$4 --0QI~G$
<br />(rNlrUnh! Ccty ervarvrs. Borrower and I ender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Prinripal and Interest. Be+rrrtwer ,hall pmmpt(y pay when due the principal of and interca on ine
<br />lode h2edncvs cv;denccd by the Note. pfopaymem and I:ne rhargrs as pnx`aded m the Note. and the princrpai of and interest
<br />v,n any Future 9dianzxs steered ha [hss Used zit l nr,t
<br />2. Fonds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject ka appiicabke law ur ur a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to t enter <vn the day nronthfy installment, of principal and mterest ore payable under the Notc. until the Nate is psid in full.
<br />a sum thereat "Funds'i equnt ir± orm-twelfth ut the pen rtv ones and assessments which rosy attain pnority aver this
<br />Ueed of Trust. and !;round rents on the Poeperty, of any, plus one-twcit[h of yearly premium installments fur harard insurance,
<br />plus one-tw'clftfr os yearly premnmt ms[atlmrnh for mortgage insurance, if any. ail ;u rcasanably estimated imnally and from
<br />tame u+ trine by Lender an the basis of a,srssmenis and hells anti reasonable estimates thereof,
<br />The: Funds shall he held rn an uutinrtitm ehe dcprvts or acaxrnts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />sate agrmy Qrtcludmg Lender rf Lender tc ,uch an utsutupaat. t_crdrr shalt apply the Funds to pay said uses, assessments,
<br />rnsutamat preminrns and grasnnd rents. Lender ntag not charge for su hattdiag and applying the Funds, analyzing said-account
<br />:,f 4CrYt tine and camprhng iafd 95Se.SSnteniS Gard btfis, t,riless LCRiI(:r pays Bar((swef mtCCQSt an itle Flmds and appticahir law
<br />pcrmus t ender r;+ make such a char@e. Barroucr and Lender mien agree rn writing at the time of e?:eartion of this
<br />I?rc'zi c,t Trutt tt,at interest n,t the Fnad. ,hall ter- paid ru Barrc,wrr, and unless sorb agreement is made ur apphcahle lase
<br />rc•gmres each mterest to be p;zid. 1 ender shuf# nut he r-ryured r.: pay Harnivrr any mterest err earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />hall g:ce to Bar,-ox-cr. a-ithour .barge. sn anmaai a,:caunt^te at the Fund.. show mg credits and debits tit the Finds and the
<br />purpose for wharR ca;,h debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as addiiienai =reality €or ehe sums secured
<br />h; thrs IIeeti :N l"rust.
<br />tf iM: arununt n6 ;'vc Erand< held br Lender. n>gethcr with the nnvrr monahly rnstnltntents of Funds payable prior n'a
<br />rte due dares at ra,e,, a.sv~.smrnt=.:usuranrc prrnuums and ground ants. +h:zil exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />.=sramenrs_ rtwuramr prem;vrtr, .anti ~. oamc9 rcnn a. thcs tali due, ouch evciss n31all he, at Barrawer's Option, eithe[
<br />•tnmtpis rcpaad to Barntw~er c=; crtdired ±n H,:r rower nn moathlz~ mstallrnen[e of Funds. if the amount of the );und_c
<br />r
<br />Aetd i+s 1 enter ,hail rxtt he s;dfietrnt tr> u.,}- to+rc. assc,satems, wr+:trancc premiums and gratmd rents as they fall due.
<br />Ftxrf=wet .ha!t pay to t ecdrr ana antouetr notes>ary !.~ make u;t nc~- drficrency irathm 70 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lendrr zo Borrower regnesung payment thrrtrof.
<br />[ anon pa}'m a as rut - .ill slim .- rat fY h 5 lR •r! - t i'_t ,r. t.,mdrr shall prnm;rity refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held ttv i rode I =odor ptragraaph ', nc,si: if~t Prerx.r., ,t to or the Prztperly ,s nthcrw;se ns:quired by }.ender. 1_ender
<br />+hatt apply. n<~ }„ter Than tmmediarefy peon t., t}te .~,Ic tit the Pretrerty or itc acquisttton t±y Lender. any Funds held by
<br />t relater at the none of appficauan as a credit ug,`,rast the zums teen rtial by tFrs l7eesl of Trust.
<br />3_ Appiicatirm of Faymcnts. 1=.a Less appL~.+et~' ..,w prervrcir< vthcrw rsr, all payments rrreaved by t.~nder ender the
<br />'sore and paragraphv f a,t;~t , iteter,t shar% h.• x, ;stood fin ! reeler beet sn pay°mrtn of amuunri pay'abir to L<'ncfer by BorrnwCr
<br />szndrr paragraph 2 hcseett, titzn ro an:crt~r payable .x, ttrt N;+tc. ;hen isr the prrncipaai fat the Nate. art(} then la inirrest and
<br />rvec!{;ai c n .rnq Fufnre .h Jvxne~
<br />1 t'1>tir;es, i.tens. tfz±r rot=or ,lisle ;. ,:;t t~ae~ .rsetsoec,r~ ,rhsi ,:!tier charges_ fines and impasrtions ;tittibutvble trt
<br />rhr Fraisrrty which may auatn a pru:ctt ;aver .hs Deed :a@ t:usi. serf h•asehald payments err ground stints, if any, in ttte
<br />manner pxavuted under paragraphv '_ her ref or st a.n , aad ,:~ i:x}v manner. by B<;rrawer making payment, when due. directly
<br />to the payxr theraa,t Bs,rroi.-er ,2ati a:rantprly ra~r~nr; s~ I cn,k, ,:11 nos,fc, „t amannts fine seder this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Brtrrrnxrr sEaB make viol ntrrr sate-tea 6,-ru,w cr ,soli ;';.*mpt;v r;:rmsh t„tender r; creptr evidencing such payments.
<br />t3urratwcr xirai! pratmpt?i d -'-r ~ •gc .tr,t - .r.. t- , r .. .., i)c.d ,-•~ f r,:.t: provrde.i, that Burrower shaft not br
<br />a~utrrd rn ctYS= i xrte ant s..h ,. ~ r r ~ it. ,.tr - ~ . , r:arc r., ine payment c>t the uhirganan secured by
<br />etch itrn rn a ntanncr a~rertabt: ?_~ t d •r.: ; ,h : g,:eui ,._r_t c..:. f,t . at: ~ren hi. air defend erztarcrmem of uwh Irrn tn.
<br />r,-ga! nnxredurgs =a herb a -r~ r_ - a __rx- --•...• nerfrr,crc .,t tha_ t sporty ur ant park thereof.
<br />~. Horsed tusuranm Ii:rzru,. ~, e.t ...cr rt,r .naf`n.~k. runts rvoa ; t=ern;; err hi rattier reelect ore the Property insured
<br />•
<br />~tgatnsr tats ns 5re_ ha,:ardi .---a - t!*. r:= ~sxfeatdo 4 - -r:,y.e- :era stxh n~her bossed- as Lv-nder may require
<br />.,nd rn sash amounts and tea= zr~cia ;~e-€~.nit a, (e~x+er Rsy e.-,;xt:zr- ;as, e rvi;rd itaat t zmScr ,hail oat, regzarre that the amount of
<br />szxh alt-eragr esv:red asst s^sa•,ttat t~ ~=,v ersce rr,,,,.: ed ,:, +, .- u-cnrrd ht rtes L?ecd _af Tnrst
<br />-the tns,rr~n-e za;rrer p - _ nx n r aua,=- -,atf tk'~ a - - +~ €e--rtr•+rr s h}cot r.> apprnat ha~ i ender. provrde;l.
<br />that such approval stra}7 nett t~ a. rreasc r ats ~ rhh€.'d ~,s prrrmutt n aasd+antir potrcies =half be paid in rite manner
<br />provided urtdet paragraph '- hereof err. of r;„~: aa.d .n ~u.?t ;narasart, !_, rdvxn+u•rr sr,ukutq pasznent, aheaz due, directly m the
<br />tnsurataer earner.
<br />Rll uvsoran-- ,ln'tri a - 1 re_rrn a~_ - sake > -#1 r-a ~ -sata.'sle t ~ 1 rrder xnd slrult rr2'la:fr a standard mortgage
<br />ca;uasc #n favor of grad zn :orm uccttt.tnsc to t cnxter t mater tea?t h.,=e iht rpht u; h.~id tkte pat#ctrs and roes-bids lhcreoL
<br />and Barer+w-r{ ..hall pr:vrTtprt.' r;a Cft+3h f:* t Cn,l:: .+., .c` .i ;a a! :'c. `. i~c'a ..i ~ c'. psi r* afemiUtStS. In ttiC even( of la5i.
<br />Borraseer shall goer: ;-r.:>mpt nau.a :.• r ~ _ sure saw -- i.... c-= f , ,.a ,..#cr :nay a:,tk pzarrf et 44xss a[ nut made prarnptiy
<br />by Borrx>veer.
<br />link=s l :odor and Borr w r t' - - :-w* - - ua s - -rda hat- 'ac aupittd tr, tcstaraiian err trpair o£
<br />the Praprrtp daenagrd. ,- ,. :. cd ._aea:.,.,as tau. a , . . ,-.vat; u..a~,< tea=s!>,c ad tfrc ~,ecurtly tit then !]reel al Tnrst n
<br />not t~reby rmpaued- ?i vac--;, rast..r ~auv>r. ;•r :epa,r e, nrv :wuctta;:c:cat tranzbtr or ,f the sf°. YUrtr of tl:zs Deed ei ~~F rust wpuld
<br />!+e rmparrrti. rt±e rnsurasaY }rrins~zds =hart tse apparent to it-e a;.nt> ne, tea:d h. rhea tJeCd of Crud, r-,th iht eve-ess. if any, psui
<br />rxr ficxtrow~c If *.he Prenrnv t+ ahandf,rte,i M' Baat r.,.w-rr. err a ii,+rr,.wer lari± rfa etc;x±nd sa Lender wrihm 30 days from the
<br />date m'7ttcc r3 nxattr-d by Lendtr tc ti,.r rawer tsar the a^==su rarce ca. err :setter. to aenle a ci:s<m tar ^ueraitce benefits, I_encfer
<br />as autrxtt:rrd to roiiret and eppdp zhr ansurancc ;+r-s~rcds at i eudrr's e,^.rr.>n enhrx to rrstora oar. or sepan of the Property
<br />or ro the sums =rented by ihas lleed of "i~rust.
<br />Ltnlasa Lendrr and Barn~a~er uthexw tsr aprrr rn wrn,ng. ere-, ,oath app3rcatran of proceeds to prtnnpat shall not extend
<br />zu ¢~stp~or the due date at the rncunhty= tuseatlmcnt, rctcxtrd t;~ In paragraphs t and _' hereof err c-hangc the arnounE nt
<br />.uch instaNntrxzts. !t tdndCf paragra{.it i s here,+r th+? P~.tpent is a:;{uir~d h} t crdrr, all rrght. ante and int>rest of Harrriwer
<br />!n and to any answartc"c poiaczrs and rn and u, the prcxrrdv therncrf resulung srtm datnagr ro the Property prattr to the sale
<br />rr atx}ursitwn shah pass to t_ertdrr to she exicin =?t the sterns sca:wed h} ttrrs Deed of Trust anunedaately pr for to such sale err
<br />acgtusieian.
<br />S. Preaarsatlaa aad hlahtetrrner of Pwpertyt Lrasebukis; (~otrdundnfuuts; Flauned [roil C)eveluptaents, Borrower
<br />matt ker¢ the Propertg an g x~d repair asad !fist! nfxt .e=mntu H u~ sv re rn,n mepau meat car ..lrteaioratt(an of the Prc perry
<br />arxi shah tvyntptp wath die pnssrsrsrns of sag kaxe if ittts Claed of Tres: s an a feascha#d. if this L7crd of Trust a on a amt in it
<br />~ondcsmininm tar a planned urzn devctapmrne. Ba-rrc+synr sha8 prr3arm ail of Baerawer~s ahliganans under the declaration
<br />:r cas'ertaots erecting or gctyertung ttse ax+ncittmtnium ur planned unn deveinpment, the by-taws and rcguiatiorts of the
<br />ondraatittturrt or ptanmd unit devrtapnrenz. and .urst:rnem d..x4 urnentc. if a csndumruiurn or plaorwd tmft drvriapmene
<br />*tdrt ss ~xe€uted by Borrower and teasordrd together wreh this C}erd c•r Tratst. the .uvenarts and agreefnrnts at su:.h rider
<br />sktali tae incnrpaxatrsd antra and =flail sexed aad suppSemcnt the covenant, and agrecntrnts of ihrs L)eed of Trust as rf the rider
<br />vrero a part hertxa#.
<br />7. PrMSCtbn of Leeder'>r Security, if Barters. er tarlx to east h;rm the covenants and agrrenrcnis .Detained m this
<br />Detd of Trust, err ;f any ac.tten set prar:eeda,^.g a cirmmenced wttrch rtratcrsatty atTects Lendrr3 tntrrcvt in she Prapeny,
<br />rrxtttt4irtg, fiat etoi hmateif to, catrinrnt damaYrt, rnsalvenry, code en;areettaent. ur arrangements err ftrcurr.Kitngs snvaiving a
<br />tuntrivpi or ~r.viest. ttun Lender at Lender's stp;iun. u¢an notrae to Borrower, may make such appearances, disburse sorb
<br />=urea nod taisid uxlt actttan as cs e~•cssary iQ ptotres Li~rutrrs urrefest, au tndrng, rut oat !united to. distaunement of
<br />zsaawtithiE a5iorney's fora and entt;• uppn iha Pre petty ter:, make repatn If Lender rrqurred ntortga~ge innuancc as •r
<br />4srrtdittou rsf making the loan secaraid F.Y thrs f)t~i cif Trust. Barmwer shal3 pay tl;e premiums required to maumarn such
<br />!~ iQ a4Faxa ttrti3 st~h time nr the re~tait`tvmtnt for a(tcit trzsurance tcrrnutatrs rn accordance wn}r l~orrcawcr`s and
<br />E.eaedar'a written agrecrttartt err appli¢atst`e taw. Borrovrrrr shalt pay ihr amoum of tt. ntartga~ ntsuratxc prcmzums ru the
<br />matuter provtrled under pintag a ~ hcresrf.
<br />Aay asttrotttt#s dishttraetf tby t.atgdex puttuaiit fo th#a paragra~ ?, wuh mterest tharean, xttat7 herrtme addittcrnal
<br />rt~tuar od lltmrtfwez 'e~.urad by this Caead r?f Trttst. finless 8(zrrower and L_rrtdcr agree to Wftrrr terms at f~}men:, suck
<br />arirotsnts aiutlt }re payrhk upon nraticr frt>m i.rnder u+ B.: nttwar reyurstirag }>;tyrneut iherr,tf, au4 chats twat inrerest lrtsrtt nc~
<br />data tat dfatlirt5aatnlalnt s! the late payable itxun tittle ter erne on autaaaru}+raB pren;apa€ under Utr 'vae~ ;:n7ass paYmant aE interest
<br />at agwrA rata-rrsvut:i ~rs sc~str~rrY tit applrcalita law. tea which ayeat such amsunts ahal3 hear ,ntrrcvt :ri ffre trtgh~it rate
<br />ia~?r iwrabto law, NcuYting vtanfatn€td to thas lmragraph ~' ;halt a voter !..ender to ,near env esprnsr err take
<br />raaY atCiien: harcemdst.
<br />~~ lrl~s+Ctitw. t ~ttder mat make uz c:,suse tar he made rexsasstantr :"`Floes ca;x:rn grad rnspretrtn sf fhc P€ petty. prt+vlder9
<br />twwat l ew,thGt =half pe=rt iiurt6cvar tsttrlee ¢fteu` ixs are}• kt.re,Ft ntxpecucxr spca-ztYra3t reasanata3+s ~.auae t tecxasts ^eiwsc-d u• L.^rxciar s
<br />iRtt#"ir~%t ifs fha tr':~staa'tlV
<br />