />UNIRORM CgvENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when doe the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided m the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fonds for Toes trod Imttrance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Bartower shall pay
<br />to Linder on the day monthly installmems of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (htrein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the ytnrl} totes and assessments which may attain priority met this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-nvelfth of yearly premium mstailments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments fur mortgage insurance. tf any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bibs and reasonably estim.ues thereof.
<br />71te Funds shall ht held in an mstitunon the deposes or accounts ni wtxrch are insured nr guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency f including Lender if Lender is such an insirtution ). (ender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance preminms and ground rents. tender may not charge for sn holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said acwunt.
<br />or verif}'ing and compiling said assessments and bills. unless i.ender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge Borrower and Lender may agree m writing at the time crP execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest tin the Funds shall he pa+d to Borrower. ,rod unless such agreement ~s made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shalt not t?e reduired n, pa }~ Borrower my interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accounting of the Fords sho+sme credos and dehus a. the Funds and the
<br />purpose for whrch each debit to the Funds was mode. The funds are pledged as addiuonat secunty for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by I en.ier. together wed: the future monthly installments of Funds payable poor to
<br />the due darts of taxes, assessments. insurance preminms and ground rents. shall euetd the amount reywred to pay said taxes,
<br />assessmems, insurance premiums and ground rents as the.- fall due. such cues.; shall be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />prampFiy repaid to Borrower or crtd+red to Borrower on mmuhty mstallmcats of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Linder shall not be sutticient t~ pay taxes. assessments, insurance preminms and ¢ruund rents as the}• fall due,
<br />Hgrtower shat! pay to Lender any amount ntcessun t.r make. up the deficiency w ithm 30 days item tfie dart notice +s marled
<br />by Lender to Borrowtr requesting patmtnt [btrtot
<br />Upgn payment m full oI all sums stcumd by the Morgagt. tender shall promptly ttfund to Bormw~er any Funds
<br />held by Lender. It umler paragraph l>t hereof the Propen} is k,id or the Property ~s nthenvisc acyurrtd by Lender, 1-ender
<br />shalt apply, no tatty that rmmediatth poor m the sale of the property or us acyu+sanon by Ixnder. any Funds held b}•
<br />Lender at [he time of application as a ors^du against [he stuns secured by thu Mortgage-
<br />3. Applicrifon at P:yments. ti rless appbcahic law provrdts oiherwtsc, ail payments reserved by lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs i and ?etc-trot shall Me app3ied bx~ Lemier hest in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrowtr
<br />under paragraph ?hereof. thin to interest nayabie tin iht \ou. thex: to the pnncq~al tit [he iV ore, and then to interest and
<br />pnnapai on any' Furore Advances.
<br />S. Charges; Liras. Borrower st;ali pay all iaic+..tst amtrxts and otner charges, fine. and tmposiuons attrrbwabit to
<br />the Propttty which may attain a pnority over this aiangage. and k°asxhelst paymem or grmmd rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph ? htrtof nr_ ~t na pa:d us such meaner, cv Borrower making payment, ashen dot, directly to the
<br />payee thttegf- Bgrrgwtr shall pronrpriy funuste to Lender at! n,~rtrces of amounts due under thrs paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shall make payment drrectiy, Rcrrow-ee ,hall promptly turmsh to Lcmcier receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />6orrnwtr shall pcumptty discharge any hen wnr;:h has prraruy over thxis Morigagtc provided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />reyuxrtd to discharge any such lien so tang as Rm~rawer shah agrtt fn writing tq the payment of Cht obligation stcu[tti by
<br />such Lien m a mrnrter acetptabie ter tender, of >halt in g;x+d faith cgntest ouch iittr fly, or defend tnfaretment of sueh lien in,
<br />regal prLx'•eedmgs which aperat to prevent the rtt&rrctnttnt of the hen or forftiiure of the Prnptrty qr any- part thereof.
<br />g, Placard [nsarturte. Bgrrawer nhait keep the .mprovenrtnts now exiszxng <rr htrtafter ercettd qn the Property insured
<br />against loss fry @rc, hazards iztludtd wuhrn the tcrnx "txteruied coverage`. and such ether hazards xs Lender tnay reyuire
<br />and in sxrch amotents sod for such periods as Lender may reyuire; prc,vidtd, that Lender shaft not reyuire that the amount 9f
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage rtyurrtd to pay the sums secured by this Mortgagt.
<br />77te insurance carrier providing the msuranct shelf bt etrgsen by Bgrrgwtr suhjec:i tq apptgvai by Lender,- provided, - ~-
<br />that such approver shall no[ t>e anreasonshty withheld, Ait prcrninms on insurance pglieies shall be-paid-iu--the tiianner - -
<br />proveded under paragraph ? hereat ur, rf nut paid in aucF. mamxtr, by Borrower making payment, whin, due, directly. to the
<br />insurance carrier. --
<br />AB insurance policxts anti rtntwats thereof shall bt in scum ai:ceptabit w f.endtr and shalt.include-a standaid fnbrtga~e
<br />clause m favor o[ and in fgrm acatptabie to L.trxttr. Lendtr strati have ttrt right tq hold ihe~polieits;andmirtwals thereof,
<br />and Borrower shalt grompity furnish to Lendtr ail rtrttvvat noucts and alt rectipis of-paid tztetniums. 1n the event of loss.
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to the xnsurana carrier and tender, Linder may make.ptaq( of Igsa.~,noi made promptly
<br />hp Borrower. -
<br />Unkss Lendrar and $arrowtr uthurwrse agree in waiting, insuranet proceeds shall ba applled'tq restoration or repel[ of
<br />the Prgptrty damaged, provided sueh restgratissn or rtpaxr is cn~angmicalfy feasible ahd the security of this Mgrl{ago is
<br />taut thereby impwred_ if swh reswratimt qr rtpait is not eeonomi€-atly fta;iblt prif-tt{~seti<tcoit}~ of this Mortgage would.
<br />ht ampairtd, the insurance prcxYeds strati bt applied tq rho sums secured by this Mortgagt-:with the excess, it anY. Rs~
<br />w Harrower. it the Prgptriy is ahandoneil by Borrower, or d' agrrgwtr fails to respgnd u* Lender within 30 days frgm 16e
<br />date oc8ict~ is nrafltd by ttndar tit Bx,'rrau~r that the insurance carrier q{ftrs tq sett€ea etaim~tor insurance benefits, Lendtr
<br />is authorized iq collect attd apply the insurattct proceeds at Lsnder's optign efthet to fegiorat:gn ur repair of the Property
<br />or iq ~ sums sce~ured by this Mgrt~e, -
<br />Utitcss Lttxdtr attd Borrower orhtrwist agct~ in u•ruing« any sueh application of proceeds io principal shall nor exttttd
<br />qr ptvttporxt iht due date of the massthiy instalimtnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and . heragf or change the amounLOf
<br />such instatlrntnts. tf undo paragraph 13 hereof the Propen}' is acquired by Lendtr, all right, tint and interest of Bgrrgwer
<br />r^ and to any •ttrsuranct policies and in and tq text pttw.teds thereat rxsulting from darnaggtnahe Property prior to lhn sak
<br />or aeytrisilion shall pass to Lender tq the extern of the sums secut~i by this Mortgagt inirrxdiately prior to such sakor
<br />acquisition.
<br />it, Prrasr.-adtn and i4lttiattnaoce of Praptrty; I.sasthdils; Condominiums; Ptttnned Unit Ikvrkyrtsnts. Borrower
<br />shag kttp iht Property in gggd. repair and shalt not ,~txmrnit waste qr permit impairment ur dtterioruuu^ of fire Property
<br />and sfla!# sromply with the prgv~ions of any it~x it this M1fgnipagt is on a ieasehgtd, if this Mortgage is on a unit in a
<br />crondotxtinium or a piantted unit sltvtlnpmtni, Btsrsnwtr ,hart perform aJl of Borrgvters uhiigations under the decUratian
<br />sx csvetyanis x.r°rtating or guveriting iht eundammtxitn or planned emit dtvti.'*pntent, -iht. by-laws and regulations tit tfx ,
<br />uu+dgmin:um or plaarttd unit dtvtigpineati, and tonstiitttnt dcxuntents. If a egni3gminum oc planned unit ckvelopment
<br />ridersc txtcutet! by Botroxt'cr and ac.-.gn3td tszgathtx with rhos Mar#-gage, the egr~4anta-clod aRtttment~s of such rider
<br />sttaLi Ire iticvrptxate+l iota and shall amend and suppknttxn the. cnvtasnis and agrttmtnta qf- thu IalorCgage as i t the rider
<br />w a paR hereof.
<br />7. Petkettian of Lewkr's Ssrurity, ff Btanzwar lasts tss pttfgim E1it z*gy'.tna~tts ayd agrcemmts conlairted in this
<br />Mortgs~, or d nay acuan at prorsecding. xa #ominent'asf wh{eh ttu?teriali} a@ocis Lcndar'> interest in the Prcxpenp,
<br />i~lwdrtg, btu ntu fiaaittd ice, ctniatnt dotsain, tnscilvtncq. egttt etifun enxnut~ ix- tirrangemenis er pnxetdinps involving a
<br />baniuupt or dtx~dtatt, then Linder at i.ep+itts et{non. taptrn xr~yir.~ ro $urrow<rt, tttag rnalo wch apptararrres, dit:hurx sueh
<br />t xm1 take atv:}t ., .l.,tx ~ tx utr;,+r„csart~ to prot~x Ltndtr's rnttr~'i, m:?udi~g. btu, not 3irnixeJ ire; dl<M{rvrmtnt ai
<br />reaswsrealbia atiginoy's h~:x antl lorry txputt the Properax is make rtpai,s. If 1,rrtdcr rtyuucd itzortgagc 4ttsirrauet as s
<br />cv'rndtisun r>f rtialcing [i+c ioau sei:irxtt by flits troll}:.Rt. B€+rrtawtr shall prey iht prtmxuttis-.rtgteitrod itr nitdntai,:t.su.h
<br />irtravaa~t iz+ r.$t~t ttntai sueh tirtx as the rtgt,irmncnx ac,r soh i€s~rrartet terrttitxates in aeeotdarrce w{th-HorKgwer's :ux+i
<br />