`UNIFORM C~t1E-tRrt'$[fYl`nwer and Letrder cnvennnt and aeree as foBnu=s
<br />t. Payment of Yrincipal and Isteresf. Borrower shall prompity pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />utdthredness evrdenC6d by ttic Nate. prepaymem :end l:ur rhargts as provrdcd in the Note, and the principa! a( and interest
<br />on anv Future ;~dv:mces sccurul by ihas Uead of 7 inn.
<br />2. Ftmde for Ta:es and tnsurance. Sub}act to appheahie law ur to a written waiver by Lender, Harrower shall pay
<br />to Lender nn the day ntonthty installments of pnnapnl and imerest are payal+te wader the Nota, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum fhtrem "Funds"i equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessmems which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and gmund rents nn the Property, if any. plus nnt•tw'aiFth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus oat-twtl Eth of yesrly pr¢miam instafimcnts for mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasanabiy estimated initially and from
<br />t.mt to ttmt by Lander on the basis of assessmems and hills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shalt br held in an mstitatiort the deposes er accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal ar
<br />State agency finc}uding l.endtr ii Lender tc such an inshtutioat. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessntrn[s,
<br />rnsarance premiums and gmund rents. Lender may not eha rgt far so holding and applying the Fonds, analyzing said account
<br />nr verifying and rampiiing card sssessmenis and bills, unless tender pays Borrower interest on the Fonds and applicable :law
<br />lsermits Cradle to make such a charge. Bctrrntver and fender may ngrte fn writing at tfie tune of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trrrsi that interest an the Funds halt tst paid to Borrower, and unites lath agreement is malt or applicable law
<br />requires such mieresf tU ten paid, I.cnder shalt not tee rayu+rtd to pay Borrower say nutrrst or tarniags an the Fiends. Lander
<br />shat! give to Borrower, without chores. an annual accnenting a,f the Funds showing credits and debits to the Furtds and-the
<br />purpose for which rzcb deltic to the Funds was made. 'I"he Funds arc nledgtd as additional security far the some"sectited.
<br />by this Dttd rat Trust.
<br />if the amount of the Fund; httd by Lender, together wnh the I'unrrt monthly installments nF Funds payable prior m
<br />the due dates nl lanes, usrssments, ~rsurance premiums aad ground rents. shall exceed rht amount required to pay seed texas.
<br />.xssassments, insurance -premuurn and ~aruund rents as then !ail drta, Bach elrtss shall he, at Borrowers opting either
<br />promptly repaid to Barraw~er or utdhed to 8orrawer cn monthly mstaltmtnts of Funds if the amount of the Funds
<br />held by under shad oar tee sutlicrent oo r~s}' t:ue+. as,essnstnts, uuuranee pttnuums and ground rents as they fall dot.
<br />Borrower shall pay ~o t_endur any amount nrxassary n? make up the deticiencv wuhin 30 days from !ha date notice is mailed
<br />by t.tnder to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />lJpan paymem in #uH .,f ail sums securetf by th:s Dte<i n[ Trust. Lender shalt pramptip refund to Burrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. it under paragraph 18 hcrce,i she PrYZtx rev i, s+31d ~+r the Property rs attitnvrse acquired by Lender; Lander
<br />shalt apply, na later then rmmtdtately prr.rz a= ;Yee sale of tt:e Property or tts asquistuan by tender, any Fttnds held by
<br />l.tnder ai eha lane at apptisauan as a cratht against the cams secured by this Dctd rat Tntst.
<br />3. ,Applirafbn of Pa}~ntants. i:nkcs .tpphcahlc i.,u nrwides ,=therwue. ail payments reserved by Lender under the
<br />Nnta and paragraphs f grad 2 hcrcnP shad he app3n-d !;: i wrdcr ti;~ss rn paymrnt of amounts payable to f..ander by ffnrzowtr
<br />under paragrapf; ? hereof, [hen to tnterzct pavahie nn the Nate, then so the principal of the Nate, and then to interest and
<br />nnnctpal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. Charges: LieAS, Barrnw•cr shall pay a?# taxes. ;stssmratc _r ru rider charges, fines and nnpositigns atirfhutabte to
<br />the Property which mar attain a pnnrrn over rhrs Dced of "truss. ;end leasehold payments nr ground reins, if any, in the
<br />manner pravidtd under paragraph 2 herta# nr, c! oat {,.ud ir. such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />hx the payer thereat- Berrn,se-•rr +hall promptly trir:-i<h to i eiu'irr sti a?aucrb rat amouuis doe tinder this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Barrawtr rhatl rnakt paytne:nt d,ractty, Borrnw,:r ;hail promptly tarnish to !-ender rtctrpts evidtncfng such paymeota.
<br />Barmwar shalt promptly c:r-schargc anv lien shrch h.ts pr;orua ,x::r ih~s Detd o! Tnxt: prnvtded, that Borrower shah not ha
<br />rrqusrad sa drschargt arrT a+cn !ern .n tong as BaavwCr hall agree in w ntatp to the papmtnt of the abhganott secured by
<br />such iron m a manner accep4sMe in i cndtr. rr .haR n. ecn d ta;rh cumtaf such hen hy. ar defend tnforuzment of such Gen in.
<br />ieeal proceedengs w~hrch separate to are=cur ~~r c~ut+,rccxtteni amt ~hc hen nr fnrfciturt of the Praptny ar any part thereof.
<br />5. llazud lasnrawce. Barrows: +hatl E<cep it:e ,mprn+emerts now rxrii:ng nr hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />against tc+ss h}~ tem., trazards xrt~i aad a~tthxn th:• =c,-an ~ccteadcd auvrrvgrt~', end xtrch other beta ids us Lender may rcquice
<br />and is such amounts and far sweet ptnads as (ca.tcr _=x?a?+ regmrt; pnrvsdcd. that fend~^ shat[ ncu require that eha amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount at e_o:=cragc rcgtnreti t? pat the sum; secured by this 17red sf T"nisi.
<br />"flee inserratx-a carrier pravidtng the insurance .haft tt ,.:haxn by ttc>rrawer subject in :tpprvvirl 6y l.,tnder: provided,
<br />that such approval shall oat ter unrcas;•tnahts w>irhheld .4t1 pramhuns an rnsuraace policies shaft bt paid in the maantr
<br />provided uttdtr paragraph 2 tttrtot s,r, it vet paid in ,vch :manner, [>} Harrower making payment, whin due, dittttly to the
<br />tnsurance carrier.
<br />Ail insvrau:a pahcien -end roatuais thereat shall be €a team atreptab{t t, E.rndtr and shall include a standsrcl mortgage
<br />douse in favor of and in form acaptat±le to i ~ndar- t-ender nhall ha=e t#sa nghi to bold iht policies and renewsts' thertnf,
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furntsh tc t_crnle€ .?li tvaewal oaf vets and alt rN~aipts of nnr+t premiums. [n the aveac a£ toss,
<br />Borrower shag give prompt notr:~t to s^e ~nsurancc cart«cr rats Lcatdcr. t_ettder nice make prtusf of lass if nuz made promptly
<br />try Bnrrow~er.
<br />Unless Lender and Barrcwrr otharwtsa xgrc<= in wrn;reg, ,n,;rransr pr.+etrds shalt tx: applied to restoration ter repair of
<br />the Property damaged, prr;vtded s;rch rwaaratac.n ,=r repatr zx umanncaiiy taasiblc .end the security of this Detd of Tittst is
<br />not thereby anpatttd. if su=.:h rxtoratrtsn at rapa:r rs oat teaeame.aity ttasrt:te ar rt the security kzf this t7ted ai'frust would
<br />ht rmpatt~sf_ the inszrranee prxecds shat} 6a apphta +_c the sumt< secured by this f)ead ni 'intsf, wsih the excess, if any, paid
<br />ro Borrowrr_ if the Proaert}~ zs al+andurxKt by Harrower. err if Bc.,rrower faits eo reapnnd to ttndtr within 34 days fromiht
<br />date nntie+e is mailed by~t.endtr €o Barro+rar xl+at the datsurance carrrtr offers to sattlt a claim for insurance benaffts_ Lender
<br />is avthartrtd to cxsltect and apply the insurara.:e practrds at Lrnatr's option tabor to caataration or repair of the Property
<br />ur to the sums steered hY thts Tk+ed of 'fntst.
<br />TJnless Ltttder and Borrawtr aintrwist mgtrt rn wetting, any such anplrtuttnn of tmxeads m principal shall not extend
<br />ar paslpoate the dew elate of the emnthty iatta3[metva referred to to paragraphs 1 and ?hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such ittstaBnteats. tt under pavttgraph tx hriraf the Praperav ix acsfutred by t.endpr, ati right, tuts und~ intartsf of -Batrawtr- -
<br />in and to~any inanratu:a pahtits and ut and tts the prcxttads thereof rtsuhing lento damage to the Property prior-ta thasale
<br />or acquisitiaa shall pass to Leader to the txt¢nt rat the sutrte steurtd by this Ihtd of Trust imaxdiately prior ~tcs swab vale or
<br />aagttisitina.
<br />6. Preservadott aad Atttitar~nee of Properly; Lrast6tdds; Cntsdostinitmast Phoned flail fRvelapmeets. Borrower
<br />sttaii:kotp the Proptnr m gnc+d repair -end ~aEi r+ot ct±tnmrt wasu Q,r ptrmrt impatrntent ac datariarntinn of the Property
<br />aad shell contldy w'id€ fht prov'tsians ai any case if ibis 1)atd e+f Trust rs art a trasahold. If this Thtd of Tnrst is nn a unit in a
<br />condominium or a planned unit dtvtlnlsntrnt, Harrower shad pecfaras all of Barrawtr`s tthhgatiniss under the deataratinn
<br />ar eovetraats creating nr gav~ernang the candnminmm or planned unit dtxtkspmem, the by-laws and rtgufations of the
<br />candotniawts ar pleased vttit dtvttcspatent, attd cansatuam documents. It ;i condominium ar planned unit dave[apment
<br />tiller is txecvt~ by 8nrrowtr anti retarded tagtthtr wuh tlfis T3atd a?f 7"rust, t4ta cavtnanu and agreements Of each tidal
<br />ahaB rte irmarparattd iota arrd shall atnend and suppkrttaar rht crrveuanis and agreententa aC this Thad oP Trust as rf the rider
<br />+vere a Patt htraoE
<br />Z Pirysciiert of L.errkt'e 9eeurity, It Bt+rrower farts tat par form eha covenants and agnrattents coot»ined in this
<br />Deed of Taut, ar if say action ar pratesding ps commenced which maitnattY utTtcts Lenders interest in the Praptrty,
<br />inaltYding, lint nest ti*_irittd to. eminent datnain, insalvrncy, ccxir anfnrcararnt, isr arrsngetrxnis c>r pracaadings involving a
<br />bawkatrpt nr dectdtstrt; tlttm Lsattiar at dxirder's apftan, upon ntttiar to Bacrowtr, tuay make such a~paarances. disistirsr suet
<br />sums aad rate sf>Lts ;tctign as i$ ntcessaty to pratart Ltndax's interest, including, bet nut limtttd 4t't, disbursement nF
<br />rgavttahia ttoa~ty's fees and-entry upon fltt Pmparty to make repairs-. if Lender required mortgage insurance as a
<br />.:aaditFa» >f r;taki»x tTtr lawn stettrtd by this Tkxd of prusq Borrnwtr sltait pay the premiums requlrtd to rrsaintaia xvtfft
<br />irpNfraaa~t .n dlcet until such il;fla as eha rtquirtaatnt for swell insurance ttrntinates in ascurdarx:r with Borrower's send
<br />T.trr3er's wrutan a)lrcemaN. of appk3rn61c law. Barrtnv~er' shall pay eha atnaunt of ai3 mortgage irtsuranra premiums in the
<br />issaana pro+•tdod urr<irr para><rn ph ? herrrtf,
<br />lent amorsnis dt+tatrstd btu f cadet puawaaa to this paragraph- #, with antartst iheraon, shall tsaearua addn~ional
<br />a'rr:Scbt«lncs .rC tiorro+veo steered ny rho lhrptf of Trxisx, t3alaxs Bnrrotsrxrr atnd t,tndta agree to rahrr terms of paymtm. saeh
<br />,irt!<versix shell Zr Pwyehb uparr rX4tttr trt,m l<titdrr to Bt>rrc*wer rsquetrtiag pnymcut thereof, oral shaft hear isttotcst from the
<br />erase of distwtaaattcnc tr eha rwia. pa}'able item time tr.,. vitae ntt ovtsiandiag princxpat uttdtr tltt Ware unktss paymens nftnretest
<br />ar wnrr rate wanFd !x cnatrarv Fa appiKroh}a law, tat whr:•ft tvttrt s~irth atntsunts shalt brat >nterast at the highest rate
<br />missiisk r^.dcr appiv~tlda.i~sw~. ~'oitiutg s,;ntaingd-in -fh~s parai£eaph I xhai} %.r{uaxr. Lettdar tct lacer sn} tx paast asr lobo
<br />anv ,";r,..,n !,rfe..{,ci.r
<br />16 t#ertecslrtw. ! ~ndar mxy trrake ar tauter u, tv atadt reue~?naldc r-rt rir i,pstr end attsptetitxt-sal' the Pr;3pertY, ptovitled
<br />t?r~ P ~kr sdtt,i; g,xc Hernia cr rstxwe ;+n,y ~~ ~„} szr~ m+ n;ttc+u ~ tw•, ii v+sxg a anahtr ~w;etsae thetaiclr related to 1.cnders
<br />rttti{M.ail !~ slxr l~rl+eH#lr.
<br />