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<br />Er Adalrrpnel Lans eno~f rOfa Ltron Ol B¢n@lrCearv_ 5$tlCUrr(y frus!or ghall make all pavmPmS Ut in(Prasi dntl pr~n~+pA end payments ut 8ny r~inYr <br />•. harg¢9 feex brie expenses CCmrACted t0 b9 pAid 1o dnY axisnng !i¢n hbidar6 br pri Or pen¢tlC iafi¢S undef any Ormr ae¢(i e•E rru St Or mortgage Uatpf@ <br />ilia [late they are tlehnquent and promptly pav end drsc.harge any and all ether bens. claims or charges which may leOpartliZe the security gra riled <br />,grain {f Trus for farts to make any such payment or fads tv Veriorm anv vt the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust, or in any <br />pr iJr martgdge pI deed 4} trust Gr d any aCnon 6r proCeeding is comment Pd which male riarly affects Ban etiC rdry x .nter¢Sf in ilia Pfoparty, including. <br />.,u. nut limned to. eminent darr+ain procaedrngs. ni prace¢dtngs invo ivu'+g a decedent, ar it irustor tails tp pay truster 5 debts generally as Iney <br />hecome due. teen Benan<:ary at Benshciary s opuvn end without notice to a _mand upon 7rustor and •ad bout re leasing irustor tram any <br />;,nhgateon hereunder, may make Sucn aopnara nc es msburse such sums and take Such acnon as .s necessary in protect Beneficiary s interest, <br />~.?c lading, but not Innrted [a, d+sbur5amar!; pt reasanebie attorney s tees. payment putt base, contest ar [ompromise of anv encumbrance charge or <br />I,ar. and entry upon the Property to make repairs In the event that Trustor Shall fair tp Procure ,nsurance ar to pay taxes, assessments. or any other <br />charges qr to make any payments to any axis ling peer lien hbider5 or benehCrenes. 8anettciarr may procure such insurance and make such paYmen2. <br />Any amounts disbursaa by Banehciarv pursuant to this Paragraph A.B shalt became eddrtivnal mdebtednass of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Sucn amounts shall ha payable upon nohca tram 6enehcrary to Trustor raquesirng payment hereof. and shall bear interest from ilia date of <br />'IrsbursamP.nt ai ilia late ti3l`abre t:Crn ?rm¢ t0 rime cn 'JUtstanding eerie,pill un57ar the Not¢ unless payment nt rn t¢,rest at such rate woutA be contrary <br />to applicable raw rr. which event such amounts Shari bear interest at the highest rate Rerm iss+bie under applrc able law Nothing coma reed mthis <br />Paragraph N 6 Snell requne Beneficiary to incur any expena¢ o. take any aCnan hareuntler <br />B rT IS MUTUaLty aG P.E ED Tt+~aT <br />Assrgnmenr nr Rerrs Hsn¢f,c Marv sna;r have rna r,gnt power and aumarnv during the cvntu:uanre of this Da¢d ut Trust [o collect the rents. <br />slues aria nrahts ov me P,aperty and v any personal r,rup¢rry located tner¢on w+tn _rsrwnhaut taking possessron of the Property affected herabY• and <br />iruxtar hereby sasalu*.eiv and uncrinrirtianarrv assigns an Sucn rents, ;slues and pxctns to Banahciary Banehcrary, however, hereby consents to the <br />7 n~atvr s cottectrar± and r¢t¢nricn nr suer rants slues aria p,Dell as They accrue and hecome pays rile so tang ss Truster is not at such time, rn default <br />wire respect to payment of sn::ndabredn¢ss see arse Here bv. ::~ ,~ rise Performance ut any agreement hereunder. Upon anv such default. Beneficiary <br />.nay at any rime either ~n person b. ag¢rn cr Les •aca+ver w be appointed by a court. wnhout nopce sod wnhout regard to the adequacy of any <br />.only tier fee ,r'!dP,t>t¢dn¢Sx r,arepp gacur¢d :. a, .r ,r upon. aria take paa40xsion a} fxxa Prap¢rty pr anp part :hereof, and rn its Own name sue far or <br />sec en P <br />;nnerw+s¢ intact Sucn ,ants sse,as arxt prvtits :n,-+,.d;ny male cast due arm unpaid. and apply the same, less costs and expanses of operation and <br />con*_ tine .n . wd+ng ,¢aspna life ativna.x teas-;: ran anv mn¢trtadnass natured hereby- and m each orde+as Beneficiary may determine; (bi perform <br />Sucn acts al repa,r pr protect inn as ,**.ay ba nee:ea58ry or p: riper to tnr.sarve ma va4u¢ of the PmpartY; (cl lease the same qr 8ny part thefeaf far such <br />ramof term and upon such crmdtnons as ns :ungmam may +Ncr»t¢ or terminate ar act)usi the taints and contlnrons of exrsnng teases. Unless Trustor <br />;end Barratrc,a+y rnarenE aar¢e ceharw-rsa -.ra wn:+nq a s appncas,on vt rents, :slues ar profits tv any indeafednnss secured hereby shat! not extanA or <br />,n,-.sinune the dun Date c,t inn ~n.St:.:rm¢nt:^.aymren is as ;:rnv,ned ,n ,sa+d brvm,sscrv nct¢ ar change the amount of si.rch insiaitments. The entering upon <br />and uakinq pcrssessaon r.++x:n Prnp¢r?,; ;r.r _,.uact=~,r: ; ~ s,.;:.h rents issues and p~gh±s. aria the appheation thereat as atoresard, shelf eat waive or aura <br />nr. oarauii or r~atic¢ ct ¢ieiauit nvreun.^,Pr o, +n,angate a+~•y act dan¢ aursuar,s ra xuch Hance Truszc+r arso asaiyns to Benatrcrary, as furthersaeuriry #or <br />-e pedarmanca os tan rt?r,ganens sec u,ed hereby an vrepard reins and aN monies which may have bean or may herrxaha+bfl deposited with said <br />'.:Styx py az.y insse+r cs rite Part>asvv tr, <ecu.a !n¢ raavmant at anv rest or drainages" br u;,•cxn Default rn [ha performance o! any of the provtsians <br />._rz o. us.os agrees a" Derive-r rer_rs aria ^aVx~s~ta tz. B¢natic,ar~z ueuveM of wr+ite.~ entice a! Benefictary's axerusa at the rights gfanteA <br />.c ¢ u .,- ,i . nna, t .:,;cuoying xsd ; .r ,uses snort ba suH,cibnr to reau:rs card t..~rant tp pav rent v, ilia BeneHmary until fprther nabce. <br />i;nC4mnarra`t ,~•.ia to xis.; .` t., naP•nparty sna!:b¢iak@n.h ccsndemnanan prpca9drnga. by right of anxment damein or Slmitaraattaa. or <br />.ukr na )u+o +r•.rf¢• ~:,tea: ..,• r ,;,,ne-rn.:ar•on , ,.,wants e. mages and pros eeraa are nerauy assrgne6 end shat{ hs Peril to Banefierary whashelf apply <br />.,.f t' a a.dx „mage3 :+r ! u .:east ... „r. tr, rn.s [}eeG ar f r,,st wren the excess. d any. paid to 7rustor. if Trustor resefvas any naltae 4r. <br />~~ih«r wo.mat •>n +ecta:r;,.., a "., _,. ¢¢a -gs *•,isty: 5naiagwa Prcrnspt wrrnan Hance thereat tp Benatrcrary. BenefiCtary shall ba anlttlet{, <br />or. .„en. [pt a. .'~x -r.+,ra i,.rtvnn any su.'s a~nan<rr prataadmgs and chart 4e ¢ntttietl to make any COmprami94 ar <br />, ,r. .r-~r.. ,.,,. .e: ur n.r s.,c r' a..nnn ,~; croc:e¢dmgs <br />i Furors Aaron<:ea Upon request rt t. nester Bane*+crarv at Benaficrary a €:gtwn. oiler iv raeonvayanca of ilia Aragerfy'tp ~l'luatdt,--tnQy make. <br />.~ v.s anvsnt~ns to trr;stor Suen nrt;ne a Yyanras. x+rrtn :ntarsat thbraon, shat! tae secured Yay !firs Trust Dabd when aurdenaed by~Promiasory notes <br />statxn+g tea: lard `rotes axe SaLUra:r ^¢raiay' prvv+dad *.nat itt i,[i [tmtl shah itte aacureA prrnetpa}, locate adyanaba,. eat inelading;autns.advanced to <br />.uuteeF it+e S¢C,srny. ¢x%aad fine nuncsaa user.anr ;'Df2F2i [-J rho €xrsglnat pnncrpat amounts secured hereby. <br />-. Remflaras .Nor fxer; rruatea and Bs++bhs:tarv. and each v€ rhbm, shatF ba a:ttattad Sp arrtarce paymani and pbrfonnan c• of any <br />~nC .atadness ;;r nrngne,ar,s s a.~ u;ed hnrncy anct to uxarc rsa eft raghta aerA power 5 undbx t>t4a Daed a# ?rasa at under artYafl€er agrebmant axeculetl i n <br />-..nnectrbn harsv.;th or grey ;.awe nov <v h€-tallier ,r= !arse 4. r,atrw!thstangrnggame ar aF€a! tt+a such rndebtadnaaa BndDblryauona secured IrerebY may <br />•,eaw ur n¢rnatt¢r be utnarx=.isa aaeu:ed. wieethax cy mariyaga. =read r_f tnsat. pledge. hen. assegnmaat ar athbtwtser Nattfiet the arc eptance ul this. <br />[?fled of T xust r,vr ,is aaxtoscamnnt .uhcn:er ar. e vla: t acrren err pursuant io tEte pawnr of seta ae ether powers herein-eamtkinad: sn all pretudice or to any <br />manner attest t+ustae s ar Bene€r<rary s nnht r<t real=1;a upsan ar artfarc¢ any +9thae aaqunty Haw ar hexballbr h4kt by:Trixs~ee yr Benaficrarv. tt Geinp <br />agefl¢?9 ?r~a;na a+ks 8¢ and rta;:r, pf sham. xnan oa anttAad F, anforsa mia Da4A ref Trttat and aayother aecuarv now or hereNtar held by <br />Bbnef+caary w Tr:taiea ,n Sucn order sea .manner s5 they ur arthat qt them may m than abaaEutb d3epratrAn daterfntrlE.. NO remedy herein coMa/red <br />uGar+;x rasasvsa fe -T r;.sisa o: Benshc,arY is ,niatxtked ec ba axciusrve of any at??ar remedy nerarn or try taw tar94rAad at parauttecl, but each ^hatl b! <br />urnutatas and siren t.¢ m aadrr.arv to every caner raxttady green rxarane,dar w now oa hereof{ar axeahttg-st fare-ar invagtraty~nr bs'slatute- Ewrv Vowgr w <br />•amady pst„-tta¢xf harn,3nr.¢r this ()led ,>{ trust to Tru.stae pr Bonnticrary or to whsctt ettftar a# them may ba ache n+tan enntl¢d, may he ekercraed. <br />:at+CUreant3ycnx;,taparhxanl.y rr.~rax:rm¢tc zema aria as>2'ien as mat°b#G d4eMgad§Uttrsdt9fli by Trustaa ar§tl4atiQigx)[7lnd caber of them maYVUrsua <br />writ+xxstnm ,amntlrras .-.-"v+atn.ny henr.:e sear. on +.~onatr,rnd as tstahrdxttng Banefactary Exam asbkrmg a Ae#iciaaCy fudpmati: eganiat the Truato. xo tM <br />etxiflr 154L.f! aCffpR ra pyrneslter} fry ~aN <br />g Franxfixt of rho + rtM1a/rY Asxrrrrrlrrran tf ad cx a+sy pert+af the pxopertY N tni9agaY Ihbtem es aoki, lfansiatrad~aeathatwge conveyed by Trustor <br />wdnout 6anaficr»ry s prier wmrttbn cona¢nt" ekctudtng ref the aseatton of a lien nr anaumbranae sabordiaata SO thy.DaeA at Twat (bl the creahgn n1 a <br />pwrehase manes tpx navaanosd apphancbs„c; a esansfer t)y devnae, d4aC4m or by opatatinn of }EVp.upgn tt,e death of arolnnenant a <br />;d! the giant pt anp reaseiratd .nearest ed throe years oa less eat comtamtng art apt+ar! to pureftasa.. sixth action ra a. b4aGtr of this sgrbbmbnt, and <br />Bane}reinsy Wray. at Ban¢t,<.+asy s vahan. declare aEt the surcu secured tky rhxs d?aea of Toast to bb rmmadtaieEY due and payable. or cause the rrwtae to <br />`~a a ,tgocn of onfxuft Benaf,~:acv g~srae# nave wawad lath apt:can to acceterata d, upar to-tha sate trenaf4Y W aor5uayansai ~eneficmrY antl the Person <br />.:. .vt:cuaa ma [x;*ca¢rtv =3 to tvy sold ar tra„atarreei teeth agxeamam rn w; nxr,g tt'rat Ena csedir of such parson to satisfantary to Banatic;ary and that the <br />:merest payaida bn nee xwi+s 5.xcurea by eels Daed at 7xusx shah na at such rata as Bbnefistsry lilac! raquesT- <br />6 Accueratmn ogee €7etaait Ranged<r,s Sale. T rb fat€ura by the irustor to rnska any payrnant or to pedarm any of ttte tbtmasnd cotuunana of <br />me Nate. u+ any =e:rewab, matld,catra?ts su axiens:tyns Tneraof, ar the paY+rrtem at say ether indebtadneaa saeurad nexeby Or in Rhb petkxrmanrbaf <br />arvy of the cavanan;s of agreement3 hetttundar snail n¢ a araach of this apreemam and thb 8ertrtfresary may daglare adefaait sod mby#aRla[traii'+l'Urtia"- <br />xsc,ex¢r: a+arnay =nrmnA+ai my dos an<x payadta and tea saran she*1 thesauppn hbcanaa Una and payan2e w:ihoue presantritent damaAd, protast<untattca' <br />~a any ke,d_ tharaeaher Bbnatk,arv rr,av rtehvar to f nasias a written deetsrairan of <tafaun and demand tar aafa" Trustor agiebs and neraby-9tant4-NfaE <br />rr,a Y rwiea arnaat have ch¢ ; >w+c. of sa<¢ as the Fraaexty anA d B4raG,-+axy aae;:das the ProAenY s to tsa sold d shelf ifbposet with Ttuatea ihEa iJbad pt <br />, -isle ar:st rtsa Nnuk a,r r.ntac ans# any ctxsas xtacumarxta rise€tgrx-atg ¢xAenrhturea scca,rad hereby, and shah det.ver to TrusTba a wtittatiAatrcc of~Aat autr- <br />s>axa ataca+vn tt c _,zssax she Ps~partr to tae sold =anal Trugtatl, rn tom, sxaaat pratraTe a atmr'tar ntd+i; e m tba faran raqurra:f by taw. whteEt Sfratl Ga Auly L1ad <br />.~ rata;.ryid at ir-ustats <br />tai altar #ha ta,3aa x>' seise t€rrrv as .may be r¢qu:rsd by law €a; the recadanen <..t Nartc¢ o! Dataurt Iknd Naflca of Dalaolt and Waucb~af <br />aaM ru'Y,ng yarn yrren as raga-eta+t fry taw Trustee. w+trxa{at demand rut TxuarFaa, shelf sett the Properly in anesx mdia parpata and-tn auGfk <br />i,rdm ag '*:irsfatr r'f;aY ttble.rr!sna wi aria data and The ivme and ttiace s}}iar[na€acs ,n Gard Natetb of Sat&, at Public auGfxan to lice l5ighasV <br />amktbr, tea txrrenaga proec payaaEa >r+. -sae xxt !awtui mangy et the txnrtea Sfatba ax the rime e>t eels. The flaesx>n cortdus[trig tdebatb may. <br />e a'ay catxaa he ur aria dogma eairax#anr, is:,aepanb the rata from limb ua trnra ante vt anari ba earnpla[ad and. xrr ayary aaeh Gaaa, rratxcb Pt <br />#itxrs~~r'szarN Sheet ne $€Vkv; tN pS:bhG daM.SA#ah9n tlrgFbef aY aaC1Y pb!'etin at Ef3a xrme and ptaGa :eat aihhrrntbd for lice Eata: f#aYidatl e# <br />r+.a a,aFb ,a Pxsa;fxar,ad fxn +pnrfsr tXsaR srs+rv f x ! ataY btlYUnd tree t+aY =k+srixnated ;n ilia NrrtrSn bt data, svohcx thereat ahalr iaa (#.syen in tea <br />r,=>ua as she ih,g,r=a a er=_a of Sa€a truansa chart a<xscutx anxf Aeiwe* en eh» p,.r4i, a r is ETakd -urge-aysq Sher Y=ropaetY an 8a?ri. <br />Y f'~Pnrd goy <31tay9r.:ym; array6itY, anpraffia. are n.ptfsef- 'r t+a a@4riafa r?E 4nw ikaed of a-~xy -allele it _pr-0.§ St+ah be i,a+€cluatrua Pf9aE 'J3 <br />•a?h~r!r€a" t'n.arac.# Rn'r txsraens •.. u:xvrug witnoui dear,fallen Ba€tatrcrwty or tnrrtaa crurc!haee at the sate <br />rRi ~r°53"ar; f`vara~a • , pun8akret !sz vA=R Eirt bra testa,*e, n rrFi6M if[a7E atrtWy txra PxG "ea{YS Wk flirt f =treat, r, I d, i "3,e.i-nsES anal w5pnna33 r:4 <br />~r 3.~`9... ~:!5- .. ,! x.1 aFrr+e BRii nt €hb ylR`- :n~'lt'~arsl~, FFi3~CitE en i:. [gFfiK:[3Y tf?9 L,+YY'91Ari1 +:,' 1'v,e>%r5:1 3 K gH5 ,a,c z:r: pr3 wt5 ;h IitrStC.t a E4Ms <br /> rr xra eh., ,.rya. GxM.t+sa x},a 8Y}?hspinrn€ an+CY3fara t#a4et# rrpram ihE 2*tis3 - t vM,..reks% re <br />in-v ,rwy .a - x-Yam^`+ti et av-•i~c@tfv?n :it, <br />-ry yr s,- ssz•,r ,s a x ,r, a,pte59ai;pt[grxx; 7=,a ~ a .~+=:>e 'a s..,m„ <br />