<br />
<br />FT:*.~ SHORT FORM'~'~~ 001~~'~
<br />
<br />Loan Number___?6991 1 69
<br />e..~~e """tra:
<br />~!
<br />. t~tf"('e! t1 FARM NO- Zr r TREY. r ZI87)t
<br />Michael L. and Bernice F.. Ilaizzis, husk~and acrd wife
<br />hereinafter called 119ortgagors, in consideration of the sum of _.-_._..-_ .............................•-
<br />.Five Ttsousatrcl 'IWo Hiuuu~recl._FOrt~:.Fic~"~..a~d_ZStL~,SI.O.--..---.--_...........----._._,_.----....
<br />(S 5,245.16 )DOLLARS, the r-eceigt of which is hereby ackz7owledged, do hereby IliORTGAf,E
<br />and GONVEY as absolute title, including ail the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, Ilse following described real estate, situated in-_Ffal:l._..----....--°.--°..
<br />Gounty, State of NEBRASKA, to-w^it:
<br />Lot 5, Black 32, Packer and Ban's 2rxl riition to t1~ City of
<br />Grand Zslarxi, Hall County, Nelaraska
<br />TO IIAYE AND TO ItOLD the rc,al estate above descritaed, t~~th all appurtenances thererurto
<br />tse}onging turfq the raid Mortgagee, forever, F1rcvided always, and this utortgage is upon the expr can-
<br />dition that if the afamsaid i~fortgagors, tl}eir eizs, ezacutors, admirai~`trators of assiprrs shall pay ar cause
<br />to be paid to the sand I`rfortgagee, tts successors or assigns, the prinriga} sum herern8hove set faith, all
<br />sccardirsg to the tenor and effect of a curtain irrstaItmerr,t Hate of said hforigagors bearingg even date a~t}r
<br />this mortgage, and shall fay taxes sad s_~seasusents levied u n said real estate; and all rrtlser tastes, Ieaies
<br />and assexsnretrta levied ugan this mortgage or the mate which this mortgage is given to st?c^ure, hF~tore the
<br />same ar any installment therc>{af l.euornes delinquent, then this rrxortyage to he void., otherwiso ta- runain
<br />In fall fcsrco,
<br />IT IS FI'It'f`I1~R AGRk.F.D aI) `I'Isat if t}re said lsiarigagar shall- fail to pay such taxes, the
<br />l4lvrtsgee may pay the ~~~rrre and the sum sa advaneed .c~sth interest shall tae paid by said Mort~gago:s;
<br />nd t, is ntvrt age shall stand as security for Bra rain's. (?} 'T`hat Marfgagors cavenanE with the ?cforigagee
<br />that they are ~av<fuil~• rrizc~rl of saard rsal os#ste az2d e~oveussnt to warrant and defend t3se ,said real errata
<br />against the lawfszl claims of alt perstans 4rhom~sever. (3) `Drat in ease of a faree}a7sure of this rrrrartgage
<br />the plaintigsn suckr prareedings shall ?se entitled tea taltrr ppoosse:,sion of the grenrises, protect the same an~;
<br />eo}feet the rants, i~res acrd profits tl;ereat. (~) `}"fast a failure to lra5 any of said money car any install-
<br />nrerrt thereof .~•hen the :carne lse~omcs due, or a failure to enmply with any of the fotegcting agreements;
<br />s}s~kl cause the whale snm of mangy lsereirr ser`ured to I.n^.c:ome dne acrd calleetibte at once at the option of
<br />the M~rtgagc~.
<br />TRANSFER OF TIfE I'ROl'ERT1 • ASST}MI'TION. If all at an3 part of the Property ar an
<br />interest therein is sold or transferred Try Martgaor ss~ttsaut Afoz.gsgt:t7`s poor written consent, excluding
<br />(a} the erefation of a. lien or encumbrance sulwrdrnate to this A4arigagc, fb) the creation of a purchase-
<br />money purity interc~t far ha3zseho}rf appli,ans+as, ic) a trarrsfrs lsy devrsa, drs,~a>ft car fay ogeramon aElaw:
<br />upan the death of a joint tenant or f d) the grant of any Iea.:ehol interest of t.hrc~ y°ears or less not can-
<br />raining, acs option to purchase, Afort.ga+t: mn}, at ?49ortgagee's optiun, declare all the Burns secuzed try this
<br />Mortgage to b+tr irumediately due and payable.
<br />If fa4orfgagee estercises such agtian to acr_eleraie, f+'fortk;agt~t: shall mail Mortgagor native of
<br />acceleration and snclr carrtiCe shall gravide a geriod trf not loss than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br />rnailecl Within which 7t?furtgagor may pay the sums declared due. If l4~ortgagor fails to pay such ruins prior
<br />tar the esgiratian of such period, A~lortgagee snag, without further nijtieo ar x2urnand on INartgagor, invoke
<br />tha paver of sale grad arty other retsrsdies perruifted by applicable }aw.
<br />5igntarl this.. 4fr1?_. day af.... .. __ .. _.. - -__~?.,. --.._....-.-.._,-.-.-.,_-._......, 38.~~-.._-..
<br />~~
<br />., t~ _
<br />1 / --,-.-
<br />- . ..~.^
<br />STATE LaF itir~}3RASf{A
<br />....,. .ffall~,,.,.~,....Gduutg, ~ wws.
<br />- Ch, rAiia....,..a~ttt~.._„,., day at __._..m ~,,._.._...-, 19,...E befr+:e wa 3bs urtxteraa~nest, a :^7.rraGry Firhkte, iu cud fee
<br />~a t't+tntr. 1,«ru,natty ra~nc "'t17.~,~.~..~..~ ~IfS~23.~....~itki}.Ct...s~SiC~..'a~,~£' _ .._._..-_...
<br />-, ih rm~aify k<~wn w vie to to the idcati ak1~ w6», ss~ a~.r~ rb tltd aJpa#~e aastl t~tvg~itsR €'sbainuuertt, of
<br />y:riL~grue, wrnl e+d~ .es:.rw»ledi'd said irslrr+tet+rsst lxa iae kxe ar har mtirxarac~ xct anti dead.
<br />S~'itru„n roy fund rtw7 >~~;4rie7 ~aI e4w.,....,„ ~'~ I,S.~s"futltJ, ~i'3r31Ck7,
<br />R3~. dafs 1i+t rtt.e-.c ,UeA -. .~,_..-,. _.._-_ ... ._ -,__.
<br />.~,
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