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$~ --QOIir~J~ <br />Lev IFOR tit Covehaura. Harrower and Lender wvenant and agree as koNows: <br />1. Psymtnt of Prinefpal and Interest Harrower shalt promptly pay when due the pnncipal of and interest un the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nute. prepaymem anJ late charge. as provided m the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future ,Advances secured by this Alortgage. <br />2. Funds fur Tazts and Insurance. Subfecr to applicable law ar m a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to !.ender nn the day manthly mstaltmenrs at principal and interest are payable tinder the Note, until the Nate is paid in full, <br />a sum (hereto "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly lase. and ;tssessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if soy. plus one-twelfth of yearly premwm installments far hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearty premium installments for mortgage insurance. iE any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments :end hi}1s and reasanabie estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held to an institution the deposits er accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal ar <br />stale agency t mchtding Lender it Lander i5 such an msntutian t- Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said [axes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge tar so balding and appfyang the Funds. analyzing ;aid account. <br />ar yenfying and compiling said assessments and hills- unless Lender pays Sarrtxvtr interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits l.tnder to make such a charge. Borrower and tender may agree m writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that onterest un the Funds shall be paid to 8arrosver. and unless such agreemem is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shad not he reyvirttd to pa}' Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />,hail give to Borrower without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds ;hawing credi[s and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose far which each debt[ to the Funds was male. The Funds are piedgtd as additional security for the sums secured <br />by the ,~9ortgage. <br />!f the amount of the Funds held by Lender. uigether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premums and ground n.nts, shall exceed the arnnunt reyuircd to pay said taxes, <br />asseasrrtcnts, msuranx premiums and ground cents as they fall clue, such excess shall be, aE 8nrrower`s optian, either <br />prompt!}' repaid to 8arrawer ur credued to 8e=mower on manthly mstaHmtnts of Funds. If the amount of the-fiunds <br />held by I.tnder 5hafl not .">e sufficient to gay taxes, assessmems.:nsurance premiums and ground rents as they :fall due, <br />8arrowtr shag pay to I_rnder any amount necessary ra make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader ra 8arrawer requesting payntem rfxxnut. <br />tlpart payment :n full of all sums secured ny th,s 19ortgage. lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by i_endar, 1t under paragraph 3 Y htrout traz Property is cold ur rht Praptrry is athtrwise acgwred by Lender, Linder <br />shalt apply, nu later than immedtatel: poor a> the ,ak of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds. field by <br />[.eirdtr at the ante of application av a credit agaanst the sums secured by this :vtoetgage. <br />3. Applfcatips of Payments, t: mess apple. able taw prowsetes otherwise, a!t payments received by Lender under dte- <br />Nate and paragraphs :and 2 boreal shalt be applied by Lender first m payment at amounts payable w Lendtr by Borrower <br />;order paragraph 2 herccii, thin ro interest payable ;+n the Nrnc. then to the pnncipai of the Note, and thento interest and <br />pnnetpal an am• Future Advances, <br />d. Cbat¢ea; Ulna, 8arrawer ,hall uuv s1f i.,sc,. assexsmcvts and other .•harges. fines and tmpneitians attributable xo. <br />the Property which may attain a pnr+nry .toot tins ?.-tarkgage. ;end leasehold payments yr ground rents, if anp, in ffie tnamer- <br />provtdtd under aaragraph 2 hereof cr. ~t eat pa+d :n such manner, by 8arrawer making payment. when due, directly-ko Yhe'- <br />payte tltcreof- Borrawtr shall promptly tarnish to Lender ati nences of amounts due under thls paragraph, atfddathe.esrent <br />Bvrrawer shalt make payment d,rsr: t!}. Borrower Yhait peomgtle turn ish ±a !.ender rtceipls. evidttuing.,s~r~ payments. <br />Borrower shall pmmptty diu barge any hen whtcli has priority aver ±his ~tangsgt;- provided,-iFac Borrower shall no[ be <br />tequrred ro di%hurgc any ;u;:h hen so lung us Barrow~rr shad agre~z to w-nrng- to thapayYhent of a,Ye nbhgatiun secured by <br />such lien in a manner azcptabfe ro Under, or shat} in good Panh cnnttst such lien by, yr defend:-tnfnrccment et such lim in,. <br />legal prvctedtngs which uptra[e era grevtnt the rnfssr.°tmtni of the lcen t}r fotftiture of the PY@~icrn or any part thtrcof. <br />5, Hazard iranranre. Harrower shelf kelp the utipruszmrnts now txisnng ar htr~fttr.ertcted~e+rz Uu Property insured <br />:tgarnst lass by ttrc, ftarards rn.:luded wuhin tlx item "extended cvvtragt'". and Stith atttcr haxatdt as 1_undcr may require <br />and m such amac:nts anJ fc~~ stub ixntxFS as Ltndtr may reyuirc„ gravtdtd. that Ltndtr-shaft nok;requiee tEtat the amount of <br />such cavtrage exted that am<,ueu at ce;rcragt zxxkeurtd t.~ pay the sums stcurcd tiythis-i`9artgagtt, - - <br />The tnsurartce earner pravtding tftr truurarux shag bt chosen by 8arrawer subject to approval by Lender, provided, <br />[hat such approval shalt eat he «u,rtascxtatsly }vithhefd. ,1Y, prrntmms an insttrantt.palieies_>h3lk:-be paid .n-the manner <br />provided under paragraph :herear ear, :t nai paid an such manlier, by Barrvwer making payaxnY; when due, directly to the <br />tnsuraace tamer. <br />AH insurance galtetes a.ud renewals tfstrrot ~..tttalt he to t~*?rm xtcceptablt ko Ltndtr anti--.shaiL include a ;[onda rd mortgage <br />c{gust m Paver of :ind ,n farm acetptahlz ra Lendtr. l.zndtr shad hasz the-right to bald the-ptalicici and renewals thereof, <br />and Borrower short: pramgtlu trtntsh to Lender a3t renewal natacas and aR rti'tipts o{paid:premiums. In the event of loss, <br />8arrawer shalt grvt prompt nouc^r to the insurance carr,cr and Lender. Lendtr may maktpra~i of loss it: not ntadepromprty <br />6v Harrower. - <br />t;nkss l.tader and Botrauer athtnvist agree an wntmg, ittaurance prvicetds shai(-ht applied to restoration or repair of <br />the Property xiamagtd, provtdtd such rcstarattan er repair as ecanamieally ftasibfG. and t#re security of this Mortgage is <br />oak thereby imparted. tf such rcstsirattcut or rcgarr is not tctmomicaBy teasitaie.,ar if khe.SCCUrity of this Mortgage would <br />be impaired. the inavrancc grtrcttds shall ht apgtitd ro the sums aecurtd by This Muttgag~ witk- tilt excess, if any, paid <br />to 8arrawer. !f the Property is a~bande,ntd by Ha:rawers ar if Borrawtr fails to tespand-to-ieudertrithin 30 days from the <br />date nottet is mailed by Lendtr tc~ Bvrruwtr abet the insurance :artier alters to settle a claim for-iniutanct txncfib, lender <br />is authanxed to cailtct and apply the insurance prat:exds at Lettdet~s optian aidter to restoration or 7Gp8tr vi the Prvpeny <br />or to iht sums secured by° tits fs9artgage. <br />U"nits f.endzr sod 8arrawer sutrerw°ise agrtt ,s writing, any such agpiica[tan a{ graeteds Io principal .shall not extend <br />yr ltr~tpont the due dart at the month}+• mstailmen;s rcftrrW to m paragraphs l and ? htreat or chahge-ihe amount u[ <br />sueb erstallments. If under paragraph tS hercut tlzt Property :s scytiired by l.tmdtr, all right, title and iritrrest at Borrower <br />1n amt to ang omutaoce paiietts and to and to tilt prca+-eed: thtrcoi resukuog Tram dumagato iht Prpperty Rriai~ to iht sale <br />tat aegtusttioa shelf pass to Lendtr to the esttnt of ihG autos steurcd by ahis .ktongage imrtediattTy.priar to such sale or <br />acquisition. <br />K. Petssnrttiwt sod lfaiotenanre of Proptny: I.easehotds: Cvadoroiafumst PFaaued,.ltttft lkvtlopneears, Harrower <br />shall keep kht Praptre{ in.gvad repair sod shs8 nor cammtt waste ar permit irttpairmnnt ar deteriarativn of the Property <br />amt shhli er~ntpiy with the gravistaos of any ktase tt this a9artgage is an a Itasthald. IP this Martga'gc is an a unit in u <br />catrdomintum ar a planatd unit development, 8arrawer sltal€ gerfarm aB of Bormwt[`5 abligatir~ns udder the declaration <br />ar covtoanu creating ar gavernrng nc~ eamlumrntum or planned unit dcvefupmtnt, the by-laws and regulations of the <br />s-andaminkutn ar planttorf uoR devatopttttm, and cvrstitutn[ das:urnents. tf a c~xn<luminium or planned, stmt development: <br />ridett i:•r tt<etcrked by Bortvwtr artd rtcardad tagtthtr with this Martgagt, the wvtnants arnf atfreentents -ai su4h ntkr <br />shtdl ~ im~ripa;aktd iota and 3tta8 attftud-and sugpltment the wvtnants and agrcatntttts of khis Piiartgage; as -if the t'ider- <br />svtre apnr# itar'cai. <br />T, Ptatscgo /1C l,tntlsr•s Siec4rity, If 8ar'rtawcr fails to perturm, the cavtttanttt and agretrntnts cantatkted iii thin... <br />Mortgages, or if anY ac€ion r.+r ptixeading is eommtrtctd wltteh materially ttfitcts~ I,ettder`s inttrtsk in the. Prtipaxty„ <br />urc9ud:ag, bat oat lsm~scd ka. tmtntnt doertain, iasa9-.ct:cy. Cade enfarrtmtm„ or arrnngtnttnta ur prcx:tedings ittvoiv`tng. a <br />tTatla ~+: pt ar ac~cdu~,. then Ltndtr at Ltrultt:'s cptiar+- upr.a~n xiattct to fStsnaa-fir, srtav make each agpearam:rs, dSSlsserst sitr"!r <br />,urn. :+nJ a.,kt su:n xu,:~rt as µ nmca~ar~y to pxt7ttc[. lsrrdtr`s ~nterrn, cucRtzd€ug. but oat limiirkd t0. diabeY7atnNartt of <br />rata. zahtc ,titornei r tack ant ~trp apses tkt ~rtytst,a tat anxLe tep.,,r, *! i.crtt3er tequirri mtui~agc insuranck as a <br />s;a~t}€!:r tali of sgArap :ra B;s,,+;. sa*:at<d bt th.ta s4lasrt(;agt. Borrow-e.= _;:i pay the prtiautirc rtyutrtx! to maintain such <br />Rtaxc:at.„~.,r: tint :,,ru4 aw;h ktrtiL at ttat~ rsgtar'reixtany tier s.a~h sat~,rtau;r. acrrttzna-ttx .n s+'sF.rvcfanee uirh 8:arrc,wae`s snit <br />