<br />~t finis ~4.~-~-~UU14~~ ...
<br />AGREEMENT madethlal3t+iitiyof M37^ch ~ tg=$4_,betweerrFtrstNetional5ank-and Trust~b.of
<br />/:.~...~.. /~.~r.. ~I~~.~~~.~.. ~.~ri~.~[~r.~.~.r ~.~ ~.~~~«~~.~~v SY~Y.e~.-4- i Ci:a~..•.~,f.-~i
<br />to as Mortpagort
<br />WHEREAS, Mortgagee esllta=holderof ecertain promissory note made by Mortgagor, dated Tay niTar.1Q~_,
<br />t9g3,._ intha prlncipatamountofi ~l, tfiltl -nn uponwhtch the unp~i .DK tpatbaiantie currently is
<br />S 51..000.OQ andinteresthassccruedthscaonintheattwunt-oft 1`'f~u'~U aaoftheat_7ove-
<br />mei+Iioneddate;
<br />iMHER€AS, the payment and performancepf aafd promissory note Is secured bye reaCe~ta~imortgage recorded
<br />ort the- ~~ day of January,_ fg tt33s3~ in theoftice of ttie Regtatarot-6eeda of Ga_ unty,:
<br />Nebraska, on.~116C7tbi11 : and-
<br />DxtBttetit N3. 50, 8iling Nn. @3-000334
<br />WHEREAS, Mortgagor has requested and desires a modification andlotextenaion of theterms and provisionsof
<br />said promissory Hate and mortgage, and Mortgagee is agreeable lathe same upon the terms and conditions
<br />hereinafter contained.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE. this Agreement:
<br />t. Tfte parties-sfiputate and agree that the terms and provisions otthe abovedescribed-promissory note-arehareby
<br />math#i~ andtar extended to provide that the unpaid tsatanca thereon shat) be payable as toiiow:
<br />Pritzcinal plus ttte Accrued Enterest shall k~e due and payable Septemtx?r 10, 1984.
<br />?merest shall accrue at 14.00 effective ?torch 13, 1984.
<br />and that said real estate mortgage Is amended accarciingty.
<br />2 As modified arttdlor extended by this Agreement, the promissory note and mortgage are hereby ratified and
<br />confirmed, and if the terms and provisions contained In said pramiaaory note and mortgage in any way conflict
<br />withlhe termsand provisions contained in this Agreerttertt, tFte terms and provlsioris herein contained shad prevail.
<br />3 TRia Agreement shaft be binding on the heirs, personal representatives,euccessors and assigns of the
<br />respective parties.
<br />TRUST CO: OFRNEY~JiAorfgapee Mortgagor ,
<br />~'`
<br />-?r z ~ ~~ ~s` --~ ~ F~~ r t # t~ tt..4 r t r
<br />~y= -~l~-r~~ ~ rzo 'r sc~~l~.*rr?i`~da;,l
<br />foetal - r ~
<br />Titte_ Executive Vice F~esiden` ~`-"r:.f_~~a~_ ~ 4., ~Y!'~`' ~~f
<br />~,~ ~ ,LtELLA h SC3RC,'k",f7FT.FT taatel
<br />q€CtHfQERSht£NYtI `~~ =rte r~, ~"
<br />. ~ !# Rp.tB tleade (cote{
<br />57ATE-OF N6iMSKA, COU!(Ty OF MlEFALO ~ ac
<br />Tneh3repainp ~netrument was acknowtedped before me lfiis ~ d „_„p~ tg_,gt1,.,,,, by
<br />1*• liarba~ _ flcecuii;re Vice Pre ide for Fl t Nat' n Sank and Trust Co. or
<br />ifeameY. rieiDtastsa, ~arla~idl>kaa0 inn, on behalf bfi the AeabGietlon . ~
<br />r3aN6~~L T!t~Tl~Rt:3,1, tt {{I11
<br />Nty ribthn14d6Wn exrea", ~.CS jr .. - ~ l~l~nr~ ~ ~.x r::..,r
<br />f~r.-$Ta 'rifts ~~ii`k, K'S~A ~ ~ H©TI~PY ~! llG ~t
<br />iaaRa~a:Kt~ Q'n.~€3
<br />w t.3. 1:}~~t
<br />STiiIE-OF MEQMtiCR; £OUNTY Of ._~~St t7 f sa:
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<br />_ TRt.retepbing tnatrurnent was-aaimDwkidgW taafDre me.thia l 3}h daY o _~_, t9.HA_.._, by
<br />.13~Y7E3~~....I~..,,~-n",. - -rra~ s-~~. ti3~"i T K 4 rctf+. frf+i 33 tad ~kr1- I -f .
<br />' 3v~ c:n p. . ,~ i
<br />MY CoiTlmrAar3r# I~QR.re-~`Ce-e. r'~._
<br />G; - ~ { Hbr
<br />~~".tea Of n €
<br />u0ra f
<br />PATE # df.•111Ai1(A. ~~X ~ h„_.~-I ee;
<br />she ~:yt~:ny knNrumertt.Waa ackrtowMidQed. t7tkXe me thfa , deY of ___..._.......__.,. 78r._.,......, by
<br />a -<,,.~»...:.~.,..-. „_ ,..,_ .n„,,.,. GorpDratttws, an trKhall at the CprpDrrtian.
<br />MY cnpvel~pa~rt.lkr~ ~...,.<-~_....wv,.,..p-.~..._ m«-.... .,~........,...~~. .p..w~_
<br />raw a!z k4TAR'F rsrakn;
<br />