Urttt+oaxt Covewe[vrs, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: Y~~~- ~ii~~V~7--
<br />i. Payateat of Priac~al sad Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest -on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and fate charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of an¢:interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. - - - -
<br />2. Foals for Taaa std Iaaatnace. subject m applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower Shalt pay ' .
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is-paid-irc~fulf.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tuxes and assessments which may aktain priority over-rhis~- -
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium ins[aBtrients-:fpr:liazard itistirance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as:reasonabty estimated :initially and from
<br />time to iirne try Lender an the basis of assessments and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof.-
<br />'the Funds shaft be held in an institution [he deposits or accounts-ef which are insured or guarantee¢:by:a Federal or
<br />state agency {including Lender if Lender is such an institution). tender shalt apply the Futtds-to-pny said-taxes,:asscssments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds; analyzingsaid'account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower inters[ an-the Funds and.-applicable law
<br />perrrrits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and 1_znder may agree in writing ru the~.time oFexecutioo~- of this
<br />Martgags that interest an the Funds shall lac paid to Borrower, end unless such ugrsemeni is roade:..4-,-applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Leader shall oat be required to pay 8brmwer any interest or earnings an the Funds. 1.eitder
<br />shag giva~ to Borrower, without charge, sn annual accounting of the Fonds showing creditx and debits to the: FundsartdaBt
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. "I'he Funds are pledged its additional security far the.-sums-secuie¢--
<br />by this Mortgage. - - ~_
<br />If the amount ei the Funds held 6v Lzvder. together with the future monthly instalimen[s of Funds payableprior.tti' -
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall zxa.~ed the amount required (o.pay-said-fazes;-.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shag be, ai Borrower's option; eitfier-
<br />ptompdY repaid to Borrower or credited [a Borrower an monhly installments elf Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not tx; sutlieiem to pay taxes, assessments, ntsurance premiums and ground -rents as they falb due. ---
<br />Borrower sha8 pay to b.znder any amoum nztessar}~ to make up the deficiency within 30 days tram the date-notice-is mailed - -
<br />by Lender to Harrower regnesnng payment thereni-
<br />Upon gavmrnt rn foil of aEl sums secured lay flits Mortgage. 7.ender shall promptly refund ta.Borrower--aayFgnda:: ' ,
<br />held 6y Lender. If under paragraph Ili hereof the Pmpem ,s sold ar nc~ Property is otherwise acquired-try Lender, Lender- _
<br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior na the sale cat the Property ar its acquisition lay Lender, any Foods held-6y,
<br />Leader at the ttmz a( application as a credit agarnst [M: sums secured by this Mangage. -
<br />3. AppiicaHon of Paymeets. t;niess applicable law provides otherwise, ail payments received by Lender under the
<br />lYOte and paragraphs d and ?hereof shall be applied by L.endzr first in paymsm of amounts payable to Lenderby Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to mtzrest payable tan the tiure- then to the pnncipal of the Nats. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any f^ururs Advanc+~,
<br />A. Charges; Uens. Borrower .hall pay old taxes.~.xes~men[s end atttcr charges. fines and tmpositians attributable. to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnority over th,s ASarieagc, and leasehold payments ur ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />pruvrded under paragraph ?hereof ar. ,t not p:ud m sucta manner, by Borrower making payment., when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shell promptly turntsh tc+ l.rndsr all nauccs of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shall make paymnnt due 'tty~. Bnrrou-er chail promptly furntzh to Lender nx:eipis cvidsnring such payments.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly dts:.harge any hen wnrelt has prrnrrty over this Mortgage; prov[ded, that-Borrower shall- not'be -
<br />raqutred [o discharge any such Nett ua long as Betrowzr sha8 agrzz in wrtttng to the payment of the obligation' seeixre¢`lay - - - -
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to Lertdrr, c+r shall in gexxi faifi corstest such lien by, or defend enfan:ement of such.lisn yin, -
<br />iegal proceerltngs whi+:h operate to ptevem the entarement of the hen er forkeitucc of the Property ar- any part thereof. -
<br />5. HstArd insurance. Harrower sitaH keep the ~mp:nvcments ecru exrsung nr hereafter erected an the Property insured
<br />aga+as[ lass by tire, hazards included uuhm the term ~-extended cav-rrage", and such other hazards as Lendex may require
<br />atxl rn sta:.h amounts and for sorb periods a1 l.rnder may reauue: pravtded, that 1_rttdrr shall not requite that the, amount of
<br />such cmerage ssczed that amount s'tf uavrrage requurd to pas the, scans secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Tht tnsuraoez earner providing tlx; insurance obeli hz chosen try Horraw~P;r subject ro approval by Lsndsr, provided,
<br />that such appravsf sha}i not t:e unreasonably wittshzld- All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner
<br />provided ansSer paragraph 2 hzreat nr, d exit pa,d in such manner, 6y Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the
<br />msaraiaee cattier.
<br />Atl insurance policies artd rzneu ais thzrecxi shall fx in toms ...:czpiabic~ to Lender and shall include z stanched mortgage
<br />clause w favor of and to form acceptable tv l,.endar. t rndtr shall have the righ[ ter held the policies and renewals thereof,
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furn[sh ro [x~nder a's{ renewal notaces and at! rrce[p[s at paid przmutms. to the event of Ines,
<br />Horrowzr shad! give prompt nonce cis the tnsuransr caxacr and Lender_ Lcndzr r=tak= ntaks prca:f of toss if oat made promptly
<br />by Bormwrer,
<br />Unless Lzntfzr and B'ortuwer o[hcra~ase agree its anung, u[suranc;e prtxeeds shall tae applied to restoration nr eepair of
<br />the Property dattsagsd, pravidzd such t~suuattuu or rzlr-au~ t. e~:onotnica8y f~'tsifrte attd the security of flits Mortgage is
<br />oat thereby imparrzd_ !€' stx.h restoration or rcpatr s n+at ramunusatly feasible ar at the seeurny of this Mortgage would
<br />ter tmpstred, the insurance proceeds shai3 !x appheci [c> the sums secured by this hSaregage, with thz excess, if any, paid
<br />is Borrower. It tttz Prnperts rs abandoned be Borrower cr rt Berrower farts to re~paud to Lcadt.e within 3fl days tram the
<br />dots notice is ntadrd 6y Lender to Borrower drat flit utsurancr earner ,titers ua seine a claim far insurance benefits, Lender
<br />is autlmrized to collect and apply the :usurmtcc proceeds at Lc~tader s e,pnon enher n'i reswratdon nr repair of ihr Property
<br />ar to the sums secured by this Martgagz.
<br />f;nlsss L.tadsr and Harrower atherw+sz agrzz an an[mg. ant- xucb appicatinu of proceeds w Ixinctpai shall oat extend
<br />cx p[xiupanz the duo date of the monthly instalfmsttt-s referred to m paragraphs t and' hereof ar change the xmaunt of
<br />such tns2aBmenw.. if under paragraph i& hereof rite Property :a acy[ured b}` L.eodrr, aH right, alto and interest of Berrower
<br />sn and €n anp insurance ps>_'toies artd +n arsd to flit ptcu~zzds t}cereal resullmg item damage to the Property prior ta the eels
<br />ur acquisiton shall pas's to Ltt[dsr m the extra[ of ihr strata secured b} this 'slartgage wtratedcatrt}~ prior 4= web safe or
<br />a;,quitation.
<br />6. Prnervatloa aai tttaioreaaacr of Prtaptrty; Ltassholds; ('onPkrminiums; Planned Unit I}evefnpments, Borrower
<br />shall kzep [he Pmperiy in goad rtp-air and shaft vat aammu waste ur {xrm+t nnpaurttant er deteriorauon of the Property
<br />and shall zomply wi[h rhs provistarts of any lease zt alts Mortgage ,s un a ieaszhald. !f this Mortgage is an a ua[t ua u
<br />condaini>at[tm ar a planttsd amt ifevelapmeut, Barzaaer shah perlarm ad[ at Burrorei s eahhganons under rho drelaranav
<br />t'ar cxavsnams creating or govrsning the ccradommtttm err planned amt devctopntent, the b+°-laws and rcgu@ath±ns cxf the
<br />cotkdominium or plsi[atztt unit devefnpmsnt. and rcrosutuznt rfocumcnt5 if a ccadarnmium or planned lent devote;amrnt
<br />rit#sr ss sxss<ktted try Borroacr and recorded tugethri vi~nh [his Ri artgage, PHe soe~enams avd agt'reinzvts .,t such t~der
<br />shall bs inarorporaksd onto and shat! amend and stappirmsnt the covznasua utrd agrezmtnts hl [hoc Mortg:tgz as st the refer
<br />were s park ha=sxif.
<br />^l. PteAettlaa sd Ltaiar's rest-urify. it Bonowzr Earks tcv pcr;=~rm tltc cavt!na[[ts and aerrzments cants+nsd m this
<br />M~ttgatgs. qt if arty acpan ur prraftxig :x e~ammencrcl a.~hu~h materially a7lrFats tsndefs cnecrrst to the Prcapr°ry-.
<br />true'Itrdmg, but tx>k limtrad tu, smment domain, ease+lvsnrr. roster en torcrnasnt, ut' arrangements err pnx'rndings ats-t5ft•mg u
<br />hatsktlrlN or dav'sdtrrt7, th'sn lender at I~rulsr's aptu3n, ;tl>{an nt>l+t~r sr+ 1'k'crr.awsr. loos retake stmh apprarancz~ ,hsbarsr +ach
<br />skons and kalis ~4Veft aCiiEUZ as is uxi-s"tsa•.ty dtv 7atctca:t l.ettdtr'R ,nteresi- 5:.c dradtng, huf tta~t ilmttrd to, it+ehutxancP:m of
<br />reasureatalr attc+rttay'a Estes arrd csakry upon the Pr'apert} iP3 rnakz ttiSaatrs It I ~+[der regal raJ ns#`rtgage trtsutancc ac >x
<br />cotr[1ht~7 o~f ttsa7ta+lf, Afrs than seet€rts7 hp tMa Rkurtgage.. lSUrrE+wze obeli {taY the promtuans rcy;nrec to rnaintaua suite
<br />ttttp4FiFkEb kit z'ffttCt tmkit sar„la kYtne aw Ills r€gcin€`titCttt fcP sr+ch ,r+ar+ranc~s :ermt+r4t€:5 ~a at-a~',)rdancv =.t•,tir llart't',ra^cr"s iurU
<br />
<br />