84 --00191
<br />Uvrt-aam fovt?^:aNis. Borrower. and Lender covenant and agree as follows
<br />1. Pa}~ntent of lfi~tlpd and Intrrest. Borrower shall pramptly pay when due the principal of and mttrest un the
<br />~adebtedntu evidenced by [he Note. prepayment and rate chaises as provused m the Note. and the pnnapal of and interest
<br />on any Future ,4dvancts secured by this ?.tartgagc.
<br />2. Fonds for Tun and Insnranre. Sub;act to applicable Law ar to a written waiver 6y Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to l.tnder an she day moothiy mstatlmenu of pnncepal and mrcrest xre payable under the Note, until the Nate is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal ro sae-twelfth of the veariy taxis and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Sfortgage, and ground remx an the Property, tf asp, plus one-tw=elfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twettth of veariy prtmiam mstallments for mortgage insurance, if any, ail as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the bases of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates ihtreof.
<br />"F'Iie Funds shall tx held in an institution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured. or guarameul by a Federal or
<br />state agency r including Lender tf Lender re such an snsututionl (.ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holdsng and applying the Funds. analyzing said accoun[,
<br />ar verifying sad compiling sand assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Barrawer and Lender may agree in wnung at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest em the Funds shall bz pasd to Barrawar. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />rrquirrs such mtarest to tx pool, Lender shall not br required tcx pay Barrawer any interest ar eamings,on the Fonds. Lender
<br />shall gave ea Barrawer, wsthaut charge, an annual aecaunt;ng of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose is*r which each debit to she Funds wa.s r.+.ade. I"he Funds are pledged as additianat security far the sums secuttd
<br />by thxs Alar[t,{age.
<br />df tha amaum of the Funds held by Lcr:der. together wash she tuarre monrhiy installmentx of Funds payal:le prior to
<br />the due dates of [sees, assessments, ,assurance prtmsums and ground rents, shah exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asttssmtnts, rruurats::e grtmtums and ground rents as she}' fail dot, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />pramptly rapaid to Barrowtr ar credattd to Barrowtr on mantnty instal+.mentz of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />till by Lender shall not bt sufficient to pay razes, assessmenu. insurance premiums and ground rents as they faB due,
<br />Barrawer shall pay to Lender say amount ntcrssary to make up the drH.^.icnca within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />ny Leader to Horrewer requesnng payment thereat
<br />Upon payment :n full of ail sums secured by thxc vtorr¢age. i.eadez shah nramptdr refund to Barrowtr any Funds
<br />herd by t-ender tt ender paragraph 7 M hertai Erie P:nprrry ~s wed or iht Praptrx~~ rs atherwtse acywred by Lendtt, Lender
<br />shad) app#y, oa later than emmedisttly actor ;~, the gale „f [he Praprrty rr :ts acquisition t)a Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Leader at the tame as appticattan as a cmdsi agamsi rht sums secured be rhts Mnitgagt-
<br />J. ~prliratiots of Fattneats- finless ap}.ircan{e law ;xnr,-Edts t;rtherwise. all payments rtu.ivtd by (.ender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs i and 2 htreot shalt hr apphtd by tend€:r fine .n sae loons of amounts payable is Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to vuerass payable „n rho ~ore_ sties: so ma prmcspai of the Nota_ and then ra interest and
<br />annctpsf an any Fsnure .4dvan:`e-5.
<br />4. Ctaart<rss t.ieaes. Be*rrowrr ,ra{I pag Ott i.rxr+. _~,.rssntcnts .:tul ocher :harges. fines aril smpasiuans attributable to
<br />the Prapertr v+hicl: max attain a pnx,rrzs° ;*ver toss ~sdorigagr, and iessthald payments or ground rents, if soy, In the maatttr
<br />prtsvsded under garagraptt 2 htzrof or, -i not paid rn such mnnnrr_ oy Botr-aver maksnt; payment. when due. direttlV to the
<br />payee thtrtai Sorrowrr shat; erompsiz t.:nush ;,? t exxder ati Houses ut arnaunts Joe under this paragraph, sled in trite even
<br />r3armwar stroll make psi mtns dErecu:. Bu:rnwcr ,!ha4 pta,mpth rurn«an to Lender receipts ek•idencsng such payments.
<br />€3urrocvtr shai.l prrnnptiy discharge any Iran mn,rh Has priaxaiv „ve€ rhos M1fartgagt; provxdcd, that $arrawer shalt not be
<br />rtqutrtKi to discharge sna cacti icon so ;arxg s B.trro,.-rr shat! agree ;n wr:[ang to she payms;nz at' the ohhgation seeurtd.bY
<br />,ueh [ten to a manrtcr w,-eesptabs to L.z~srder. ~r ,hall ors t{zk~3 za,xh ~unrtu nE<h lien h5'. or detenci anfarcemtnt of Such It~t irt,
<br />irgat procted4rxgs which opttast ss. pro ant tr;t rats=-rvrmrst oI the t,rn ar tarftiture of the Property ar any part xhereof,
<br />5, 1{aaard Itssaranre. Borrower shad step chi :;rspr:*remtns: now rztu+ng ox herettttr erecrtd an lire Prnprrty insured
<br />agauist tats by fire. tsarards uxdceded w,ihm rht corm - 4,sended .~*rszage°, '. and soch attar hazards as Lender may ttquirr
<br />and ,:x such amaunxs and t.tr s,c:h pertacts r=s Lorelei ,^„a~ rrt?usrc: f~rrstded. that. Ltndcr shalt oat require that the amount of
<br />such ctrvtragt rx-ceed rhos amn nt -.t ,ar-c alxv ~equtseu t pas a s-,nxs ,eyurcd by tkts 4lartgagt.
<br />°Tlit :rtsurattcc carrier pn*vrdinr€ tot , sue ~cz stsan {sZ chrntrr by t3arrawer +_abteet ro approval by Lender, provided,
<br />that strch a¢provaY xhal! oat Est unreasanabiy -,vrxhht7d Ax3 I:rtmrums ;.±n instuani.t policies shall br paid in the manner
<br />provided :x~rr paragragti ^< htreni or.:f rant paid ua u.ui€ sztanntr. by Barruwar making payment, when due, direcdp to the
<br />msurartct cartxr.
<br />std :n¢trranct at;t~-rs sad te3stwaiz u'se„c,,= sHrti ;-~ s ,form ,..ti.eg=,abSc to S.rnz;Fr anzl shah Enrlude» standard rrtortgagt
<br />clause sn faxzu c# and !n form ae.:~ptab€e t,. Lcr:dcr- t_etsdez shall haYC !ht rtgh; to hold she policies and renewals thereof.
<br />amf Borrawtr shad pramptly ftxrrasti rte t.emitr ail renewal naztsts arias ai3 rettrpss o! paid ptehuums. In the tvrnt o€ Iris.
<br />Borrower shad give prompt notice u- ttxe ru:.urun: e carrier and d..zndcr. t_ander may make prom ui lass if not made pmmpUy
<br />by Borrtawtr.
<br />Uttlest L.endrr sad Barrowtr atherw-sx agrex ,9 w Hoag. tmuranae arirs:erds shall he applied ha rtstaradon ar repair of
<br />iht Fralxrtj Damaged, pravidad such resiraraz>on o« report !s rconomrcaidg' feasihit and iht security of this Moetgagt is
<br />not t2xrrnby impaired. If suvh rtstarutn~st ar repau ps n,~u ec[,etcmtcatly tea-vhtt ar E[ =.he security of this irtortgagG wraudd
<br />be impaimt, the stuuranct ptu~~tecls shall bt aggi+rD to the sums srcurtd t!s this Mottgagt, wcth the excess. if any, paid
<br />to Barrowtr. df the Frexpen}~ is a{aandorud b; Barrowtr. or ,; Barrawer tails sir respond to Ltndtr w«thin 30 days from the
<br />dale atottcr a matted by Letsdtr to Bari.*wtr rhxt the ,nsuranct carrier oilers t~~ settee x claim for insurance henetiLt, Ltndtr
<br />is aittboriztt! to coilt~t sill apply the insurance prsxrxds at Lenders spoon rather to resiaration ar repair of the Property
<br />e=r ro the ~xmt ~.uced by rhea 6ta..rtgsge.
<br />Untrat [.radar a:xd Barrowtr uthetsvxse ag*ee v; wnung. any such app4tcatson E,f proceeds To prmctga! shall oat [stand
<br />ar postpone the due dart of the momhh~ mstatitrxrnts reftrrtd to sn paragraphs i and '_ hereof ar change she amount of
<br />sztch itrstaltrtmttts. II ezncirr paragraph ig hereof tree Pr;'xperty :s acquired by Lender. sit right. silt and interest of Borrawtr
<br />;n sled to soy uiturazset poticztt axx} to sail :o the pxrxteds rhertai resuit;ng fr,?m siamage ro the Praoerey prior to the sate
<br />ar acgnisititm shall pass to Lender r~o xht exitrit ai [tic surm securtu by this tiiortgage: smmediatety nzxar to such salt ar
<br />actlutatnein.
<br />h. PratersNion and al~naate of Propsnri Ltaaeftatda: C'undomioiurmt Planned Unit Ikvrluptarnta. Borrawtr
<br />etas)( )trop the Przipeny in goad repair and sdxatl oat i;tmmu waste ar permit tmparritttnt ar detrriorattan of the Property
<br />and shalt crunpi~ whh the ptavruans ai aciy taste tf thn ~tartgagx rs ao a 3tascbeiiL If thh Lvt~orrgage is an a unit in a
<br />e+a~atittiurn t*r a Alarmed aria devttapmtnt, Borrawtr shalt prrfornx ail of Borrawei s abligsuana under the dtciaratwn
<br />ar ctn!aaawtt rraating or gtsvrrnmg ttx cand,sttsan;um ar planned unit dtvtiaspment, the by-laws and regtdatians of the
<br />ram ar planes omit drveiaptraent, oral caxrutnteem dacumttats. 1*, a >ondntmnium zvr gtanntd unit devetapment
<br />r,ya axnettamd4tp Btxrmwsr and rtcvtded tk°gtrfxer with thu Atortgagt. she aavenants and aYlntrrnmsts of such rider
<br />thafi-ba i and adroit amrtsd and suppirrtuax 241r Cavtmantx and allrtetntntt of t#srs Ivfangagr as if the rider
<br />+raae # gut hsraof,
<br />7, lr'r~1~i~w rat isniea't 3aayuif;r, I± Bz~rrawtr Isils to ptrferrm the cavtnancs anti agrtrnstnia c:antaintd in chit
<br />I~Mt~apr, se i', ;utr ;t~.ugti dr pttt+caedi~ rs <omt~iaacad wttieh m:ueriaiiy a$'ecis Leader's rntcrr&i to the Propercy,
<br />>~~, liar nest limited ro. rmitattft deirr}ain. ina~#Yettck_ ortzNt enfonemrnt, c+r arr~angtmtnu or peacrad4ngs envctdving a
<br />tmsknrpt err dreriient :hQn Lender at L.,tattttr't aptustt, upon noted to Barrowtr, rosy nsakt such apptararxts, dxaburst xxrch
<br />.:,m. hod cake s:tch sorest ~ is ~Y tr+ ptrxact L,enc#rr`s mttrtwtt. itacFuwing, ts;tt nos fimrted ta. Drs6urmnxcat of
<br />rcax+naWa .snarntk• ;cos arcs entr7r upott #isa Property to make rtpaxra, If fxaxfer stqurred mortgatt¢ istsuranct as a
<br />c°vnd,ueu c.t miJi:~na Ira loos ~srurrxl #y rhea IMa~gagu, L3nr+asstr shaib pay tbs prreraruitts ;~tixs~t to rtzaintam ~ic1s
<br />~rttcrcaru.e tr+. c.~a,:t. anr,; ~,r,,;.p liters sx t?zt renuirtantr#t fdt attest tn±xurance xerminatsa. ssz ac~ssttiax>ti't w-,ih Brun;w~er's and
<br />