<br />N)A &RANTY DEE D
<br />IQ~ ALL MCN BY TEE PI~SEPRS, that Dort Olson and Mary Olson. ("Grantors"1 .
<br />aka Donald R. Olson Sr. and Mary Suean Olson
<br />in oonsideraticrtz o£ Ten tbllars f$1O.OO) and other good, and valuable oonsiderati.cn,
<br />tJatd Pte: ~ ~r'eby grant. bargain, sell. convey` and confirm. unto JOEII~ DEERE
<br />CX9FPANY, a Delaware corptaratia~n, 3218 E. 85th street, Kansas City, Missouri 64132
<br />f"Grantee"). the £ollowiszg described real estate situate in the County o£ Hall,
<br />Sta'tX. of NP.kn^aak~A to-wit:
<br />lot 2p, in Meadow lane 5ubdivisican, Hall. County, Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same beioaxl-
<br />ing and all the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or dematrI whatsoever
<br />trf the Grantors, of, isa car tza the sane or any part thereo€.
<br />TD HAVE AND °IU HE7ID the above described premises, with the ~oees.
<br />unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assisins, forever, and we, the said
<br />Grantors, for ourselves atd our heirs, eacecutars and adtministrators, do covenant.
<br />with the said Grantee and with its successors and. assigns, that we are lawfully
<br />seized a£ said premises; that are free from encunbranc~ eattaept for a
<br />~ dated: ,lcuae 5, l9?8, redor~ed in the: oft~iae o£ the-l~gsf~s o~° Dgeds of
<br />i~a}.1 County, Nebraska, isz Volume- 7$-fJp3+i7-0, suh~eet, also #so restrictive covenants
<br />mxi easements-o£ record, i£ any; that we have gcxyd ric~it and lawful authority
<br />tt} sel.1. the same aId 'that we will eltld' E1tir ~'7e;1S.8, £3KECl1tOr$' and-'dS~pinl$tl'ator'3
<br />~.. 4r4&rratit .and drtf@FId the-ual1L? untrJ the - sa].ti Gr~uste+e'•- and ~tS---Sl1G~'S~9Or8 ~d
<br />assigned. for+aver against the lawful. claixms erf all pu:'soc~s fir.
<br />IN ~ te~3F', the {nttiors hav+~ hes!euretaZ set their boccie this
<br />Q ~ ...• day ,~TUSxo 1982:.
<br />T:E'3~'v1L-!C!1 DtJ4 ~" c•.;Tfi~Y
<br />{ .~'i~AMr TAX ~~ ~' `~`.iY_
<br />,~j ~{Af~ 1 ., iGG ' Dot1 ~~
<br />~~ a
<br />a ~ SS. ~ -
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<br />~ this ' `'^~` day eaf ;,~F:t- 1982, petsc9mally apQeared before re
<br />D7n OlaoA and rimy QIarn, to me~T~y • 1Qiorn a~ acicrowledgecl that they
<br />masa~ted Eik fat~egoinq instrutment as their free act and deed.
<br />I!1 14Z`!l1~6 t~fl7CF, 1 knave he~anto set my hand sari affixed my rota=;iaal
<br />" 'sera: in tt~r,'natd axnty %and state kher day and yc~e-r :jbo~le written.
<br />~!f ~'riaepire:s; ~~' ~ c
<br />~, .
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