<br />' ~~ ~--80127
<br />(Uarrantg Cemeterg Deed
<br />~~~ Y`" ~t~::~*_1L~~t 1~t~~[08I1[L P1L8~
<br />=~~nsKn a u R .
<br />STAMP TAX of Graad Island Nebraska,
<br />a cemetery association
<br />~~ 1 ,y ;oc ~ incorporated Finder the
<br />~ cemetery laws of the
<br />Stair of Nebraska
<br />9Y
<br />TA78 TUBE: Made tbla_.1DS2!__day at_..__.____aIFFaC____-_-__-_-__-____A. D., 19_S2$__,
<br />between R'E81'F;AWN MEMORW. YARN G?.a~GTE6Y OF QaAND FSF..A1r;D, NICBAASAA, First Party,
<br />alb _,I~Dai2.CLS.._ R^ric anrF Mnrtr n_~_BCL~S~_~Y3b8ad_HL~.Silfi~AB__aII16L nan~__„_
<br />_aAd_1-o~~aik_tstAaA~e__#ASS4~4sS~~??ii~?_S~:tg_ oP 9v,~Y~,YOt'_e_~-----------------------
<br />_______-__________..______________.. _.._________________.. ________________________________. Second Party.
<br />WITh`ESSETH: 'I7sat Firs[ Party for and in conetderation of the sum of
<br />_______________ One Dollar _and _othar _yaluable _ cane iderations_ _________________DDI,I„ ERs
<br />the receipt whereof to hereby acknovrfedged. has sold and by these presents does grfuit, convey and confirm
<br />unto tfte Second Party and Ea 3erond Party's heirs and assigns _LaL.is..h8it'8_aa(Lae.S.LgItA_nf_tha
<br />.~1~Y.~YSt~_9~._~A4P9~_~orever,,Lo[__27,,_S~Faces, 3-4-5-b,_ Segtian_"H"~ "Calv_ary____
<br />Sect:l.0a" _._at WESTI~WN MEMORIAL PARK
<br />at Grand Lund, Nebraska. situated in Ha!! County, Nelrraeka, a cemetery to he wed far interment pur-
<br />poaea only, beFfi6 w dedicated sad declared, the Fiat of said cemetery being recorded M the Ofrice of the
<br />Rr[Fatiis• DI Deeds at Ffall County. Nebraaki
<br />T6Y deed L sab~ect W all lalwa of th.e Stale of Nebraska, and to all by-lawn, tutee and- regulattofts;
<br />M W)I~TLAVIfN M19tlORIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand Island. Nehtaaka,: ami to any rhangee:.itt afdd :. -
<br />lawa, by-laws; raid and re~utatlona -
<br />Any tranKer of title of aaY part at the atiava described property shall licit be valid untll the flame ~ -
<br />hY bean reearded~upali the iwaka et ins P9rat Party.
<br />nanL and agree t3 and wish t]ie Secattd Party and with the heirs and aaaigas of ills Second I?arty, that
<br />at Lhe time of iht CXlCti25Wl slid deFlYCty at €t:VE ptesenta It ib lawfully aeixed Of aaW-premLw: tbat,~t_}two - .
<br />good rFELt and lawfut wthortty to convey Qse same: that They are free from encumbrance and:bYrwt-Party
<br />does ha+eby enveuant to warrant and defend the prcmiaes against the iawfW claims of all perwtma wholnan• _
<br />ever
<br />tvEBTLA~tiN MEMORIAL PAitK CE~fETPI€Y" CrF GRA?vD BLAND, NEBRASKA, ,egetq to. tW.-
<br />tiiaFt ptrpatual care, adminurtraE3an end tlsain€ensnce at tht above deacMbed ptemian ail-.pruvfdwd-~6y tta 6y-..
<br />laws
<br />Iai,A1iFA, NEBRASKA, has htxeunta cawed its t°orpgtaza seal W he afftited sad these p[esenp to ge~~aigned
<br />•'.;`M,~r'lfl:,yMYdettt the day and Yer<' first strays written.
<br />~~ ~ ~ 1Vt$77:S-~~f~i~"' Pgi~1tB ~A1-~I'ERY' f]N gRA1ND I9GANp, Ni~A~A
<br />,, i ~t-
<br />x
<br />STATE: t1F~NtBRASKA. ~ sa
<br />- t'OffifT!' OT' Fii[~,L j
<br />.-
<br />- '. ~..On thb_..1Q t~l.--.dry of __.._..____._____.--____.._.._____,Zltt18--__..___._„____.____..,___,,,.,., ie_64 __,
<br />- usfo/a ells tAe undwitafgxted, a notary public, in slid for fmld countg a{id state, per'so»aliy catfie _..______._._~
<br />F'rasWmt ut K*eallawn Memorial T!ark tFeo€etery of Grand Llaad,. Nebrarka, ta. nrte peraurully knawn~ l0 be
<br />[1N Plvaldmt and the identttsd peraprl whaeFee .tiame #s irl.'fhied to p~c above txsiveyance, and acknowledsM
<br />Cbe eaee€itlun thveot ttl be h3a vatimtfiry act and-Heed 'as Duch ~iltieet am! Fhd veluntary act and dead Of the
<br />aW. Wasfiawn l[fmrorhi Fhrkf.`,eatietaxy pt fltand.Isiand, lYabraricr, alb tlYat Ne rorponle seal of the said.
<br />iVaeUSw~ Ywnoriai F'ark GeintttrY of [hand Ltitad: NbtrraaFtn, was th+erefaaftisrd by its fwthority.
<br />>~/~ my h~ fwd notutaF saltl the diky and~Ya~ li~~~vr-~N~rltfen.
<br />~ ~~
<br />YTS'' `_~~ v,,.,
<br />••
<br />.,. -, _ - .. - - - 7
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