<br />84 --" OOs,~~~„
<br />D E E D
<br />and BAYARD H. PAINS, Jit., of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />as Co•-Executors of the Estate of (3lACE BENTLEY PAINS, Deceased, and
<br />as Co-Trustees wader the Last Wili and Testae<ent of C°.AGE BS~ITLEY
<br />PAINS, Deceased, which said Wi11 was dulq approved and admitted to
<br />record in the Probate Court of Hall County, Nebraska, oa March 2,
<br />1456, and is of record in said Court, Parties of the First Part, and
<br />ALICE E. PAINS, an unmarried woman, CHARLES B. PAINS and. HAZEL B.
<br />PAINS, his wife, and BAYARD H.. PAIDIE, JR., and LCRiNE .T. PAINS, his
<br />wife, Parties of the Second Part, and TEDD C. HUSTQN, of Broken Bow,
<br />Custer County, Nebraska, Party of the Third Part, WITNESSETH:
<br />3wHRR8A5, said Will ca~-fers end empowers said Co-Executors
<br />and the Co~Trustees, among other things, to sell real property:
<br />NOW, THFd'tEF~E, we, said Parties of the First Part, as
<br />such Co-Executors and es such Co-Trustees, and we, said Parties of
<br />the Second Part, in consideration of the premises, and the sum: of
<br />THIItTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS f $35,OOQ.0O) , to us in hand
<br />paid by Tedd C. Hush, the Party of the Third. Part, receipt when:aeof
<br />1s hereby confessed and acknowledged, and by virtue of and iu execu-
<br />tion of the powers given to the Co-Executors and the Co-Trustees iin
<br />said {Jill and of every other power and authority to the. undersigned
<br />Co-Executors and Co-Trustees hereupon enabling, do hereby groat,
<br />bargain, sell and convey unto TFDD C. HUSTt3N, Forty of the Third
<br />Part, alI of the following real estate situated and lying in the
<br />County of Hall, and State of Nebzaska, end more particularly d~s•
<br />cribed as follows:
<br />The Southerly `T~aaecxty-two f 22) feet of the Northerlp
<br />Si~~r-six f 56) feet of Lot Eight (8) , in BI;nck
<br />Eighty f8O), in the tlriginal Town, now City, of
<br />brand Island, Nebraska.
<br />TO RAVE-.AND TO HOLD the above described-premises, tog#tEusr
<br />with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging,
<br />unto the Party of the Third Part and to his heirs cud asstgas forever.
<br />And said Parties of the First Part, for thea4selvas their
<br />heirs, executors and adesinistratora, do covanaext, praarise and underr-
<br />take to and with the Party of the Third Part and with;hia heirs and.:.
<br />assigns that they are lawfully Co-Faceeutors and. Cai-'Tru~:t~eas of the
<br />Last gill and Teutament of Grace Bentley Paix't~, deceased,.. aM have:,
<br />passer to coavepy the a£tuceaaid property, and ha9e in all respects
<br />acted in making this converype~ce, in pursuance, of the. acuity greeted
<br />is sad. by the said Last i,N.ll and. Testama+nt, and that they heave mt
<br />made, dose or suffered any act, matter or thing whatserever since they.
<br />wesre Co-Sxecutars and Co-Trustees as aforesaid, whs~reby then shove
<br />grs~ntad pre:.isem, of aai+ part thereof, shall, are ar may be impeusehed.,
<br />charged or enesmot-ered in any m~er whatsoever; and, that the Parties
<br />of the Second Fart warraat and will defend the title of said preadaes
<br />against the lawful claims of all parsons whomsoever, aseept subject
<br />to eny and_all easeaMStts, covenacats, restrictions, coaditians and.
<br />taer$a+a~piaetts,
<br />3IE- ~~S S+~EiYSI?F~ EI,ffiffi B. PAINS and BAYABD H. PA?11F+, .2A..a
<br />as Co-tars-sad Co-Trustees. of the Estate of GRA68 BSNTLBY PAINT:
<br />~ceaaid, and L~LICL E. Pl-INE, C~1l1B:LE4 B:. PAINS, NAZSL B. FAIN„ BAY'I-
<br />I#. PAVES,, .?~,, sad L<~RI118 J. PAINBy have ceased th+pse presents to be
<br />_2,,
<br />