~~---- oo~~s~
<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agred that i[ he shall fail to pay said indebtedner or any part thereof what
<br />due, or shall fail to perform any covenant or age«ment of this instrument or the promissory note secured hereby, the
<br />entire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, parable, and catlectible without notice,-at the
<br />optiop of the mortgag« or assigns, regardler of maturity, and the mortgagee or his asaigta may beforrm after-entry
<br />sell acid property without appraieemeot {the mortgagor haying waived and arigned to the mortgagee all ri66u of
<br />appnisement }
<br />t t t at jadicis) sale pursuant to the prm•ieiane of 28 U.5.f:. 2Q01(a l ; ar
<br />{ n) at the aptioa of the mortgagee, either by auctiao or by solicitatftm of sealed bids,~fortbe hi6lter sett -
<br />ber bid complyiag with the teons of sale and manner of payment rpeeified in the published notice oI-ask. first
<br />Riving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such eak, by adrertixment not ter than ortee=
<br />during each of said tour weeks in a newspaper publi»hesl ar disuibuted in the county inwhich'+aid property
<br />v aitwted, all othv noti« being hereby waived by the mortgagor {and raid mortgagee, or say°perser as
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said Hotel, Said oak rhall bt
<br />held rt or oo the property to be sold or at the F'edenl, county, or city eourthottre for the couatyta-which the
<br />property is locoed. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to ezeente for and on beluU of the mortgagorttttd b
<br />delirer to the pureharer at sack sale u sufficient canrcyan« oC wid property, which eonreyattoe shall eontais
<br />reefuL r to the happening of the default upon which the execution of the power of.srk herein gttuted-
<br />deptstds; and the said mortgagor hereby trooatitntes and appirinu the mortgsgee or any igeet or gtt~ey of thx
<br />mortgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make cosh reeiulr sad to execate spd
<br />coaveyaa« and hereby carensnu and agrees that the recitals a made shall be eBeetuai to bat all etptity of
<br />right ai redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />rxprtrly waived and caoveycd to the mortgagee; or
<br />ttn) take any other appropriate action parxuant to state or Federal statute either in state or Federal
<br />coon ar otherwise for the diapaait#on of the prapertv.
<br />In the event of a sale as itrreinabovr provided, the mortgagor or any person in poreasion under the mortgagor shall
<br />then become snd be tenaou haldin}t orer and ehsli forthwith deliver poseeseinn to the purchreer at ouch wk ar ba
<br />summarily di»posuea»ed, in arrardanm with the provisions of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power
<br />and agency hembv rented are roupird with an iMrreet and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and are granted
<br />a. cumulative to the remedies tar roilrrUOn of said indebtedness provided by law.
<br />0. The proeeedr of as aa~ifauid:pttoperty to acenkdance with the P~~ Pangnphr rhrlf 6e applied brM
<br />to pay the corn and expenaes~ o~aad'~i~' t~t`e~petuea incurred by the mortgag« far the purpose of pratectiag or msia~
<br />raining said property, and rrasaaabk attarnrve Errs: srcandlp, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby; and thirdly,
<br />to pay any surpiw or rx*rr to the person ar prraotr» legally ratitlteat there. Ha.
<br />5. to the tvent uid property is acid at r judicial foeeelosure sale ar pursuant to the power of sale hereiaabore
<br />granted, sad the proceeds rn not sufeient to pay the total indebtedner secured by this instrument and eridetteed bl
<br />acid promirory note, the mortgagee will be eatitied to ,t defteieney judgment far the amanot of the drlictiency witlrorl
<br />regrd to appraisernestts.
<br />h. In the rvtnt the mortgagor fails to pay any l'edrral, xtate, ar iaral tax asaesement, income tax or other tax Lien,
<br />charge, Err, or other rxiernsc charged agarrtal the prvrperty, the. mortgagee it, hereby out#corized at his spoon W pay
<br />the eame..t#ny sums w paid by the mortgagee shall hr added to end brtvrme n part of the principal amount of the
<br />indebttdness evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and canditiona. if the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />dircharge the indebtrdturss evidenced by ,;aid promissory note., and shall pay such sums and shall tli»charge aN taxer
<br />and Rana and the coats, Cer», and expertse» of mrling, rrtfarring, snxi exrruting thin mortgage, then thin mortgage
<br />shall be eanrekd and ewrrmEcrx~#.
<br />7. The corenanu hernia containal shall bind and the bene6u end advantages shall inure to the rdp«tive aua
<br />eerrtr and asaigtw of the parties hereto. Rhenercr used, the siagulu number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />sittgttlrr, sad the ore of ray gerdex slufl iochtdc all genders.
<br />& \io wrirer of any covenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter ire held
<br />to 6e a wairer of the terms herett or of the Harr secured hercbv.
<br />9, In eosapGaace wiUt sestioo 101.# 1 d l aI the Ruka and Ftegulatiow of the Small Hnainers Adminirrriaa [ IJ
<br />C.F.It, It)l.l 4di j, thi- inrtrument ;s to be cooatrued and entarced in accordance with applieabk t'edenl law.
<br />f0. A jnriicial decree, ortftr, or jttdttttttyrt baldiott any provision oar portion of this inutrument cnvshd or un~
<br />a+sfOrreabk shall not in any way impair ar prrrludc the rnfarcrment of the remaining proruianr ur pnrtionr of
<br />ittrtrarneat.
<br />Fsa rasa sae rs-rat
<br />