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<br />"~"' Nebraska Public Power District ~~ ~~~ ~~ v ~ HA-34-355. <br />EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION L E <br />ISN(1W ALL MEN BY'PH£58 P)tE.4BP3'f5: - -. <br />That .>I rti1(1~. b . ev~~ ~,~ ~~,~ U~rrwt~len.el peK3an ~ ,rid <br />t~ {If Grantor is not married add wards "aa immarried perxm") - - ~- <br />__.___-__.~~._L>i~.~LL1L.G-~Lal , e u~. 1,~F~P ~Gf lU/l /° --- <br />__y,~..__...~_._.~,________,. _.._ of ~L ~,~.[ L- - c:nunty, <br />Nebraska, in noasidaratiun of 3 _1__~, rernpf of which is hereby aukraawtedged, and the [,other payrittmtaf a arms mmatetatal payment ¢f S ~ Cor <br />$ ~ <br />_. poles and ._T__.T archon and utkserneessanry equipmeniwhenaattm thefollawingdarctibed prpperty, dwe.jt,eaeby grunt and conreY untothe <br />Nebraska Public Power 17iatr2ct £hareinaftar calGxt "Oiakrict"l, its (tbeiz) Ineeea, wtt.^eeaora--and aeakgne, the ~pratpaiient right, privilege, end eaatwnk of ri{h4 <br />of--way to cnnattuct, operate. maiatxin, inspect, repair. rarmva, attar,, xeFtaxrte and resvnatruck its-elebtrfr trsnstaiksion Vince. inCAndueg elf necewsery pole... - <br />wirar, Aaysand other ayuipment ased ns conneutitm therawldt, s2anQ a ro+P.e described hereha.'Pltecenktline of.theelaetrin tcariemissip7ttine, shrill tie eata6lisbed <br />by the actual ir>eation of the eiectrie tranamisaian tiny as ortginally rxmstruetdf tut said premiaes:l'he eppkincimata-iacationaad mnteof the subject transmirion <br />Film is deserihed as follo-wa: - - <br />Five (53 poles placed along the zenterline of the electric transmission line to be located--overt upon, and <br />across a portion of Ghe £ast half of Che Southeast Quarter (£~ SEIt? excepting the west l60 ft...,. ell in Section. <br />Thirty (303, Township Twelve 1123 worth, Range Ten {7.03 West of the Gth P.NL. in-Hall. County,- Nebraska, said - <br />¢Ieetric transmission tine is described as follows: Entering the property on Che. wrist:-line of said prapert}- <br />4 fC, north of the north ri.gltt-of-way Line of a read slang the south line of said-Bastian; Citeitce easterly, to a - <br />paint i £L. north of the t?arth right-of-way ifne of said road and 1 ft. west. of the west rightrof-way Line of a <br />raatl along the east line of said Section; thence southerly at a def~~a~ian angle to the-right-; 1eavSng tha~ <br />property on the south Jinn srs ft. west of the southeast corner of said £'~ o£ the SEQ. - <br />Acct also: - <br />One (13 anehar to be Lac ated rapprosimate ly ^^<9 ft. car eh of the north rightro£-way Line of n read- along [fie. south-. <br />Tine of said Section and L ft, nest of the west rigltc-af-way 1Lne of a road along the east line of said-.Section-. <br />And also: <br />One (13 anchor to tae located app roxi67atc 1y 38 tt. north cf the nerttx righC-af-way line of a road. along .the struth- <br />LSne of said Section and L ._. asst of the asst right-of-wav line o€ a road along the east line of said Section. <br />`{Ire Itistnri sha13. w=nerevar reas+.nsAl> p..aar62w. unl:ze tmh?:c r?xitt«,Y wart- rxx sun S. evnatnert, mainenin, inspect, remote, alter, reltrcate nr tecgnatruet the <br />ilkateiet ~ stn.-ter tranamraanvt hr:,a< nr n.a-r u~ca~tari erampmn¢t <br />74ts district slwl! erase hays Elasnght at atu^ tome to tram +u rsrctnta such L€eea aml under'otttah as map in aay'wage¢d.aettter¢rinterfara with.the safatbnstruckidn; <br />upr3att6n. maitttananc . aiicrntion ox xxsvnatructinn of eta tsanamiaaaxn fin«a and a #uipmarsi oared in sx+nnuetitm ?#xrrewitlt, including-but nptliniktad ttstappinq -. <br />nn oemmoving atiF tines whnls in fsllixsq evu W arms mthin 5ftaee„ 1oi f wt of the ntmraat electr?e iinss:rmdoctux. Ail refuse from sttrh treecuttiag to tiLaminaehall <br />be burr ai or ?•reanved by the iriatri<n., and the ttiarnrt ahxif Nava the rsght w camtml by rhatticn2a all was Is. trees. and trruah along: adjacent io and uxtder the <br />u{actrtc iranemrsatun tiffs iY said rays[ id' was ++ nut t,~ag utikiaad frrs sxettivaud Rnpa. <br />'i'h@ L'7iatrart ayieta to pay the 4`rantur ax I.tx+in ere [hers mtcrrnsts enay' appear. tu:.!ny damage en peeannal profraxty, fanrw: liyeatnak, andto yf@wkag croptl <br />caused lrp the Garvey acrd rrrigs¢a? a,ttatrnct~ n srf sae d lino. Final rat~twe+at eiea2i i,a~ n:uda on or Mdare 6J daYa attar comD2acinn ¢f the conatrurtina ata::al herein. <br />'iha iliamtY. aMxaea w pa} she ycantr;r err f.esaea. as thins uxu:raata may appear. i„r cng damaR4 to f [aortal prnperiy, frnc: s.lie wu,ek. and W ftn'.rwing-tznpa <br />tax~:rmng slats ~Re. initial ,~matreretson cud zaaapaml fiom the wrvet, .rperwara. maintenenea.fnepauuaa, sex r, removal, altaratian, relsxyttiart and recoh- <br />atrortiur. pf tlaa 4patrkct'r slsetxie Raruaniastpn Gnea It is furtites ayrt'ed that aII cluisns frs sack daa,ag s muat.F.ta aut,mittad w tbC f)iatrict in.w_rlting within <br />sC!dava rd stadr aekxvrrenes=: atlut^r.Yaa: tt is aastiad that raid e~fiam i damages shelf Issue tares waived. <br />The iliatrltt aKrses w take rdi n< snsl.~ie atapn te, rvsttnty, na nearif~ as pasaihte to the candltton it was in Prior iu w¢atracikon, a1 land. whfeh is damaged ns a <br />reeuit of said cvutsttvctn+n. <br />7'he (tsarina may calfavaw_ use, and enlor the land slung end adlacans ter the aiecux transmisstuu lino pruvid xl that aasdt use shall nut endartltxr or ba a hazard <br />to or Cnterhee whit Lttc sunsY. svataonttinn, reavasetrusnon, re'pxlr, maiota¢xnce, inapackiun; aperadun, sltexatton, reicration sad removal of the ilintrict's <br />efn:tnc trattsanissisua finsw. No ?wiidinya, auncturm.hay ur at, tw steaks shaki L. permitted underneath ur tmaurr}iaiely adtnoant w the electric trnnsmisainn line <br />exsrpt 6y expratw wrtttan psxmisatpn frtxtt the lTiatri Y.. <br />The 1?iatzlex alts a that:tawki w.ud rigFtt-of way nrK i>r usrai fw the ports wr herrsin aWted. ur,dtouW any transmission Stno atnseuclnihersunder he zemovtd <br />and tm# tsidatad 6y~ another tranetangoiun Lira, for a period of tSve t^+rarm. f#fi right-uf wav sued easamant hereby atrcursd aha22 thtm reaa¢ a¢d teratiitate. a¢d thfa <br />instntmm~t altall tar o{ no Cttrthar form and e#fert. <br />fine unxieraigrrad ayttazt wad reWrtxtan.fa that hs has [raft and nndenianda the Xxratp,ing and shat thin Snatnunant tantaina all agreeinanue and undaratandinga <br />Fwiwrua @ta parttas and the underaegntd ttus mrt rolisd utsm an;i €'nrnaiaes. tndaa•.emsaw, ewvetuanta, urai stauvnun[a, or agrtxunanka of any kind or nature which <br />err tort exprae-aly'`~7sret £xrih hereto <br />k}iQned the -.._~ L,..._dxy at _ _._~~_ . AL.. `Pt ~~ <br />~ SIGNA'R'BE krl.'Irlx-*s_~t'i'Iil't'4' tifi.hA'f 1.".Rt tit H'1:iL St:C:UR11'Y <br />I _ ~S.k26F.H NC;btBEk <br />~~trr ;a~~ era.. <br />tt~a _.~.P,.,~-. _.~.,iaY ~f _~. <br />3~ std f;< r'-. .t~, Itnd~x~taat, tpalt:. erpp@rn,a ~.~-@S/=t+.~ <br />t °4 x • , rx~ 6Y f t t;:s. r .iwk stitnsd the-.(tragotrty ansiruxavnA as Ciranwe and uh+ radar[: Strlaast tilts e1aL'anOn f342rYnf to be <br />-~i' •:w >. k c • 1 SMa3 r t1 I y Yti ttfi iw xvprtwaetl. <br />[CtT'tr~, ta+a rtd.,un .wa4 a.J to swnssa r, Y '+,aan is ar~. <br />pp/~ jI y ~ t 't <br />~:r •aaae ~, s. exw ors she _ «.l „~stas td~ .,.,..L..._. t'~"„.. _._._..__-_..1,..y { j .~ ~ . e r.F~ _ d _ ~ ~~ <br />