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<br /> <br />t IxlFOast CovexaNrs. Borrower and lender covenam and agree as follows: <br />.l. Paytoent of Priacipai earl interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest nn the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and imerest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this teed of Trust. <br />2. FatstiE fee Toes atsd Iruvrantro. Subject io applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Barrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly [ttstallments of principat and interest are payable under [he Note, until [he Nate is paid in full, <br />a sum {herein "Funds") squat to one-tw~etfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents nn the Prapetty, it any, plus are-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instaltmems for mortgage insurance, if say, ail as reasonably estimated initially and-fram <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and- bills and reasonable estimates Thereof: <br />The Funds shall be held in an instisution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal nr <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an instifutionj. Lender shall apply the Funds !o paq aaid~taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums cad ground rents. Lender may no[ charge for so holding and applying the Fuorls, analyzing saidaecotint <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrawer and Lender may agree in writing. at the time of execution o[~ this <br />Deed at Trust that interest nn the i"unds shalt be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such inter+CSC to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eatnin~s-an the Funds. Lender <br />shat! give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debts to the Funds and 4he <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Ponds are pledged as additional security for the coma- secured <br />by this T3eed of Trust. <br />Tf the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the haute monthly instagments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes. assessments, :nsarance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount eequired to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, iruunnce premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall he, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptty repaid to Borrower or cecdifed to Borrower on mnathly insraltments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by I..cndu shake not be sufficient ra pay taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they faB- due: <br />Borrawer .shell pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 3tt days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrawer rzgttesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in fuU of ail sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender shall Proatptiy refund to-Barrower any Funds <br />held by trader. If under paragraph IR hcreat the Fmpert}• is sold ar the Property as atherw•ise acquired try Lender, Lender <br />sheik apply. na later than immz:diataly error to the sate of the Property ar its acgnisitior, by Lender, any Funds held. by <br />Lender at the time of application as a crcdh against the sums secured by this 1?eed of Trust. <br />9. AppBeaHon of Paytnenta. Unless sppficabl+: taw provides othrrwrse, all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 earl 2 hcreat shag he appp~ed by !"ender first ir. payment of amounts payable to Lender by -Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 bereaf, then to interest p;+yable on tar Naze, then ra the principal of the Nate, and then to interest curl <br />principal an any Future Advances. <br />d. f'harRes: Lktas. Barrower cha!! pay ah taxes. assessments and other charges, fines and impasitians attributable. to <br />the Property which may attain a peer>ruy over ibis Decd «f Trust, and leascho}d payments or ground rents, if any, in the <br />manner pravidcd under paragraph 2 herea# or, if oat paid to such manner, by Rarrawer making paymenE. when due, directly <br />ut the payee thereat. Bormw•es .shat! prampdy furmsh to Lemier all natters of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the <br />event 8orrow~rr shall make payment dtrectty, Borrower shall ptt+mptly furmsh to Lender receipfs evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly dtsc;narr~r anY fern wlt+cb has prrurity over this [)ctrl of 'Crust; provzded, that Borrawer shall oat be <br />rryutred to drxnarge any such Iron sir Ixrng as Borrt>war strati aurae :n venting txr the payment of the abligatinn secured by <br />:ucit hen m a manner creel?table en 1 ender, nr strati :n g<xxf tarts :unrest xuch iron by, or defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />legal ~an>ecedings w¢ttrh operate t<r prevent ttx> raft>rctment cf +hr tern rr forfs<iturt of the Property ar any part thereof. <br />t Hazard Irtwnace. Borrower shall keep tfrc tmlzrovemrms now ex+sung ar hereafter cr•ccted an the Property ittaurcd <br />against ioaa by hre, hazards included witbit•. zhe term "extcrtded coverage"', and catch ofhee hazards as Lander may require <br />and to such amounts and tar such pcnodt as l.ende> n±zy require; provzded. chat Lender shall oat require that the amount of <br />xsn_h cavcrage exceed that amount of cc>vctage rcqutrcd to pay the coins scented by this Deed of 1`rerst. <br />The iitsursetae carritr providing rtes in,urartcr steal! he chosen bti ilarrawer sanjeta fa approval by Lender: provided. <br />rho[ snsdt approval ahait not br unreasanabiy withheld AB prrrniums an insurance paliszes shall be paid in the manaer- <br />ptmided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, ri oat paid in such manner, ter Borrawer making paymenE, when due, directly la the <br />ttewranee earlier. <br />AI! msuraace pcxitciss and renewals ihrrexst shall he to intro acceptable to tender and shall include a standard mortgage <br />clause kn favor of and in Poem acceptabta to Lender. tender shah have the right to bald the pt>akies and renewals thereof. <br />- nd Borrowrr sl>alt promptly farnssn to is-rider ail renew-af rreztiiee and all rr~mpts of pearl premiums. In the event of loss. <br />Ilorrower shah grve prampr oat a~ tt+ the rnsvrtaar cart tit and t_etxlcr. leenzier may make-proof of {ass it' not made promptly <br />bv_ Barrower. <br />Unless Lender and Barrower athcrwtse agree m ~+rrrsng, ,nsutance prc>et+<da shuB tx appftrd to rratorstion or repair of <br />the Property damxgrd, provided s+.ea;n rrsteraa+t_vr ar tracts is rconr,rmtcally frasrblr need the ses:urity of this 1?eed of Trull is <br />not thereb}= tmpatred, if sue#z testorauon ar repast rs nut ecanamicsfiy teas+bfa ar rf the sw~rtnty of this Deed of Trust waned <br />br +mparrcd, the east+rancr prcacecds shall br applied to tits sums secured by this 1Jrcd of 'l'rus4 with dtc excess, i{any, paid <br />to Barrower If the Property ra aLtandoned by Banawer, z>r tf Rorrawvx fails to rasppand to 1_ender within 4Q slays fram the <br />ciao natter is ma~ikd by Lender to Borrawer brat tier uuueanee earner olfan to senM a claim far insurance bertnfits, Lender <br />s aukhorized to collect arrd apply the insurance pnxreds at ixnder's aptian either to rrstarauon or repair of the Properly <br />ar to the sums sccutrai by tars Iaeed of "Trust. <br />C)nlrrs i.ender and Barrower zrtbcrwtse agree m wrung, any Hoch appircauan of proceeds to principal shall oat extend <br />ar #~mtpone the due date of the n>onthly msialimenis referred to n> paragraphs i and 2 hen:af ar change the amount of <br />stx:tt irrctallntems if under paragraph I ~tt hcrrsrt the E'roperiy rs eecquued h}• !,ender, a!i right, elite and interest at Borrawer <br />to and is any msuzanc~t pohcxes and tit and to the prtacends thereat resulting fram dantago to the Property prier to the salt <br />ar acquistuan shall pass Ia tender m the tree»s e! the coats secured by thrs Deed of Tntat tmmufiataly prior to such sale ar <br />au~gwsitioa. <br />6. Preaerratbo and iMtdntenaxee +t# Froperky; Leasebulds; f'oadominiarnsk Nlsatted Unit DereNrpments. Borrowrr <br />aktakl krrp tar Property to gatzxi rzpau and Chalk nzu crnnr;ut caste .•r lee rare anpax'mrnt or deterlaratian of the Property <br />aitd shall campiy with Uie pmvtsrans ai any Feast if than Deed of "t runt is nn a ieasrheld. I! this bred at Trust is un a unit in a <br />condominium or a ptantted null deveioptnrm, Barr<wer shall pcctunn at! of Borrower's obligations under Ise dre:iaratic>n <br />or covenants creating ar governing efts candomtmum nr planned user deveiaprnent, the by-laws and reputations of the <br />.andomiaium ar plan+tesl nine. dev+rlaptornt, uruf canauuem daeumetns. if a condominium ar planned unit dcveh?proem <br />rrdrr ;s executed by Borrowrr and rresrrded ragether wttn this Derti nt Trust, the covenants and agreemems of such rider <br />shag lac trn-arparatad lain and shat! am~ttd and supp'te*rrtent the covenants anti agrrcntents of th+s Dt~d at Trust sss tf the ruler <br />were a part hereof. <br />7. Pt»Kction of Isnder'a Security. t( Barrower !ails to peefarnt die covenants curl agrrrntents camumet! iu this <br />Cased of Tnru, ar rf any aGton or proccedmg rs .ontmcnced wh+cn ma+enaBy ceteris t_endnr's trterest in the Property, <br />rx:luding,_ beet oat iirmtad ta., emraent damarn, irservtxti;--, Cade e~niar+xxneni, or arrangrmr-ms nr procettdings :uvatving a <br />tmnt:rupi ar dai:atitent, then t,etasier at Lender i apiran, upt>n notkz r to Borrowrr, may make stash appearances, disburse sax h <br />aeons and take siech acxian its s rstcrasar'y to praiect lxn:ier". tmerest. inelurltng, but oat limited to, disbursrmcnt <>f <br />tcassxttals#e atkornayi faert and entry zrpan the Property to makr rrpaitx if Lender required martgage utstmtnce as a <br />ccaartiition of making-klie !cart secatred by thin [)eed of Tarsi, Borraw~rr shall pay dre prcmrums required ie maitttnut corn <br />i§~itrtktti'x im etCact nmii srtclt time as the rcgttiretnc[+t far sia~lt :rtsurao4-e terminates in accar~dancr .vrkh Borrnwer'a and <br />t..etrder's wrltian age zstrtaetti ar applicah~ law. Barrower xhaB pat the ant+wm arf alt martgage insurance prenri+nns +a knr <br />tmtntter prordret urtJar paragraph 2 hatcat. <br />rtr~ amoutats d:stuataed by iacnder latrsuant tr= thrs paragraph 7. wash rntereat rhereott shalt kxcame addnional <br />tncla}rFtdnesa ul Bn; t.,wer wxwrrrd by tltis tke<: cf "[`nest. ttnkss Borrowrr and Ixnder agree to other tarns of paymen{, tia`h <br />anrtntntr shelf 'a payable upc}e+ notice Fnrtu Caroler to Barsc>war ret{nesting payR+cm thereof, and aha(1 bear interest ;tom the <br />date of diabutaeateeo+ at klre rate payable from elites to bane an outstanding pritcipal under the Hots ctniess payrrtertt of interest <br />~ taxch zktc w~a1d He tatrtrafy ka appiYCabk Yaw. Set wh+r;h event leech amaums vhaii eater :nterast at the traghtssi rate <br />prwtsil~ orrice apphaaltia lave. t+zo$xittg e~sntamad air iltts paragraph 7 sira3l require Lender to inUUr ;ray axprtrse t?e take <br />aft} aC#trH, A<,raw.d~Ti, <br />g, tngaetiea, lertt#ar rnaY make at sense to he ntse2n tcresvnsble etltriew a}aan anJ tanpectexxts of the {nn,e-tdrd <br />tkrat I cruSer anal! give if;fztawer notic~r Friar ter any ±.txch snap.-sk+on x~~+fyrng €ca*ouaiakc t-xusr thecricrr •rfttc-+i rc f .•nsie+-s <br />ratcur,e rn rhr 1'ruuatta: <br /> <br />